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RoseBriar, Home for Adoptables

NOTICE: After a couple people saying I didn't have code on my pages and KNOWING I had put it on, I investigated and found the deal. Somehow my 'no right click' was not working properly how I had it. It protected images but not the backgrounds.After it driving me CRAZY I decided to just replace the old version. Unfortunately I have copy and pasted it to most all of my pages in this site. I will be spending alot of time correcting this glitch with the new code I got. Thanks for your patience.~~

ROSEBRIAR is being updated but you are welcome to come in.
Please excuse any broken links etc while I re-do.

Welcome to RoseBriar, My Home for Adoptables

Here is where I can share my love for adoptables,
both the ones I have collected AND the ones I have for you.
Please see the link to my Directory below.

Thank you Shondell Marie!

Directory of Adoptions and Adoptables

Graphics by Angel Designs
>Angel Designs is Closed<
