Classes and the Means of Production

by Alexander Liazos

Fair Use

The following is a jpg image of a short excerpt from SOCIOLOGY, 2nd edition by Alexander Liazos. If you are going to print out this image, I suggest you set your printing to the "best" quality.

In this excerpt, Liazos establishes the core or fundamental class structure in a capitalist society...ones relationship to the means of production...from which the more common notion of class structure (upper, middle, lower) emerges (or in other words, is the result of the core structure). Liazos also talks about the traditional transition of societies...from Hunting-Gathering to Horticultural to Large Agricultural to Industrial. For a table which compares these four types of societies on a number of characteristics, go HERE. Finally, to see a class structure based on this core structure, a Marxist Class Structure, go HERE.

Classes and the Means of Production

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