God Songs

Fair Use

These two songs...bascially rock songs...are about "God"...from a critical perspective. The lyrics are quite interesting and offer a sociological perspective which is rarely addressed openly in our society.

The two songs are (click on each title to go to the lyrics):

1. God (Take One) by Ian Hunter...from an album entitled "All-American Alien Boy" (1976)
-----Ian Hunter's Discography

2. What God Wants---Parts I, II, III...by Roger Waters from an album entitled "Amused to Death" (1992)
-----Lyrics to Amused to Death

God (Take One)

God said to me “Gonna kick your ass - ‘cos all you do is ask ask ask
All that energy looking for me when I’m sitting here inside you - plain to see
How I built you cell for cell gave you sights to see - gave you tales to tell
Even let you help yourself for a while - to take some weight off this busy child”

I said to God “1 found you out I know what this world is all about!”
God said “Stop - don’t scramble your brain - my opponent’s been messing you around again
See him and me are enemies and we play little games for galaxies
And he’s inside you - ‘n I am too so here we are - just the three of you”

“Oh we made mistakes - too many cards - but making human beings can be hard
A God gets tired of playing so much chess - he wishes his God would get him out of his mess”
I said to God “What’s it like to die” He said “It’s as plain as the sea and sky
Conception was him and me and you - when your batteries fade we all just move on”

I said to God “Who’s winning this game - is the devil in front” He said “Is that his name
You know I’ve been so busy I never asked - I never looked up from this awesome task”
I said to God “What’s good ‘n bad” He said “It’s just something you’ve got to have
It don’t mean nothing to us up here - but your primitive people - you gotta have fear”

I said to God “Do I think for myself’ He said I told you once you just help yourself
Don’t forget you’re composed of three, your thinking comes from him and me”
I said to God “How big are you, is there a religion - is it true
How big’s the universe - is time - the same for you as my life is to mine”

God said “If all the things that made worlds float - were all to part - then you would note
The size of him and the size of me - and that’s how big we both shall be”
He said “The universe is small - just like some fortune-teller’s ball
And we both sit down - and we play the game - when somebody wins it all starts again”

“There’s no religion - you did that - it helps to keep your little leaders fat
Like faith ‘n superstition stay - to help you pass the time away
But when you talk of time and life - it makes me think of circles, heights
Expansion is the clue - your dreams - are nearer than you’ve ever been”

“You see my little toy to think - is from two bowls of wine to drink
Don’t take too much or you may drown - behave yourself - see you around...”

What God Wants---Parts I, II, III

Part I
Part II
Part III

Part I

What God wants God gets God help us all
What God wants God gets
The kid in the corner looked at the priest
And fingered his pale blue Japanese guitar
The priest said
God wants goodness
God wants light
God wants mayhem
God wants a clean fight
What God wants God gets
Don’t look so surprised
It’s only dogma
The alien prophet cried
The beetle and the springbok
Took the Bible from its hook
The monkey in the corner
Wrote the lesson in his book
What God wants God gets God help us all
God wants peace
God wants war
God wants famine
I God wants chain stores
What God wants God gets
God wants sedition
God wants sex
God wants freedom
God wants semtex
What God wants God gets
Don’t look so surprised
I’m only joking
The alien comic cried
The jackass and the hyena
took the feather from its hook
The monkey in the corner
wrote the joke down in his book
What God wants God gets
God wants boarders
God wants crack
God wants rainfall
God wants wetbacks
What God wants God gets
God wants voodoo
God wants shrines
God wants law
God wants organised crime
God wants crusade
God wants jihad
God wants good
God wants bad
What God wants God gets

Part II

Do you believe in a better day
Do you have faith in a golden way
If you do then we must come together this day
Come together as one united
Television audience
Brought together by the sound of my voice
United united financially united socially
United spiritually and all possible ways
Through the power of money
And the power of your prayers
What God wants God gets God help us all
God wants dollars
God wants cents
God wants pounds shillings and pence
God wants guilders
God wants kroner
God wants Swiss francs
God wants French francs
Oui il veut des frances francais
God wants escudlos
God wants pesetas
Don’t send lira
God doesn't want small potatoes
God wants small towns
God wants pain
God wants clean up rock campaigns
God wants widows
God wants solutions
God wants TV
God wants contributions
What God wants God gets God help us all
God wants silver
God wants gold
God wants his secret
Never to be told
God wants gigolos
God wants giraffes
God wants politics
God wants a good laugh
What God wants God gets God help us all
God wants friendship
God wants fame
God wants credit
God wants blame
God wants poverty
God wants wealth
God wants insurance
God wants to cover himself
What God wants God gets God help us all

Part III

Don't be afraid it’s only business
The alien prophet sighed
The vulture and the magpie took
The cash box from its hook
The monkey in the corner wrote
The figures in his book
Grazed the checkout lady's fingers
flashed across the till
The captain posts
The menu for the day
and in banks across the world
Christians Moslems Hindus Jews
And people of every
Race creed color tint or hue
Get down on their kness and pray
The racoon and the groundhog
Neatly make up bags of change
But the monkey in the corner
Well he's slowly drifting out of range
Christ it's freezing inside
The veteran cries
The hyenas break cover
And stream through the meadow
And the fog rolls in
Through his bottle of gin
So he picks up a stone
That looks like a bone
And the bullets fly
And the rivers run dry
And the fat girls sigh
And the network anchor persons lie
And the soldier's alone
In the video zone
But the monkey's not watching
He's slipped out to the kitchen
To pile the dishes
And answer the phone