Miscellaneous Room

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This will be a 'catch-all' room...for materials which don't completely fit in the other rooms of TSS. It will include current articles/editorials/perspectives...both mine and others. It will include ideas or sites I suggest a look be given to...as well as items I find interesting and hope you might too. I sometimes find compelling posts on a variety of listservs and I'll post them (without identity, of course) now and then.

8/19/03 GOP Most Wanted Cards List

8/19/03 Patriotic Gore

8/19/03 Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse

7/16/03 Cost of War

7/8/03 Exposed: The Carlyle Group
NOTE: Real Player begins loading immediately...use STOP button if not ready to view

"Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of Americas democracy. I defy you to watch this 48 minute documentary and not be outraged about the depth of corruption and deceit within the highest ranks of our government and the first family."

Note: The first one minute forty seven seconds of this program is in broadcast in Dutch, The remainder is in English.

7/5/03 Does the Constitution give us "rights"?

7/2/03 Just Call Them Crazy
The amazing story of young Alex Asch..."diagnosed" with "Oppositional Defiance Disorder" (what will they think of next?)
Here's where he WAS: Institute for Social Ecology

6/30/03 Elocution Sayings
For fun and practice