Discretionary Assignment Instructions

Methods of Social Research

This assignment is worth 100 points...divided into two 50 pt. segments. Although everyone needs to do both segments, the discretion you will exercise pertains to the substance or content of each segment.

DA-I (Book/Articles Report) (50 Points)

There are six (6) classic, yet still relevant, qualitative researches (Participant Observation--4 and Experiments--2) which have been written about extensively. Four are in book form and two are in articles. You are to pick...your discretion...the study you find most interesting and write a report on it according to the format/guidelines presented below. Your choices (PICK ONE) are as follows:

Participant Observations

Black Like Me...by John Howard Griffin (book)
Tearoom Trade...by Laud Humphreys (book)
Tally’s Corner...by Elliot Liebow (book)
“On Being Sane in Insane Places”
------"On Being Sane in Insane Places" by David L. Rosenhan (ONLINE)
------"On Pseudoscience in Science, Logic in Remission and Psychiatric Diagnosis" by R. L. Spitzer (E-RESERVE)
------"On Being Sane in Insane Places": A Process (Attributional) Analysis and Critique" by Bernard Weiner (E-RESERVE)
------"On Being Sane in Insane Places": A Comment from England" by Sidney Crown (E-RESERVE)
------"Reflections on Rosenhan's "On Being Sane in Insane Places" by Theodore Millon (E-RESERVE)
------"The Contextual Nature of Psychodiagnosis" by David L. Rosenhan (E-RESERVE)


“The Stanford Prison Experiment”

------"Pathology of Imprisonment" by Philip Zimbardo (ONLINE)
------"Interpersonal Dynamics in a Simulated Prison" by Haney, Banks, Zimbardo (E-RESERVE)
------"Still Powerful after all These Years" from Stanford Student Newspaper (ONLINE)
------"The Past and Future of U.S. Prison Policy" by Haney/Zimbardo (E-RESERVE)
------Quiet Rage video (CLOSED RESERVE)

Obedience to Authority...by Stanley Milgram (book)

Report Instructions

First, although the subject matter of each study IS important...and interesting...the focus of this assignment is on the METHOD used, not the content itself. I hope you enjoy and learn about the content, but it is secondary to the focus of this class...research methods.

I want you to read the books or articles (and view the video, if you select that one) with an eye on detailing and assessing the methodology of each study. You may, indeed, utilize secondary literature on these researches for insights and ideas, but the substance of your report should focus on the studies themselves.

(Maximum Length of Report is TEN (10) pages)
(Minimum is up to you)


As you read your book/articles...keep track of statements/quotes which pertain to the methodology in use. These quotes may constitute more than one sentence...all the way to a medium-sized paragraph. Keep track of those statements which highlight the methodology in some way. You are going to need to be able to select a certain number of these quotes/statements and provide analysis/commentary/critique about them. But, while reading the book, just compile a list of “possible” selections...choosing will come later.


After finishing your book/articles, you should have a nice list of possible selections. It is now time to go back over them and select SIX (6) of them for inclusion in your Report. Again, “1” selection may be a single sentence or a paragraph...but keep the length to a reasonable length. If there’s more detail surrounding your selection, you may make reference to that in your analysis/commentary...if you find it pertinent. Caution: Selecting only 6 will probably be the hardest part of this assignment. Narrowing down all the possibles to the most “meaningful” 6...and selecting those which provide the most comprehensive portrayal of the methodology...will require serious evaluation.

When you have your six selections, write your analysis of each. If you are, at that point, in doubt about what to write...then, the question is why did you select that particular quote over others? In other words, selecting the quote/statement for commentary IS the process of deciding what to write about it.


Part I

Short summary of the subject matter AND method of the study

Part II

Personal Reaction to subject matter and method used

Part III

Presentation of SIX (6) Quotes/Statements...with Analysis

Part IV

Conclusion/Summary of Report...What did you Learn?

DA-II (Internet Assignment) (50 Points)

I want you to select a particular Method or Type of Data Analysis for special attention for this assignment. Select the one of most interest to you and research it on the Internet...utilizing SOLELY the Internet.

However...if for DA-I you selected a Participant Observation you cannot select Participant Observations for this assignment. Likewise, if you selected one of the Experiments for DA-I, you cannot select Experiments for this one.

So, select a Method...or Type of Data Analysis (i.e. statistical analysis...or some specific aspect of it) and search the Internet for the FIVE (5) most relevant sites related to your selection.

(Maximum Length of Report is Five (5) pages)
(Minimum is up to you)


Utilizing Search Engines...or mega sociological sites with sections on Methods...or other sources, select the five sites you find most useful to explain your selection.


After selecting your sites (including, if desired, no more than two articles), tell me about them...in other words, write an annotation for each selection.


Part I

Name of site and URL

Part II

Describe the site or article...what is there and how is it arranged?

Part III

Explain/Analyze the site...what are it’s strengths and weaknesses...what benefit is it...how does it help you understand your particular Method or Type of Data Analysis?

Part IV

Conclusion/Summary of your internet research...be creative here.

Note: If you’d like to print out and include a page or two from the site, that’s fine. Do with the purpose of illustrating what you’ve said...NOT as a substitute for your written description or analysis.

Don’t over do printouts!