Summary of Banking and Problem Posing Education

compiled by David H. Kessel

This is a short summary list contrasting Banking Education and Problem-Posing Education, ala Paulo Freire.

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1. Mythologizing of reality...Concealing of certain facts which explain the way men exist in the world

2. Resists Dialogue of Equals

3. Students are objects of assistance

4. Inhibits Creativity—domesticates

5. Immobilizes/fixates men as non—historical “things”

6. Emphasizes Permanence—becomes reactionary

7. Reinforces Fatalistic perception of man’s situation

8. Based on profound distrust of humans

9. Students considered to be passive beings


1. Task of demythologizing reality...Unveils the way men exist in the world

2. Regards Dialogue as indispensable to the act of cognition (thinking)

3. Students are Critical Thinkers

4. BASED ON Creativity and stimulates authentic reflection and action

5. BASED ON men as moving/changing historical beings

6. Rooted in a Dynamic Present—becomes revolutionary

7. Presents man’s situation as a PROBLEM in need of attention

8. Based on a profound trust in humans

9. Students considered to be active knowers