Statements of Teaching Philosophy

These are a variety of statements of "Teaching Philosophy" by college teachers...mostly in Sociology, although there are also links to non-sociology teachers. The first group are from teachers who responded to my invitation to submit their own statements, including my own. The second group, all urls, were found online by myself. Most of them go directly to the statement, but some go to a website where you can click on the appropriate link. Also, some are pdf files and some are Word documents you can either save or just open.

If you'd like to submit a statement of your own, just send it to me at and I'll put it here for you.

By way of introducing these, I'd like to begin with a short statement by Kathleen McKinney (Illinois State University) from her email sending me her own Teaching Philosophy. I believe it captures very well the purpose of having them and the purpose for putting some here.

I would love to see others' teaching philosophies! This can be very helpful and should lead to great discussion. It is always a work in progress. But, I hope others will post theirs too. We might also discuss why do one and their uses? Mine is part of my teaching portfolio. I often include it as an appendix to my syllabi for students. Doing one and redoing it now and then is a great formative, self-development task. They can be used when on the job market. You might be asked for one when up for an award, etc. etc.

In light of Kathleen's reference to a "teaching portfolio," I found an informative article about them which you might find helpful. (It's a pdf file)

The Teaching Portfolio
by Doug Wellman, Director
Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
at North Carolina State University


Submitted by the Teacher

Dan Brook (Revised July 2002)

William DuBois

Lynette F. Hoelter

David H. Kessel

Kathleen McKinney

Bruce Mork

Haldun M. Ozaktas

Heather Sullivan-Catlin

Statements found Online

Ben Austin

Elson E. Boles

Keith Bramlett

Bob Broad

Bunyan Bryant, Ph.D.

Rex R. Campbell
My Philosophy of Graduate Education

John Dziadecki

Charles H. Hammersley

Lance E. Hannon

Michelle Janning
pdf file

Peter Kaufman


Chad Kimmel

William M. King

Kenneth Gentry Lancaster

Tim Nissen

Michael S. Ofsowitz
----Homepage is here

Sherri P. Overall

Larry Pahl
----Reflections on My Teaching Philosophy Drawn from Actual Practice in My Various Teaching Contexts

Andreas Schneider
Scroll down a bit

Robin Stryker

Ferenc Zsigó