Terms and Concepts from Weitz

This is a list of the boldface terms in Rose Weitz's THE SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH, ILLNESS, AND HEALTH CARE, A Critical Approach, Fourth Edition (Wadsworth, 2007).

Included here are the terms from all the chapters. Page numbers are included. I've tried to eliminate duplicates...using only the first entry, although I've left duplicates where the second one is more explanatory. Some terms are general...without explanation. However, others are then explained in detail in the text that follows it.

NOTE: although I shouldn't have to say this, these terms should not be a substitute for reading the entire chapter. They are presented as an aide for your reading and studying.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

TSS Directory

Chapter 1

sociological perspective 5
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 7
critical approach 8
sociology in medicine 9
sociology of medicine 9
random samples 12
control 12

Chapter 2

disease 18
illness 18
epidemiology 18
social epidemiology 18
Rate 19
Incidence 19
Prevalence 19
acute illnesses 19
chronic illnesses 20
Morbidity 20
Mortality 20
life expectancy 20
age-adjusted rates 20
epidemic 20
endemic 20
pandemics 21
epidemiological transition 22
globalization 25
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 27
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 27
HIV disease 27
tertiary preventions 30
secondary prevention 30
primary practice 30
primary prevention 30
manufacturers of illness 31
health belief model 47
health Lifestyle Theory 48
stress 50
Role strain 50

Chapter 3

feminization of aging 57
technological imperative 58
sex 59
gender 59
Life Expectancy Table 3.1 59
social class 64
"social drift" 66
medically indigent 68
active life expectancy 71
inactive life expectancy 71
neonatal infant mortality 82
postneonatal infant mortality 82
environmental racism 85
internal colonialism 86

Chapter 4

industrialized nations 94
developing nations 94
globalization 96
epidemiological transition 98
world systems theory 102
core nations 102
peripheral nations 102
semiperipheral nations 102

Chapter 5

social construction 130
moral status 129
deviance 129
negative social sanctions 130
positive social sanctions 130
social control agents 130
Personalistic theories 132
Naturalistic theories 133
miasma 133
medical model of illness 126
sociological model of illness 126
etiology 131
magic bullets 131
medicalization 136
unintended negative consequences 141
depoliticize 141
demedicalization 142
Americans with Disabilities Act 147
genetic paradigm 148
functionalism 149
dysfunctional 149
sick role 149
conflict perspective 149

Chapter 6

medical model 157
sociological model of disability 157
disability 156
blaming the victim 157
minority group 158
prejudice 158
stereotypes 158
discrimination 159
Americans with Disabilities Act 160
Disability Rights Movement 160
illness behavior 165
avoidance 168
vigilance 168
interruption 169
intrusion 169
immersion 169
health belief model 170
alternative or "complementary" therapies 172
placebos 173
new social movement 174
life-world 174
stigma 180
pass 180
covering 180
disclosing 180
deviance disavowal 180
challenging 181
health social movements 182

Chapter 7

life events 191
role strain 191
social stress 193
social drift 193
medical model of mental illness 195
sociological model of mental illness 195
cognitive norms 196
performance norms 196
feeling norms 196
epidemiology 197
sociology in medicine 197
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) 198
Reliability 199
Validity 199
normalize 201
social control 202
almshouses 202
moral treatment 202
Great Confinement 203
deviance 203
superego 204
symbolic interactionism 206
self-fulfilling prophecy 206
total institutions 206
mortification 206
master status 206
depersonalization 206
controlled 207
outpatient 207
inpatients 207
deinstitutionalization 207
Medicare 208
nursing homes 208
individualism 208
stigma 209
board and care homes 210
remedicalization 210
managed care 211
aligning actions 214
snowballing 214
feeling work 214
accommodation 216

Chapter 8

industrialized nation 226
Blue Cross 228
Blue Shield 228
community rating 228
fee-for-service 228
fee-for-service insurance 228
deductible 228
preferred provider organization (PPO) 228
commercial insurance 229
actuarial risk rating 229
health maintenance organizations (HMOs) 229
retrospective reimbursement 229
prospective reimbursement 229
primary care doctor 229
gatekeeper 229
copayments 230
capitation 230
managed care 230
utilization review 230
formularies 230
Medicare 234
medigap policies 235
Medicaid 235
defensive medicine 242
diagnosis related groups (DRGs) 245
Drg creep 246
self-insure 247
rate spiral 248
stakeholder mobilization 251
Health Care Security Act (HCSA) 251

Chapter 9

Evaluating Health Care Systems 259-263
universal coverage 259
cost shifting 259
primary care 261
entrepreneurial system 264
convergence hypothesis 264
characteristics of Health Care Systems in Other Countries 265 (Table 9.2) national health insurance 266
single-payer system 266
financially progressive 267
balance bill 267
utilization review 271
National Health Service 272
physician extenders 277
street doctors 278
Red Cross health workers 278
village doctors 278
assistant doctors 279
Physicians for a National Health Program 285

Chapter 10

almshouse 292
voluntary hospitals 292
for profit, private hospitals 295
government hospitals 295
veterans hospitals 296
outpatient 297
emergency room abuse 297
patient dumping 297
nursing homes 299
long-term care insurance 300
nursing assistants 301
licensed practical nurses 301
board and care homes 303
assisted living facilities 303
hospices 304
passive euthanasia 306
technologicaly imperative 305
cooptation 308
third-party reimursement 308
respite care 315
family leave programs 315
home health aides 316
registered nurses 316
social construction of technology 317

Chapter 11

regular doctors 326
irregular practitioners 326
allopathic doctors 326
homeopathic doctors 326
heroic medicine 328
American Medical Association (AMA) 329
Flexner Report (1910) 330
profession 331
professional dominance 332
medical dominance 332
deprofessionalized 332
defensive medicine 334
proletarianization 334
horizontal integration 335
vertical integration 335
corporatization 335
practice protocols 336
resource-based relative value scale (RBRVS) 336
residents 340
medical norms 341
professional socialization 341
primary practitioners 348
reductionist treatment 348
holistic treatment 348
sponsorship 349
achieved statuses 349
ascribed statuses 349
paternalism 352 (in Box 11.2)
models of doctor-patient interactions 353
activity-passivity 353
guidance-cooperation 353
mutual participation 353
cultural competence 357

Chapter 12

licensed practical nurses (LPNs) 366
registered nurses (RNs) 366
diploma nurses 366
advanced practice nurses 366
holistic 367
primary nursing 369
glass ceiling 369
glass escalator 369
doctor-nurse game 370
semiprofessional 370
nurse-midwives 371
reprofessionalizing 373
clinical pharmacy 373
pharmaceutical care 374
practice protocols 374
formularies 374
disease management 375
parallel practitioners 376
magnetic healers 376
chiropractors 379
marginal practitioners 379
limited practitioners 379
lay midwives 382
curanderos 386 & 362
acupuncturists 389

Chapter 13

bioethics 398
eugenics 398
Nuremberg Code 400
informed consent 400
reproductive technology 406
enhancements 407
OHP (Oregon Health Plan) 408-409
hospital ethics committees 410
technical treatment decisions 417
choosing your career 418-419 (Box 13.2)
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) 411
Professional Ethics Committees 412
Community Advisory Boards 412