Weitz Chapter Outlines

These are outlines of the chapters in THE SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH, ILLNESS, AND HEALTH CARE, A Critical Approcah...Fourth Edition, by Rose Weitz. The book is published by Wadsworth, 2007. Use them in good learning.

Outlines for Chapters 1-4 have been completed. Additional outlines will be posted as the course goes on.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

1. Introduction
--------The Sociology of Health, Illness, Health Care: An Overview
--------The Sociological Perspective
--------A Critical Approach
--------Chapter Organization
--------A Note on Sources

2. The Social Sources of Illness

An Introduction to Epidemiology

A Brief History of Disease
--------The European Background
--------Disease in the New World
--------The Epidemiological Transition
--------The New Rise in Infectious Disease
----------------The Emergence of AIDS
--------The Modern Disease Profile

The Social Sources of Premature Death
--------1. Tobacco
--------2. Diet and Exercise, and Obesity
----------------The Obesity Myth?
----------------“Supersizing” America
--------3. Medical Errors
--------4. Alcohol
--------5. Bacteria & Viruses
--------6. Toxic Agents
--------7. Motor Vehicles
--------8. Firearms
--------9. Sexual Behavior
-------10. Illicit Drugs

Health Behavior, Social Stress, and Illness
---------------Health Behaviors & Health Lifestyles
---------------Social Stress
------------------------The Nature of Social Stress
------------------------The Impact of Social Stress


3. The Social Distribution of Illness in the United States

--------Case Study: Prostrate Cancer and Aging in Men

Sex and Gender
--------Sociology of Intersex
--------Case Study: Woman Battering as a Health Problem

Social Class
--------The Sources of Class Differences in Health
--------Case Study: Health Among the Homeless

Race and Ethnicity
--------African Americans
--------Native Americans
--------Asian Americans
--------Case Study: Environmental Racism


4. Illness in the Developing Nations

---Disease Patterns Around the World

---The Sources and Nature of Disease in Developing Nations
--------Poverty, Malnutrition, and Disease
--------The Roots of Chronic Malnutrition
--------The Role of International Aid

---Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
--------HIV Disease
--------Diarrheal Diseases

---Infant Mortality
--------The Role of Women’s Status
--------The Role of Infant Formula Manufacturers

---Maternal Mortality

---Respiratory Diseases


5. The Social Meanings of Illness

---Models of Illness
--------The Medical and Sociological Models of Illness
--------Popular Explanations for Illness

---Medicine as Social Control
--------Creating Illness: Medicalization
----------Case Study: Working Together to Medicalize
----------The Consequences of Medicalization
----------The Rise of Demedicalization

---Social Control and the Human Genome Project

---Social Control and the Sick Role
----------Defining the Sick Role
----------Critiquing the Sick Role Model


6. The Experience of Disability, Chronic Pain, & Chronic Illness

---Understanding Disability
--------Defining Disability
--------People with Disabilities as a Minority Group
--------The Social Distribution of Disability

---Understanding Chronic Pain

---Living with Disability and Chronic Illness
--------Initial Symptoms and Diagnosis
--------Responding to Illness or Injury
--------Interruptions, Instrusions, and Immersions
--------Managing Health Care and Treatment Regimens
----------Use of Conventional Health Care
----------Use of Alternative Therapies
----------Seeking Information on the Internet
--------Dealing with Service Agencies
--------Illness, Disabilities, and Social Relationships
--------Managing Stigma
--------Health Social Movements
--------The Body and the Self


7. The Sociology of Mental Illness

---The Epidemiology of Mental Illness
--------The Extent of Mental Illness
--------Social Stress & the Distribution of Mental Illness
----------The impact of ethnicity: Social Class or Discrimination?
----------The impact of Gender
----------The impact of Social Class: Social Stress or Social Drift?

---Defining Mental Illness
--------The Medical Model of Mental Illness
--------The Sociological Model of Mental Illness
--------The Problem of Diagnosis
--------The Politics of Diagnosis

---A History of Treatment
--------Before the Scientific Era
--------The rise and decline of Moral Treatment
--------Freud and Psychoanalysis
--------The Antipsychiatry Critique
----------Explaining Deinstitutionalization
----------The Consequences of Deinstitutionalization
--------The Remedicalization of Mental Illness
--------The Rise of Managed Care

---The Experience of Mental Illness
--------Becoming a Mental Patient
----------Labeling by Family, Friends, and the Public
----------Labeling by the Psychiatric Establishment
--------The Post-Patient Experience


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