~Whimsy's Keeping it Simple~
Getting Organized In Your Kitchen
A must have for my kitchen is a lil' ol'
"Recipe Journal" This has been my lifesaver
on many occasions. Let me tell you about my journal.
Its nothing fancy, just a plain little hard cover
journal with lined paper inside. If there are recipe's
that I use often I write them inside my journal.
In my journal I have "dinner idea's". I list main dish idea's,
side dish idea's, veggie idea's and so on. I refer to this list ALL the time
before I go grocery shopping. Sometimes when we "have" to shop, "have" to cook
it gets mundane and we draw blanks or lose inspiration.
My journal keeps me on track during those moments that are sure to happen.
I also list favorite recipes that I have in cooking magazines or cookbooks
in my journal. I list the month/year of magazine and page number
or the name of the cookbook and page number. This is very helpful.
I also go through and weed out the recipe cards I will probably never use, too much clutter.
Being organized is half the battle, it truley is.
~Coming Soon~