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NJ Psychic Medium Consultants | Best Psychic Mediums In New Jersey | Definitions

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NJ Psychic Medium Consultants | Best Psychic Mediums In New Jersey | Definitions

~ Definitions ~

*Anomalous Cognition*

The ability to transfer information mentally to a subject through means other than the 5 traditional senses.

*Astral Plane*

The invisible plane of existence. Also, called the astral world or desire world.

*Astral Projection*

Also Called: Astral Travel, Spirit Walking & Out Of Body Experience. The ability where the spirit or astral body leaves the physical body to travel in the spirit world, astral, etheric, or spiritual plane.

*Aura Field*

The Aura is the energy field surrounding all life forms, including the human body.


The ability to acquire psychic knowledge primarily by means of (smelling).


The ability to acquire information by paranormal auditory (hearing/listening)means.


The ability acquire psychic knowledge primarily by means of intrinsic knowledge (knowing something without knowing how or why you know it).


The ability that allows one to acquire information from the taste of a substance without putting anything in one's mouth.


Also Called Empath: The ability to acquire psychic knowledge primarily by means of(touching/feeling).


Also Called: Clear-sighted or remote viewing. The ability to obtain information about an object, location, person, or physical event beyond the capability of normal human senses.

*Extrasensory Perception*

Also Called: E.S.P. The ability to acquire information by paranormal means other than the 5 know physical senses (hearing, sight, taste, touch, and smell). Or, deduction from previous experience.


The ability to communicate with the spirits of persons or animals who have died.

*Near Death Experience*

A broad range of personal experiences associated with impending death. Detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, extreme fear, security, warmth, absolute dissolution, and the presence of a light.

*Paranormal Phenomena*

The perception of people, places or events by means other than the normal senses.


The study of paranormal psychological phenomena.

*Physical Plane*

The visible reality of space and time, energy and matter.


Also Called: Retroactive clairvoyance & post-shadowing. The ability to predict an occurrence after the fact.


The ability to acquire prior or previous knowledge or a vision about an event before it occurs.


The ability to perceive things hidden from the senses through means of E.S.P.


The ability to move objects with the mind without physically manipulating the object.


The ability to obtain information about an individual by making physical contact with an object that belongs to them.


The perception of other times via. This is usually considered to be the same as clairvoyance, except that the perception travels through time.


The belief that the spirits of the dead can be contacted by mediums.


The ability to sense communications from and/or communicate with people by means other than the normal senses.


Also Called: Psychokinesis, The ability to move objects using only mental influence.

*Third eye*

Also Called: Inner Eye, The gate within that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. Associated with visions, clairvoyance, precognition, and out-of-body experiences.

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