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NJ Psychic Medium Consultants | Best Psychic Mediums In New Jersey | Get To Know Us

*Debra Jean*

Debra Jean Grew Up In North Jersey. She Was Raised By Her Grandparents Until The Age Of 13. At A Very Young Age She Remembers Having Contact With Spirit. This Frightened Her Because She Did Not Understand What Was Happening. Her Abilities Were Repressed Until After The Passing Of Her Grandparents. Her Life Then Became A Very Difficult And Challenging One. Once Again, Debra Jean Started Receiving Communication From Spirit. She Became Very Precognitive. In 1978, While Doing A Favor Of Baby Sitting Three Children For The First Time In Their Home, She Had A Paranormal Experience. After Two Of The Children Ages 1 and 3 Were Put To Bed For The Night, The 6 Year Old Was Allowed To Remain Up To Watch Television With Debra Jean Because It Was Not A School Night. It Was Approximately 10 PM. And, All Was Quiet. Until, A Blinding Bright White Object Crossed The Living Room Appearing to Hit The Wall Behind The Couch. The Sound Of The Impact Was A Very Sharp CRACK AND, A Spinning Sound Until It Came To Rest. Debra Jean's Attention Turned To The 6 Year Old. And, She Adamantly Asked Him To Tell Her What He Threw. Or, He Would Have To Go To Bed. He Became Very Upset. And, Repeatedly Stated, "I DIDN'T THROW ANYTHING", "I DIDN'T THROW ANYTHING", "IT'S MY GRANDFATHER", "IT'S MY GRANDFATHER"! Unable To Find The Object After Moving Most Of The Furniture. She Sat Quite Shaken. Soon After, She Put The 6 Year Old To Bed. Upon The Arrival Of The Children's Parents, Debra Jean Hesitated. But, Confronted Them About What Had Happened. To Her Surprise, The Children's Mother Confirmed That It Was The Spirit Of Her Deceased Father Who Passed From An Accident Which Occurred In The Factory Where He Was Employed Many Years Before. Being Unsure Of Where Or Whom To Turn To For Answers, She Sought The Guidance Of Several Psychic Counselors. In 1990 Debra Jean And Her Husband Moved Into A New Neighborhood. Soon After She Became Very Ill. Unexplainable Occurrences Were Happening In The Home. And, Continued Over The Next 10 Years. She Started Performing Paranormal Investigations Publicly And Privately For A Number Of Years, Along With Spirit Photography. After Each Paranormal Experience She Became More And More Intrigued. Her Fear Rapidly Changed To Total Amazement. She Acquired A Very Strong Desire To Learn More About The Paranormal. And, What Happens After Death. In 2000 Her Focus Was To Prove That Life Does Exist After Death. After Numerous Years Of Research, Study, Validation From Others And A Belief In Herself, She Has Now Accepted That She Had Been Blessed With The Abilities Of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience And, Mediumship. Debra Currently Owns A Private Practice As An Intuitive Psychic Medium Consultant. As A General Rule, Debra Jean Does Not Like To Council Family Members Or Friends. Because, Of The Personal Knowledge She Has About Them. Debra Jean Is Married. And, Still Resides In The North Jersey Area With Her Husband.

~ Debra Jean's Credentials ~

Doctor Of Naturopathy Degree, Clayton College Of Natural Health
Christian Certificate Of Ordination, World Christianship Ministries
Ordained Christian Reverend, World Christianship Ministries
Christian Doctor Of Divinity, World Christianship Ministries
Prior Member, Metaphysical Center of New Jersey
Certified Psychic Counselor, International Association of Past Life Therapists
Certified Psychic, Psychic Society International
Prior Member, Spiritualist National Union, Stansted England
Certified Spiritual Healer, Universal Life Church
Member, Best Psychic Directory
Member, Psychics And Mediums Network
Certified Reiki Master, Usui System
Licensed Member, New Jersey Notary Public Commission
Licensed Member, New Jersey Real Estate Commission


Robert Worked In The Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry For Many Years. In 1978 A Malfunctioning Piece Of Equipment Caused An Explosion Which Nearly Took His Life. While Being Unconscious Robert Had An Out-Of-Body Experience. He Remembers Seeing A Person Lying Upside Down In Need Of Immediate Medical Attention. It Wasn't Until He Focused On The Persons Face Did He Realize, He Was In Fact Looking At Himself. While Robert Was Regaining Consciousness He Recalls A Very Uncomfortable Feeling Such As One Being Electrocuted. And, He Also Recalls An Extremely Loud Buzzing Sound. In 1990 He Once Again Cheated Death After Being Struck By Lightning, Followed By Open Heart Surgery. The Years That Followed Became Quite Interesting For Robert. One Day He Realized He Was Able To See Colors Around A Persons Body. Not Knowing What It Was He Did Some Research And Discovered What He Was Looking At Was The Human Aura. Robert Also Became Very Clairvoyant. He Is Able To Obtain Information About A Person Or Place, By Simply Holding An Object Belonging To Someone. (Also Known As Psychometry). Robert Presently Owns A Private Practice As A Psychic Medium Consultant. Robert Is Married. And, Still Resides In The North Jersey Area With His Wife

~ Roberts Credentials ~

Bachelor Of Science Degree In Business Management
Prior Member Spiritualist National Union, Stansted, England
Prior Member Metaphysical Center Of New Jersey
Licensed Member New Jersey Notary Public Commission
Licensed Member New Jersey Real Estate Commission
Licensed CDL New Jersey Department of Transportation
Certified OSHA(Occupational Safety And Health) Trainer
Certified HAZMAT(Hazardous Materials Transportation) Trainer

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