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You're About to Know


My name is ANWAR AL-KHALDI and i'm 26 years old. I'm from the most beautiful country around the whole wide world, KUWAIT. I was born and raised here in this land and i'm still living in the same house that i was born in with my family. I have 4 brothers (2 are older than me) and 4 sisters (3 are older than me), as you can see i'm in the MIDDLE where the Neglection occurs and Obeying older brothers is required and taking care of younger brothers is a duty work.

Let me start from the day i was born, 5 AM on the 14th of May 1977, when my eyes first saw the light coming out from unexpected and complicated world, of course i don't remember seeing anything BUT i'm trying to picture it and i'm sure it's indescribable moment. My mom had difficult time during the delivery and the dector had no choice than an operation, therefore, i was lucky to be alive. I wasn't cute infant but i had big clear crystal eyes, which attracked our evil-eye neighbor to replace them red once. I started losing my vision slowly until the day i started wearing glassing in my senior year in high school, where i couldn't even put a contact lens due to my allergic eyes. But i do use the disposable soft lens now to look younger and cuter :o)

I was hyperactive kid but i had some weak points so my mom could put me to sleep whenever i act hyper. I don't know if i should tell you about my weak spots or not, ummm i'll tell you anyway. When i was young, i couldn't stop moving around to and playing with things (not breaking them though) but sometimes it was driving my mom crazy, so what she used to do was to put me in her lap and play with my hair, it would take her couple of seconds and i would be gone (sleeping like a child). I had, and to be honest with you, i still have weird habits, like i never listen to my parents when they told me to not do this or that until i found out by myself, in other words, i had to experience things by myself to came up with my own conclusion. For instance, one day when i was crawling and almost starting to walk, my mom lighted up the fire-place and she told me to not go and touch it. As soon she took her sight off of me, i crawled toward it and i standed in front of it and touch it with my right hand. I wanted to know why my mom didn't want me to touch it, maybe i knew it would hurt BUT maybe it wouldn't hurt ME. I experienced it myself and i got burned, by the way, i still have the scar on my right hand as a reminder of my stone-head...I think i got this stone-head from my father, because my mother is a very nice quite umharmmed person.

I was smart kid and straight A's sudent, and i never got B's which made my parents very proud of me. My dad wanted me to be a Pilot and travel around the world, but inside myself i knew i couldn't be what he always wanted me to be DUE to my far-sided sight. In other words, i couldn't be a pilot because i don't have strong vision. Anyway, my well-performance in school drove my father to place a picture of me only in our Mens' gathering Room (Dewaneyh). I was his favorite kid and he always used to tell me that HE WAS SO PROUD OF ME, it felt like i was the happiest kid on earth BUT not for so long. I lost my father when i was 13 years old during the Iraqi Invasion on Kuwait 1990 after i was sent out of the country, so i didn't even get the chance to bury him or to take a last look at him. Nine months later i've came home and i removed my own picture in our (Dewaneyh) and placed my dad's picture, i was an awful feeling but nothing i could do. My life took a new meaning and new path, i started to smoke, but i quit though after 1 1/2 year, i also started to miss school. I couldn't find a leader to show me that right path since i was facing the period where kids were becoming young men. My mother was busy taking care of 9 persons and my older brothers weren't that old by that time, so i was kind of neglected and lonely. But i guess my father was watching and pretcting me and saved me from many situations and opened my eyes to see the right road.

I started to think more about my future and the way my father and I used to talk about it, therefore, i concentrated on my studies so i can graduate with high GPA to open many fields regarding my future. I finished high school and i decided to go away from home to get my degree, so i chose USA to be my next destination to my new home. I left home when i was 18, excatly on 23th of december 1995 at midnight by British Airways. It was hard on me to live by myself in a foreign country where none speaks my language and has your traditions or even share the same heritage. I had difficult time communicating with others by using my very poor english, but people there were so friendly and helped me alot to improve my skills in speaking, writing and even in pronunciation (the right way to pronounce words). After passing the English language courses at Oregon State University in Corvallis City in Oregon State, i started my academy years and after 4 years i got my Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from St. Martin't College in Olympia city the capital of Washington State. And i can say that the most important lessen that i've learned from my experiences living 5 years in the States was to be dependent. I mean i've done everything by myself and leaned to solve my own problems and others sometimes.

About ME

About MY JOB