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The Adventures of Mitch Mark Garrie!

Mitch Mark Garrie the amazing dinosaur!

One cool and quite night, a dinosaur walked into a pub with his mate Jimmy. The dinosaur, Mitch Mark Garrie, was an instant hit with all the girls, especially the barmaid. MMG decided to go for a walk, with his newly aquired friends, around the streets of this small town to see what was what...

First of all MMG decided to go to the ATM to get out some cash for drinks for the night (MMG is not much of a Shirley Temple drinker)...

Outside of a nearby chemist MMG found a horsey ride. Oh boy! How he did enjoy himself!

On the walk back to the pub MMG was annoying the girls, so they decided to play a little prank on him...

All thought it was funny, except MMG, who by now could be found planning a holiday away from those crazy people...

By this time MMG was getting bored so he called up his best mate Jimmy to come pick him up...

MMG got back to the pub and enjoyed a game of pool with his mates while listening to Kerb and Last Years Hero play.


~MMG: The Next Generation!~