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Day One: And so the story begins...







Our stop at Ararat to refill our gas            Kim not feeling well at this point.                I honestly didn’t take this photo of

Lantern                                           Everyone hates the runnies don’t they?          Uyen’s car. Surely, someone else did.





Monica disappeared for awhile and was          John (Cao) with something to hide which     We were the first to arrive, and was

consequently found taking pictures of            he laters reveals to us on Day 2.              greeted by this wallaby.

passing cars.



Ingrid attempts to eat the poor old             Our lovely lodge. *sigh* I miss it already.        The Footscray Boys, Springy Girls and of

kangaroo.                                                                                              course the Wantirna independent, Monica

                                                                                                        setting up Chi and Tam and Mon’s tent.                                                                                                                    




One of the few pictures with me in it.           Cao, Groin and me taking a while to        Can you tell whether Kim was feigning

                                                     figure out what the German instructions     or was actually doing something useful

                                                                                                          was trying to say. (I’m serious here, it      in this photo?

                                                     really was in German)




Finally, the foundation was laid. It          Tam, Chi and Monica’s tent. Did Chi sleep    Luke excited to see me. (I generally have

took a total of 7 people to put up a         between the two ladies? I bet he did. =b   that affect on people)

six person tent in a total of 2 hours.




Maks and Derek and unknown chick/dude          Verna, Tanya setting up their tent.       Monica wanted her own picture up and close!

setting up their tent.




Derek and his tent. I can tell you were loving       Again, one of the few pictures with me it     Final touches to our tent. John realising

it weren’t you?                                        although it is one of my backside so it’s       that the ground wasn’t level at all.

                                                        not exactly representative of me.





Where our cars were parked, taken from          An angle of our hexagon-shaped tent.              Who can forget the Omnicourt?

the view of the tent. Isn’t my car sexy?




Tanya and Verna checking out Omnicourt.    Dezza out in the balcony. You didn’t notice   Kim, Groin, Uyen and Ingrid enjoying our

Monica still admiring it.                       the blondie fixing her hair just for you       hot and spicy noodles.

                                                  did you?




The crew just lounging around after a hard    Laith and Luke questioning my Tarot           Tanya, Verna and Rowena tuning in to Tarot.

afternoon’s work.                                 readings.                                                                                          





Dezza with his groovy afro!                       Gioan in the mornings.                The Astro people had their trivia, we had

                                                                                              or jenga!





Derek’s memorable moment. He’s not doing                   Chi, Tam, Monica and Derek denting my car

engineering for nothing.                                      as they wait for trivia to finish.





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