Well welcome one and all the most bitching site on the web my sit Cazzam so get ready to be taken on an adventure into..... shit knows! This is more of a news based room were you can tatch up on what I think is the more important news around the world.

Stop The Bombs Man

Here at CAZZAM we are firm believers in anti nucular weapons movement for more info please go to the green peace web site. I know I know tree hugging hippie yer that is what I thought but these guys no there shit! go to they have all you need to know about well damn near everything. We also beieve that behind all the mumbo jumbo America (land of the free indeed) is just waiting to start another War and I dont know about you But we are not happy knowing that the man who can push 'The Button' is the same man who said 'Is our Children Learning' that's right loyal readers President Bush.


Cazzam has launched a won web page War on large industry petrol corperation ESSO We are stickin it to the man By opening the worlds biggest can of woop ass those sons-of-bitches have ever seen! If you whant to help in this nobel crusaid then e-mail me you comments to

Someone pass george the COKE MAN!

J.H. Hatfield's book "Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President" (Soft Skull Press) claimed that George W. Bush was arrested in Texas for cocaine possession in 1972, but had his record expunged because of his father George H.W. Bush's connections. This claim was fed to Hatfield by the notorious Karl Rove himself, Bush's so-called senior adviser. According to David Cogswell who wrote the preface to the French edition of the book, "Hatfield said he received death threats from one of the Bush allies who had confirmed the allegations. The threats named Hatfield's wife and 2-month old daughter and said,"If you value their lives, you'd better back off from this edition