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      Feedback on Cyberguiding

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Feedback Nine

Why was the Saturday Practice Session organised, and why is it still popular?

Our IT Centre was set up in December 2001 to meet the needs of RSVP members who aspire to become IT literate.  Our two main objectives are therefore to use the centre to (1) conduct IT courses suitable for our members, and (2) let members practise what they have learnt and go on learning more so that they truly become IT literate and can then become tutors themselves to help other members. I am very clear about the the objectives because it was I who, with the help of a few Cyberguides, planned and supervised the setting up of the IT Centre.  As soon as the IT Centre was ready, we started (1) conducting courses and (2) organising the Saturday Practice Session for members to hone their computer skills. For reference, please refer to the minutes of Cyberguide Committee meetings held on 07.01.02 and 04.02.02.

The Saturday Practice Session is popular with members for the following reasons:

  1. Members not only can practise what they have learnt, but also find the tutors competent, friendly, patient and ever willing to help. There is no air of superiority.  All are equal. All RSVP members are welcome. There is a great feeling of camaraderie.

  2. They go on learning more... a little bit here, a little bit there...and at their own pace.  And most importantly the bits of lessons and tips that are given freely are what they want to learn!  If the session is just to practise what they have learnt from NITLP, I am sure it would soon fold up, like practice sessions in other IT centres.

  3. There is tea break.  This is a time for members to exchange pleasantries, talk about their interests and experiences. Tea and coffee were free at first. Now it is 20cts per cup.  But members don't mind, for it offers a good opportunity for them to rush to the vending machine to slot in the 20-cent coin for their friends. Everybody is relaxed and friendly.  It is like a mini get-together once a week for seniors. There are tidbits like cakes, biscuits and otak.  Nobody tells anybody to bring anything; yet members just bring them and share them with their fellow Cyberguides.

  4. We are not short of Cyberguides willing to teach.  This is because Cyberguides are encouraged to practise their teaching skills before the class.  So, besides Yum Peng and me, there are many others ready to share their IT  knowledge and skills. Thus without realising it, we are also providing a training ground for Cyberguides to become trainers.
                                                                            David B Y Tan

Feedback Eight

Dear Yuen
I truly share your view of the usefulness of our Cyberguide website.  We're now like living in the virtual world feeling close to one another.  I hope that more IT-savvy cyberguides like you would  provide materials suitable for learning & entertainment.  Now we have a platform for learning. That's why we are proud of ourselves, right ?



Feedback Seven

Hello Fellow Cyberguides Our Cyberguide Website created by Mr. David Tan is really great.

It is very informative and educational to all RSVP members as well as others who view it. I appreciate it very much and hope it will expand and grow.

Not to worry, I have interesting or educational articles and pictures to contribute as time comes by. *Now please see my Attachment.  It enhances the proverb " Spare the cane and it will spoil the child ( and the men too )." Serious crimes could be committed by Internet.

You may put this in our Cyberguide Website.

Cheers! All the Best to you.

Sunlongor Yuen H.C.
Cyberguide / e-Ambassador / IT Enthusiast.

  * If you want to see the photos of a man being caned for a crime he had
committed, please email Sunlongor.
( )
It is not suitable to display the photos here. 


Feedback Six

From: Chan Mei Har


Cc: ;

Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 5:52 PM

Subject: Cyberguide Feedback

 These are just some observations that I have noticed during the last two (10Hrs) sessions of the Cyberguide training class that I hope would help to fine-tune the training and worth considering by those concerned.

1) Unintentional and consistent interruptions by cyberguides (cbg) in trying to assist the students while the Instructor was trying 'desperately to convey his instructions across.

2) It has been exhilarating as well as frustrating having both parties trying to convey certain message(s) over to the students simultaneously. 

3) As a result of this 'unintentional interference', the students also 'got lost' in the midst of trying to absorb the instructor's teaching and trying to receive help from the cbg.

4) Due to the fear of forgetting what has been taught, there has been a tremendous effort of the students in 'scrambling' to scribble notes down lest they forget.

5) As a result of this activity, the students got 'totally lost' by the time he/she finishes writing down the notes, while the instructor was not aware that some of them could not follow. and he continues happily clicking away onto the next subject.

6) Under such a scenario, the situation becomes rather chaotic, resulting in the students desperately raising their hands to seek help from the cbg, trying to find out what the instructor has been saying for the last couple of minutes.

7) To overcome all these above-mentioned, it is imperative that instructors must INSIST right from the start of every lesson, to remind the students not to try writing notes and asking cbg for help while he is talking or teaching at the same time.

8) To my amazement, some students even have problems trying to 'Click' the mouse on the right spot because they could not control holding the mouse still while clicking, resulting in closing the entire page sometimes. 

9) Another, though a very simple operation, had been encountered by some students as a very difficult task, that is trying to scroll the right side scroll-bar up and down with the mouse. Sometime in the process of doing this, closes the whole page, because he/she accidentally click onto the extreme right border.

10) Imagine this scenario. The student would then try franticly calling out for help from the cbg to help him/her to recover the loss page!

Anyone care to comment?  

Victor Ho       

David Tan's Reply

While teaching, the trainer is often disturbed by his/her assistants trying to help by also teaching at the same time, of course with good intention, but not knowing that this is wrong.  If the trainer is experienced and firm, he/she would stop teaching and politely tell the assistants to stop teaching at the same time so that the students can pay attention to the trainer's teaching.

 I seldom have such disturbance by assistants because I simply don't allow anyone to compete with me for the students' attention.

 A better way would be for you as trainer to brief the assistants before the start of the lesson, asking them not to teach while you are teaching.  Tell them the reason and ask for their understanding.  From experience, however, I know it is easier said than done especially when the cyberguides assisting you are your friends and your equals.  But I believe you will probably have less problem with your assistants if you are well-prepared and can really teach well to command their respect!

 Another point to note is that the students should also be told right from the beginning to pay attention to your teaching and instructions and direct their questions to you, not to the assistants.  Assure them they will be given ample time for hands-on practice later with plenty of help from the assistants.

Another factor to take into consideration is that students attending your class are seniors and are at different levels of education.  Adding to that are students who are very slow and forgetful. Some simply don't want to follow your instructions.  It is therefore definitely easier to teach a class of young students of the same grade and ability.

 Having said that, we still must not ignore the problem of poor coordination and cooperation between the trainer and his/her assistants.  And that is is why we have the Cyberguide Training Programme.  Besides training the students on computer skills, there are also lessons on Teaching Strategies and guidelines for the trainer and the tutor/assistant.  Cyberguides who attended the last two training courses learned the guidelines in Module 1 and studied the Teaching Strategies in Module 5 .

 But training is one thing; putting what you have learnt to practice is another.

 Here are some extracts from the notes given to the trainees.  This is to show that we cyberguide trainers are well aware of the problem and we try our best to address it.


Feedback Five
I have this gardening tip to share with our fellow members:
Save the water after you have used it for washing your rice for cooking.
This water is rich organic fertilizer for your house plants.

Rose Leong


Your gardening tip does not fit into any of our web pages.  We may have a page named Useful Tips later.  Any suggestions from members?


Feedback Four
It's a great site... however, not sure if the seniors can remember the site name without any errors?

 No choice since it is a free hosting at angelfire..

 My regards to everyone at RSVP and also to the creator of the website.
 Should you need some easy domain name example: you can let me know.  I can consider doing small sponsorship to support this meaningful project.


Feedback Three

Cheers to the great work by the Webmaster.  RSVP is now living in
Cyberspace. We are proud to be able to keep abreast with time!
This is my impression after viewing the Website.

 Serene Mah


Feedback Two

Great work, keep it up, I will see what I can contribute, may be you can give me some guidelines as to what material is suitable and appropriate.


Matthew Chng


Thanks, Matthew.
We welcome contributions.  Just e-mail me your articles, photos, etc, and we'll post them to our website if they are suitable.

Feedback One

Thanks for your great effort and generosity in giving us some valuable IT
knowledge, etc.
Same kudos also go to Loh Y.P. and Margaret Lim who are also teaching us some computer

I have seen your Website as well as our Cyberguide Website which is done by
you. They are wonderful and informative and could be used for reference

Have you seen my following personal Websites which you have asked me last

On the past 3 Saturdays, 13/12/03, 20/12/03 and 27/12/03, I served as a
tutor for the NITLP (Chinese) course from 10.00am. to 1.30pm.( with an
additional class on 3/1/04 as the projector  malfunctioned  on 27/12/03.)

So I have fulfilled the test requirements and duties for the Award of the
"Programme B" Certificate.

Upon receiving this Award later, I could be considered "qualified to teach
or give a talk on computer matters in RSVP". Otherwise the question
" Who am I ?" would arise, like Jacky Chan in his movies.

Last Wednesday, 11/2/04 I volunteered and came as a tutor for the NITLP
(Chinese) and I would do so for the remaining 2 sessions.

Best Regards,

Yuen Hon Chew
( Sunlongor )




Thank you, Hon Chew.  I'm sure your involvements in tutoring and other
volunteer activities in have been noted and appreciated. 
I have viewed your two websites.  They are very good!  Congratulations!
I have just created links from our Cyberguide Website to yours so that
viewers can also have easy access to them.  Keep it up!


Hi, Sunlonger,
I think you can start off through 'short sharing sessions' with other regular
IT enthusiasts on Tues., Thurs., & Sat., during the practice & fellowship
sessions. Apart from David and Loh YP, you can also work through
Berlinda and her successor in time to come.   


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