Over 60 top conspiracy researchers expose the NWO. They are collectively named "Angelico Tapestra"
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Out now! THE UNIVERSAL SEDUCTION Vol 3 -The most explosive book ever! 48 writers. New, more in-depth material on mind control, exclusive alien abuctees stories, (incl military involvement), mind-boggling weapons data, (incl scalar) and agendas for global mass subjugation. Includes "other worldly creatures", a captive Gov't.scientist revealing all and the frightening "illusional realities" created by aliens.This is a truthful "X-files"Extravaganza.

Excerpt from the chapter:

By Christi Verismo

There are at least ten top secret American facilities in Australia, with the so called ‘Joint Defense Space Research facility’ at Pine Gap, a multi-billion dollar operation, being the most important. Originally Pine Gap was decreed to control and act as a downlink for geosynchronous satellites gathering intelligence, stationed over the Pacific and Asia by the CIA, NSA and NRO. Construction was undertaken solely by American contractors flying in, making it operational by 1970. Large underground facilities are rumored to extend twelve levels below the base. Long tunnels are laid out in a similar pattern to the spokes of a wheel and extend several miles from the center. A secret nuclear reactor is installed in a deep shielded underground chamber. Reportedly, extending five miles below the base is a bore hole containing an ultra low frequency antenna which is apparently used for secret experiments supposedly related to Nicola Tesla's resonance theories, as well as low frequency communications throughout the world. Pine Gap's communication systems are the most sophisticated available, utilizing satellites, microwave, low-frequency and their own dedicated cable to the US They are directly connected to Nurrunga, North West Cape, Geraldton, Australian Defense Signals Directorate in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, all CIA and NSA stations, ASIO, SIS and the Australian Defense Science and Technology Organization which deals with UFOs and crash retrievals. Pine Gap has eight white radomes placed near groups of long low buildings. Miles away a double security fence is patrolled by Americans and Australian Police. There is a five mile no fly zone. Pine Gap is now being expanded with a second above ground power station and additional housing for staff of around 1,200 in 1996. The reason : “Asian economic espionage”.

A major NSA defector revealed that US has been carrying out continuous research into electromagnetic propulsion at Pine Gap since 1966, which was originally started in US after the war. Security aspects have included hypnotic and post hypnotic keys planted in personnel prior into acceptance into the project. A man has claimed his father worked on UFOs at Pine Gap. He worked for the FAA in 1970 fixing the programming of mainframe computers. He was one of only two or three in the US who knew whatever program they were installing. During the late 70’s he made several trips to Australia. When his father came to visit, he had a locked briefcase that was chained to him. They were then followed everywhere. His father said he was working on a flying saucer, involved with anti-gravity propulsion, melding the computer elements together for the guidance or stability part of it, underground at Pine Gap.

Pine Gap locals have seen 30 ft wide white disks being unloaded from large US cargo planes at the airports with the USAF emblem on them. Many are seen flying at night. Much furniture has been delivered. An enormous amount of food is apparently stocked in warehouses of what could be a multi-leveled underground city. DR Jean Francois Gille writes that shares put on the market at the same time will cause a world stock market crash. Cash will be worthless and the risks of a global planned confrontation will be high. Underground bases will serve as a place of safety for politicians and international financiers. Plastic cards will be necessary and the setting up of a world government ensuring ‘peace'. Many will be taken to concentration camps. Our new ‘Masters’ have the alien’s support that they have made alliances with. William Cooper says all the CIA Directors and Secretaries of State were all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and also the MJ 12, which includes Kissinger. They rule US. The secret government kill America’s children for the alien projects according to their agreements with alien nations to rule the world jointly. They can make US currency worthless at any time and bring everyone under control with their global credit card. In 1996 witnesses saw a triangular craft descend at an area west of Pine Gap and many UFOs have been seen coming and going regularly from camouflaged entrances at Pine Gap. Scientists and various aliens, (mostly reptilians claiming to have once originated from earth, with DNA of a 2 legged earth sauroid) that the US govt. has made alliances with work together underground there. Genetic research in the form of human/alien hybridization and anti-gravity experimentation is done at Pine Gap and other underground US bases.

Stan Deyo also asks if Pine Gap could be a man-made city of multiple levels, used to shelter key US personnel in the event of some disaster. Among some of the major contractors and suppliers for Pine Gap have been Collins Radio, McMahon Construction, LTV aero-space company, a conglomerate of electronics and aircraft manufacturing subsidiaries and IBM Stan says it is rumored that there are super IBM computer systems on a floating platform, ‘down the well’ underneath the facility. IBM has mammoth computers which can recognize both voice and visual patterns. Their main memory sizes are said to be in excess of 2,000,000,000 bytes. The first 2 antennas for controlling and communicating with satellites were constructed in 1966-67. In 1974 unauthorized photos and other information from inside the faculty are reported to have been sold to Russia. In 1991 Pine Gap was instrumental in tracking Iraqi SCUD missiles, with satellite imagery tracking the Iraqi troops. Diane Harrison wrote there are now about 18 satellite control antennas, making it one of the largest satellite control stations in the world for satellites parked in fixed orbits above the equator. The most recent satellites are 300 feet diameter. They intercept signals in the VHF, UHF and millimeter wave frequency bands. Within that frequency there are 4 categories of signals. The first category monitors signals transmitted in the course of advanced weapons development, particularly ballistic missiles. The first satellites were designed for this and monitored Russian missile development programs and now monitors other countries. The newer satellites are now primarily for the Soviet Union. This intelligence is shared. The second category monitors signals from large radars, including ones associated with anti-ballistic missile fields. air defense radars, radars on ships. Analysis of this tells lot about the capabilities of those anti-missile and anti-aircraft systems in the various air defense fields around the globe.

Thirdly intercepting the communications of other satellite systems, i.e. communications which are going up from ground to communication satellites which are also based in fixed orbits. Listening satellites parked close to the communications satellites. Finally they monitor a wide range of other microwave emissions on the earth’s surface including: long distance phone calls transmitted via terrestrial microwave circuits enabling them to monitor military, political and government agencies or private individuals. Diane says that a satellite can be parked over the interior of a country and intercept the microwave emissions coming from it. The satellites are under the control of the CIA, who in turn answer to the NRO (National Reconnaissance Office). There are 8 large radomes, that cover the antenna arrays which keeps sand etc. away and conceal the antenna’s position from enemy spy satellites. There are a wide range of communication devices: HF radio, underground cable, telstra telephone and telex, 2 satellites communication terminals to occupy the on average 1,200 staff. The staff have to wear color coded ID to match the color ribbons running along the walls. US Military Airlift Command carry thousands of tapes home for further study and send parts and supplies twice weekly. There are direct links from Pine Gap to the US bases in the Philippines, Guam, Krugerdorp South Africa and the Amundsen-Scott base at the South Pole.

The computer room is one of the biggest in the world and the operators use headsets to communicate. Within the central operations building at Pine Gap people are keeping the satellite and its antenna focused on the signals they are intercepting. Then other staff process the enormous volume of interpreted signals. Then the signals are analyzed for intelligence data. Up to 1980 Australians were not allowed access to the voice intercepts, coming into the signal analysis section. But now they have full access to all areas except the cryptographic room, officially anyway. Univac computers encrypt transmissions, including voices and these go to Redondo Beach in California. About 25 to 30 messages are sent from Pine Gap each day to US and about half go to the CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia. Though occasionally data is sent directly to the NRO Headquarters in the Pentagon, or to the NSA headquarters at Fort Meade Maryland. Diane writes that there is a group called the Joint Reconnaissance Schedule committee, who meet each morning to decide who is going to be listened to for the next 24 hours to focus the antennas on the satellites. e.g. who is doing a missile test, or if a political crisis occurs somewhere. A similar station to Pine Gap is located in South Africa with 1,200 staff and is also linked to another VLF station at the South Pole.

Dr Gille writes that Pine Gap has enormous computers connected to US, Krugersdorp South Africa, Guam, Canberra, Antarctica US base counterparts, which collect information from these countries, about finance, technology, and everything about people. The Amundsen-Scott base at the South Pole is located on a sensitive magnetic spot of our planet, in that it holds exactly the same assets as Pine Gap, and that all the information about most of the average citizens of Western Europe is stored there in memory banks tens of meters under the icepack. Canberra computers were connected to all banks, every post office, all telephones, all police stations and customs houses, every arrival and departure desk for air or sea travelers and to the other data centers collecting data on private citizens in America and Europe. All financial, economic, political and military information about every citizen of the Western World is being stored. The president of the Rockefeller Foundation arranged the construction of 20 luxury residences in Canberra, to accommodate the world government-to-be.

In Silent Partners: The UKUSA Agreement by Susan Bryce ( says there are about 48 years of SIGINT (satellite signal intelligence) shared by the UKUSA partners: US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and the NATO nations. ( Possibly Germany, Norway, Turkey and China are in too.) As well as communications interception and satellite spying there is an interest in undersea activities. (There are said to be over 1,400 alien bases here on this planet including undersea. ) The UKUSA pact has been gathering intelligence on the former Soviet empire for 40 years. Pine Gap, Nurrangar and Menwith Hill operate under this pact. Menwith Hill covers communications and phone calls between USA and Europe in UK. The NSA which runs this controls over 2,000 electronic intercept stations, with 130,000 personnel around the world. The primary purpose of the NSA was started to decipher alien communications, language and establish dialogue. In 1983 the NSA established a worldwide computer network linking 52 separate government computer systems used throughout the world. All the information ends up at NSA’s Headquarters in Maryland. So it can plug into each phone call and message in USA, UK and Australia using the US base, Pine Gap and the new installation at Geraldton in Western Australia.

Patrick Poole wrote an very complete analysis and here is a summary: Echelon based at Pine Gap is the technological spy system intercepting all phone calls, faxes, emails and telexes in the world mainly by satellite. Plus other satellites, microwaves signals, cellular and fibre-optic cable communications traffic. Real time phone calls in USA could be listened to at an outpost of Echelon at Menwith Hill in UK. Commercial espionage can be beneficial to the companies that helped the NSA develop the systems that power the Echelon network. This can also be used to push American manufacturers out of deals in favor of US defense and intelligence contractors, who frequently finance both political parties. The European Parliament is asking if this violates the sovereignty and privacy of citizens in other countries. Though UK does allow surveillance on its own citizens, Menwith Hill and Pine Gap cover US citizens. Echelon stations are all over the globe, from Geraldton W. Australia, Waihopai New Zealand, Ascension Island in the Atlantic, the Indian ocean atoll of Diego Garcia, Guam and the Philippines in the Pacific, to South Africa, Misawa Japan to Leitrim Canada. Pine Gap, Menwith Hill, Bad Aibling Germany, Colorado USA and Antarctica are main centers. No communications signal escapes the electronic net. The two primary downlink facilities for over 25 satellites acting as giant scoops picking up info from all electronic communications are at Menwith Hill in North York Moors UK and Pine Gap. Menwith Hill has 1,400 American NSA personnel and 350 UK Ministry of Defense staff on site.

Menwith Hill goes back to 1951 and received one of the first sophisticated IBM computers in the early 1960’s. The NSA took it over in 1966. British Telecom wires fibre-optic telephone trunklines capable of carrying 100,000 calls simultaneously through Menwith Hill. It has become a target for peace activists. Echelon decrypts, filters, examines and codifies messages into selective categories for further analysis by intelligence from the various UKUSA agencies. Menwith Hill SILKWORTH super-computer operates voice recognition and optical character recognition and feeds them into data recognition engines. Voice recognition programs convert talk into text messages for further analysis and even individual voices can be targeted, so every call they make is transcribed. Each message is given a 4 digit code as to its source e.g. 5535 for Japanese diplomatic traffic. Keywords are kept up to date by Dictionary Managers. Messages are transmitted to each agency’s headquarters via a global computer system that acts as the nervous system.
Part 2

The rest of the chapter PINE GAP: Australia's Area 51 continued in Volume 2 of


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