Over 60 top conspiracy researchers expose the NWO. They are
collectively named "Angelico Tapestra"
Out now! THE UNIVERSAL SEDUCTION Vol 3 -The most explosive book ever! 48
writers. New, more in-depth material on mind control, exclusive alien
abuctees stories, (incl military involvement), mind-boggling weapons data,
(incl scalar) and agendas for global mass subjugation. Includes "other
worldly creatures", a captive Gov't.scientist revealing all and the
frightening "illusional realities" created by aliens. This is a truthful
"X-files" Extravaganza.
Excerpt from the chapter:
BY Christi Verismo
Part 5 of 6 excerpts. Please send far and wide as a warning about the
dangers of approx
15 nations having dangerous scalar weapons. Inability to keep track of and
understand advanced physics is why this problem of ignorance has occured,
letting multiple nations have terrifying scalar beam technology which can
destroy the whole planet at the press of a few buttons. This 40 page chapter
is easy to understand
for the non scientific. Permission to repost as long as left
unaltered, with author, book title and website intact.
Book excerpt from Vol 3 of Part 5
Bearden paints a possible scenario: if for example the U.S. were to send a
nuclear missile to Russia many things they have developed for defense using
scalar technology could greet it before it even landed. Secret eavesdropping
using scalar carriers may have heard it was about to be fired, and they
could explode the missile before launch using a cloaked cosmosphere or
aircraft. However if it does manage to launch, firstly it could be detected
and tracked, then a continuous EMP Tesla globe could kill the electronics of
the missile. Another intensely hot fireball globe could vaporize the
missile, or a pulse mode fireball could explode it before it reached its
target. Extremely large glowing spheres of light containing dense EM plasma
energy created by crossed scalar beams could also activate the nuclear
warhead en route by creating a violent low order nuclear explosion. Various
parts of the flying debris can be subjected to smaller more intense Tesla
globes where the energy density to destroy is more powerful than the larger
globe first encountered. This can be done in pulse mode with any remaining
debris given maximum continuous heating to vaporize metals and materials. If
anything still rains down on Russia, they could have already made a Tesla
shield over the targeted area to block it from entering the airspace.
Tesla shield protecting the target could be made of three or more concentric
Tesla shields, that would produce multiple electromagnetic pulse energy and
severe heating of anything which enters it. These concentric Tesla shields
can also clean up and sterilize any gamma radiation resulting from an
explosion of the nuclear warhead. The Soviets are using unknown attributes
of matter, phenomena and laws of nature by research covering the equivalent
of 7-8 U.S. atom bomb projects back to back already.........
........To recap: COLUMBIA 1 launched April 12, 1981 was shot down by two
cosmospheres. It crashed 85 miles south of Kazan in central Russia. A fake
landing was staged at Edward’s Air Force Base using the shuttle ‘Enterprise’
and actors.
COLUMBIA 2 was launched November 12, 1981 secretly unmanned. It was shot
down by Russian TU-144 jet airplanes using beam weapons, over the White Sea,
near Finland.
COLUMBIA 3 was launched March 22, 1982. It was intended to orbit a special
new Spy Satellite, which was hardened with tungsten against attack from
Russia's space weapons and armed with a robot-controlled laser that could
shoot back. The shuttle too was armed with lasers. It faked a landing on
March 30, 1982 at White Sands. It successfully deployed a new laser-armed
spy satellite. The crew returned for the first time. SPACE SHUTTLE 4 was
launched successfully June 24, 1982. Its purpose was to deploy the satellite
that would confirm the Phantom aircraft attack to start the war.......
...... The Russians continued to attack the next space shuttles. On
Nov 26 1985 when the space shuttle ATLANTIS launched, a mysterious light was
hanging in the sky. According to Tom Bearden a scalar interferometer in
exothermic mode struck the area just prior to launch. Twelve minutes after
launch, a huge atmospheric, rumbling explosion occurred over the area, and
was heard for hundreds of miles up and down the coast. The Soviets were
using the shuttle launches to test their ABM/antibomber missile system.
However it apparently stayed up there.
According to Tom Bearden, after the space shuttle CHALLENGER was shot down
in full view of the public, and along with the knowledge that the launch of
other shuttles probably were Russian weapons tests: "The Russians (KGB)
apparently had already decided to kill it, and so one would expect multiple
fatal shots, continuing in a manner where they had already demonstrated our
guys would not recognize what had happened, because our fellows back then
knew nothing of scalar interferometry, and would not believe it. A small
nation with scalar weapons friendly to America.That series of shots and
interventions came to a sort of screeching halt when a friendly little
nation simply destroyed several very large Russian missile storage
facilities and such strategic targets.
One shot knocked out one-third the
missiles in one of the large Russian fleets. So it quit being fun and games
for the KGB at that point, because that little nation already had at least
working prototype quantum potential weapons and could have blasted Russia
right off the face of the earth at the time. And the Russians knew it. It
was not sweet reason and diplomacy that backed them down; it was an iron
fist. In the aftermath of all that activity, which eerily stayed well behind
the scenes and was never recognized for what it was by the open news, the
Soviet economy eventually collapsed, the Berlin Wall came down, and you know
the rest..." he continues: " ‘War’ was never as cold as represented. Behind
the scenes there were continual strategic maneuverings and preparations for
the most spectacular strategic attacks ever dreamed of by the human mind. We
got through it (at least until now) by the grace of God and by the guts and
stamina of a friendly little nation also having some of the most powerful
weapons on earth." (Bearden leaves no doubt that this was Israel in his
other writings.)
More on that topic here.
To go to excerpt part 6 click here:
Full 40 page chapter continued in volume 3 of
More excerpts from Scalar Weapons by Christi Verismo
More excerpts from The Universal Seduction series
Biography pages for book authors
Table Of Contents for vol 1 The Universal Seduction
Table Of Contents for vol 2 The Universal Seduction
Table Of Contents for vol 3 The Universal Seduction