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If you've seen Peter Jackson's screen version of J.R.R.Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, there are two languages spoken in the film. The more beautiful, soft-sounding one spoken by most of the characters is Sindarin. Quenya is used comparatively sparsely in the film. By the Third Age, Quenya had become, in Middle-earth, a language used only on formal or state occasions by the Elves and the descendants of the Númenóreans.
phrases in QUENYA

Aiya! - Hail!

Suilannad! - Greetings!
Mara aurё - Good day
Mara mesta - Good bye
Aiya meldo(r) - Hail friend(s)
Wanenna? - How are you?
Manenna sinarё? - How are you today?
Hantalye - Thank you
Estanya nâ - My name is..
Le nar - You are
Henduluin ainu - Blue-eyed angel
Callonya - My hero
Meldonya - My friend
Lapsёnya - My babe
Calwa, îrima, linda,
melima, melwa, vanima,
vanya..- beautiful, lovely, desirable..
Saila, saina - Wise

Sindarin is an artificial language developed by J. R. R. Tolkien. In Tolkien's mythos, it was the most spoken Elvish language ever. It was the language of the Sindar, those Teleri which had been left behind on the Great March of the Elves. When the Noldor came back to Middle-earth, they adopted the Sindarin language, although they believed their native Quenya more beautiful. Before the downfall, most of the Men of Númenor also spoke the language. Knowledge of it was kept in the Númenorean realm in exile Gondor, especially amongst the learned.

phrases in SINDARIN

Greetings (everyone) ~ Suilaid (penath) (can be shortened to suil, similar to “hi”)

___ is my name - ___ i eneth nín
Thanks - Hennaid
Many thanks - Hennaid evyr
A thousand thanks - Meneg hennaid
I thank you - Hannon le
How are you? - Manen le?
I’m happy - Im meren
Love sparkles in your eyes - Meleth thilia min hin lín
You are beautiful/so beautiful - Le bain/bainon
Your eyes are blue like the summer sky - Hin lín luin sui venel laer
You look good/joyous/beautiful - Thiach maer/meren/main
I love you - Melin le
I will always love you - Uivelin le
I will love you forever - Melithon le anuir
Your song touches my spirit/my heart - Laer lín matha faeren/'uren
My beloved/dear - Mell nín, Muin nín
My love - Meleth nín
Love of my life - Meleth e-guilen
It is my joy to see you - Glassen a chened le
It is my joy to meet you - Glassen an ngovaded le
I haven't seen you for a long time - Anann le ú-gennin
My heart sings to see you - Guren linna a chened le
My heart shall weep until I see thee again - Guren nallatha nalú achenin le
Nothing will stop the weeping of my heart until our reunion - Unad nuithatha i nîr e-guren nalú aderthad vín
Rest well - Hodo vae
Sleep well - Losto vae
Sweet dreams - Elei velui
May you dream well tonight - Oltho vae ne fuin hen
I hope to see you there - Harthon cened le ennas
I hope to see you at this time - Harthon cened le nan lû hen
My champion/hero - thalionen/thalielen (m/f)

I'll add more. if you wish:)
