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Author: Darren
Date: February 24,2000

This is a message to anyone who has ever been disappointed by meeting Savage Garden... or anyone who is ever thinking of trying to meet Daniel or myself.. and is expecting something wonderful. I am very publicly appreciative of all of the effort our fans go to...financially (you buy the music/concert tickets) emotionally (I love you's and harassing the radio and t.v stations) and spiritually (by 'getting' the music..the messages and participating in the good feelings that our music is intended to stimulate). I constantly thank God for this opportunity and life...and wherever possible each of you individually in concerts and in person if we meet. But you need to understand very plainly that I am a person just like you...with feelings and only a certain amount of energy and good health. The more records we sell...the more people there are potentially to radio concerts. It is becoming impossible for me to smile friendly with and personal to every single person I meet on my travels around the world. It is simply not possible to give each and every person the experience they are expecting. I like anyone in the world have good days and bad days...tired days...happy days. I have tried for years...especially in the beginning to give every single person ... the feeling of being special and important to me when I meet them. My the beginning I used to WRITE the fanzine. I'll bet none of you knew that?? I used to PERSONALLY answer every fan letter...and hug and kiss every fan I ever met. It got to the point that I just had no time or energy left. Some days I simply did not have time to stop and say hello...and I would feel really really bad. Rude. Mean. But it's been years now of being a public person and today literally I am faced with the reality that I simply can not please every single person I meet. I can not give every person the experience they are expecting. In the end I disappoint myself well before you get disappointed. I used to be so hard on myself because I could not be what you wanted... but I need to accept that about myself. I have only a certain amount of hours in the day...and energy to spend. Don't you want me to spend it singing great and writing music...? Is it more important to have an idol? Or a songwriting team LOVE to entertain you? The thing is...on the music...I give you 150% of my energy. I can not give any more than this. There would nothing left. I now...try my hardest to be sincere. I do not want to be a fake celebrity....smiling and posing for the photograph when I am dying of the flu....or exhausted or maybe even sad...just to avoid looking 'mean' or 'rude'. I often have a million things on my mind and to do if on a rare occasion I don't stop and take a photo or sign and autograph. Yes I am often in 3 countries a day...have not slept and am already stressing about being able to sing well that night when you are waiting to see me at a radio station. It is not me being rude or dismissing is me saying 'I do not want to disappoint you by meeting you like this..." I love the fact that you go to t.v stations and the lobby of our hotels to show your support and say hello. If you want to do this to show your love and support then I really appreciate this...and if possible and if we have time...of course I will say hello...sign autographs or take a photo...but please understand...this won't always happen. I can't always give you want you want. Please do this for YOU...and not because you expect something. I can't guarantee you'll always get what you want. Think of someone like Michael Jackson. I used to hang out in his hotel lobby when I was a kid... Just to know he was THERE gave me a thrill..but I wasn't expecting an autograph or anything...I mean if it happened I would have FREAKED OUT..but you was no big deal. If you want to meet me...or us....let life take it's own path. Let it happen naturally. If you are in the right place at the right time...and we get to have a chat or shake hands or whatever...then that is fantastic...I love that. It's natural and I really do enjoy it. I think there are probably one hundred good examples to every one bad example of a meeting with me. Generally I think I'm very loving and thankful and sweet. That's me being ME. But I can't be that 24 hours a day. No one can. I love you guys. I love this bbs. I don't read it all the time but when I check in I enjoy how silly the topics get sometimes and I enjoy your way of thinking. This is supposed to be's about the's about the MESSAGES and how music can change your life..inspire you..make you forget about your troubles..or remind you that you are not alone. Please understand that. I am so eternally grateful for this life...and yes you DO pay my rent....but I feel I pay you back with the music. It's more than money for me. This is spiritual. This is emotional. Join me in that place...because it's far more personal than a brief encounter. I love you. Believe that.

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