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Thought of the Week!


This mighty page is where you can find my thought of the week.  I hope to get one super-sweet thought each week to post here, but I may very well change this to "Thought of the Month!"

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First thought (more of a rant really) ever! -

   I put this lovely disclaimer on the Dave saga page in order to discourage people from reading it.  I guess it didn't work.  Well actually, to be honest, I put it there after damage was done.  It seems the only person I even vaguely talked slightly negative of was probably the only one to read it.  So now I feel that that disclaimer should weed out and trouble makers after me lucky charms.  If you have not a clue who I am, then by all means read it.

   Also, I'm more or less or a Darwinist and I wanted to show that so I could get a good gauge on people.  A lot of people condemn you for your beliefs.  *COUGH* Christian *COUGH*.  God, get off my f***ing back!!  (See the irony there?)  Apparently, a Darwin fish mocks the original and "Still the best" Jesus fish.  I simply think that it provides ample comparison, and directly purveys exactly what Darwinism is all about.  It's just like a Jesus fish but reads "DARWIN" inside, and has legs to show natural selection and decent by modification.  (Note: Darwin never actually used the word evolution.)  Anyway, now that I know it pisses off those fascist cult members, a.k.a. Christians, I'm going to put one on my car, and show it proudly.  If anyone gives me trouble, I'll go all kung-fu on their ass.