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Made as a contest example. A healer made for IceShadow’s Healing Hands Contest. The cloak gave me a bit of grief. Water. I did the patterns in the style of Solace’s dollz Fire Earth Air, not wind. Air is the element. Wind is a part of the air but it itself isn’t called an element (because it’s not). I really like this doll

Inspired by art and made for a picture inspired contest. I’m pretty proud. Inspired by art from Neon Dragon I like the outfit. I’m making a picture with it.

Inspired by a book cover. I’m so happy that the gif monster didn’t eat it! Inspired when I went to the Auckland zoo on holidays and also made as a contest example. Made for a tutorial. Made for a tutorial (that I got rid of). The hair turned out well

Made for sister banner with Bailey. The theme was elves. Made for a colour based contest

I wanted a doll with a lantern so here it is. I had to reshade the hair, it's a lot better now. A really weird mermaid. Made for a contest (and won!) It's based on BlackCat's art (link to site on Links page) Made for a tutorial I really like how those markings turned out

Made for a sister project that didn’t work out Made for a sister project that didn’t work out I couldn’t believe it when I saw this base. It was the exact same one that I was going to do. I’ll do other ones from that book… Made for a contest and won! Made for a tutorial that I got rid of Made for a contest and won an award Based on a picture in one of my Manga books

Based on art. I saw a base challenge and 1 hour later I had made this. It wouldn’t have taken so long if I hadn’t kept changing my mind. This base is no longer available

Bases by Random Doodles
I saw that eye makeup in a magazine last year when I was getting my hair done for my valedictory dinner. I couldn’t seem to find the right base until this turned up. Made for Eden Enchanted’s first challenge, base edit.
Base exclusive to Eden Enchanted
Made for an art inspired contest but I forgot to send it in before I went overseas so I missed out.
Base by Historical Dolls
Made for an art inspired contest.
My base
Experiment that didn’t turn out too well. Made for a Fairy Tale contest. It’s meant to be based on the Russian fairytale on the Firebird (you can’t tell that I like that fairytale, can you?)
Bases from 2Pixel
Liked the base (except I did lower the knees because they were way too high). This is one of those dollz that you leave for a few months and then finish purely because you don’t like unfinished dollz.
Base exclusive to The Underground
Made for my dress tutorial. I was going to do a flag but that didn’t work out so I rushed a staff
Base from Pinkies

Made for a bubble contest. I am so proud of it. I’ve never pixel-shaded something with such movement before and I’m so damn proud.
Base by Dolleria
Made for a contest. I did the penguin first and then her. Then she kinda turned into a sun-priestess and the penguin no longer seemed appropriate...
Base by Black Cat
My first UG challenge, art inspired. The lips were annoying and I'm still not satisfied with them
Base by Ritratto Di Signora
Made for the mermaid tut.
Base from Guinevere
Inspired by art from BlackCat < Made for a tutorial. I really like it.
Base by Pixel Fantasy (site closed)
Based on art.
Base from Xandorra’s Place
Outfit experiment. I like the results. Don't know where the base is from
Base from Mochi Dollz House
Mase for an RPG contestMase for an RPG contestMase for an RPG contest
Bases by Pinkies
Unknown bases
Made for new layout that didn’t work out. This looked bad until I added the last highlights. Now I love it.