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Dollz in making

Since I thought this was a nice idea and have been making lots of dollz and not finishing many, I decided to once again put up my In-making page. DO NOT take any of these dollz and show them on your site or use them to make your own dollz.

Site Mascot, Caleo, for my EE AV and sig. I think it looks cool when people have matching AV and sig so I’m going to do it to. Base by Cherryville.

Me is some fantasy outfit. I just wanted an AV of me for other forums but casual me is just boring so I thought fantasy. And because it is fantasy and not reality, we can ignore the fact that that armour wont protect me... Base by Solace.

Sphinx, a character from a game. His face-stuff looks pretty bad right now but it will hopefully improve once shaded Base by BlackCat

Was making for EE grey challenge but so far it’s not looking too good so I left it for other things. I may scrap it and try again on another base. Base by Solace

A pillar from a book cover. It looked cool so I thought that I would pixel it.

I was making this for a masked ball contest but I wasn’t satisfied so I’m worked on another one. I will finish this eventually. Base by Pinkland

Ganon from The Legend of Zelda. I was (half-heartedly) making it for a Villans contest (which I think has ended). It doesn’t really look like him. Base by Wayuki.

The moment I saw this base I thought of Carrot and Angua from Discworld. But it isn’t really working out so I might scrap it and try something else.

Yes, I’m making another base. This is from a How to Draw Anime and Game Characters book. That face was so damn hard to do. I am NOT looking forward to shading it...

Prototypes for some characters I’m making for a comic that my sister will write (once I write the skeleton plot). The comic doesn’t seem to be working out (ie. My sister doesn’t like what I’ve written...neither do I, I can’t write...) So here’s some characters without a story. I really wish that I could write...

My big project. This is Odile from Mercedes Lackey’s book, The Black Swan. It’s going to be pixel-shaded. I think I’m going to have a hard time shading all that black.... Base by Solace.

This is old. I started it for a contest but didn’t like it so I’ve left it for several months. I might finish it, I might not. Base by Random Doodles.