Belinda Curry

Far Above 2006
Belonging is an integral part of human nature. Most people have a need to belong. We search for a place to belong. Belonging is a feeling of acceptance, calmness, of oneness, whether it is within yourself, nature or those people that you surround yourself with.
We not only belong to and are sustained by our immediate environment but many of us have the need to reach out and explore other environments, relationships and communities. This can generate a ripple effect, which increases in ever widening circles where everything becomes linked to everything else no matter how indistinctly, through sharing a common source.
Most of my printwork is derived from my environment and reflects this commonality. Inspiration may be the rainforest which forms my backyard, a visit to Mackay or flying over the Nullarbor in a light aircraft. No matter the source, most of my work contains images, shapes and lines which are continuously repeated producing a harmonious and flowing feel to my work whilst at the same time producing this feeling in myself.
This sense is strengthened through the echoing of the elements with the repetition of shape and line, emanating generally from a central point. Thus, an image of a seed pod could be construed as an aerial view of a landscape and vice versa as they contain the same feeling of calmness, harmony and the flow of energy which is continually streaming outward. These images expand and continue outside the field of view as does my sense of belonging.
Thus, belonging can occur on many levels, with the feelings and the images that it instigates reverberating through our lives, and the lives of those around us.
Over time my sense of belonging has deepened as my experiences have increased through constantly developing new associations which may become all encompassing. However, I am always drawn back to where my initial sense of belonging began.
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