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Mackay Regional Botanic Gardens - Lagoon Gallery

December 2003 - January 2004


Group Exhibition - Local Camera Groups
Vizions Photo Club Inc & Mackay Camera Group Inc Members

This display of work by members of the local Mackay camera groups/clubs resulted from an Artspace Mackay workshop project with local photographer Ann Fitzgerald [Auz Vizions Photographics]. Participants of the 'Documentation Workshop' then went on to document the community participation in the celebrations for the opening of the new Mackay Regional Botanic Gardens from multiple perspectives.

(c) 2003 Ann Fitzgerald - Vizions Photo Club Inc

(c) 2003 Sandy Mure - Mackay Camera Group Inc

(c) 2003 Ann Fitzgerald - Vizions Photo Club Inc

(c) 2003 Ann Fitzgerald - Vizions Photo Club Inc

(c) 2003 Madonna Snodgrass - Vizions Photo Club Inc

This exhibition was made possible by ARTSPACE MACKAY project.


Website maintained by Ann Fitzgerald
Auz Vizions Photographics
(c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 - Reproduction in any form is prohibited!
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