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Jenny De Thomasis

RAW07 Belonging - Jenny De Thomasis


Jenny De Thomasis

Belonging -Textile 2007

My sense of belonging is derived from living in this coastal, subtropical Central Queensland region of Mackay – my home and my environment.

I am surrounded by sugarcane fields and bushland as I was as a child. I feel a connectedness with this environment which was part of my childhood. I would often wander away from home and fall asleep in the cane fields. I am a 1st generation Australian of Maltese Italian descent. My parents were part of the influx of European migrants who came to this region for a ‘better life’. They played a large role in helping to establish the sugar cane industry.

Sourcing natural materials from my immediate surroundings and then weaving and shaping them into organic forms helps me feel a part of that past and a real sense of connecting and belonging to this wonderful environment.

I am inspired by nature and the environment. Organic forms are a constant feature in my primarily intuitive work. Wherever possible I use either recycled or natural materials, or found objects. I am currently interested in working with natural fibres and materials. In this instance – a local bush vine.

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