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Juanita Connolly

RAW07 Belonging - Juanita Connolly


Juanita Connolly

Snapshot # 1 2007

What does it mean to belong?
Do we need to live somewhere for an eternity to belong?
I don't think so.

I believe that if you have an emotional tie to a place or person, then that is belonging.
It isn't geographical
It isn't about history

It's a sense of being.
You can live somewhere all of your life and still not feel as though you belong.

As I look out towards the islands, off the mainland where I live, I have a sense that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be at this particular time in my life.

I've never felt so at peace as I do at this point in time.
It may be my age or it may be my contentment but I know without a doubt....................

I belong.

My watercolour study's are snapshots of my life today.

I live in paradise and feel as though my life is like living in a postcard!
Hence the window like images I've created.

I know without a doubt that I belong!!

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