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Lily Halton

RAW07 Belonging – Lily Haton


Lily Halton

Lost in Thought 2007

When my husband and I planned to move to Mackay, we were moving for work purposes and to escape our fast paced city lives. We moved into a house at Blacks Beach which had the most spectacular views, of the mountains, the distant islands, cane fields and the coastline.

Being a city slicker, I loved the new experience of living close to nature and having wildlife literally on our door step. It was very exciting and entertaining for us to watch wallabies graze on our lawn, and see them hop down the street.

Each night we were visited by a possum which would sit on our veranda very content just to take in the view, our cat didn’t seem to mind the possum and the possum wasn’t one bit worried about the cat. They just sat there side by side looking into the night.

I was scared to death when a green tree snake decided to sun it self on our clothes line but it was extremely beautiful and it did make me aware that we shared the same backyard.

One day as I was walking down the street a couple of bush turkeys crossed the road towards me, not being sure if they were dangerous or not I crossed over to the other side just in case they attacked me, I know that it’s sounds funny but before I moved to Mackay I didn’t even know what a bush turkey was.

Each morning we walked along the beach, the locals all waved and said hello, we were so astounded how friendly people were and how relaxed we felt living in paradise.

I was very fortunate to be able to study Art at the local TAFE, I knew little about Art but I was passionate to change my career. The students/teachers who are now my “Arty Friends” were unbelievably giving; they encouraged me, supported me and unconditionally shared their knowledge with me. During our studies we laughed and cried together, and even though I no longer live in Mackay they still love and support me as I do them.

You know Mackay really is a spiritual place with special people, and it’s a place where I felt that I “Belonged”.

The meaning of the word “Belonging” fascinates me, as it has personal meaning depending on ones life experiences. The experience of “belonging” can provide happy and loving feelings/thoughts or the experience of yearning which can cause sadness, anxiety, alienation and displacement.

The aim of my artwork is to present a visual interpretation of the word “Belonging”. My ideas and inspirations come from the common connection I have with others and their experiences of belonging. As a result my artwork is filled with countless memories and varied emotions.

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