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AOL Chat log Right after the 911 Bombing 9.11.01T21.19.01.log


This is a AOL chat log after the 911 bombing. I already had a conspiracy about the bombing on a webpage up by that evening. BackBombing

OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TJones4875: what
TJones4875: i see that you have normal font today
TIMOTHEAN13: thanks
TJones4875: Did the scripture help you any?
TIMOTHEAN13: what scriture?
TJones4875: scriptures i sent to you
TJones4875: on healing
TIMOTHEAN13: i read them before
OnlineHost: RPaul121 has entered the room.
TJones4875: What is your reaction the tragedy?
RPaul121: hi
TJones4875: to the *
RPaul121: It's a disgrace to humanity and the decent people who live in this
TJones4875: yes it is RP
TJones4875: Tim .. how about you??
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
RPaul121: So who saw Jesus
OnlineHost: ChristianWriter has entered the room.
OnlineHost: ChristianWriter has left the room.
RPaul121: I thought he was dead
TJones4875: Tim
TIMOTHEAN13: cannot kill God
TIMOTHEAN13: Tj, read the webpage
RPaul121: he was the son of god and died cos of all our sin
TJones4875: looking
TIMOTHEAN13: RP, that was satans lie
OnlineHost: SoFRESHsoSTINK has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
OnlineHost: RuGAMEeNuFF4mE has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
RPaul121: where did you read that tim
RuGAMEeNuFF4mE: hi
SoFRESHsoSTINK: whats going on?
RuGAMEeNuFF4mE: so where is the man that saw jesus?
TIMOTHEAN13: not much
RPaul121: I've seen the Devil...
SoFRESHsoSTINK: where's the man?
RPaul121: no lie
RuGAMEeNuFF4mE: the devil's in this room
RuGAMEeNuFF4mE: repent
RPaul121: Not me
SoFRESHsoSTINK: right...well if your afghanistan than thats evil enough
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
RuGAMEeNuFF4mE: repent sinners!
RPaul121: I'm british
SoFRESHsoSTINK: ok kew
SoFRESHsoSTINK: a brit
RuGAMEeNuFF4mE: AFGHANISTANS are EVIL...they must be destroyed!
TJones4875: Glad to see that you were also against this tragedy Tim
RPaul121: I saw the devil in 2001 ....He scared the shit out of me it was so
RPaul121: I swear I was hallucinating some next bullshit
TIMOTHEAN13: Tj, it was my Idea to put cameras on all Airplanes
RPaul121: tim
RuGAMEeNuFF4mE: 3rd world countries are corrupting the rest of is
RuGAMEeNuFF4mE: us
TIMOTHEAN13: to prevent this tragity
TJones4875: very good idea
OnlineHost: SoFRESHsoSTINK has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Bush says mens lives anre not worth the price of cameras
OnlineHost: RuGAMEeNuFF4mE has left the room.
OnlineHost: TeeCie2u has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: RP, me too ata doctors office
TIMOTHEAN13: Satans Face was in the grain of wood on the door
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
RPaul121: I was in hospital it was his face coming out the floor
TeeCie2u: hello all
RPaul121: Serious
TIMOTHEAN13: they are real
RPaul121: I had a breakdown
TJones4875: Tim ... to even get to our house we have to stop and have our
van searched
TIMOTHEAN13: hope u r better now
TIMOTHEAN13: TJ, where are u?
TJones4875: on an Air Force Base
TIMOTHEAN13: well what do u expect
TJones4875: kids have police riding their buses
TJones4875: was just telling you
RPaul121: Yeah I am..but no doubt as the bible has said the devil has been
released into this world.
RPaul121: It's his world at the moment
TIMOTHEAN13: the Devil knows its the last days
TIMOTHEAN13: and he will have a end
TJones4875: he will be cast into the lake of fire
TeeCie2u: Do you really believe that?
RPaul121: I'm a hindu aswell..not christian
TeeCie2u: I think we use Satan as an excuse
TIMOTHEAN13: Lord Krishna is Jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: just another of his names
RPaul121: Thank you tim
OnlineHost: FreFIy has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: many names
FreFIy: hiya
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
OnlineHost: TeeCie2u has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 3. Timothean Religion
OnlineHost: FreFIy has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 9.11.0121.34
RPaul121: Or is Jesus Lord Krishna...Same morals....It makes no difference
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click the red heart and come back.
RPaul121: Your view on the Islamic fundamentalists
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
TIMOTHEAN13: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN13: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.

TIMOTHEAN13: I am here to teach the Truth
TIMOTHEAN13: What is Truth?
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Kills
RPaul121: I smoke
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
OnlineHost: Columbiahome has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
RPaul121: I'm ab addict though
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
TIMOTHEAN13: Many more truths can be found in my book,
Columbiahome: Truth= I AM INSANE
OnlineHost: Columbiahome has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
TIMOTHEAN13: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
RPaul121: I believe you
TIMOTHEAN13: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
TIMOTHEAN13: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN13: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
OnlineHost: TlMOTHEAN13 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN13: of warning people that tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN13: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN13: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
TIMOTHEAN13: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN13: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN13: And he will save hundreds.
TIMOTHEAN13: God works in Mysterious ways.
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TlMOTHEAN13: amen
TIMOTHEAN13: So I did.
TlMOTHEAN13: me too
TIMOTHEAN13: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TlMOTHEAN13: and me
TIMOTHEAN13: He brought it on himself.
RPaul121: but you are a fanatic....Have you been inside a mental home
TlMOTHEAN13: he brought it on him
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
TIMOTHEAN13: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TlMOTHEAN13: I am not michael
TIMOTHEAN13: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TlMOTHEAN13: or hairy
RPaul121: No offense just a question
TIMOTHEAN13: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
OnlineHost: Frosti Aurora has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: after his accident then he will help me.
TlMOTHEAN13: I have been inside of many things
TIMOTHEAN13: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
TlMOTHEAN13: one of which was a fine institution
TIMOTHEAN13: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TlMOTHEAN13: yup
TIMOTHEAN13: Its God's will.
RPaul121: Who are you
TlMOTHEAN13: I am me
TIMOTHEAN13: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TlMOTHEAN13: He is not me
TIMOTHEAN13: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN13: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
TIMOTHEAN13: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TlMOTHEAN13: broke broke broke
TIMOTHEAN13: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN13: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN13: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN13: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
TlMOTHEAN13: me neither
TIMOTHEAN13: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
TIMOTHEAN13: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
TIMOTHEAN13: before the tree snapped.
TlMOTHEAN13: then what?
TIMOTHEAN13: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
TIMOTHEAN13: Lord hear my Prayer,
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
TIMOTHEAN13: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TlMOTHEAN13: Help me change my underwear
TIMOTHEAN13: a sign to believe that I saw God.
RPaul121: Your an ex alcoholic
TIMOTHEAN13: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
TlMOTHEAN13: no, I'm drunk
TIMOTHEAN13: For Moses said "for they will say,
TIMOTHEAN13: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN13: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN13: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
TIMOTHEAN13: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
TIMOTHEAN13: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN13: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
TlMOTHEAN13: gggggoyfujk46uuigwyeu
TIMOTHEAN13: All will know God.
OnlineHost: Frosti Aurora has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: And his Judgements.
RPaul121: There 2 tims in here I'm confused
TlMOTHEAN13: heyyyy
TIMOTHEAN13: Who was Caiaphas?
TIMOTHEAN13: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
TlMOTHEAN13: my high priest
TIMOTHEAN13: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does God look like?
TlMOTHEAN13: big nose, brown hair
TIMOTHEAN13: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
TIMOTHEAN13: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
OnlineHost: TlMOTHEAN13 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
TIMOTHEAN13: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN13: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
TIMOTHEAN13: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
TIMOTHEAN13: "Happy Satan's Day"
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
TIMOTHEAN13: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
RPaul121: What happened when you saw the devil
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
TIMOTHEAN13: my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
RPaul121: What sort of a life did you lead before you saw GOD
TIMOTHEAN13: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
OnlineHost: CRiTiCaLrEaLiSt has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You are not God, Jesus is.
CRiTiCaLrEaLiSt: hey fuck you
TIMOTHEAN13: God created man in His image.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
CRiTiCaLrEaLiSt: asshole
TIMOTHEAN13: God is more real than His creation.
CRiTiCaLrEaLiSt: you have no god
TIMOTHEAN13: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: The true God Has power to become visible.
CRiTiCaLrEaLiSt: but your imagination
RPaul121: He's crazy
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
CRiTiCaLrEaLiSt: your both probably nuts
TIMOTHEAN13: Email me to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
CRiTiCaLrEaLiSt: hey maybe theyll severe your other nerve net
OnlineHost: Tin Man 81455 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
TIMOTHEAN13: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
CRiTiCaLrEaLiSt: get you nuts all the way
TIMOTHEAN13: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me or forget it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Goodbye.
Tin Man 81455: u lie tim
OnlineHost: CRiTiCaLrEaLiSt has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 9. The True Religion.
RPaul121: I'm gone your preaching bullshit tim get ur facts right
TIMOTHEAN13: 9.11.0121.51
OnlineHost: RPaul121 has left the room.
Tin Man 81455: why the lies?
TIMOTHEAN13: This is a proggie, stay and listen in.
TIMOTHEAN13: Email me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you, join.
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
OnlineHost: Jaggedsoul840 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Tin Man 81455 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: This computer program last about 40 minuets.
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion will teach you what you want to hear for 10% of your
Jaggedsoul840: hello
TIMOTHEAN13: The truth is free but no one will listen.
Jaggedsoul840: your a god lover i bet
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to make money, start a Church and teach what the
people want to hear.
TIMOTHEAN13: "Jesus loves you, forgives you and your going to heaven,
TIMOTHEAN13: now put your money in the basket."
TIMOTHEAN13: I will teach you the truth for free, but you will not like it
nor put in
Jaggedsoul840: your on drugs arent ya
TIMOTHEAN13: If you teach the truth you will be teaching an empty room.
TIMOTHEAN13: All the world would rather pay someone to lie to them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Just create a Chat room called "Jesus loves you, now Give me
your money."
Jaggedsoul840: tell me the truth
TIMOTHEAN13: You will be like other religions.
Jaggedsoul840: i can handle it
TIMOTHEAN13: I Saw God, you can too. Seek & Find, Ask to see.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to know how, read my book or stay and listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: OK, hear my story.
Jaggedsoul840: you know i ask for god so many times and he never came to me
TIMOTHEAN13: I was at a Hotel in California.
Jaggedsoul840: yeah
TIMOTHEAN13: I was standing on the Balcony with a neighbor friend.
TIMOTHEAN13: There were 5 of us there.
TIMOTHEAN13: My friend recognized Him first.
TIMOTHEAN13: My neighbor said, "Look!
TIMOTHEAN13: that man looks like God."
TIMOTHEAN13: I said "no, those are just Jesus freaks,
TIMOTHEAN13: people trying to look like Jesus."
TIMOTHEAN13: God was in the parking lot.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I saw his face I recognized him.
TIMOTHEAN13: I said, "That's him. Go down to see Him."
TIMOTHEAN13: My neighbor said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "I am going to get my Dad" and ran into His room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God was talking to these three girls.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw His face appear in the back of His Head.
TIMOTHEAN13: He read my thought and I could read his.
TIMOTHEAN13: We spoke with our minds.
TIMOTHEAN13: He told me of earthquakes, tornadoes
TIMOTHEAN13: and the space shuttle blowing up in 86.
TIMOTHEAN13: God said there will be a Nuclear War.
TIMOTHEAN13: That's pretty much it. I only saw Him for a few minutes.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I feel He wanted me to write this book
TIMOTHEAN13: and I wrote it. It's at my web site.
TJones4875: Hi Jagged
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Jaggedsoul840: hay
TIMOTHEAN13: When is the War? I don't know.
Jaggedsoul840: ok
TJones4875: How are you?
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God's Face on my Dresser when I was younger,
Jaggedsoul840: was it scarey
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew He existed and I searched until I saw His Face again.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now Satan's Church is desperately trying to get me to tell them
TIMOTHEAN13: God looks like so they can correct their painting, but I will
not tell.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God only to be killed by the Church or medical
OnlineHost: SWEEEEETY99 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan is a slanderer.
TJones4875: Hi Sweee
Jaggedsoul840: was it scarey
TIMOTHEAN13: Slanderer = one who makes up lies about someone.
OnlineHost: DethCumsNocking has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: They label people who have seen God as insane so no one will
listen to them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Or, they get people from religious cults to drive them mad.
DethCumsNocking: NUKE EM
TJones4875: Hi Deth
SWEEEEETY99: timothe do you worship satan
TIMOTHEAN13: Most religions call it Blasphemy to Claim to have seen God.
Jaggedsoul840: tim
TIMOTHEAN13: They kill those who claim to have seen God
TIMOTHEAN13: because the religions are false, in Satan's power.
Jaggedsoul840: was it scarey to see god
OnlineHost: Quester98 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not answer questions for those who have no interest in
Joining my religion.
SWEEEEETY99: the bible says no one can see the face of God
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions, use the form on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Jaggedsoul840: you cant answer a qusetion cause i dont have you religion
SWEEEEETY99: tim do you read the bible
SWEEEEETY99: do you want to go to hell for etternity
TIMOTHEAN13: 1. Timothean Religion
Jaggedsoul840: if you saw god you would be nice and not mean
TIMOTHEAN13: Time 10.02 pm Date 9.11.01
DethCumsNocking: TIMOTHEAN?
OnlineHost: Ubbugnbarrett has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BabyGirI0543 has entered the room.
DethCumsNocking: KINDA AN EGO TRIP AY?
BabyGirI0543: hi all
OnlineHost: Quester98 has left the room.
Jaggedsoul840: tim your a trip
OnlineHost: Honeyof2k has entered the room.
TJones4875: Hi Baby
BabyGirI0543: jag, ya think?
BabyGirI0543: hi
Jaggedsoul840: yeah
Jaggedsoul840: i know
SWEEEEETY99: honey this man thinks he saw God
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
Jaggedsoul840: because of i am not of his religion he is not talking to me
BabyGirI0543: so uh, 7 months, when do i receive child support?
TIMOTHEAN13: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
SWEEEEETY99: no man can see the face of God
DethCumsNocking: OH WAIT ''GOD''
TIMOTHEAN13: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
OnlineHost: UFGATORS29 has entered the room.
Honeyof2k: hello room.
BabyGirI0543: sandwhich?
OnlineHost: UFGATORS29 has left the room.
Jaggedsoul840: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
BabyGirI0543: oook...well if gotimothy aint talkin im out
TIMOTHEAN13: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
BabyGirI0543: buh bye, see ya @ 10
TIMOTHEAN13: God never went to School.
OnlineHost: BabyGirI0543 has left the room.
Jaggedsoul840: so what i pick that apple it looked good
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN13: provides.
Jaggedsoul840: i was hunger
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN13: injured.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN13: knowledge.
SWEEEEETY99: rev 9:20 yes those who dont accept Jesus as savior are
destroyed in hell
TIMOTHEAN13: All die in the hands of Doctors.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
DethCumsNocking: NO
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
Jaggedsoul840: i guess i am going to hell
DethCumsNocking: YOU WILL KILL YOU
TIMOTHEAN13: My story at
DethCumsNocking: AND WEAR NIKES
Jaggedsoul840: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
DethCumsNocking: WITH KOOLAID
TIMOTHEAN13: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a learning disability.
Honeyof2k: Sweeeeety99, these people are crazy.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a mental illness.
DethCumsNocking: TIM....KILL YOURSELF
Jaggedsoul840: man you need to go to hell god sed there is only one religion
and that was to believe in him
TJones4875: Just TIMOTHEAN13
DethCumsNocking: OR SEEK HELP
TIMOTHEAN13: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN13: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN13: illness.
SWEEEEETY99: yes they are crazy
TIMOTHEAN13: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
OnlineHost: DarthNader69 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: VaMPYRe DRaGoN has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
DethCumsNocking: HEY TIM
TIMOTHEAN13: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
OnlineHost: SWEEEEETY99 has left the room.
DethCumsNocking: GOD*
Jaggedsoul840: you have to work to provide for you family dumb ass
TIMOTHEAN13: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
OnlineHost: VaMPYRe DRaGoN has left the room.
OnlineHost: DarthNader69 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
OnlineHost: PERKY 26 has entered the room.
DethCumsNocking: HEY TIM
TIMOTHEAN13: go to the web page for more information.
OnlineHost: RattusBritanicus has entered the room.
TJones4875: ((((((((((Perky)))))))))
DethCumsNocking: WHOO HOOO
OnlineHost: moonstar1011 has entered the room.
TJones4875: Watch Deth ... he's funny
Jaggedsoul840: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
PERKY 26: (((((((((((TJ)))))))))))
OnlineHost: moonstar1011 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
OnlineHost: Ubbugnbarrett has left the room.
Jaggedsoul840: now your a god freak
DethCumsNocking: DRAINO?
OnlineHost: Honeyof2k has left the room.
Jaggedsoul840: lol
RattusBritanicus: anit-freeze I think Deth
DethCumsNocking: I SEE GOD!!! AND HE BUUUUUUUURNS!!!!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
PERKY 26: (don't drink the Kool-Aid in here)
OnlineHost: RattusBritanicus has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN13: live.
TJones4875: Perky ... i'll be back
TIMOTHEAN13: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
PERKY 26: k
TIMOTHEAN13: he can not understand how His patents feel.
OnlineHost: Tep1977 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: i need a different color
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
PERKY 26: oh my
TIMOTHEAN13: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
Tep1977: hello room
TIMOTHEAN13: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
PERKY 26: hiya Tep
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
Jaggedsoul840: godamm you have problems boy
Jaggedsoul840: you are ill
TIMOTHEAN13: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
OnlineHost: ChristianWriter has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
PERKY 26: Timmy's got *issues*
OnlineHost: Tin Man 81455 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN13: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
DethCumsNocking: UM
TIMOTHEAN13: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
DethCumsNocking: I LOVE MY PARENTS
TIMOTHEAN13: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
OnlineHost: DWA8814 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: ChristianWriter has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
DethCumsNocking: YOUR JUST CRAZY
PERKY 26: what Tim said
OnlineHost: DWA8814 has left the room.
DethCumsNocking: CRAZY BASTARD
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
PERKY 26: omggggg
PERKY 26: Tin Man????????
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN13: Asked Questions
PERKY 26: i know that laugh from somewhere lol
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
OnlineHost: DWA8814 has entered the room.
Jaggedsoul840: what a fag i cant stand no more of these god bull shit peace
PERKY 26: hiya DWA
TIMOTHEAN13: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
Tin Man 81455: hmmmmmmm in your dream..........
DWA8814: hi
DWA8814: 88
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN13: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
DWA8814: fuck jewsus
DethCumsNocking: JEBUS
TIMOTHEAN13: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
OnlineHost: BlondLiLwtch has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
DWA8814: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
BlondLiLwtch: this guy is still here/
OnlineHost: XxNooKieBabYxX has entered the room.
BlondLiLwtch: or Lord
DWA8814: what the fuck was her smokin
OnlineHost: Tep1977 has left the room.
DWA8814: he *
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
DethCumsNocking: DRAINO DUDE
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
DWA8814: lol
TJones4875: TY
OnlineHost: GMPoseidon has entered the room.
DethCumsNocking: HEY I HAVE A ? TIM
XxNooKieBabYxX: what kind of room is this! u freaks
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
PERKY 26: Who are all these people?
OnlineHost: XxNooKieBabYxX has left the room.
TJones4875: new ones
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
Jaggedsoul840: shoting to much backeing soda up hid nose
GMPoseidon: you SAW JESUS?
TJones4875: funny isnt it
Tin Man 81455: in heaven there is no beer and thats why we drink it here
.....go tell GOD that tim
GMPoseidon: WHO DID?
PERKY 26: yeah lo
TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go. Goodbye
PERKY 26: NObody saw him
TIMOTHEAN13: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
PERKY 26: where is Anti tonight?
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TJones4875: Havent seen her yet
TIMOTHEAN13: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN13: and you will not have to remember the address.
OnlineHost: DWA8814 has left the room.
BlondLiLwtch: deth> lol
TIMOTHEAN13: Pain drives us towards immortality.
OnlineHost: GMPoseidon has left the room.
OnlineHost: Tin Man 81455 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
BlondLiLwtch: and your belief drives us to insanity
Jaggedsoul840: fucking crazy crack head
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.

OnlineHost: SwEeTpEa8601 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: Where is Go tonight?
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SwEeTpEa8601 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Alexof95 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TJones4875: not on that i've seen
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
PERKY 26: ( fell out)
BlondLiLwtch: Is this guy for real
TJones4875: Tim was talking earlier
DethCumsNocking: I HAVE 66 TATTED ON MY BUTT
TIMOTHEAN13: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
PERKY 26: oh no
DethCumsNocking: *MOONS TIM*
Jaggedsoul840: i was born with 666 on my forehead
TJones4875: lol
OnlineHost: BwildHD2001 has entered the room.
DethCumsNocking: 666*
TIMOTHEAN13: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN13: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN13: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
BlondLiLwtch: timothy> they have medications for this, ya know
Alexof95: that is because you are insane
DethCumsNocking: HEY TIM
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
PERKY 26: i heard Go got suspended for a while
TIMOTHEAN13: What does a cop wear on His hat?
Jaggedsoul840: god says stop being stuck up his ass and give him room to
TJones4875: really??
PERKY 26: wear = ware
TIMOTHEAN13: A badge that he took a vow to.
DethCumsNocking: FOOD IS GOOD...LUNCHTIME 12:00
DethCumsNocking: LOL
TIMOTHEAN13: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
OnlineHost: TerbearTam has entered the room.
PERKY 26: i hear
TJones4875: That's something
BlondLiLwtch: OMG!!!
BlondLiLwtch: what a nutball
TIMOTHEAN13: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN13: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
DethCumsNocking: O....K.....
TIMOTHEAN13: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
BlondLiLwtch: true, like you can drink but cant sue
TIMOTHEAN13: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TJones4875: Perky ... have you seen Tim's new page?
Jaggedsoul840: tim i am gonna roll you up and somke your god loving ass
PERKY 26: nooooooooooooooooooo
TIMOTHEAN13: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
BlondLiLwtch: it was their choice to smoke
PERKY 26: how do i get there?
TIMOTHEAN13: Keep all your receipts.
BlondLiLwtch: have you forgotten about choice
TJones4875: World Wide Web (Keyword to:
TIMOTHEAN13: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
BlondLiLwtch: I stopped
TIMOTHEAN13: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
BlondLiLwtch: now what
TIMOTHEAN13: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
Alexof95: tearbear this man is crazy he thinks we need to see God
TIMOTHEAN13: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN13: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
Jaggedsoul840: peace out guys this guy is a true fucking god loven freak
that need to go to hell
TIMOTHEAN13: that makes people starve, not God.
DethCumsNocking: *HIGH FIVE JAGGED*
BlondLiLwtch: timothean> were you an abused child
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
Jaggedsoul840: shut up bitch
Jaggedsoul840: jus sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TJones4875: Jagged .. he just just confused
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God is worth a million words.
BlondLiLwtch: who?
BlondLiLwtch: whos the bitch
Jaggedsoul840: put a sock or a cock in your mouth
TIMOTHEAN13: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
Alexof95: what did he say tim
DethCumsNocking: LOL
TIMOTHEAN13: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
BlondLiLwtch: jagg> I said whos the bitch
TIMOTHEAN13: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
Alexof95: what did he look like
TIMOTHEAN13: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
OnlineHost: Jaggedsoul840 has left the room.
DethCumsNocking: ALEX...A SAMMICH
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: 11. 9.11.01 22.19
OnlineHost: Yju585 has entered the room.
DethCumsNocking: LOL
OnlineHost: ConnerOdel has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Yju585 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TJones4875: spaghette deth
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a right to my opinion.
DethCumsNocking: OH SORRY
TJones4875: oops ... spaghetti
DethCumsNocking: A NOODLE
TIMOTHEAN13: I had a mail order ministry and
OnlineHost: ConnerOdel has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: people saw God after I prepared them.
Alexof95: how do you know that it wasnt satan you saw
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
DethCumsNocking: OH GOOD POINT
OnlineHost: ZombieRunner has entered the room.
BlondLiLwtch: they cant
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
BlondLiLwtch: they cant
TIMOTHEAN13: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
ZombieRunner: wheres the robots?
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God.
DethCumsNocking: PEOPLE*
TIMOTHEAN13: They do not tell you because of persecution,
BlondLiLwtch: deth> roflmao
ZombieRunner: heh, crazy robots! you gotta love em!
TIMOTHEAN13: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
Alexof95: no man shall see the face of God
TJones4875: Perky .. Whats up tonight??
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TJones4875: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
OnlineHost: JimmyMCC2 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 people its a hallucination,
BlondLiLwtch: they just said on the news they found bombs in the empire
state building
TJones4875: Anti would have a good time tongiht
TIMOTHEAN13: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
ZombieRunner: i just wanna tell you tim, bibleman doesnt approve, but he
doesnt hate robots either
TIMOTHEAN13: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
DethCumsNocking: SEE HIM!!!????!!!
ZombieRunner: for you see, robots can be used for good too!
DethCumsNocking: HES THERE!!!
DethCumsNocking: LOL
TIMOTHEAN13: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
OnlineHost: CMISTERCEE has entered the room.
JimmyMCC2: whose the man that saw jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not argue.
ZombieRunner: yes, i have seen good robots! they do exist!
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
ZombieRunner: you dont have to use youre robotitude for evil occults tim!
BlondLiLwtch: tim> what made you start this
TIMOTHEAN13: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
Alexof95: tims see satan
TIMOTHEAN13: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
DethCumsNocking: SO WHAT CAN WE DO....
DethCumsNocking: OH
DethCumsNocking: YEAH
TIMOTHEAN13: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
DethCumsNocking: KILL YOURSELF
OnlineHost: CMISTERCEE has left the room.
ZombieRunner: heh, does no good to talk to Timothean, its a chat bot
TIMOTHEAN13: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.

ZombieRunner: im tellin ya
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN13: Information is on my web page.
OnlineHost: BlondLiLwtch has left the room.
OnlineHost: Hairdew68 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean = He who honors God.
ZombieRunner: its just a program to run the same occult swill over and over
TIMOTHEAN13: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
Alexof95: this man is nuts dont you think
TIMOTHEAN13: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
DethCumsNocking: *TWEAK TWEAK*
TIMOTHEAN13: Have you been to my web site?
ZombieRunner: its not a man, its a program running
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
ZombieRunner: im tellin ya, robots exist!
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
ZombieRunner: watch, ill prove it!
OnlineHost: TerbearTam has left the room.
OnlineHost: JimmyMCC2 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: That statement makes me King Messiah,
Hairdew68: WHO SAW JESUS ?
TIMOTHEAN13: and my words will not change forever.
DethCumsNocking: KING MESSIAH?
DethCumsNocking: WOW DUDE
TIMOTHEAN13: Words are immortal.
DethCumsNocking: STEP OFF
ZombieRunner: hey timothean, i have an important question about your
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
ZombieRunner: if you dont answer, ill go to hell!
TIMOTHEAN13: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
ZombieRunner: please help me timothean!
TIMOTHEAN13: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN13: the other is resurrected in a body.
ZombieRunner: see, no response
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
DethCumsNocking: HMMMM?
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
Hairdew68: WHO SAW JESUS?
ZombieRunner: just keeps pratlein on in its own world!
OnlineHost: SmithLynn79 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SmithLynn79 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
ZombieRunner: its a robot i tells ya, an occult robot!
TIMOTHEAN13: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN13: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TJones4875: The Gospel of Timothy, I Saw God and He Had Flesh (Keyword to:
OnlineHost: Hairdew68 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TJones4875: another one of his pages
TIMOTHEAN13: That is from the Book of Mormon.
PERKY 26: backkkkkkk
ZombieRunner: deth, im tellin ya
TIMOTHEAN13: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,

ZombieRunner: its a robot!
PERKY 26: alot to read there
TIMOTHEAN13: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TJones4875: he is something
OnlineHost: Alexof95 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
ZombieRunner: it cant answer, not even impotrtant question
ZombieRunner: its just a program running
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
ZombieRunner: and what is the deal with hot dogs and hot dog buns?
TJones4875: he sits there and watches it tho
TIMOTHEAN13: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
PERKY 26: he's like the song that never ends
TIMOTHEAN13: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
PERKY 26: Bye Deth
TIMOTHEAN13: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
DethCumsNocking: HAVE A NICE DAY
TJones4875: lol
DethCumsNocking: (O:
TJones4875: take care drth
TJones4875: deth
TIMOTHEAN13: Was Mary a virgin or not?
PERKY 26: (before you multiply)
OnlineHost: ZombieRunner has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
DethCumsNocking: LATER
OnlineHost: DethCumsNocking has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
OnlineHost: Htllmm4420 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: you belong to Tim's religion?
TJones4875: looks like this is some of the new stuff
TIMOTHEAN13: This means she will have many Children.
PERKY 26: hiya Htl
TIMOTHEAN13: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
PERKY 26: yeah i think so too
OnlineHost: Htllmm4420 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
OnlineHost: BwildHD2001 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN13: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
TJones4875: brb perky
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
PERKY 26: k
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN13: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN13: God can do whatever He desires.
TIMOTHEAN13: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN13: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: No visible God, then no God at all.
TIMOTHEAN13: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
TJones4875: back
TIMOTHEAN13: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
OnlineHost: LiLbXaNgEl329 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: wb
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is God made visible.
PERKY 26: hiya Lil
OnlineHost: LiLbXaNgEl329 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TJones4875: my 7yr old son just said that tim must be an alien
PERKY 26: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
PERKY 26: thats putting it mildly
TIMOTHEAN13: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
TIMOTHEAN13: You must be born again.
TJones4875: i really think that he should talk to people ... the problem
here is that he will not
TJones4875: explain things
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no name.
PERKY 26: youre right
TJones4875: and cannot support his belief
TIMOTHEAN13: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Men Give God His Names.
TIMOTHEAN13: The one God has many names.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN13: Atlas holds up the universe.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.

OnlineHost: Jazie850 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: hiya Jazie
TJones4875: now that's some far out stuff
TIMOTHEAN13: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TJones4875: hi jaz
TIMOTHEAN13: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
Jazie850: Hello Perky and Jones
TIMOTHEAN13: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN13: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
TIMOTHEAN13: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
TJones4875: lol
PERKY 26: who?
TIMOTHEAN13: If your into Science,
TJones4875: he's talking to himself again
OnlineHost: Jazie850 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: What is matter?
TIMOTHEAN13: Define Matter.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Energy.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Waves.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
OnlineHost: sam75216 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Take some Physics classes.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
OnlineHost: MtzCairoFam has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
OnlineHost: sam75216 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
TJones4875: hi Mtz
TIMOTHEAN13: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
MtzCairoFam: hi jones
TIMOTHEAN13: GoTimothy is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
PERKY 26: almost finished here with ims
TJones4875: How are you
TJones4875: ok perky
TIMOTHEAN13: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
TIMOTHEAN13: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
MtzCairoFam: im fine u
TJones4875: i'm fine
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
MtzCairoFam: where r u
TIMOTHEAN13: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
TJones4875: Alabama .... you??
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
MtzCairoFam: texas
TIMOTHEAN13: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
TJones4875: have you seen Tim's "Speech" before?
MtzCairoFam: tim you are right
TIMOTHEAN13: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
TIMOTHEAN13: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
MtzCairoFam: no never
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is not a spirit.
TJones4875: some stuff he says is correct
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
TJones4875: other things are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there
TIMOTHEAN13: handle me, and see;
MtzCairoFam: why do you say that
TIMOTHEAN13: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
TJones4875: just watch
TJones4875: you'll see
TIMOTHEAN13: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
MtzCairoFam: ok
TIMOTHEAN13: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.

TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go now, bye.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
MtzCairoFam: why
TIMOTHEAN13: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN13: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There will be a nuclear war.
TIMOTHEAN13: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
TIMOTHEAN13: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN13: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
TJones4875: this is his chatbot
TIMOTHEAN13: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
TJones4875: he may or may not be sitting there watching
TIMOTHEAN13: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN13: a-right,
TIMOTHEAN13: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
MtzCairoFam: how ?
PERKY 26: hiya Mtz
TIMOTHEAN13: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN13: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
MtzCairoFam: hey
TIMOTHEAN13: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TIMOTHEAN13: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TJones4875: he was talking earlier this evening
TIMOTHEAN13: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
TJones4875: then turned the program on
PERKY 26: Mtz...first time in the room?
TIMOTHEAN13: He made up the story that He killed God.
MtzCairoFam: yes
TIMOTHEAN13: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
MtzCairoFam: does he actually talk to you
TIMOTHEAN13: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
TIMOTHEAN13: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
PERKY 26: sometimes
TIMOTHEAN13: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
TIMOTHEAN13: He will say, "I never knew you".
MtzCairoFam: where are you
TIMOTHEAN13: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
OnlineHost: MusiqLoveC has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If the preachers have not seen God,
MusiqLoveC: Wassup room
PERKY 26: Va and you?
PERKY 26: hiya Musiq
TIMOTHEAN13: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
MtzCairoFam: texas
TIMOTHEAN13: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TJones4875: Hi Mus
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
MusiqLoveC: Ain tnobody in here Gay is it
TIMOTHEAN13: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TJones4875: nope
MusiqLoveC: Good
TIMOTHEAN13: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
PERKY 26: no, where from Musiq?
TIMOTHEAN13: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
MusiqLoveC: Florida
TIMOTHEAN13: The penalty for this sin is death.
OnlineHost: CreatorSkin14 has entered the room.
MtzCairoFam: tim i saw god too
CreatorSkin14: hahahahahaa
PERKY 26: thought i heard an accent
TIMOTHEAN13: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
TJones4875: hi crea
CreatorSkin14: did he touch your pee pee when you saw him?
TIMOTHEAN13: What makes you think no one can see God?
OnlineHost: GSmith54686 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: hiya Creator
GSmith54686: hello?
TIMOTHEAN13: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
PERKY 26: hiya GS
CreatorSkin14: hahahahaha silly christians
TJones4875: Tim doesnt believe anyone else
GSmith54686: hello?
TIMOTHEAN13: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
TJones4875: Hi GS
CreatorSkin14: Luke 14:26 is all i ahve to say
MusiqLoveC: But God sent his Son in the begginning to pay the price for sina
TIMOTHEAN13: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
CreatorSkin14: have*
GSmith54686: who is the creator of this room
MusiqLoveC: sin and death
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TJones4875: TIMOTHEAN13
OnlineHost: One Love 23316 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: hiya One
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
CreatorSkin14: timothy is a jew
One Love 23316: hey
GSmith54686: TIM< you have seen Jesus?
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
CreatorSkin14: he ges fucked in the ass
TIMOTHEAN13: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TJones4875: he started his own cult
OnlineHost: MusiqLoveC has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
GSmith54686: TIM?
PERKY 26: Mtz...when did you see God?
GSmith54686: hello?
GSmith54686: answer!
CreatorSkin14: morons
TIMOTHEAN13: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
CreatorSkin14: WHITE POWER!!!!
GSmith54686: Jesus is Jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: that every one who sees the Son."
GSmith54686: GOD is GOD
TIMOTHEAN13: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
OnlineHost: CreatorSkin14 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN13: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
GSmith54686: do you have a boot?
TIMOTHEAN13: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
MtzCairoFam: i saw him 3yrs ago in toronto canada
GSmith54686: boot Creator
TIMOTHEAN13: Did you see Jesus ?
GSmith54686: i have
OnlineHost: CheryLyn23 has entered the room.
CheryLyn23: yall see Jesus?
OnlineHost: One Love 23316 has left the room.
GSmith54686: i have
PERKY 26: to tell us about it?
TIMOTHEAN13: Then you don't know Him.
GSmith54686: i see him
CheryLyn23: for real?
MtzCairoFam: i saw a divine light in an old mans eyes
GSmith54686: and i have heard him
TIMOTHEAN13: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TIMOTHEAN13: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
MtzCairoFam: a light you would never see
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN13: knowing that they do gender strife.
TIMOTHEAN13: I avoid foolish questions.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
TIMOTHEAN13: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
TIMOTHEAN13: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.

TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN13: and you have not known me?
TIMOTHEAN13: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN13: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
TJones4875: If we look up the versers we find out that he has left a lot of
TIMOTHEAN13: "Show us the Father?"
TJones4875: things out
TIMOTHEAN13: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
CheryLyn23: timothean, can you tell the Lord to help me...?
OnlineHost: Mindfield217 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
PERKY 26: hiya Mind
Mindfield217: hola
GSmith54686: t you dont know
TIMOTHEAN13: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TIMOTHEAN13: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TJones4875: i looked up the verses myself
TIMOTHEAN13: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TJones4875: Perky ... tell em
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
TIMOTHEAN13: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
TIMOTHEAN13: but we know that, when he shall appear,
PERKY 26: he gets them all messed up
OnlineHost: Mindfield217 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: we shall be like him;
TIMOTHEAN13: for we shall see him as he is.
PERKY 26: bye everyone
TJones4875: bye perky
TIMOTHEAN13: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
OnlineHost: PERKY 26 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: speaks on this wise,
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN13: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN13: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
OnlineHost: MtzCairoFam has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN13: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN13: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
GSmith54686: where did you see Jesus?
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN13: because he said no man could see God and live.
GSmith54686: whatever
TIMOTHEAN13: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN13: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
TJones4875: He said he saw him in 1985 in Torrance CA
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
GSmith54686: because you are already dead and your life is hiddin within
TIMOTHEAN13: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
TIMOTHEAN13: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
OnlineHost: Brrrakakakakaka has entered the room.
GSmith54686: i have seen Jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
OnlineHost: Hmlb666 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Let me ask a Christian a question.
Brrrakakakakaka: i am jesus
GSmith54686: Jesus is LORD
OnlineHost: SMOKE EATER 215 has entered the room.
GSmith54686: not GOD
OnlineHost: SMOKE EATER 215 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
Brrrakakakakaka: i am lord
GSmith54686: hey
GSmith54686: boot that guy
TJones4875: true GS
TIMOTHEAN13: Are you going to answer or not?
Brrrakakakakaka: what guy?
GSmith54686: I Have truth to speak..
TIMOTHEAN13: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
TJones4875: Go ahead GS
TIMOTHEAN13: Then you are not Saved.
GSmith54686: i am saved
TIMOTHEAN13: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
GSmith54686: i am saved
TIMOTHEAN13: Christianity is a Cult.
GSmith54686: you are decieving yourself
TIMOTHEAN13: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
GSmith54686: how much of what you hold to you think is deciet
Brrrakakakakaka: oh but Timmothean, that's where your wrong, you're gonna
die and see there is NOT a god
TIMOTHEAN13: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
TIMOTHEAN13: if they should be written, even the
Brrrakakakakaka: all religions are cults, with more members
TIMOTHEAN13: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
TIMOTHEAN13: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
GSmith54686: tim
TIMOTHEAN13: if not by their faith then by mine.
GSmith54686: you should really think about that
TIMOTHEAN13: I wrote a song want to hear it?
TJones4875: Brrr ... If you don't believe in God ... you had better be right

TIMOTHEAN13: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
GSmith54686: your wrong
Brrrakakakakaka: So, now that Timmy is on ignore, how is everyone tonight?
GSmith54686: tim
Brrrakakakakaka: Or else what TJ?
TIMOTHEAN13: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
GSmith54686: can you boot people???
TJones4875: Hell is a HOT place
TIMOTHEAN13: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
TIMOTHEAN13: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Let the invisible world become visible."
TIMOTHEAN13: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Let the visible God become invisible."
Brrrakakakakaka: Your point?
TIMOTHEAN13: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN13: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN13: While His children, destroy His house.
GSmith54686: boot brrr
GSmith54686: or im leaving
TIMOTHEAN13: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN13: With his faith sure and strong,
Brrrakakakakaka: why?
TIMOTHEAN13: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN13: Ridding the world of guilt.
GSmith54686: your a fool
Brrrakakakakaka: what did i ever do to you?
TIMOTHEAN13: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN13: Leaving judgment to the one above.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN13: Hearing the words of His voice.
Brrrakakakakaka: judging people is against the ways of the bible
Brrrakakakakaka: tsk tsk
GSmith54686: i have no point to make to you Barr
TIMOTHEAN13: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN13: The wise know what I mean.
TIMOTHEAN13: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN13: They will see God's face.
Brrrakakakakaka: ok
GSmith54686: tim
Brrrakakakakaka: i didn't ask for a point from you
TIMOTHEAN13: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN13: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN13: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN13: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TJones4875: if you believe in the bible .. why dont you believe in God??
TIMOTHEAN13: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN13: God wrote it.
Brrrakakakakaka: when did i say i believed what the bible said?
OnlineHost: GSmith54686 has left the room.
Hmlb666: do u brrr
Brrrakakakakaka: believe the bible?
Brrrakakakakaka: no
Hmlb666: yes
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
Hmlb666: then hwt makes u god
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
Hmlb666: wht
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Brrrakakakakaka: i'm not god
Brrrakakakakaka: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: 1. Timothean Religion
Hmlb666: u said u are jesus and god
TIMOTHEAN13: Time 11.00 pm Date 9.11.01
Brrrakakakakaka: right....i just have one word for that dear...
Brrrakakakakaka: SARCASM
Brrrakakakakaka: it's kind of hard to express online
Hmlb666: well u said tht u are if u scrol up
Hmlb666: so u really dont know who u are period
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN13: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
OnlineHost: ChristianWriter has entered the room.
OnlineHost: ChristianWriter has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
Brrrakakakakaka: once again Hmblb dearie, SARCASM
Hmlb666: u say u the man tht saw jesus,,,explain?????
Brrrakakakakaka: need i say more?
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN13: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
TIMOTHEAN13: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN13: provides.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN13: injured.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN13: knowledge.
OnlineHost: DrSmellbadRX has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: All die in the hands of Doctors.
Hmlb666: u hve no more to say as u contridicted urself
TIMOTHEAN13: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
Brrrakakakakaka: how!?
TIMOTHEAN13: My story at
Hmlb666: wht tim
Brrrakakakakaka: i didn't create this chatroom
Hmlb666: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
Hmlb666: yes u did
OnlineHost: CheryLyn23 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
Hmlb666: u where the only one in here
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
Brrrakakakakaka: Timothean created the chatroom
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a mental illness.
Hmlb666: tim when did u see god
Hmlb666: o, ok
Hmlb666: my bad
TIMOTHEAN13: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN13: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN13: illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN13: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
OnlineHost: FoxyBoxchk has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
OnlineHost: PuringCat has entered the room.
TJones4875: Hi Puring
TIMOTHEAN13: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
OnlineHost: PuringCat has left the room.
OnlineHost: RAZORBLADESMILZ has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN13: go to the web page for more information.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
OnlineHost: FoxyBoxchk has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
OnlineHost: Ann111E has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Lagomorph3000 has entered the room.
Ann111E: hi
Ann111E: who saw Jesus?
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
Lagomorph3000: did you really see jesus? O O
TIMOTHEAN13: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN13: live.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN13: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN13: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
Brrrakakakakaka: hi Razorbladesmilz
Lagomorph3000: ::staring wildly:: Simple question. Did anyone here see Jesus
in the physical realm?
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
Brrrakakakakaka: how are you?
Ann111E: Tim did that happen to you?
TIMOTHEAN13: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
Brrrakakakakaka: ::wildly staring back at Lago:: i don't think so
TIMOTHEAN13: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
Lagomorph3000: O o; I'd like some proof that God still performs miracles
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want your children to kill you,
Ann111E: Tim thats NOT what it means come on now lets not reason scripture
like Hitler did
Ann111E: jeeze
Brrrakakakakaka: ''physical realm'' lol, good phrase
TIMOTHEAN13: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN13: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
Lagomorph3000: crap... so god's still ignoring us and the world's going to
hell in a handbasket
TIMOTHEAN13: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
Brrrakakakakaka: i'm fabulous
TJones4875: Lago ... How about being blind ...and now can see????
Ann111E: god is love hun and the bible is a divine language which you just
applied human reasoning to
Lagomorph3000: nevermind. i'm going back out to blow my head off with a shot
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
OnlineHost: Lagomorph3000 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
Brrrakakakakaka: no Lago
Brrrakakakakaka: don't do that
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN13: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
OnlineHost: Tom4ever182 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
Brrrakakakakaka: lol
Brrrakakakakaka: that really wasn't funny
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
OnlineHost: Tom4ever182 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
OnlineHost: Hmlb666 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN13: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
OnlineHost: RainyDayWoman445 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
OnlineHost: I am chibi goku has entered the room.
Brrrakakakakaka: anyway
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
Brrrakakakakaka: someone say something fabulous!
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
I am chibi goku: :: chibi goku walks in looking at timothean ::
OnlineHost: DrSmellbadRX has left the room.
I am chibi goku: timothean you lied to me
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go. Goodbye
I am chibi goku: my christian saw jesus in an image
OnlineHost: RainyDayWoman445 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
Ann111E: Jesus is not a guy with a white beard and robe thats symbolic
OnlineHost: SMOKE EATER 215 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
OnlineHost: PuringCat has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
OnlineHost: Ann111E has left the room.
I am chibi goku: 666= mark of the beast
TJones4875: wb puring
TIMOTHEAN13: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
OnlineHost: SMOKE EATER 215 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: and you will not have to remember the address.
I am chibi goku: nothing to say
I am chibi goku: timothean you lied to me
TIMOTHEAN13: Pain drives us towards immortality.
I am chibi goku: so goodbye
OnlineHost: I am chibi goku has left the room.
Brrrakakakakaka: buy chibi
Brrrakakakakaka: i'lll miss you
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.

TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
PuringCat: where's the real timmy tonight?
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
OnlineHost: BOJANGLEmon has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TJones4875: < a href= "">Loaded
Methodus 3
TIMOTHEAN13: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
OnlineHost: MROCT27 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
OnlineHost: Brrrakakakakaka has left the room.
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot ON
TJones4875: Type /8ball, [QUESTION]
TIMOTHEAN13: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
OnlineHost: BOJANGLEmon has left the room.
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot Running
OnlineHost: HunyDew515 has entered the room.
TJones4875: Type /8ball, [QUESTION]
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot Running
TJones4875: Type /8ball, [QUESTION]
OnlineHost: HunyDew515 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN13: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot Running
TJones4875: Type /8ball, [QUESTION]
TIMOTHEAN13: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TJones4875: puring ... try the 8 ball .... lol
TIMOTHEAN13: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot Running
TJones4875: Type /8ball, [QUESTION]
TIMOTHEAN13: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN13: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot Running
TJones4875: Type /8ball, [QUESTION]
OnlineHost: DezTurBed6 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Ccrazy76 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN13: Keep all your receipts.
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot Running
TJones4875: Type /8ball, [QUESTION]
OnlineHost: Ccrazy76 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TJones4875: /8 Is Timothean nuts??
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot Running
TIMOTHEAN13: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
DezTurBed6: ohhhhh timmy r u here
TJones4875: Type /8ball, [QUESTION]
TJones4875: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TJones4875: /8ball .. Is Tim nuts?
TJones4875: TJones4875, probably yes
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot Running
TJones4875: Type /8ball, [QUESTION]
TIMOTHEAN13: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
OnlineHost: MROCT27 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN13: that makes people starve, not God.
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot OFF
TJones4875: < a href= "">Methodus
8-Ball Bot Running
TJones4875: Type /8ball, [QUESTION]
OnlineHost: Brrrakakakakaka has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no religion.
OnlineHost: DezTurBed6 has left the room.
Brrrakakakakaka: hello again everybody
TIMOTHEAN13: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
Brrrakakakakaka: did you miss me?
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God is worth a million words.
OnlineHost: DamSkippy2times has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TJones4875: Loaded < a href=
"">Methodus Fighter Bot
TJones4875: Victim: TIMOTHEAN13
TJones4875: Commands: [Punch 'WHAT'][Kick
'WHAT'][Bite][Choke][Ax][Pipe][Shoot][Cut 'WHAT'][ShitOn][SitOn][Rape]
TIMOTHEAN13: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TJones4875: Unloaded < a href=
"">Methodus Fighter Bot
TIMOTHEAN13: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
DamSkippy2times: So what do yuou think now timothy?????
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
Brrrakakakakaka: RAZORBLADESMILZ!!!!!!!
TJones4875: Hi Dam
Brrrakakakakaka: my virgin-fucking-ears!
TIMOTHEAN13: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Brrrakakakakaka: timmy, dear, you bother me
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
DamSkippy2times: But what do you think Timothy????????????????
TIMOTHEAN13: 11. 9.11.01 23.16
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I had a mail order ministry and
Brrrakakakakaka: too late
TIMOTHEAN13: people saw God after I prepared them.
Brrrakakakakaka: the damage has already been done'
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
OnlineHost: DamSkippy2times has left the room.
Brrrakakakakaka: my life will never be the same
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
Brrrakakakakaka: i'm emotionally scarred, forever!
TIMOTHEAN13: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: They do not tell you because of persecution,
Brrrakakakakaka: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
Brrrakakakakaka: i don't believe in god
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN13: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 people its a hallucination,
Brrrakakakakaka: fabulous
TIMOTHEAN13: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
Brrrakakakakaka: how old are you?
TIMOTHEAN13: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN13: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not argue.
Brrrakakakakaka: i bet you did
OnlineHost: Cool k a13 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God after reading my book.
Brrrakakakakaka: how old are you?
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN13: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN13: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN13: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN13: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.

Brrrakakakakaka: come on
Brrrakakakakaka: you know you want to
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN13: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN13: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN13: Have you been to my web site?
Brrrakakakakaka: only if you're the one who kills me hon!
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
Brrrakakakakaka: just kidding
Brrrakakakakaka: i'm not serious
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: That statement makes me King Messiah,
OnlineHost: Glmonis has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: and my words will not change forever.
Brrrakakakakaka: gee thanks
TIMOTHEAN13: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
Glmonis: hey tim...remember me?
TIMOTHEAN13: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN13: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
Brrrakakakakaka: what do you mean?
TIMOTHEAN13: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
Glmonis: you must have unbelievable typing skills
OnlineHost: Verydarkcloud has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN13: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
OnlineHost: Verydarkcloud has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN13: That is from the Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,

Glmonis: not going to join the timotheans....
OnlineHost: TChocolate1981 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: but I have them.
Brrrakakakakaka: i think i should start my own religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TChocolate1981: U SAW JESUS
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
Glmonis: but like i said before...anyone can quote....
Brrrakakakakaka: i should start a cult!
Brrrakakakakaka: that would be fabulous
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
Brrrakakakakaka: does anyone want to join my cult?
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TChocolate1981: WHA DID HE SAY BOUT ME
TIMOTHEAN13: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
Glmonis: timo...the difference?
OnlineHost: Rafka19 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TChocolate1981: WELL I'M MY OWN GOD
TIMOTHEAN13: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
OnlineHost: WaxChrist has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
WaxChrist: is this tim again?
Cool k a13: I'm guessing you're christian?
TIMOTHEAN13: Was Mary a virgin or not?
WaxChrist: tim you are a fucking nut.
OnlineHost: Rafka19 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
Brrrakakakakaka: haha, that would be great
Glmonis: davids son?...joseph?
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
Brrrakakakakaka: i don't think i go w/ brother then, my being female and
Glmonis: you forget about him?
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
OnlineHost: Cool k a13 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
Glmonis: ok...guys in here
TIMOTHEAN13: This means she will have many Children.
Brrrakakakakaka: i forgot about him too Glmonis
Brrrakakakakaka: thanks for reminding me
TIMOTHEAN13: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
OnlineHost: Quiet Revelation has entered the room.
Glmonis: he gets paid just to do this...program
TIMOTHEAN13: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
OnlineHost: Quiet Revelation has left the room.
OnlineHost: WaxChrist has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
Glmonis: and put in what he wants...when necessary
TIMOTHEAN13: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
OnlineHost: TChocolate1981 has left the room.
Brrrakakakakaka: you don't say?
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN13: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
Glmonis: yeah...was here last friday...same thing
TIMOTHEAN13: God can do whatever He desires.
Brrrakakakakaka: yes, indeed
TIMOTHEAN13: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
OnlineHost: ChickenHead01 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
Brrrakakakakaka: that's when the fabulous "ignore" button comes in handy
Brrrakakakakaka: yes you can Razor
TIMOTHEAN13: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
Glmonis: poor guy...doesnt got anything but a program to make money of the
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
Glmonis: yeah but is his interpretation yours?
TIMOTHEAN13: No visible God, then no God at all.
OnlineHost: KDH2KY has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
OnlineHost: KDH2KY has left the room.
ChickenHead01: If you saw God how come u are still here
OnlineHost: Hater1640 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
TIMOTHEAN13: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
ChickenHead01: that not true
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
OnlineHost: IlllIlIlIlIllIII has entered the room.
ChickenHead01: yes he is
OnlineHost: Pac639 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Brrrakakakakaka: ChickenHead!!!
Brrrakakakakaka: what a fabulous sn
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
ChickenHead01: thanks
OnlineHost: IlllIlIlIlIllIII has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You must be born again.
Brrrakakakakaka: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no name.
Brrrakakakakaka: maybe we can tie him to a tree and cover him in strawberry
TIMOTHEAN13: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
Brrrakakakakaka: hmmm, that could be fun
ChickenHead01: ya
TIMOTHEAN13: Men Give God His Names.
OnlineHost: Pac639 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: The one God has many names.
Hater1640: true
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
OnlineHost: StoneCldPhil has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Atlas holds up the universe.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.

OnlineHost: BOJANGLEmon has entered the room.
OnlineHost: WYATT 389 has entered the room.
Brrrakakakakaka: i wouldn't know
OnlineHost: BOJANGLEmon has left the room.
OnlineHost: StoneCldPhil has left the room.
Brrrakakakakaka: i wasn't alive in the 60
TIMOTHEAN13: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
Brrrakakakakaka: 's
TIMOTHEAN13: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
TIMOTHEAN13: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
OnlineHost: ChickenHead01 has left the room.
Brrrakakakakaka: then i guess you'll just have to lick the jam off now won't
TIMOTHEAN13: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
Brrrakakakakaka: ;)
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
TIMOTHEAN13: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
OnlineHost: MoTHmanFate has entered the room.
Hater1640: you are a tweaker,timothean
OnlineHost: MoTHmanFate has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If your into Science,
Brrrakakakakaka: tweaker, lol,
TIMOTHEAN13: What is matter?
Brrrakakakakaka: good word
TIMOTHEAN13: Define Matter.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
Hater1640: tweaker
Hater1640: tweaker
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Energy.
Hater1640: tweaker
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Waves.
OnlineHost: WYATT 389 has left the room.
Brrrakakakakaka: hahahahahah
Brrrakakakakaka: a
Brrrakakakakaka: Hater, you're fabulous
Hater1640: tweaker
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
TIMOTHEAN13: Take some Physics classes.
Brrrakakakakaka: yes indeed
Hater1640: tweaker
Hater1640: tweaker
TIMOTHEAN13: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
Hater1640: tweaker
OnlineHost: JiveMutha has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
Hater1640: loser
Hater1640: loser
TIMOTHEAN13: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
Hater1640: loser
Brrrakakakakaka: ok, now you're getting annoying
Brrrakakakakaka: Razor, you don't say?
TIMOTHEAN13: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
TIMOTHEAN13: GoTimothy is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
Hater1640: i guess
OnlineHost: AliOfOz has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
OnlineHost: MAlchemst7 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
Hater1640: really
Brrrakakakakaka: of course
AliOfOz: the only person EVER to see god?
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
TJones4875: Timmy ... why are you hiding??????????????
Hater1640: tweaker
TIMOTHEAN13: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
Hater1640: tweaker
MAlchemst7: any SDA in here?
Brrrakakakakaka: tweaker
Brrrakakakakaka: lol
Hater1640: tweaker
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
Brrrakakakakaka: how great
AliOfOz: why call names?
TIMOTHEAN13: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
AliOfOz: lol
AliOfOz: do you have nothing better to do than put people down?
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God.
AliOfOz: who cares if you don't agree
AliOfOz: hush
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
Brrrakakakakaka: i don't Ali, i have a pathetic excuse for a life
Hater1640: tweaker
TIMOTHEAN13: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
OnlineHost: GTXWHEMI67 has entered the room.
Hater1640: tweaker
JiveMutha: so TIM??? you saw God and he made you a prophet??
AliOfOz: brr just remember that you said it
Brrrakakakakaka: Razor, you are you burying?
Hater1640: tweaker
TIMOTHEAN13: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
Brrrakakakakaka: i know
AliOfOz: good
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is not a spirit.
AliOfOz: i am not a he
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
AliOfOz: and i came in here interested in what timothean has to say
MAlchemst7: you keep all the commandments of G-d?
JiveMutha: so TIM you saw the Lord, and he calledc you to be a Prophet??
TIMOTHEAN13: handle me, and see;
AliOfOz: OnlineHost: Lathus1 has entered the room.
AliOfOz: all you want to do is insult
TIMOTHEAN13: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
Hater1640: tweaker
Brrrakakakakaka: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
AliOfOz: actually i don't
Hater1640: lol
AliOfOz: it is a shortened version of my name
TIMOTHEAN13: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.

Brrrakakakakaka: this is such a great conversation!
TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go now, bye.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
GTXWHEMI67: you people all belive in god
Hater1640: loser
TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
Brrrakakakakaka: i don't GTX
MAlchemst7: Ten Commandments says to keep the Sabbath..
TIMOTHEAN13: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN13: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There will be a nuclear war.
MAlchemst7: For Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath
GTXWHEMI67: then get out brrr
Brrrakakakakaka: why?
Hater1640: I thought you were leaving
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
TIMOTHEAN13: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
Brrrakakakakaka: i'm sorry
TIMOTHEAN13: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
Lathus1: tim-may!!!
TIMOTHEAN13: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
MAlchemst7: Here are the patients of the Saints...They are those who keep
the commandments
TIMOTHEAN13: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN13: a-right,
TJones4875: TIMMY .. It's not nice to punt
MAlchemst7: and the faith of jesus
GTXWHEMI67: because you should change
TIMOTHEAN13: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
Brrrakakakakaka: i should
TIMOTHEAN13: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
Brrrakakakakaka: i can't though
TIMOTHEAN13: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN13: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
TIMOTHEAN13: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
Brrrakakakakaka: because i can't
TIMOTHEAN13: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TIMOTHEAN13: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
Brrrakakakakaka: didn't i just say that?
JiveMutha: EXCEPT you HUH tim
Hater1640: so r u
TIMOTHEAN13: He made up the story that He killed God.
AliOfOz: actually yes my name is alison
AliOfOz: you're very perceptive
Brrrakakakakaka: my name isn't alison
TIMOTHEAN13: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
AliOfOz: i didn't say it was
GTXWHEMI67: you know black sabbath
TIMOTHEAN13: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
Brrrakakakakaka: just making sure everyone knows
Lathus1: HI, I'm from the local johovah's wittness
TIMOTHEAN13: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
AliOfOz: brr lol
Brrrakakakakaka: don't get so defensive Ali
AliOfOz: i didn't
AliOfOz: you just say things that i can't understand
TIMOTHEAN13: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
AliOfOz: they come from no where
Brrrakakakakaka: i'm sorry
TIMOTHEAN13: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
AliOfOz: yep
Hater1640: no doubt...
AliOfOz: good
Brrrakakakakaka: you see, i have these long conversations in my head
TIMOTHEAN13: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
AliOfOz: me too
TIMOTHEAN13: He will say, "I never knew you".
Brrrakakakakaka: but i only actually say part of them
AliOfOz: but mine always make sense
Brrrakakakakaka: so no one really understands
Brrrakakakakaka: well, mine do make sense
TIMOTHEAN13: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
Brrrakakakakaka: to me
AliOfOz: oh i don't understand your train of thought
AliOfOz: because i do the same
TIMOTHEAN13: If the preachers have not seen God,
MAlchemst7: Sin is the transgression of the Law
AliOfOz: you say what you're thinking and people look at you like you're
Brrrakakakakaka: that too Razor
TIMOTHEAN13: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
GTXWHEMI67: i belive in god a lot a really lot and i like warpigs or iron
AliOfOz: because they have nothing to do with what is going on
TIMOTHEAN13: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
Brrrakakakakaka: exactly, but it's only part of what i'm thinking
AliOfOz: yes i know
TIMOTHEAN13: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
Lathus1: Hello. This is the man from down under. I'm here for YOU! Tim
Brrrakakakakaka: LATHUS!!
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
AliOfOz: no razor
AliOfOz: i don't have paranoid thoughts
Brrrakakakakaka: i missed you so much
TJones4875: lmao
TIMOTHEAN13: why God does not use His power to become visible.
OnlineHost: JiveMutha has left the room.
AliOfOz: people are not out to get me
Lathus1: Man it's hot in here
TIMOTHEAN13: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
Brrrakakakakaka: that's what you think
TIMOTHEAN13: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
AliOfOz: timothean what religion are you?
Brrrakakakakaka: well everyone,
GTXWHEMI67: brrr
Brrrakakakakaka: it's been fun
TIMOTHEAN13: The penalty for this sin is death.
Brrrakakakakaka: but i should probably go now
Brrrakakakakaka: adios!
Brrrakakakakaka: au revoir!
TIMOTHEAN13: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
Brrrakakakakaka: good bye!
AliOfOz: bywbyw bee
OnlineHost: MommyWithACape has entered the room.
Brrrakakakakaka: see you later!
Brrrakakakakaka: buy bye!
MommyWithACape: hello alll
TIMOTHEAN13: What makes you think no one can see God?
Brrrakakakakaka: that's all i know
AliOfOz: hello
Hater1640: What a blasphemous piece of shit!!!!
Brrrakakakakaka: Bye razorbladesmilz
TIMOTHEAN13: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
Brrrakakakakaka: i'll miss you!!
MommyWithACape: I must talk to this person who has "SEEN " Hey zues
AliOfOz: then why did you associate my thoughts with paranoia?
MommyWithACape: lol
Brrrakakakakaka: tweaker!!!!!!!!!!
MAlchemst7: a true prophet would answer a faithful question
TIMOTHEAN13: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
Hater1640: tweaker
OnlineHost: NeuRaLRoT has entered the room.
AliOfOz: mommy i came in here to do the same
TIMOTHEAN13: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
AliOfOz: but he has only spouted bible quotes
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
Hater1640: you r anti
MommyWithACape: Timothean uhm...Leary???
Lathus1: Oh my goodness! It's , It's...... Mommy with a cape!
Brrrakakakakaka: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
OnlineHost: AnimalRightsPunk has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Brrrakakakakaka has left the room.
MommyWithACape: Easy on the acid man
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Hater1640: tweaker
AnimalRightsPunk: whos the man that saw jesus?
Hater1640: tweaker
MommyWithACape: lol Lathus...hello
MAlchemst7: this prophet has no life or lite
Hater1640: tweaker
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
MommyWithACape: an entity...
Hater1640: tweaker
TIMOTHEAN13: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
Hater1640: tweaker
MommyWithACape: his "entity" came in human form...
AliOfOz: if god made us in his image and christ was him visible then aren't
we all god?
TIMOTHEAN13: that every one who sees the Son."
Hater1640: tweaker
OnlineHost: NeuRaLRoT has left the room.
Lathus1: This freakin guy would drive god nuts!
TIMOTHEAN13: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
GTXWHEMI67: no if you really belive in god and go by him you might not go to
hell but if you belive in
MommyWithACape: Razor...I Soooo wish...right?
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
AnimalRightsPunk: to see the son could mean to believe in him
TIMOTHEAN13: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
MommyWithACape: i am 25...I was 4yrs old...when the 80's started
MommyWithACape: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
OnlineHost: MadHadhr2000 has entered the room.
MadHadhr2000: .Any boddy need a carder im me .Laptops brand new $150
MadHadhr2000: .Any boddy need a carder im me .Laptops brand new $150
TIMOTHEAN13: Did you see Jesus ?
MadHadhr2000: < a href= "">Click
Here To Download METHODUS TOOLz 2.0
MommyWithACape: Sure...Razor...just rub it in my face
Hater1640: tweaker
OnlineHost: AnimalRightsPunk has left the room.
MadHadhr2000: no
Hater1640: tweaker
GTXWHEMI67: god that much you will never listin to that
OnlineHost: MadHadhr2000 has left the room.
Hater1640: tweaker
Hater1640: tweaker
AliOfOz: i think it's time to click hater
MommyWithACape: I dont' think we need to "see" jesus and sound like a freak
to be effective people
AliOfOz: he/she has nothing of importance to say
AliOfOz: so it will be no loss
TIMOTHEAN13: then u don't know Him
TIMOTHEAN13: Then you don't know Him.
OnlineHost: Hater1640 has left the room.
AliOfOz: good
TIMOTHEAN13: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
AliOfOz: TIMOTHEAN13: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
Lathus1: On the eight day, God created Tim-may!
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
MommyWithACape: use about 2.5% of your brain...I highly doubt
that you "KNOW" him either
TIMOTHEAN13: knowing that they do gender strife.
MommyWithACape: that is a very lofty/haughty position to take
TIMOTHEAN13: I avoid foolish questions.
OnlineHost: Teamsleep has entered the room.
MAlchemst7: Timothean13.....Do you keep the Lords Sabbath?
AliOfOz: mommy i thought it was 5%
GTXWHEMI67: have any of you ever heard of the saing what goes around comes
TIMOTHEAN13: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
AliOfOz: actually tim
AliOfOz: you are not even saying that..
TIMOTHEAN13: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
MommyWithACape: Ali...5% is genous...and clearly that is NOT the case here
TIMOTHEAN13: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.

AliOfOz: how can you decide mommy?
TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN13: and you have not known me?
MommyWithACape: tim..taht is assuming that the bible is a credible source
OnlineHost: Teamsleep has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN13: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Show us the Father?"
AliOfOz: look in the mirror
Lathus1: Look. Up on the internet, It's abird it's a plane, aw sh*t, It's
TIMOTHEAN13: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
AliOfOz: we are god
MommyWithACape: If the bible is credible...then so is the gilgimesh
TIMOTHEAN13: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
MommyWithACape: oops...epic
OnlineHost: SeventhSight has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
MommyWithACape: we are in the image of gawd...according to "the word"
TIMOTHEAN13: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
MommyWithACape: Hello seven
AliOfOz: but according to tim
AliOfOz: the image of god is god made visible, christ
TIMOTHEAN13: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
AliOfOz: if we were all made in his image
SeventhSight: .
AliOfOz: we are all god
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
Lathus1: The all knowing all powerful TIM
TIMOTHEAN13: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
SeventhSight: i saw an Ewokk.
MommyWithACape: WHO is tim?
OnlineHost: SeventhSight has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: but we know that, when he shall appear,
MommyWithACape: lol seven
Lathus1: lol
AliOfOz: tim is timothean
OnlineHost: MAlchemst7 has left the room.
MommyWithACape: ahh...yes
TIMOTHEAN13: we shall be like him;
MommyWithACape: Tim is fundi...all the way
TIMOTHEAN13: for we shall see him as he is.
AliOfOz: let him be
MommyWithACape: it is obnoxious and annoying..
AliOfOz: it's making him feel better
TIMOTHEAN13: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
TIMOTHEAN13: speaks on this wise,
MommyWithACape: And...ali...with the bible pom poms over there
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN13: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
AliOfOz: mommy
AliOfOz: i am not christian
TIMOTHEAN13: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
AliOfOz: :)
MommyWithACape: ali...I hardly care
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
AliOfOz: you got angry because i asked questions
AliOfOz: hahahahahahaha
TIMOTHEAN13: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
MommyWithACape: I am NOT angry
MommyWithACape: I assure you
TIMOTHEAN13: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
AliOfOz: you're getting there
AliOfOz: i see it with the emphasis on the word NOT
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
AliOfOz: i'm not
Lathus1: I felt the burning bush and it took ten days of penicillin to get
rid of it
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
MommyWithACape: That is because I wanted to make sure you saw it through
your christian haze
AliOfOz: razor this coming from a person who believes my name is indian
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
AliOfOz: mommy
MommyWithACape: I don't get angry very often
TIMOTHEAN13: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
AliOfOz: i am not christian
AliOfOz: i am not religious
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
AliOfOz: i don't even know if i believe in a god
AliOfOz: fact of the matter is
TIMOTHEAN13: because he said no man could see God and live.
MommyWithACape: Tim...conspiracy...and...this is biblical how???
AliOfOz: i was raised if you have nothing nice to say
AliOfOz: don't say anything at all
Lathus1: I'm not an animal, I'm a human being
TIMOTHEAN13: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN13: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
MommyWithACape: Ali...I was raised witha pew grafted to my arse...
AliOfOz: good
AliOfOz: sit on it
MommyWithACape: so...while we are sharing
TIMOTHEAN13: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
MommyWithACape: I thought I would let you kjow
AliOfOz: thank you for enlightening me :)
TIMOTHEAN13: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
Lathus1: Oh no, not a MORMAN!
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
MommyWithACape: the ot ...we wern't even able to utter the name
MommyWithACape: So..what changed
TIMOTHEAN13: Let me ask a Christian a question.
Lathus1: So Tim, how many wives do you have?
TIMOTHEAN13: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
MommyWithACape: you like this allows your comfort zone...
MommyWithACape: yes allows you to feel above others
MommyWithACape: self righteousness
TIMOTHEAN13: Are you going to answer or not?
OnlineHost: BsyLilFarm has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
MommyWithACape: who are you talking too?
MommyWithACape: I am going to die...
AliOfOz: timothean i get the impression that you are the only person in here
who believes what you
AliOfOz: are saying
TIMOTHEAN13: Then you are not Saved.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
MommyWithACape: and prolly come a brazzeire or something...
MommyWithACape: if i play my cards right
TIMOTHEAN13: Christianity is a Cult.
AliOfOz: if we are immortal
AliOfOz: then we are gods
AliOfOz: and since all gods are one
AliOfOz: again i come to the conclusion
TIMOTHEAN13: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
AliOfOz: that we ARE god
MommyWithACape: should go easy on the acid as well
TIMOTHEAN13: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
OnlineHost: BsyLilFarm has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: if they should be written, even the
AliOfOz: mommy please don't assume i have done acid just because you like it
so much
TIMOTHEAN13: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
OnlineHost: The nihilist 777 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
MommyWithACape: in hre recruiting..and spewing dogma is NOT cult
Lathus1: bang
TIMOTHEAN13: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
MommyWithACape: lol Razor^5
TIMOTHEAN13: if not by their faith then by mine.
Lathus1: 13
AliOfOz: i would rather not pollute my mind, sorry
TIMOTHEAN13: I wrote a song want to hear it?
AliOfOz: now if i could ever get PURE chemicals
Lathus1: no
AliOfOz: i would be more than happy to
TIMOTHEAN13: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
MommyWithACape: are sooo even keel
TIMOTHEAN13: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
AliOfOz: but as it is right now it's cut with too much crap
MommyWithACape: to each their own...
MommyWithACape: but must you recruit
Lathus1: Tim I suppose you wrote the bible too
TIMOTHEAN13: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
AliOfOz: mommy if you'd care to elaborate i would be interested in finding
out what the hell you just
AliOfOz: said
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: The visible God said,
MommyWithACape: SAW hey zues....
TIMOTHEAN13: "Let the invisible world become visible."
MommyWithACape: right after those bad twinkies
MommyWithACape: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Let the visible God become invisible."
TIMOTHEAN13: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN13: waiting to come home,
MommyWithACape: why do the crazy people always type really fast?
TIMOTHEAN13: While His children, destroy His house.
OnlineHost: GTXWHEMI67 has left the room.
AliOfOz: because we are fast typers
AliOfOz: :)
TIMOTHEAN13: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN13: With his faith sure and strong,
The nihilist 777: the twinkie defense worked once before...
MommyWithACape: cause you know how to cut and paste
Lathus1: I saw it , the Bible copyright 0 by Tim
AliOfOz: lmao
AliOfOz: okay
TIMOTHEAN13: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN13: Ridding the world of guilt.
MommyWithACape: have YET to make a snazzy comeback
TIMOTHEAN13: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN13: Leaving judgment to the one above.
MommyWithACape: I am stiiiil waiting
AliOfOz: mommy i am not trying to
MommyWithACape: Pray for one
AliOfOz: this isn't a game for me
MommyWithACape: that might work
TIMOTHEAN13: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN13: Hearing the words of His voice.
MommyWithACape: It isn't a game to me is sad that you are sheep
OnlineHost: Speakwmenotatme has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN13: The wise know what I mean.
AliOfOz: you were raised bad
TIMOTHEAN13: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN13: They will see God's face.
AliOfOz: your parents did an awful job raising you
MommyWithACape: badly*
TIMOTHEAN13: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN13: To reach the immortal state.
AliOfOz: you a teacher?
AliOfOz: razor yes i am
TIMOTHEAN13: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN13: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
AliOfOz: why not?
Lathus1: Leonard Nimoy presents "TIM'" the man behind the mith!
AliOfOz: you judge too, razor
TIMOTHEAN13: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN13: God wrote it.
AliOfOz: let's have fun with this
MommyWithACape: and your teachers did an awful job of teaching you grammer
and diction
MommyWithACape: Too bad
AliOfOz: yes they did mommy
MommyWithACape: we all judge
AliOfOz: i was born and raised in california
AliOfOz: what do you expect?
OnlineHost: The nihilist 777 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
MommyWithACape: I expect that if you are in fact a would be able
to say Badly..
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
MommyWithACape: thatwould impress me
TJones4875: GoTimothy: I saw God in Torrence CA .. I was standing on a piece
of bologna and slipped
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
AliOfOz: you didn't read any of what i typed earlier, mommy did you
TJones4875: GoTimothy: I fell off the balcony then and landed in a plate of
MommyWithACape: lol T
MommyWithACape: I did Ali...
TJones4875: GoTimothy: When I got up I saw God in that spaghetti.
TIMOTHEAN13: To Join the online group fill out the group form,
TIMOTHEAN13: other members will show up in the buddy list.
AliOfOz: yes razor, chocolate chip would be lovely
OnlineHost: Speakwmenotatme has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You only need to be a first level Timothean to Join this group,

TIMOTHEAN13: second level Timotheans clone our site and teach with a
MommyWithACape: Ali wants a cookie cause her brain send signals to her
AliOfOz: mommy if you read what i typed earlier
TIMOTHEAN13: Enemies are trying to limit speech and the Gospel from
AliOfOz: you would have read that i said
MommyWithACape: YES ali
AliOfOz: ACCORDING to tim
TJones4875: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: Fill in the form to clone the Gospel to your AOL account.
AliOfOz: if christ was made in his image and he is god
OnlineHost: Emg1967 has entered the room.
AliOfOz: then we are all god
TIMOTHEAN13: I recommend creating a AOL screename TIMOTHEAN17 or
MommyWithACape: Now I ask you much do you think I care?
AliOfOz: a lot
AliOfOz: if you didn't care you wouldn't be having this conversation with me
right now
TIMOTHEAN13: Find a number that is not taken and upload there.
MommyWithACape: Keep thinking sista
AliOfOz: oh i will
TJones4875: TIMOTHEAN666
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus said preach the Gospel in season and out,
TIMOTHEAN13: weather people will hear it or not, 2nd Tim 4:1-5.
MommyWithACape: oh..I know...don't sit next to anything flammable
MommyWithACape: (smile)
AliOfOz: afraid i'll fart on you?
TIMOTHEAN13: Now Go and do likewise with the Teach Proggie.
TJones4875: lol
MommyWithACape: I just like to act crabby...
MommyWithACape: lol
AliOfOz: yes
AliOfOz: you do
TIMOTHEAN13: If you would like to clone elsewhere, let us know in comments.
TJones4875: Puring .. you here????
MommyWithACape: I do it well ehh?
AliOfOz: i'm just glad you admit it
AliOfOz: yes
AliOfOz: you do
OnlineHost: Lathus1 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are Seven levels to the Timothean Religion,
AliOfOz: i'd say you are a borderline bitch
MommyWithACape: thank you
AliOfOz: if not a full fledged one
TIMOTHEAN13: just like there are seven levels of Heaven and seven Churches.
MommyWithACape: Oh...I am certified bitch
AliOfOz: good to know
TIMOTHEAN13: History has proven that whenever a new religion gets started,
AliOfOz: real bitches always admit it, it seems
AliOfOz: with pride for some reason
TIMOTHEAN13: that Catholic Church has had every member of that religion
AliOfOz: makes NO sense to me
MommyWithACape: But...i reserve it for the special times
AliOfOz: with people who deserve it, right?
TIMOTHEAN13: This is why there are 10,000 different hamburgers stands,
TIMOTHEAN13: in 50 years,
MommyWithACape: It means I don't always follow submissive ways of
thinking...I am not a victim
MommyWithACape: that is all it really means
AliOfOz: yes you are
TIMOTHEAN13: and only about 6 religions in 10,000 years.
AliOfOz: because you are allowing me to affect your mood
TIMOTHEAN13: The Cathors were able to make the Body of the Lord become
AliOfOz: so therefore i am victimizing you in a sense
TIMOTHEAN13: and their members were about 1,000 strong,
MommyWithACape: ali...I was crabby when I got here..and I am still equally
so now
OnlineHost: QTPIEDETROIT has entered the room.
OnlineHost: NOREGRETS55 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: when the Catholics had them all killed.
MommyWithACape: you have yet to effect my mood...
AliOfOz: :)
AliOfOz: funny
TIMOTHEAN13: You cannot be taught about Third Level Timotheism,
MommyWithACape: but it has been nice chatting with you
AliOfOz: i bet it has
OnlineHost: Roomcruzer has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: until you have been at a second level for a year,
AliOfOz: i hope you learned something
OnlineHost: QTPIEDETROIT has left the room.
MommyWithACape: You are sardonic...and I appreciate that
TIMOTHEAN13: so get in now.
Roomcruzer: an awful lot of nutcases claim to have seen Jesus..
TIMOTHEAN13: At first I thought it was the Government that had
AliOfOz: it's easy to relay back and forth with someone with an equal
TIMOTHEAN13: the people at Waco Killed,
OnlineHost: Emg1967 has left the room.
MommyWithACape: I learned that many people spend WAY too much time with
their own thoughts....
TIMOTHEAN13: but then I found out the Catholics have their own Army
MommyWithACape: and come up with crazy hings
AliOfOz: know what's funny?
MommyWithACape: things*
MommyWithACape: I agree ali
TJones4875: TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrence CA .. I was standing on a
piece of bologna and slipped
TIMOTHEAN13: and Militia to kill off their competition.
OnlineHost: Cej1971 has entered the room.
AliOfOz: i have yet to give any of my own thoughts tonight
AliOfOz: :)
TIMOTHEAN13: Masada, Waco, Heaven's Gate and Jonestown
OnlineHost: Sey3014 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: all have something in Common, they were all murdered.
Roomcruzer: Tim.. you gotta be joking...
TJones4875: TIMOTHEAN13: I fell off the balcony then and landed in a plate
of spaghetti
OnlineHost: David66626 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: And it was covered up by making it look like a mass suicide.
MommyWithACape: <~~~Thinking Tim has a tolerance to the "kool aid"
OnlineHost: Planet numb has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You would think that this is the Mafia and you might be right.
TJones4875: TIMOTHEAN13y: When I got up I saw God in that spaghetti.
MommyWithACape: are a far better speller than I though
TIMOTHEAN13: Odds of getting people to commit suicide & conveniently
MommyWithACape: I am an awful speller
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: to cover up any evidence of murder, is about one in ten
AliOfOz: my grandma spend every day with me when i was a child
MommyWithACape: lmao Razor
OnlineHost: I am chibi goku has entered the room.
AliOfOz: forcing me to spell words
AliOfOz: over
AliOfOz: and over
AliOfOz: and over
AliOfOz: and over again
MommyWithACape: Really?
MommyWithACape: Cool
AliOfOz: yes
TIMOTHEAN13: Is George W. Bush stupid enough to believe in mass cremation?
TIMOTHEAN13: When a new religion gets above a certain number,
MommyWithACape: me...we don't
OnlineHost: SmOkEy BoOsT has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: they send in the Army to have them Killed.
I am chibi goku: :: walks over to timothean ::
MommyWithACape: we are justwaiting for the carpal tunnel to set in
MommyWithACape: lol
I am chibi goku: goodnight
TIMOTHEAN13: This is why you will never find more then one member
I am chibi goku: :: shakes his hand ::
I am chibi goku: night bro
TIMOTHEAN13: of the Timothean Religion.
OnlineHost: Djo82486 has entered the room.
Roomcruzer: tim...then why isn't catholocism the largest religion in the
TIMOTHEAN13: You can say your a Timothean,
Djo82486: usaaaaa
I am chibi goku: :: walks out the door ::
Djo82486: usa
Djo82486: usa
Djo82486: usa
I am chibi goku: God bless you all goodnight
TIMOTHEAN13: but if anyone ask you how many members there are,
Djo82486: usa
OnlineHost: I am chibi goku has left the room.
SmOkEy BoOsT: u
SmOkEy BoOsT: s
SmOkEy BoOsT: a
AliOfOz: i still say
AliOfOz: i love nag champa
Djo82486: fvk arabs
TIMOTHEAN13: say "I am the only Timothean,
MommyWithACape: Cause people deal well with guilt Room
OnlineHost: Runemystery has entered the room.
SmOkEy BoOsT: smoke weed to
SmOkEy BoOsT: lol
Djo82486: lol
TIMOTHEAN13: all the others are impostures trying to overthrow my religion".

MommyWithACape: too * smokey
SmOkEy BoOsT: but fuk aribs
TIMOTHEAN13: Even if your screename is TIMOTHEAN99999 and your in a group
AliOfOz: if you think the arabs did this i'm sorry you are so ignorant
TIMOTHEAN13: of 10,000 all wearing Timothean T-Shirts and reading the Gospel

MommyWithACape: have a free hardly have a religion
Cej1971: Hello room
TIMOTHEAN13: of Timothy, say "I am the only Timothean,
Djo82486: ny wat a great stat no1 will take our pridee
TIMOTHEAN13: all the others are imposters." It's for your protection.
SmOkEy BoOsT: shalin
TIMOTHEAN13: Because these serial killers will think nothing of dropping a
Djo82486: yep
Roomcruzer: are in a rare group....manson, Jones, the Nike and
purple robe people..
TIMOTHEAN13: nuclear weapon on a Nation of Timotheans.
Planet numb: wacko
MommyWithACape: Ok..alll...have a wonderful evening...
Djo82486: all u peeps look wat happened
MommyWithACape: later
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans are True Americans.
AliOfOz: timothean you better be careful
OnlineHost: MommyWithACape has left the room.
Djo82486: me and smokey were in teh building
AliOfOz: people america just may bomb you
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe in the second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms"
AliOfOz: and it will be sanctioned by the government
OnlineHost: Runemystery has left the room.
Djo82486: me and smokey were in teh building
TIMOTHEAN13: against anyone infringing on our rights
SmOkEy BoOsT: smokewoods fore life
Djo82486: me and smokey were in teh building
TIMOTHEAN13: to FREE Speech or FREE Religion.
Roomcruzer: in your case, tim..just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean
that they
Roomcruzer: aren't out to get you.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they want to Stop our Speech or Religion,
Djo82486: smokey we almost died
AliOfOz: it is free speech and free religion until you become a threat
TIMOTHEAN13: they need to Leave the USA, and go to a Dictatorship Country,
AliOfOz: to christianity
AliOfOz: then it becomes blasphemous
TIMOTHEAN13: where religion and speech is controlled by the Dictators.
Djo82486: every1 me and smokey survived from the building
TIMOTHEAN13: It is our constitutional right to bear Arms to kill them.
AliOfOz: sad isn't it?
Djo82486: every1 me and smokey survived from the building
TIMOTHEAN13: In America, there is not a Juror that will convict us.
Djo82486: every1 me and smokey survived from the building
AliOfOz: god doesn't want us to kill
AliOfOz: and yet the people do
TIMOTHEAN13: Anyone who infringes on these rights,
AliOfOz: funny
AliOfOz: even timo agrees
AliOfOz: let's kill
TIMOTHEAN13: is a Threat to the National Security of the United States of
AliOfOz: but i believe in god
TIMOTHEAN13: Happy 4th of July.
OnlineHost: Roomcruzer has left the room.
Djo82486: the building was calapsying on us
Djo82486: we ran
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
Djo82486: it was scary
TIMOTHEAN13: 3. Timothean Religion
Djo82486: i got all dust in my face
SmOkEy BoOsT: me n djo fukin mad aribs up n tom we shall get more
Djo82486: yep
AliOfOz: smokey again i say
AliOfOz: if you think arabs did this
OnlineHost: Cej1971 has left the room.
AliOfOz: i am sorry you are so ignorant
Djo82486: then who did
AliOfOz: quite a few people
AliOfOz: including i am willing to bet
SmOkEy BoOsT: fuk u wut is u arib?
AliOfOz: some americans
OnlineHost: IvanAwesom has entered the room.
AliOfOz: what in the hell
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
AliOfOz: i am scottish and portuguese
TIMOTHEAN13: Click the red heart and come back.
SmOkEy BoOsT: ok ur a liran then
OnlineHost: Bonniebonbon64 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
Djo82486: well they killed mad arabs in coney island
AliOfOz: liran?
SmOkEy BoOsT: yeh a liran
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
AliOfOz: what is that?
SmOkEy BoOsT: lol djo
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
SmOkEy BoOsT: shes a liran
Djo82486: well they killed mad arabs in coney island
AliOfOz: well if you're going to keep me in YOUR ignorance
OnlineHost: IvanAwesom has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
AliOfOz: then thank you for nothing
Planet numb: go timothy. please
SmOkEy BoOsT: shut up u liran
Djo82486: well they killed mad arabs in coney island
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
AliOfOz: no thank you
AliOfOz: but you can :)
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
Djo82486: they killed mad arabs in coney island hahahhahahahahah
OnlineHost: Sey3014 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN13: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.

AliOfOz: timothean i respect that
AliOfOz: even tho i do not agree with what youa re saying
TIMOTHEAN13: I am here to teach the Truth
Planet numb: ok. thanks
AliOfOz: i'm glad you are dedicated
Djo82486: smokey get ready for tomm big day in fightin
TIMOTHEAN13: What is Truth?
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
AliOfOz: razor if you don't want to read anymore why stay in here?
Djo82486: lol razor do u hate arabs
AliOfOz: just so you can complain?
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
AliOfOz: i'm glad
TIMOTHEAN13: Many more truths can be found in my book,
Djo82486: yes razor u r the man
AliOfOz: because people who hate are not worthy of ali's
SmOkEy BoOsT: we crips nah mean ni99az we be backin heat ryte djo
TIMOTHEAN13: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
Djo82486: yea
AliOfOz: no thanks it's warm in here
TIMOTHEAN13: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
AliOfOz: care to join me?
OnlineHost: Laughnsmle has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
SmOkEy BoOsT: n ur a liran still ryte dgo lol
SmOkEy BoOsT: djo*
Djo82486: yea
OnlineHost: Bonniebonbon64 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
Djo82486: put it this way usa is bombing who ever did this
TIMOTHEAN13: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
OnlineHost: Laughnsmle has left the room.
AliOfOz: coming from someone with a screen name of RAZOR i say thank you
TIMOTHEAN13: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
SmOkEy BoOsT: no boubt djo
Planet numb: give me a sign timmy.
TIMOTHEAN13: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN13: of warning people that tobacco kills.
AliOfOz: then you be all razor that you want
OnlineHost: Chaosmicah has entered the room.
AliOfOz: lol
SmOkEy BoOsT: so its lights out aribss
TIMOTHEAN13: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
AliOfOz: if you were meant to be an ali you would have been one
Djo82486: ali u r so fvked up look at u u arent even worryed botu
all teh people taht died
AliOfOz: djo
TIMOTHEAN13: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
AliOfOz: we haven't even talked about those people
AliOfOz: so don't assume anything
Planet numb: everyone knows tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN13: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
Chaosmicah: hey freaks
TIMOTHEAN13: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
AliOfOz: hello chaos
OnlineHost: Ali4AU82 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: And he will save hundreds.
OnlineHost: TGM421 has entered the room.
Djo82486: my neighbor lost his life and he had 2 kidz
AliOfOz: another ali
Chaosmicah: hello
AliOfOz: thank you razor
TIMOTHEAN13: God works in Mysterious ways.
Ali4AU82: hi
AliOfOz: i appreciate your concern for my well being
TGM421: the end of the world is apon us......
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
Djo82486: my neighbor lost his life and he had 2 kidz
TIMOTHEAN13: So I did.
Chaosmicah: timothy leary
TIMOTHEAN13: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
SmOkEy BoOsT: damm ryte
AliOfOz: i feel for your neighbor
TIMOTHEAN13: He brought it on himself.
SmOkEy BoOsT: i loved dat man
AliOfOz: so because people killed
AliOfOz: you want to kill?
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
AliOfOz: razor then don't type to me anymore
AliOfOz: and prove me wrong
AliOfOz: please
TIMOTHEAN13: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
SmOkEy BoOsT: n my cuzin almost dies sayin someones life
Djo82486: yes his wife is on the street rite now cryin her eyes out
TIMOTHEAN13: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
AliOfOz: she should be home
TIMOTHEAN13: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN13: after his accident then he will help me.
Djo82486: he died saving lives
AliOfOz: good for him
TIMOTHEAN13: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
Chaosmicah: even angels deserve to die
AliOfOz: it's an honorable way to go
TIMOTHEAN13: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
Djo82486: but now wta bout his kids who r 7 and 6
TIMOTHEAN13: Its God's will.
AliOfOz: they live
AliOfOz: just as they would if their father died in a car crash
TIMOTHEAN13: When I was young there was a neighbor,
OnlineHost: Mean weenie has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
SmOkEy BoOsT: n thank god my mom is sik n didnt go 2 werk
AliOfOz: :)
AliOfOz: :D
TIMOTHEAN13: by breaking them.
AliOfOz: :)
AliOfOz: :D
TGM421: anyone know the profficiey of daniel and the lions den.......about
some helicopters
Mean weenie: :D
AliOfOz: :)
AliOfOz: :D
AliOfOz: :D
SmOkEy BoOsT: think of livin wit out a mom
Mean weenie: :D
AliOfOz: :D
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
Mean weenie: :D
AliOfOz: :D
Mean weenie: :D
SmOkEy BoOsT: them aribs r gettin it
AliOfOz: :D :D :D
TIMOTHEAN13: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
Mean weenie: :DDDDDDDDDDD
Mean weenie: :D:D:D
TIMOTHEAN13: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
Djo82486: they already killin them in the streets
AliOfOz: rob
AliOfOz: timothean has seen god first hand
TIMOTHEAN13: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
Djo82486: they fvkin them up in taxis
TIMOTHEAN13: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
SmOkEy BoOsT: aaa u mean us
TIMOTHEAN13: I never seen him again until several years ago,
Mean weenie: alison when did i meet him?
OnlineHost: Ali4AU82 has left the room.
AliOfOz: last year
TIMOTHEAN13: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
OnlineHost: TGM421 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
Mean weenie: when did i meet tim again
Djo82486: yeaaaaaaaaaaa
Mean weenie: ?
AliOfOz: never
TIMOTHEAN13: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
AliOfOz: you're becoming aquatined with him tonight
TIMOTHEAN13: before the tree snapped.
Djo82486: and teh arabs r happy and celebrating
TIMOTHEAN13: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
Djo82486: wtfffff they r gettin fvked up
AliOfOz: SmOkEy BoOsT: damm rite
TIMOTHEAN13: Lord hear my Prayer,
Chaosmicah: tim you are the biggest dumbshit i ever met
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
TIMOTHEAN13: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TIMOTHEAN13: a sign to believe that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
Chaosmicah: no one can see god
OnlineHost: Nofreewilll has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: For Moses said "for they will say,
Djo82486: here > arabs =dead usa = forever
TIMOTHEAN13: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
AliOfOz: they think arabs did it
AliOfOz: lmao
Chaosmicah: god is in the tv
AliOfOz: it saddens me to see this
OnlineHost: MajWasted2 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
SmOkEy BoOsT: i like dat djo
TIMOTHEAN13: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
TIMOTHEAN13: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
TIMOTHEAN13: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
SmOkEy BoOsT: usa=u ev a pot=for life
TIMOTHEAN13: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
Chaosmicah: you really saw mansion
TIMOTHEAN13: All will know God.
OnlineHost: Eve1woman has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: And his Judgements.
Djo82486: ali listen im sorry but usa is bombing who everdid this
Planet numb: freak-o
TIMOTHEAN13: Who was Caiaphas?
AliOfOz: i didn't say they weren't
AliOfOz: but i'll tell you what djo
TIMOTHEAN13: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
Djo82486: well ww3
Chaosmicah: charlie is god
AliOfOz: if you can find where i *did* say that
TIMOTHEAN13: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
Djo82486: ww3
AliOfOz: i'll give you a million dollars
OnlineHost: Mnisland has entered the room.
AliOfOz: no joke
TIMOTHEAN13: What does God look like?
OnlineHost: Eve1woman has left the room.
Chaosmicah: charlie
TIMOTHEAN13: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
MajWasted2: TIM the High Priest of Isreal when Jesus was Crucified was
Chaosmicah: mansion
SmOkEy BoOsT: any aribs in here?press123
Djo82486: ali come to staten island and talk sh-t
TIMOTHEAN13: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
TIMOTHEAN13: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
Djo82486: tim shut up no1 listening to u
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
OnlineHost: Mnisland has left the room.
Chaosmicah: I hope no one buys your book
Mean weenie: djopull your head out your but shut up and get off yer butt and
do something to help rather
TIMOTHEAN13: shall send gifts to one another,
Mean weenie: than piss and moan
OnlineHost: Nofreewilll has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
Chaosmicah: greedy lie
TIMOTHEAN13: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
MajWasted2: TIM that wasn't Jesus you saw nor God it was Omar Bin Laden
in disguise
TIMOTHEAN13: "Happy Satan's Day"
Djo82486: o i will trust me i will do sumthin
Planet numb: tim , i think youre referred to as MISLEAD
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
Mean weenie: djo will and are are 2 different things champ
AliOfOz: djo
Mean weenie: dont say you will
Mean weenie: just do it
TIMOTHEAN13: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
AliOfOz: if you can find anywhere in this room where i talked shit
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
AliOfOz: i will give you TWO million dollars
Chaosmicah: you are one of satans disciples
AliOfOz: i promise
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
AliOfOz: and why should timothean hush? he CREATED this room
SmOkEy BoOsT: yo djo iam outt iam gunna go get sum aribs
Djo82486: tommorrow watch
AliOfOz: you walked in here voluntarily to read
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
Mean weenie: djo is another ventor
Mean weenie: thats it
AliOfOz: yes
MajWasted2: TIM you have serious issues friend :)
Djo82486: yea meet me
AliOfOz: lots of people like to complain
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
Mean weenie: he wants to find an argument
OnlineHost: SmOkEy BoOsT has left the room.
AliOfOz: yes i see
Mean weenie: not actually reading what anyone says
Djo82486: meet ,e smoky
TIMOTHEAN13: my Story at;
AliOfOz: yes
Mean weenie: he automatically takes offense
AliOfOz: yup
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Chaosmicah: you saw c mansion
Mean weenie: like any other typical aole
AliOfOz: that's what weak people do
Mean weenie: aoler*
TIMOTHEAN13: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
Djo82486: mean coemto ny
AliOfOz: take offense to anything being said
AliOfOz: djo
AliOfOz: we are too far away
Mean weenie: djo im there now
TIMOTHEAN13: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
MajWasted2: TIM One can surely see who it is you Believe to be God
Chaosmicah: I seen him too
AliOfOz: to fly to new york
AliOfOz: just to meet YOU
Chaosmicah: same place
AliOfOz: now
TIMOTHEAN13: You are not God, Jesus is.
AliOfOz: unless you are some famous person who can give me a billion dollars
AliOfOz: hush
Chaosmicah: same place
TIMOTHEAN13: God created man in His image.
OnlineHost: MajWasted2 has left the room.
Djo82486: ali suk up
AliOfOz: oh i did
TIMOTHEAN13: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
AliOfOz: and it tasted gooooooood
Chaosmicah: I know you tim
TIMOTHEAN13: God is more real than His creation.
Chaosmicah: tim talk to me
TIMOTHEAN13: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
AliOfOz: what's wrong razor upset because i didn't respond to what you ty
Djo82486: ali u have some brown on your nose
AliOfOz: yes you already told me it's been in my ass
TIMOTHEAN13: The true God Has power to become visible.
AliOfOz: so naturally it would have some poop on it
Chaosmicah: tim i know u
AliOfOz: now wouldn't it
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
OnlineHost: DRTYHAG has entered the room.
Djo82486: ali g@Y
TIMOTHEAN13: Email me to join.
Chaosmicah: can i join
AliOfOz: you are
Mean weenie: lmao djo its sad when you have to make threats and insults on a
DRTYHAG: who saw jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
AliOfOz: yes it is
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
Mean weenie: its views like yours is why this tragedy happened
OnlineHost: TammyTamnTrav has entered the room.
Mean weenie: so think yourself champ
AliOfOz: yup
Djo82486: then who ever wanan do sumthin come to oakwood
Mean weenie: thank*
TIMOTHEAN13: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
TammyTamnTrav: Who is "the man who saw jesus?"
Djo82486: cz we cripzz for life
TIMOTHEAN13: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
AliOfOz: well at least he's extending the opprotunity for everyone to come
out and meet him
TIMOTHEAN13: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
Planet numb: what did you do to see God?
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me or forget it.
TammyTamnTrav: Where two or more are gathered, I am amongst them
Djo82486: cripzzz
DRTYHAG: then get the fuck outa here
TIMOTHEAN13: Goodbye.
Mean weenie: djoyou went from american supporter to a cryp
Mean weenie: how novel
AliOfOz: no crip can own a computer
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahaha
Djo82486: ive been a crip
AliOfOz: you fib
OnlineHost: DRTYHAG has left the room.
OnlineHost: TammyTamnTrav has left the room.
Mean weenie: djo noone has "been" a cryp
Djo82486: then come here
Mean weenie: you are or your not
Mean weenie: you cant even spell it
Mean weenie: hahahahaha
AliOfOz: djo i'll come if you buy my ticket
AliOfOz: OR my rental car
Mean weenie: its "cryp"
Djo82486: see mean ali isnt gonan give u any so drop it
Mean weenie: not crip
AliOfOz: i'd preffer a car actually
Mean weenie: moron
AliOfOz: i have expensive taste
AliOfOz: djo
Planet numb: prophets have better answers
TIMOTHEAN13: 9. The True Religion.
AliOfOz: i have already given him some
Planet numb: comon timmy
AliOfOz: and he will get more very soon
OnlineHost: Dreams2Seek has entered the room.
Mean weenie: djo i get some from ali daily
Mean weenie: so try again
Djo82486: mean has a lil w--nie
OnlineHost: Dreams2Seek has left the room.
AliOfOz: retarded
Mean weenie: you "cryp wannabe"
AliOfOz: lmao
Djo82486: coem here and ill show u
Planet numb: 14,22
AliOfOz: always going for a penis comment
Djo82486: where u at
Mean weenie: djo and you know this how?
Planet numb: hut
Mean weenie: you spying on me in the shower
Mean weenie: hopin to see a bit of wennie action?
Djo82486: no on your m-m
AliOfOz: he's into scat films weenie
Mean weenie: you fkn fruity perv
TIMOTHEAN13: This is a proggie, stay and listen in.
TIMOTHEAN13: Email me to Join the Timothean Religion.
Djo82486: mean yoru momma be good
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you, join.
Djo82486: she fvkin wat a fvk
Mean weenie: no momma jokes
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
AliOfOz: hahahahahahaha
Djo82486: howbotu yes
AliOfOz: you know
TIMOTHEAN13: This computer program last about 40 minuets.
Mean weenie: wow you are a regular socrates
AliOfOz: the only people who can tell a good momma joke
AliOfOz: are black people
Mean weenie: with your pearls of wisdom
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion will teach you what you want to hear for 10% of your
Chaosmicah: tm
OnlineHost: Planet numb has left the room.
Djo82486: im blk
TIMOTHEAN13: The truth is free but no one will listen.
AliOfOz: liar
Djo82486: and u racism
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to make money, start a Church and teach what the
people want to hear.
AliOfOz: why because i said they tell good jokes?
Mean weenie: djo you are make a lousy black person
Djo82486: my name is jamel
AliOfOz: that makes me racist?
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
TIMOTHEAN13: "Jesus loves you, forgives you and your going to heaven,
Djo82486: coem here
Mean weenie: cause black people would have more pride and bring better game
TIMOTHEAN13: now put your money in the basket."
Chaosmicah: tim u r god
Mean weenie: to any argument
Djo82486: step 1 foot in my hood
TIMOTHEAN13: I will teach you the truth for free, but you will not like it
nor put in
Mean weenie: sad day for black history when it comes to you
AliOfOz: djo i already said i'd come
AliOfOz: now make it happen
TIMOTHEAN13: If you teach the truth you will be teaching an empty room.
Mean weenie: all your race has worked for and then you come along
Mean weenie: and make them all look bad
TIMOTHEAN13: All the world would rather pay someone to lie to them.
Mean weenie: from your idiocy
Djo82486: u pay h--------- uzzz a h-------
TIMOTHEAN13: Just create a Chat room called "Jesus loves you, now Give me
your money."
AliOfOz: ?
TIMOTHEAN13: You will be like other religions.
Djo82486: mean u ever get some i think not
AliOfOz: weenie do you understand what he just typed?
TIMOTHEAN13: I Saw God, you can too. Seek & Find, Ask to see.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to know how, read my book or stay and listen.
OnlineHost: Chaosmicah has left the room.
AliOfOz: okay i think i have an assumption to djo's age
OnlineHost: RAZORBLADESMILZ has left the room.
AliOfOz: i can tell by his constant refference to sex
TIMOTHEAN13: OK, hear my story.
Mean weenie: djo the fact i belittled you and make you look like a 5 year
old makes me not getting some?
AliOfOz: he is between the ages of 13 and 15
TIMOTHEAN13: I was at a Hotel in California.
Mean weenie: if thats your defense run with it corky
TIMOTHEAN13: I was standing on the Balcony with a neighbor friend.
TIMOTHEAN13: There were 5 of us there.
Djo82486: mean tell me r u a fvkin virgin
Djo82486: yesssss
TIMOTHEAN13: My friend recognized Him first.
AliOfOz: yup i'm right
TIMOTHEAN13: My neighbor said, "Look!
TIMOTHEAN13: that man looks like God."
Mean weenie: djo the fact you dwell on sex and weather or not im sexualy
satisfied shows you have a lack
TIMOTHEAN13: I said "no, those are just Jesus freaks,
Djo82486: u prob some fvkin ugly bi-ch that cant even get some
Mean weenie: and you must dwell on others
TIMOTHEAN13: people trying to look like Jesus."
Mean weenie: as to live vicariously through them
TIMOTHEAN13: God was in the parking lot.
Djo82486: jesus g@Y
Mean weenie: sorry im not entertaining your whackin session
Mean weenie: kiddo
Djo82486: watttttttttt al sharptan
TIMOTHEAN13: When I saw his face I recognized him.
TIMOTHEAN13: I said, "That's him. Go down to see Him."
TIMOTHEAN13: My neighbor said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "I am going to get my Dad" and ran into His room.
Djo82486: i got h-es
TIMOTHEAN13: God was talking to these three girls.
Djo82486: i got ho-s
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw His face appear in the back of His Head.
Mean weenie: Djo82486: i got h-es herpies?
Mean weenie: hahahahahahaa
TIMOTHEAN13: He read my thought and I could read his.
Djo82486: not funny
Mean weenie: oh i struck a cord
Djo82486: make a good dis next time
Mean weenie: hahahaa
TIMOTHEAN13: We spoke with our minds.
Mean weenie: you have herpies huh?
Mean weenie: big ugly sores
TIMOTHEAN13: He told me of earthquakes, tornadoes
Mean weenie: hahahahahhaa
Djo82486: yea yoru momma be rough
TIMOTHEAN13: and the space shuttle blowing up in 86.
Djo82486: thats y
Mean weenie: djo again with momma jokes
TIMOTHEAN13: God said there will be a Nuclear War.
AliOfOz: hahahahaha
AliOfOz: oh man
Mean weenie: they are sad andplayed out like your game corky
TIMOTHEAN13: That's pretty much it. I only saw Him for a few minutes.
Mean weenie: get new material
Djo82486: yep im srry its not my fault shes great
TIMOTHEAN13: I feel He wanted me to write this book
Mean weenie: stuff thats not used every day
TIMOTHEAN13: and I wrote it. It's at my web site.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Djo82486: put it this way u coem here in my hood il lshow u if im
TIMOTHEAN13: When is the War? I don't know.
OnlineHost: David66626 has left the room.
Djo82486: u wont coem out alive
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God's Face on my Dresser when I was younger,
Mean weenie: djo you are such a lil net nazi a keyboard commando
Mean weenie: hahahahaha
Mean weenie: you are a punk lil kid
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew He existed and I searched until I saw His Face again.
AliOfOz: aw rob give djo some credit
Mean weenie: you are nothing
Mean weenie: you family is nothing
AliOfOz: he just got in a relationship on monday
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahahahahaha
TIMOTHEAN13: Now Satan's Church is desperately trying to get me to tell them
Mean weenie: you will always be nothing
AliOfOz: it's still NEW for him
TIMOTHEAN13: God looks like so they can correct their painting, but I will
not tell.
Djo82486: u just talk bout my fam
Mean weenie: so go to bed and make sure you get up early
AliOfOz: all that sexual frustration is still built up
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God only to be killed by the Church or medical
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan is a slanderer.
Djo82486: see nwo its ojn now i hack to your comp
Mean weenie: cause if you dont have my hot cakes ready when i drive up to
your window djo
AliOfOz: lmao
TIMOTHEAN13: Slanderer = one who makes up lies about someone.
Mean weenie: ima slap you
Djo82486: im hackin
AliOfOz: djo i wouldn't threaten him with hacking
Mean weenie: mc slap you at that
TIMOTHEAN13: They label people who have seen God as insane so no one will
listen to them.
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahaha
AliOfOz: i really wouldn't
Mean weenie: hacking????
Djo82486: its not athreat
AliOfOz: rob i give you permission
Mean weenie: rofllllllllll
TIMOTHEAN13: Or, they get people from religious cults to drive them mad.
Mean weenie: oh dear
AliOfOz: rob
AliOfOz: please
AliOfOz: i am in the mood
Djo82486: watch this
Mean weenie: djo before we delve into that
AliOfOz: go for it
TIMOTHEAN13: Most religions call it Blasphemy to Claim to have seen God.
Mean weenie: just tell me what "tools" you re using
TIMOTHEAN13: They kill those who claim to have seen God
Djo82486: a disc
TIMOTHEAN13: because the religions are false, in Satan's power.
Mean weenie: a disc?
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not answer questions for those who have no interest in
Joining my religion.
Djo82486: yep ull see
Mean weenie: you dont hack from a dick corky
Mean weenie: sorry
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions, use the form on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Djo82486: u llsee
AliOfOz: freudian slip
AliOfOz: hahaha
Djo82486: wil lsee who does war
OnlineHost: ImustPaint has entered the room.
Djo82486: c
Mean weenie: research unix , tellnet, then look into finding an ip siffer
but be aware that aol has 2
Djo82486: u act so tough on a comp
Mean weenie: of them not just one
Mean weenie: make sure you have the right port and proxy
Djo82486: coem to staten island
OnlineHost: ImustPaint has left the room.
Mean weenie: then research ftp transfers
Djo82486: oakwood
Mean weenie: and ftp pushes
OnlineHost: Aries anjel has entered the room.
Djo82486: plz come here
Mean weenie: then come and talk to me son
Djo82486: im not your son
OnlineHost: Aries anjel has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Time 12.35 am Date 9.12.01
Djo82486: dotn act blk u arent blk white boy
Mean weenie: djo how do you know?
AliOfOz: lmao
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Mean weenie: you have proof im not?
AliOfOz: haaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha
Mean weenie: i dont have to prove i am
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Mean weenie: its your place to prove im not
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Djo82486: coem here
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
AliOfOz: he said don't act black
Djo82486: u come here we will see
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Mean weenie: djo you come here son
Djo82486: coem to oakwood
Mean weenie: we will go fishing together
AliOfOz: whatin the heck
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
Djo82486: where u at
OnlineHost: Djo82486 has left the room.
Mean weenie: ill tell you about the birds and the bees
AliOfOz: lmao
AliOfOz: hes gone
OnlineHost: DudesAbiker has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
AliOfOz: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
TIMOTHEAN13: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
Mean weenie: well that was uneventful
Mean weenie: lmao
AliOfOz: it always is
DudesAbiker: Tim , you are so lazy , and full of s***
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
AliOfOz: dude
TIMOTHEAN13: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
AliOfOz: please have some respect
Mean weenie: wanna netmeet?
AliOfOz: okay
TIMOTHEAN13: God never went to School.
Mean weenie: k
OnlineHost: Mean weenie has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN13: provides.
OnlineHost: AliOfOz has left the room.
DudesAbiker: respect ?? to Tim , bull
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN13: injured.
OnlineHost: The Bronx Legend has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN13: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN13: All die in the hands of Doctors.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
OnlineHost: Elofti has entered the room.
DudesAbiker: here comes the money part , hahahahahahahaha
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
OnlineHost: The Bronx Legend has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: My story at
OnlineHost: Elofti has left the room.
DudesAbiker: what kind of acid were you on
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
DudesAbiker: are you a computer Tim
TIMOTHEAN13: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN13: illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
OnlineHost: IronLace27 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: PuringCat has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
TIMOTHEAN13: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
OnlineHost: DudesAbiker has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
IronLace27: SHUT UP A$$hole
OnlineHost: LoVerCuP83 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN13: go to the web page for more information.
IronLace27: i dont want to
IronLace27: I am a deist
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
IronLace27: i wont go
TIMOTHEAN13: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
IronLace27: light a candle please.
LoVerCuP83: hello what is this about Timothean?
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
OnlineHost: IronLace27 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN13: live.
TIMOTHEAN13: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN13: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN13: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
OnlineHost: MFHadel has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
OnlineHost: TIMOTHEAN15 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN13: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
LoVerCuP83: Tim...if anyone had seen god would not be sitting here talking
about it
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN13: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN13: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN13: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
OnlineHost: MFHadel has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN13: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
LoVerCuP83: tim i do not like people who lie...its not good for the soul
TIMOTHEAN13: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN13: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN13: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN13: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
LoVerCuP83: the only person who came the closest to seeing god and lived
about it was moses and he only
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
LoVerCuP83: saw the back of him and was then blinded for life
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go. Goodbye
LoVerCuP83: yeah run
TIMOTHEAN13: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
OnlineHost: Glmonis has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN13: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN13: Pain drives us towards immortality.
LoVerCuP83: may god have merciy apon your soul Tim.....
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
OnlineHost: TIMOTHEAN15 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.

TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN13: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN13: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN13: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN13: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
OnlineHost: NOREGRETS55 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN13: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN13: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
LoVerCuP83: man cannot see god...they exploded or if the see the back of him
they would be blined forevr
TIMOTHEAN13: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN13: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN13: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN13: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN13: Keep all your receipts.
LoVerCuP83: you don't have to write anymore no one else is can
stop hiding behind your fake
LoVerCuP83: words
TIMOTHEAN13: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN13: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
OnlineHost: SEXY BABY 014848 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN13: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN13: that makes people starve, not God.
OnlineHost: LoVerCuP83 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
OnlineHost: Shivaughn777 has entered the room.
SEXY BABY 014848: wow
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN13: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
SEXY BABY 014848: i believe it
TIMOTHEAN13: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN13: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
OnlineHost: ESt9585132 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
OnlineHost: ESt9585132 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Shivaughn777 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: 11. 9.12.01 0.52
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I had a mail order ministry and
OnlineHost: SEXY BABY 014848 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: people saw God after I prepared them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN13: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN13: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN13: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN13: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN13: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN13: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN13: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN13: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN13: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN13: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.

TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN13: Information is on my web page.
OnlineHost: SONIASPLACE99 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN13: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN13: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: That statement makes me King Messiah,
SONIASPLACE99: Jesus didn't get killed he give his life
TIMOTHEAN13: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN13: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
OnlineHost: Heath2Brian has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN13: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
OnlineHost: RyanLwrnc has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
SONIASPLACE99: Jesus died on the cross not the holy spirit
TIMOTHEAN13: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN13: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN13: That is from the Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,

SONIASPLACE99: Read the bible
TIMOTHEAN13: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
Heath2Brian: i have relationship with Jesus, and He is my life
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
OnlineHost: DEMET69 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN13: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
SONIASPLACE99: jesus is god's son
TIMOTHEAN13: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
OnlineHost: Mourninq Dove has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Was Mary a virgin or not?
Heath2Brian: Gods
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
OnlineHost: DEMET69 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
OnlineHost: Romanticcupl has entered the room.
Heath2Brian: yes she was
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
OnlineHost: Romanticcupl has left the room.
RyanLwrnc: They are one in the same
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
TIMOTHEAN13: This means she will have many Children.
OnlineHost: Mourninq Dove has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
SONIASPLACE99: theres the god the son and the holy spirit and they are one
TIMOTHEAN13: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
Heath2Brian: I LOVE GOD
RyanLwrnc: Made you King Messiah?
TIMOTHEAN13: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN13: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
Heath2Brian: THATS NOE
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN13: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
SONIASPLACE99: no one is god but god no human is god
TIMOTHEAN13: God can do whatever He desires.
RyanLwrnc: No one shall be saved without believing IN God
TIMOTHEAN13: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
Heath2Brian: RIGHT
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
RyanLwrnc: WHy?
Heath2Brian: DO WHAT?
TIMOTHEAN13: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
SONIASPLACE99: no man sees god and live
RyanLwrnc: He will come in Like manner as you have seen him go into heaven
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
RyanLwrnc: I didn't see you come in like manner
TIMOTHEAN13: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
OnlineHost: Heath2Brian has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: No visible God, then no God at all.
RyanLwrnc: With what eyes did you see God?
TIMOTHEAN13: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
RyanLwrnc: Answer the question
TIMOTHEAN13: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
OnlineHost: Sedity99 has entered the room.
Sedity99: Gotta Love me
Sedity99: < a
href="aol://1223:26260/">click here to
connect to my webcam
OnlineHost: Brettv27 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Digit 01vYH has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is God made visible.
SONIASPLACE99: And jesus answered and said .......
OnlineHost: Sedity99 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
OnlineHost: Brettv27 has left the room.
Digit 01vYH: christ is with in us all
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
Digit 01vYH: all of us see truth and light
SONIASPLACE99: take heed that no man deceive you..........
TIMOTHEAN13: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
Digit 01vYH: the light from the sun
TIMOTHEAN13: You must be born again.
Digit 01vYH: the son of god
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no name.
TIMOTHEAN13: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Men Give God His Names.
RyanLwrnc: Born again just means believing in Christ and that he died for
you and accepting that gift
TIMOTHEAN13: The one God has many names.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
Digit 01vYH: we all have the gift of christ with in us all
TIMOTHEAN13: Atlas holds up the universe.
RyanLwrnc: Including Messiah and Christ and Jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.

Digit 01vYH: it is recieved when we enter heaven
RyanLwrnc: Atlas is a false god and myth
TIMOTHEAN13: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
OnlineHost: PrittyKitty89618 has entered the room.
Digit 01vYH: and given to us at birth
TIMOTHEAN13: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
TIMOTHEAN13: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
SONIASPLACE99: For many shall come in my name saying, I am Christ and many
shall be deceive. Matthew 24 :5
RyanLwrnc: And you are thus decieved by those books
TIMOTHEAN13: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
OnlineHost: PrittyKitty89618 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
Digit 01vYH: HEll yeah ARJUNA!!!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN13: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
RyanLwrnc: Good I wouldn't want to be one, I'm a christian
SONIASPLACE99: cause we can do that
TIMOTHEAN13: If your into Science,
OnlineHost: Raven91353 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Raven91353 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: What is matter?
RyanLwrnc: Here we go...
TIMOTHEAN13: Define Matter.
RyanLwrnc: what God created
TIMOTHEAN13: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
SONIASPLACE99: right on ryan
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Energy.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Waves.
RyanLwrnc: Which God also created
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
SONIASPLACE99: God created everything!
TIMOTHEAN13: Take some Physics classes.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
RyanLwrnc: Learn the BIBLE
OnlineHost: Digit 01vYH has left the room.
SONIASPLACE99: Go to bible classses
TIMOTHEAN13: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
TIMOTHEAN13: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
TIMOTHEAN13: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
RyanLwrnc: And you are only being decieved into thinking you are the Messiah
TIMOTHEAN13: GoTimothy is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
RyanLwrnc: God can still free you though
OnlineHost: SONIASPLACE99 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
TIMOTHEAN13: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
RyanLwrnc: Then you would be dead
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
OnlineHost: KeRaZeEaZnLiLLy has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
KeRaZeEaZnLiLLy: im thw girl that saw budda
OnlineHost: Geneticfreak01 has entered the room.
RyanLwrnc: And jesus said let the dead bury the dead
KeRaZeEaZnLiLLy: the*
TIMOTHEAN13: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
OnlineHost: KatMS1963 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Geneticfreak01 has left the room.
KeRaZeEaZnLiLLy: budda
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God.
KeRaZeEaZnLiLLy: budda
KeRaZeEaZnLiLLy: budda
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
KeRaZeEaZnLiLLy: budda
RyanLwrnc: Now you are mixing scriptures
KeRaZeEaZnLiLLy: not god budda
TIMOTHEAN13: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
OnlineHost: KeRaZeEaZnLiLLy has left the room.
OnlineHost: KatMS1963 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is not a spirit.
RyanLwrnc: You are sooooo decieved, how did you get this way
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
TIMOTHEAN13: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN13: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
TIMOTHEAN13: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
RyanLwrnc: GUESS WHAT?? Even the Devil can quote scripture, he did to Jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.

TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go now, bye.
RyanLwrnc: He also twisted it like you are doing
TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
TIMOTHEAN13: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN13: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
RyanLwrnc: Then go, but I'll pray for your soul
TIMOTHEAN13: There will be a nuclear war.
TIMOTHEAN13: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
RyanLwrnc: Says you??
TIMOTHEAN13: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN13: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
TIMOTHEAN13: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
TIMOTHEAN13: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN13: a-right,
RyanLwrnc: Once agin you twist scripture like the devil did and make it fit
TIMOTHEAN13: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN13: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
TIMOTHEAN13: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
OnlineHost: III The Guy IIII has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
RyanLwrnc: NO the purpose of llife is to live our life for God and worship
TIMOTHEAN13: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
RyanLwrnc: And you are proving that
TIMOTHEAN13: He made up the story that He killed God.
RyanLwrnc: Hey Guy
TIMOTHEAN13: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
III The Guy IIII: hello
TIMOTHEAN13: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
OnlineHost: Ilovetheave1 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
III The Guy IIII: dont mind me
RyanLwrnc: Are you a Christian
OnlineHost: Ilovetheave1 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
OnlineHost: SONIASPLACE99 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BeachBaby1721 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
RyanLwrnc: Hey Sonias
TIMOTHEAN13: He will say, "I never knew you".
RyanLwrnc: He's still at it
TIMOTHEAN13: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN13: If the preachers have not seen God,
OnlineHost: BLOND N BTCHY16 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
BLOND N BTCHY16: im jesus
RyanLwrnc: Remember when the devil twisted scripture when quoting it to
TIMOTHEAN13: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
OnlineHost: Nyhcstef33 has entered the room.
BLOND N BTCHY16: get on your knees and bob your head
TIMOTHEAN13: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
RyanLwrnc: And You will be ingnored
SONIASPLACE99: u don't have to see god to worship him that's call Faith
TIMOTHEAN13: why God does not use His power to become visible.
BLOND N BTCHY16: faster
BLOND N BTCHY16: faster
BLOND N BTCHY16: faster
BLOND N BTCHY16: faster
TIMOTHEAN13: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
III The Guy IIII: if the bible is the word of god how can it be used against
TIMOTHEAN13: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN13: The penalty for this sin is death.
OnlineHost: BLOND N BTCHY16 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
Nyhcstef33: praise the lord i love jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: What makes you think no one can see God?
RyanLwrnc: It can be twisted to make it say what we want it to say and not
what God intended
TIMOTHEAN13: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
OnlineHost: Nyhcstef33 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
SONIASPLACE99: because Guy some people use it to benefit them instead of God
III The Guy IIII: i think they put that satan abusing scripture thing in
there just to cover themselves
TIMOTHEAN13: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
III The Guy IIII: the bible doesnt make any sense
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
RyanLwrnc: With bible reading should also come prayer to ask the Lord what
He meant and...
SONIASPLACE99: Guy no one has teach u
OnlineHost: Beth4Del has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 22. Christ is God made visible.
III The Guy IIII: hey tim thats what id tell my followers if i wanted them
to unquestioningly follow me
RyanLwrnc: What He is trying to say to you
TIMOTHEAN13: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
OnlineHost: Beth4Del has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN13: that every one who sees the Son."
TIMOTHEAN13: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
OnlineHost: Neilaman1 has entered the room.
III The Guy IIII: christianity seems that it was invented by stalin
TIMOTHEAN13: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TIMOTHEAN13: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
RyanLwrnc: In the spirit we can feel God but even the bible says that SIN
can not stand before God
TIMOTHEAN13: Did you see Jesus ?
RyanLwrnc: And we all have Sinned
Neilaman1: Jesus can be felt
SONIASPLACE99: Right again Ryan hey i like u
TIMOTHEAN13: Then you don't know Him.
III The Guy IIII: any faith that demands unquestioning following if fallic
RyanLwrnc: Thanks but I need help
TIMOTHEAN13: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
RyanLwrnc: Why?
OnlineHost: Coogabugs713 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TheDaftMan has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
SONIASPLACE99: GOd is like wind you can't see it but you can feel it
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
RyanLwrnc: Do you not believe the Bible
TIMOTHEAN13: knowing that they do gender strife.
TheDaftMan: So your the guy who saw Jesus?
TIMOTHEAN13: I avoid foolish questions.
Neilaman1: questions are learned thru the Bible
TIMOTHEAN13: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
III The Guy IIII: man was given the gift of reason and it seems that god it
trying to take it away in xian
III The Guy IIII: philosiphy
RyanLwrnc: We may not be able to see Jesus but we can see the effects of Him
TIMOTHEAN13: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
TIMOTHEAN13: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.

RyanLwrnc: NO we were given a choice
TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN13: and you have not known me?
Neilaman1: God can be seen of his works
TIMOTHEAN13: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN13: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
III The Guy IIII: the bible and christianity must be false because they were
created to be self sustaining
Neilaman1: because anybody who sees him will surely die
TIMOTHEAN13: "Show us the Father?"
RyanLwrnc: And it is up to the person to listen and obey
TIMOTHEAN13: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN13: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
III The Guy IIII: any good philosiphy would be chosen not forced
RyanLwrnc: No they are sustained by God and Him alone
OnlineHost: TheDaftMan has left the room.
SONIASPLACE99: Right we are given a choice and he wants us to choose life
TIMOTHEAN13: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
RyanLwrnc: If you knew Him you would Know this
OnlineHost: BeachBaby1721 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Coogabugs713 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
Neilaman1: ya and to choose life not hell is what he really wanted
TIMOTHEAN13: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
SONIASPLACE99: you have to build a relationship with god
TIMOTHEAN13: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
Neilaman1: God cant be seen he is of spirit
TIMOTHEAN13: but we know that, when he shall appear,
RyanLwrnc: He created us to have a relationship with Him and that is what He
Neilaman1: what was written that we have seen GOd is of his Power
III The Guy IIII: for example the bible threatens damnation for not
accepting jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: we shall be like him;
TIMOTHEAN13: for we shall see him as he is.
III The Guy IIII: why should the acception of jesus mean anything
TIMOTHEAN13: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
RyanLwrnc: God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in
Spirit and in Truth
TIMOTHEAN13: speaks on this wise,
SONIASPLACE99: Guy y is it so hard to choose God?
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
Neilaman1: what is written in the Bible is real
TIMOTHEAN13: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN13: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
RyanLwrnc: He died for your sins that you would CHOOSE His gift
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
III The Guy IIII: if you beleive in the philosiphy and the ethics of the
faith the history shouldnt matter
SONIASPLACE99: We are the church
OnlineHost: Nyhcstef33 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN13: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
OnlineHost: Neilaman1 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
OnlineHost: Nyhcstef33 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
RyanLwrnc: But the history teaches us how Christ lived that we may follow
that lifestyle
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
RyanLwrnc: I think Tim has gone lost it...
TIMOTHEAN13: because he said no man could see God and live.
III The Guy IIII: you follow by beleiving the same as jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
III The Guy IIII: not by beleiving that he is god
TIMOTHEAN13: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
SONIASPLACE99: Moses was not a false prophet
TIMOTHEAN13: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
TIMOTHEAN13: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
RyanLwrnc: Right, His life is an example of how we should live, and His life
shows us He is God
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
III The Guy IIII: how is his life an example
TIMOTHEAN13: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN13: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
III The Guy IIII: lots of people live a life that would make the same
RyanLwrnc: NO MAN could live a perfect life only God and He was and IS God
III The Guy IIII: jesus did not live a perfect life
SONIASPLACE99: Because if he can live on earth aas ahuman and make it so can
TIMOTHEAN13: Are you going to answer or not?
RyanLwrnc: Jesus did not sin, we all Sin
TIMOTHEAN13: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
III The Guy IIII: yes he did
TIMOTHEAN13: Then you are not Saved.
RyanLwrnc: How and WHen
SONIASPLACE99: no jesus did not sin
TIMOTHEAN13: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
RyanLwrnc: Where does it say that
TIMOTHEAN13: Christianity is a Cult.
SONIASPLACE99: no where
III The Guy IIII: i remember the story about how he violently erupted at a
church where some merchants set up
III The Guy IIII: shop
TIMOTHEAN13: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
OnlineHost: Nh1228 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN13: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
III The Guy IIII: i was read it in the 2nd grade i went to a catholic
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
Nh1228: hello room
RyanLwrnc: Right that is anger, Or better put righteous anger.
TIMOTHEAN13: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN13: if not by their faith then by mine.
RyanLwrnc: Ander is an emotion not a sin
III The Guy IIII: anger is never righteous
III The Guy IIII: jesus said so himself
TIMOTHEAN13: I wrote a song want to hear it?
RyanLwrnc: Anger*
TIMOTHEAN13: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
RyanLwrnc: When did He say that?
III The Guy IIII: so he either sined by violence or by lie
TIMOTHEAN13: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
OnlineHost: Nh1228 has left the room.
RyanLwrnc: I have never read that
TIMOTHEAN13: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
III The Guy IIII: he wasnt just angry
TIMOTHEAN13: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Let the invisible world become visible."
SONIASPLACE99: Timothean is a false teacher and if you let him deceive
you,you and him will be lost
OnlineHost: Dramaqnf30 has entered the room.
RyanLwrnc: The people sell making his house of prayer a den of theives
TIMOTHEAN13: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Let the visible God become invisible."
III The Guy IIII: he was fliping over tables and throwing the merchants out
of the church
TIMOTHEAN13: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN13: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN13: While His children, destroy His house.
TIMOTHEAN13: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN13: With his faith sure and strong,
TIMOTHEAN13: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN13: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN13: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN13: Leaving judgment to the one above.
OnlineHost: Dramaqnf30 has left the room.
RyanLwrnc: That anger was a righteous anger and was right in Gods sight
because of what they were doing
TIMOTHEAN13: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN13: Hearing the words of His voice.
TIMOTHEAN13: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN13: The wise know what I mean.
III The Guy IIII: there is no such thing as righteous anger
TIMOTHEAN13: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN13: They will see God's face.
SONIASPLACE99: Thoses people was doing sin in that temple and jesus came
toput a stop to it
TIMOTHEAN13: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN13: To reach the immortal state.
III The Guy IIII: and if xian philosiphy says there is i disagree with it
TIMOTHEAN13: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN13: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN13: God wrote it.
RyanLwrnc: Yes there is. It is right in GOds sight
RyanLwrnc: That he did that
SONIASPLACE99: thats a holy place that stuff is not suppose be there
III The Guy IIII: and adam didnt sin god did
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
RyanLwrnc: He also fullfilled prophcey in doing so
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1. Timothean Religion
III The Guy IIII: in the bible it says if you think the act you have sinned
in your heart
TIMOTHEAN13: Time 1.32 am Date 9.12.01
SONIASPLACE99: god isn't sin
III The Guy IIII: so by creating temptation god forced adam to sin
RyanLwrnc: God didn't create temptation
SONIASPLACE99: satan did
RyanLwrnc: The devil tempted eve to sin
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
III The Guy IIII: what do you call it if you put something in front of
someone and say they cant have it
RyanLwrnc: And she told adam it was good
TIMOTHEAN13: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
III The Guy IIII: god set up his own creation
TIMOTHEAN13: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
RyanLwrnc: Trust
SONIASPLACE99: satan set them up
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
SONIASPLACE99: not god
OnlineHost: ThailaryL has entered the room.
RyanLwrnc: God trusted his creation to follow and obey Him and they would
have had satan not said...
TIMOTHEAN13: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
RyanLwrnc: anything
III The Guy IIII: i think the god portrayed in xian philosiphy isnt that
nice at all
TIMOTHEAN13: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN13: provides.
III The Guy IIII: in fact id even say hes cruel
RyanLwrnc: What is xian philosiphy
OnlineHost: SicCheeriO has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SicCheeriO has left the room.
OnlineHost: SicCheeriO has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN13: injured.
SONIASPLACE99: god put his word there adam know the word and chose not to
obey it
OnlineHost: ThailaryL has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN13: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN13: All die in the hands of Doctors.
RyanLwrnc: God is merciful, He's let us live this long
III The Guy IIII: doctors?
TIMOTHEAN13: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
OnlineHost: YourGodFailedYou has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: My story at
III The Guy IIII: leting one live isnt a gift its a right
SONIASPLACE99: god give the doctors that knowledge
RyanLwrnc: I thank God every morning for letting me breath my next breth
TIMOTHEAN13: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
YourGodFailedYou: you thank god for your spelling too?
SicCheeriO: What God ? There is no god
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
YourGodFailedYou: sic is correct
RyanLwrnc: Are you saying God has to
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a learning disability.
RyanLwrnc: Let you live
YourGodFailedYou: there are no VALID gods
RyanLwrnc: ?
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
III The Guy IIII: well if your religion gives you peice of mind then i am
happy for you
YourGodFailedYou: just god concepts
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a mental illness.
RyanLwrnc: He doesn't haveto do anything
TIMOTHEAN13: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
III The Guy IIII: i just prefer logic and reason
OnlineHost: III The Guy IIII has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN13: illness.
SONIASPLACE99: that grace and mercy
YourGodFailedYou: anybody can pick up a textbook and implant a god concept
within thier mindset
TIMOTHEAN13: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
YourGodFailedYou: that shows a valid god to the whole planet???
YourGodFailedYou: get real fundies
TIMOTHEAN13: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
YourGodFailedYou: no bible text = no implanted god concept?
YourGodFailedYou: duh
TIMOTHEAN13: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
SONIASPLACE99: the bible is not a textbook it's god word
TIMOTHEAN13: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
YourGodFailedYou: sonia its manifestation of a concept
YourGodFailedYou: like the quron is
YourGodFailedYou: of allah
YourGodFailedYou: and the pasim of r'makle
YourGodFailedYou: and other texts of other manmade god concepts
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN13: go to the web page for more information.
YourGodFailedYou: tim give it up fundie pal
YourGodFailedYou: only valid gods can show valid gods not humans
YourGodFailedYou: guess what there are no valid gods
YourGodFailedYou: sorry
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
YourGodFailedYou: just manamde god notions
TIMOTHEAN13: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
SicCheeriO: How can you see something thats not there
OnlineHost: RyanLwrnc has left the room.
YourGodFailedYou: tim ask your umm valid god to make a cameo WITHOUT
any humans trying to show him eh?
YourGodFailedYou: try it
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN13: live.
YourGodFailedYou: thatll eliminate manifestation eh???
TIMOTHEAN13: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN13: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN13: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
OnlineHost: SONIASPLACE99 has left the room.
YourGodFailedYou: your god failed my pal i won
TIMOTHEAN13: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
OnlineHost: YourGodFailedYou has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN13: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
OnlineHost: SicCheeriO has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN13: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN13: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN13: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
OnlineHost: MerryJingleCow has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
OnlineHost: MerryJingleCow has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN13: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN13: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN13: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
OnlineHost: Bdkitte69 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN13: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN13: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go. Goodbye
OnlineHost: BUDWEISERQUE3N has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
OnlineHost: HighTimer24 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
OnlineHost: HighTimer24 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN13: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN13: and you will not have to remember the address.
OnlineHost: BUDWEISERQUE3N has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
OnlineHost: Arch Anjel has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.

TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN13: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN13: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN13: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
Arch Anjel: after yesterday i doubt theres a god
TIMOTHEAN13: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
OnlineHost: Arch Anjel has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN13: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN13: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN13: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN13: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN13: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN13: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
OnlineHost: LIL RED FRAGGLE has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN13: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN13: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN13: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN13: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN13: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no religion.
OnlineHost: GhEtObOoTyPiMpEt has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Axedragger has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN13: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN13: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN13: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
Axedragger: Goddamn it.......
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
OnlineHost: LIL RED FRAGGLE has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Axedragger: Satan...????
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: 11. 9.12.01 1.49
OnlineHost: GhEtObOoTyPiMpEt has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN13: people saw God after I prepared them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN13: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: They do not tell you because of persecution,
Axedragger: I saw good at the stop and reob store down the street
TIMOTHEAN13: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
Axedragger: god*
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN13: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN13: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN13: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
Axedragger: i kan walk on water
TIMOTHEAN13: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN13: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN13: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN13: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN13: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.

TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN13: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN13: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN13: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
OnlineHost: Axedragger has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN13: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN13: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN13: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
OnlineHost: Roberto545 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Roberto545 has left the room.
OnlineHost: SkreamingAlpha has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
SkreamingAlpha: who saw jebus?
TIMOTHEAN13: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN13: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN13: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN13: That is from the Book of Mormon.
SkreamingAlpha: i caught elvis digging in my trash can once does that count?
TIMOTHEAN13: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,

TIMOTHEAN13: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
SkreamingAlpha: wow Tim is off the deep end
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
SkreamingAlpha: how may i server u o great tim
TIMOTHEAN13: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN13: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
TIMOTHEAN13: Was Mary a virgin or not?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
SkreamingAlpha: i pumped mary in the rump does that count
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
TIMOTHEAN13: This means she will have many Children.
SkreamingAlpha: omg this guy is nutz, somoene kill it
TIMOTHEAN13: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
OnlineHost: SkreamingAlpha has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN13: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN13: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN13: God can do whatever He desires.
OnlineHost: Diane1824 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
Diane1824: did you see jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
Diane1824: you are
Diane1824: wow
TIMOTHEAN13: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
Diane1824: you are the messiah
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am looking for others who saw God.
Diane1824: I have not seen God
TIMOTHEAN13: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: No visible God, then no God at all.
Diane1824: do you want be to leave
TIMOTHEAN13: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
Diane1824: do you want be to bow down to you
TIMOTHEAN13: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Diane1824: really
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
Diane1824: are you the leader
TIMOTHEAN13: You must be born again.
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no name.
Diane1824: ok I go check it out
TIMOTHEAN13: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Men Give God His Names.
TIMOTHEAN13: The one God has many names.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN13: Atlas holds up the universe.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.

OnlineHost: Diane1824 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN13: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
TIMOTHEAN13: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN13: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
TIMOTHEAN13: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
TIMOTHEAN13: If your into Science,
TIMOTHEAN13: What is matter?
TIMOTHEAN13: Define Matter.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Energy.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Waves.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
TIMOTHEAN13: Take some Physics classes.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
TIMOTHEAN13: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
OnlineHost: Diane1824 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
TIMOTHEAN13: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
OnlineHost: Bdkitte69 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: GoTimothy is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
OnlineHost: Greg723119 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
Diane1824: who are you talking to
OnlineHost: Greg723119 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
TIMOTHEAN13: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
TIMOTHEAN13: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
TIMOTHEAN13: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
TIMOTHEAN13: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is not a spirit.
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
Diane1824: is this a robot
TIMOTHEAN13: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN13: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
Diane1824: hello Tim
TIMOTHEAN13: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.

TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go now, bye.
Diane1824: you are weird
TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
TIMOTHEAN13: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN13: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There will be a nuclear war.
Diane1824: your that weirdo
Diane1824: eye
TIMOTHEAN13: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
TIMOTHEAN13: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN13: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
OnlineHost: Diane1824 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
TIMOTHEAN13: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN13: a-right,
TIMOTHEAN13: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN13: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
TIMOTHEAN13: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TIMOTHEAN13: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TIMOTHEAN13: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
TIMOTHEAN13: He made up the story that He killed God.
TIMOTHEAN13: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
TIMOTHEAN13: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
TIMOTHEAN13: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
TIMOTHEAN13: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
TIMOTHEAN13: He will say, "I never knew you".
TIMOTHEAN13: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN13: If the preachers have not seen God,
TIMOTHEAN13: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
TIMOTHEAN13: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN13: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
TIMOTHEAN13: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN13: The penalty for this sin is death.
TIMOTHEAN13: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
TIMOTHEAN13: What makes you think no one can see God?
TIMOTHEAN13: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
OnlineHost: Trauma719 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
OnlineHost: Trauma719 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Trauma719 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Trauma719 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN13: that every one who sees the Son."
TIMOTHEAN13: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN13: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TIMOTHEAN13: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN13: Did you see Jesus ?
TIMOTHEAN13: Then you don't know Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TIMOTHEAN13: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN13: knowing that they do gender strife.
TIMOTHEAN13: I avoid foolish questions.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
TIMOTHEAN13: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
TIMOTHEAN13: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.

TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN13: and you have not known me?
TIMOTHEAN13: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN13: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Show us the Father?"
TIMOTHEAN13: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN13: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
TIMOTHEAN13: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
OnlineHost: TOWNCAR69 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
TOWNCAR69: Hello
TIMOTHEAN13: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
TIMOTHEAN13: but we know that, when he shall appear,
TOWNCAR69: r we going to die
TIMOTHEAN13: we shall be like him;
TIMOTHEAN13: for we shall see him as he is.
TOWNCAR69: hello?
TIMOTHEAN13: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
TIMOTHEAN13: speaks on this wise,
TOWNCAR69: u are scaring me
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN13: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN13: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
TOWNCAR69: please your scaring me
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN13: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN13: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TOWNCAR69: please stop
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
OnlineHost: IxFancyShmancyxI has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TOWNCAR69: i have one question
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
TIMOTHEAN13: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
OnlineHost: BigManBlue1 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN13: because he said no man could see God and live.
TIMOTHEAN13: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
OnlineHost: IxFancyShmancyxI has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
OnlineHost: BigManBlue1 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
OnlineHost: SO SAN FRAN SAV has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
TIMOTHEAN13: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN13: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
TIMOTHEAN13: Are you going to answer or not?
TOWNCAR69: r we going to die
TIMOTHEAN13: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Then you are not Saved.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
OnlineHost: SO SAN FRAN SAV has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christianity is a Cult.
TOWNCAR69: i don't wanna die please stop scaring me
TIMOTHEAN13: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
TOWNCAR69: stop please
TIMOTHEAN13: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN13: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
TOWNCAR69: can u answer my question
TIMOTHEAN13: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN13: if not by their faith then by mine.
TIMOTHEAN13: I wrote a song want to hear it?
TIMOTHEAN13: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
TIMOTHEAN13: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
TOWNCAR69: can u answer my question
TIMOTHEAN13: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
TIMOTHEAN13: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Let the invisible world become visible."
TIMOTHEAN13: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Let the visible God become invisible."
TIMOTHEAN13: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN13: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN13: While His children, destroy His house.
TIMOTHEAN13: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN13: With his faith sure and strong,
TIMOTHEAN13: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN13: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN13: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN13: Leaving judgment to the one above.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN13: Hearing the words of His voice.
TIMOTHEAN13: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN13: The wise know what I mean.
TIMOTHEAN13: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN13: They will see God's face.
TIMOTHEAN13: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN13: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN13: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN13: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN13: God wrote it.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
OnlineHost: JOHN41364 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
OnlineHost: DoughSucky has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: To Join the online group fill out the group form,
DoughSucky: NO IM THE MAN
TIMOTHEAN13: other members will show up in the buddy list.
OnlineHost: DoughSucky has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You only need to be a first level Timothean to Join this group,

TIMOTHEAN13: second level Timotheans clone our site and teach with a
TIMOTHEAN13: Enemies are trying to limit speech and the Gospel from
TIMOTHEAN13: Fill in the form to clone the Gospel to your AOL account.
TIMOTHEAN13: I recommend creating a AOL screename TIMOTHEAN17 or
TIMOTHEAN13: Find a number that is not taken and upload there.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus said preach the Gospel in season and out,
TIMOTHEAN13: weather people will hear it or not, 2nd Tim 4:1-5.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now Go and do likewise with the Teach Proggie.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you would like to clone elsewhere, let us know in comments.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are Seven levels to the Timothean Religion,
TIMOTHEAN13: just like there are seven levels of Heaven and seven Churches.
TIMOTHEAN13: History has proven that whenever a new religion gets started,
TIMOTHEAN13: that Catholic Church has had every member of that religion
OnlineHost: WizardofGodZzz has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: This is why there are 10,000 different hamburgers stands,
TIMOTHEAN13: in 50 years,
TIMOTHEAN13: and only about 6 religions in 10,000 years.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Cathors were able to make the Body of the Lord become
TIMOTHEAN13: and their members were about 1,000 strong,
OnlineHost: TOWNCAR69 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: when the Catholics had them all killed.
TIMOTHEAN13: You cannot be taught about Third Level Timotheism,
TIMOTHEAN13: until you have been at a second level for a year,
TIMOTHEAN13: so get in now.
TIMOTHEAN13: At first I thought it was the Government that had
TIMOTHEAN13: the people at Waco Killed,
TIMOTHEAN13: but then I found out the Catholics have their own Army
TIMOTHEAN13: and Militia to kill off their competition.
TIMOTHEAN13: Masada, Waco, Heaven's Gate and Jonestown
OnlineHost: Ultimatenothing has entered the room.
WizardofGodZzz: ...and you my friend...have spun your melon...
TIMOTHEAN13: all have something in Common, they were all murdered.
OnlineHost: Ultimatenothing has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: And it was covered up by making it look like a mass suicide.
TIMOTHEAN13: You would think that this is the Mafia and you might be right.
OnlineHost: CLASSIE02 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Odds of getting people to commit suicide & conveniently
OnlineHost: EstEndCrew has entered the room.
OnlineHost: EstEndCrew has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: to cover up any evidence of murder, is about one in ten
TIMOTHEAN13: Is George W. Bush stupid enough to believe in mass cremation?
TIMOTHEAN13: When a new religion gets above a certain number,
TIMOTHEAN13: they send in the Army to have them Killed.
OnlineHost: WizardofGodZzz has left the room.
JOHN41364: friend ...what did God look like
TIMOTHEAN13: This is why you will never find more then one member
TIMOTHEAN13: of the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can say your a Timothean,
TIMOTHEAN13: but if anyone ask you how many members there are,
TIMOTHEAN13: say "I am the only Timothean,
TIMOTHEAN13: all the others are impostures trying to overthrow my religion".

TIMOTHEAN13: Even if your screename is TIMOTHEAN99999 and your in a group
OnlineHost: CLASSIE02 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: of 10,000 all wearing Timothean T-Shirts and reading the Gospel

TIMOTHEAN13: of Timothy, say "I am the only Timothean,
TIMOTHEAN13: all the others are imposters." It's for your protection.
TIMOTHEAN13: Because these serial killers will think nothing of dropping a
TIMOTHEAN13: nuclear weapon on a Nation of Timotheans.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans are True Americans.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe in the second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms"
TIMOTHEAN13: against anyone infringing on our rights
TIMOTHEAN13: to FREE Speech or FREE Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they want to Stop our Speech or Religion,
TIMOTHEAN13: they need to Leave the USA, and go to a Dictatorship Country,
TIMOTHEAN13: where religion and speech is controlled by the Dictators.
TIMOTHEAN13: It is our constitutional right to bear Arms to kill them.
TIMOTHEAN13: In America, there is not a Juror that will convict us.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anyone who infringes on these rights,
TIMOTHEAN13: is a Threat to the National Security of the United States of
TIMOTHEAN13: Happy 4th of July.
OnlineHost: MagitekMusic has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MagitekMusic has left the room.
OnlineHost: TOWNCAR69 has entered the room.
TOWNCAR69: HELLO!!!!!!!!!
OnlineHost: JOHN41364 has left the room.
OnlineHost: TOWNCAR69 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Nastradamnuts has entered the room.
OnlineHost: GraveHunter37 has entered the room.
GraveHunter37: lol
GraveHunter37: lol
GraveHunter37: lol
GraveHunter37: lol
OnlineHost: GraveHunter37 has left the room.
OnlineHost: TheRockman6 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TheRockman6 has left the room.
OnlineHost: GraveHunter37 has entered the room.
GraveHunter37: lol
OnlineHost: TheRockman6 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: RebHarley93D has entered the room.
OnlineHost: RebHarley93D has left the room.
GraveHunter37: Amen
TheRockman6: Listen Hunter you are hunting for your death.
GraveHunter37: If Jesus was Jew... How come he had a Puertorrican name?
GraveHunter37: lol
TheRockman6: You will se Jesus and all his saints.
GraveHunter37: vaya
OnlineHost: TheRockman6 has left the room.
OnlineHost: III The Guy IIII has entered the room.
GraveHunter37: Let's go... Foolow me Rock!
OnlineHost: TheRockman6 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: GraveHunter37 has left the room.
OnlineHost: TheRockman6 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Xialexius has entered the room.
III The Guy IIII: crack the walls
III The Guy IIII: break the windows
III The Guy IIII: shake the room
Xialexius: Yeah I saw jesus alright
III The Guy IIII: and vibrate the floor
OnlineHost: TofuXavenger has entered the room.
III The Guy IIII: boom tsss boom tsss boom tsss boom tsss
TofuXavenger: dance party ?
OnlineHost: Xialexius has left the room.
III The Guy IIII: dj venom
TofuXavenger: no shit ?....<------ MC scantron
III The Guy IIII: gotta love the ululating siren through his whole cd
III The Guy IIII: woo woo woo woo woo woo
OnlineHost: TofuXavenger has left the room.
OnlineHost: GoTimothy has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Ad5556 has entered the room.
GoTimothy: hi
III The Guy IIII: tim is a psycho
GoTimothy: cool
OnlineHost: Ad5556 has left the room.
GoTimothy: u r a murder
III The Guy IIII: not you the other tim
III The Guy IIII: i dont murder i stab
GoTimothy: what he says makes sence
TIMOTHEAN13: 3. Timothean Religion
III The Guy IIII: what he says is girrafe poo
TIMOTHEAN13: Latist Conspiricy on Bombing
III The Guy IIII: boom boom boom boom
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
III The Guy IIII: wa da da dang wa da da da da dang
TIMOTHEAN13: Click the red heart and come back.
III The Guy IIII: listen to my 9 millimeter go bang
GoTimothy: and who are u the baby burnning ATF?
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
III The Guy IIII: tim you need to stop doing drugs
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
III The Guy IIII: or find a good shrink to perscribe you some
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
TIMOTHEAN13: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
GoTimothy: u need to stop killing babies
TIMOTHEAN13: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.

OnlineHost: III The Guy IIII has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am here to teach the Truth
TIMOTHEAN13: What is Truth?
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
GoTimothy: Read Matt. 5:8
OnlineHost: Nastradamnuts has left the room.
OnlineHost: SnowboardingDT has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SnowboardingDT has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: hi snow © Copyright 1996-2012 by Timothy Allen Campbell, The Gospel of Timothy,Voicemail 1-248-906-4634 All rights reserved.