OnlineHost: *** You are in "Romance - Thirties Love 16". ***
Brattofbluz: why is that
Milacy31: hmmmm is right
Milacy31: i dunno..
Grooms Trucking: what's up
Milacy31: ur askin me??? duhh??
Brattofbluz: your not stirring up any excitement
Milacy31: gee thanks there
Yokigirl54: how is eveyone tonight?
Milacy31: puttin on the pressure huh
OnlineHost: SweetSexyBrat1 has entered the room.
Grooms Trucking: what's up with yokigirl
Milacy31: i am tryin
SweetSexyBrat1: Hey EveryBody!!!!
Brattofbluz: ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BRAT)))
Brattofbluz: )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Bcr1966: Hello Room 35/M
Milacy31: ???
Milacy31: ur huggin urself
Milacy31: ok
Yokigirl54: nothing just wantching the news grooms
Grooms Trucking: what's up brat
SweetSexyBrat1: {{{{{{{{{{ Bratt Sweetie*******}}}}}}}}}}
Milacy31: lol groom
Yokigirl54: and u
Milacy31: ahh that brat
OnlineHost: kimiann31 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Read My Profile, I have a link to The Gospel of Timothy.
SweetSexyBrat1: Grooms Hey There
OnlineHost: Lone StarTexan33 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Rockies1999 has entered the room.
Brattofbluz: No its my evil twin
OnlineHost: Xanaduangelwis has entered the room.
Brattofbluz: lol
Milacy31: ok
Brattofbluz: ok
OnlineHost: Lone StarTexan33 has left the room.
Rockies1999: hi 33/m/colo
OnlineHost: Bcr1966 has left the room.
Xanaduangelwis: hello everyone
OnlineHost: Bcr1966 has entered the room.
Milacy31: <<<<< stayin away from evil
OnlineHost: AShaDowBaBy has entered the room.
OnlineHost: GNICH23 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Dj4663 has entered the room.
Brattofbluz: no smile??
Grooms Trucking: hi you doing brat
OnlineHost: GNICH23 has left the room.
Xanaduangelwis: how is everyone doing tonight ...
OnlineHost: ss69n396 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Bcr1966 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Rex873 has entered the room.
Brattofbluz: damn xan i cant see that.......
Dj4663: hello every1
Rex873: Hello room
ss69n396: hi all
OnlineHost: Mstryman4u has left the room.
Milacy31: lol bratt
Xanaduangelwis: 29/f here in so cali
IMCZY4YU: howdy room
OnlineHost: Qcare881 has entered the room.
Xanaduangelwis: hi bratt how are you
OnlineHost: Qcare881 has left the room.
Xanaduangelwis: sorry
Milacy31: she said..29 F HERE IN SO CALI
OnlineHost: NinoInSD has entered the room.
IMCZY4YU: 29/f idaho
Yokigirl54: i doing ok xanaduangelwis
OnlineHost: Rockies1999 has left the room.
Milacy31: haha
Grooms Trucking: what did you for get about me milacy
Brattofbluz: Brat??
OnlineHost: William or Will has entered the room.
ss69n396: 36/M/Mo/single
SweetSexyBrat1: Hi ya Rex sweetie
OnlineHost: AShaDowBaBy has left the room.
SweetSexyBrat1: Bratt?
Milacy31: should i
OnlineHost: Dj4663 has left the room.
SweetSexyBrat1: Xan GREAT here and you
OnlineHost: *** You are in "Life - ImTheManThatSawJesus". ***
TIMOTHEAN13: 3. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
OnlineHost: GoTimothy has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click the red heart and come back.
OnlineHost: PANKEY4 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
OnlineHost: PANKEY4 has left the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
OnlineHost: GoTimothy has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
TIMOTHEAN13: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN13: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am here to teach the Truth
TIMOTHEAN13: What is Truth?
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
TIMOTHEAN13: Many more truths can be found in my book,
TIMOTHEAN13: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
TIMOTHEAN13: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
TIMOTHEAN13: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN13: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN13: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN13: of warning people that tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN13: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN13: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
TIMOTHEAN13: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN13: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN13: And he will save hundreds.
TIMOTHEAN13: God works in Mysterious ways.
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TIMOTHEAN13: So I did.
TIMOTHEAN13: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TIMOTHEAN13: He brought it on himself.
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
TIMOTHEAN13: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TIMOTHEAN13: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TIMOTHEAN13: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN13: after his accident then he will help me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
TIMOTHEAN13: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TIMOTHEAN13: Its God's will.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN13: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN13: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
TIMOTHEAN13: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TIMOTHEAN13: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN13: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN13: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN13: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
TIMOTHEAN13: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
TIMOTHEAN13: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
TIMOTHEAN13: before the tree snapped.
TIMOTHEAN13: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
TIMOTHEAN13: Lord hear my Prayer,
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
TIMOTHEAN13: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TIMOTHEAN13: a sign to believe that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
TIMOTHEAN13: For Moses said "for they will say,
TIMOTHEAN13: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN13: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN13: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
TIMOTHEAN13: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
TIMOTHEAN13: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN13: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
TIMOTHEAN13: All will know God.
TIMOTHEAN13: And his Judgements.
TIMOTHEAN13: Who was Caiaphas?
TIMOTHEAN13: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
TIMOTHEAN13: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does God look like?
OnlineHost: BUDWEISERQUE3N has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
OnlineHost: BUDWEISERQUE3N has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
TIMOTHEAN13: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN13: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
TIMOTHEAN13: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
TIMOTHEAN13: "Happy Satan's Day"
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
TIMOTHEAN13: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
TIMOTHEAN13: my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
TIMOTHEAN13: You are not God, Jesus is.
TIMOTHEAN13: God created man in His image.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is more real than His creation.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: The true God Has power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Email me to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: Read My Profile, I have a link to The Gospel of Timothy.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
TIMOTHEAN13: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
TIMOTHEAN13: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
TIMOTHEAN13: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me or forget it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Goodbye.
TIMOTHEAN13: 9. The True Religion.
OnlineHost: *** You are in "Romance - hopelesslyromantic1". ***
ANGELEYES4367: 26 ~ f ~ florida ~ pics
GoTimothy: Chat: ImTheManThatSawJesus (Keyword to:
ANGELEYES4367: hi timothean
DJimison524: wanna trade
OnlineHost: Diana7399 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DownLowPisces has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Read My Profile, I have a link to The Gospel of Timothy.
DownLowPisces: what is up room?
OnlineHost: Kiss The Kids has left the room.
OnlineHost: Diana7399 has left the room.
DownLowPisces: 20/m/Mich/picz....any females wanna chat?
ANGELEYES4367: hi downlow
OnlineHost: *** You are in "Life - ImTheManThatSawJesus". ***
TIMOTHEAN13: Read My Profile, I have a link to The Gospel of Timothy.
TIMOTHEAN13: 3. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click the red heart and come back.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
TIMOTHEAN13: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN13: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am here to teach the Truth
TIMOTHEAN13: What is Truth?
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
TIMOTHEAN13: Many more truths can be found in my book,
TIMOTHEAN13: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
TIMOTHEAN13: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
TIMOTHEAN13: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
TIMOTHEAN13: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN13: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN13: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN13: of warning people that tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN13: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN13: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
TIMOTHEAN13: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN13: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN13: And he will save hundreds.
OnlineHost: HidingplaceE has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God works in Mysterious ways.
HidingplaceE: hello
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TIMOTHEAN13: So I did.
TIMOTHEAN13: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TIMOTHEAN13: He brought it on himself.
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
TIMOTHEAN13: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TIMOTHEAN13: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TIMOTHEAN13: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN13: after his accident then he will help me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
HidingplaceE: what are you talking about???
TIMOTHEAN13: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TIMOTHEAN13: Its God's will.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN13: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN13: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
TIMOTHEAN13: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TIMOTHEAN13: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
HidingplaceE: who are you talking to, I'm interested
TIMOTHEAN13: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN13: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN13: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
TIMOTHEAN13: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
TIMOTHEAN13: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
TIMOTHEAN13: before the tree snapped.
TIMOTHEAN13: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
TIMOTHEAN13: Lord hear my Prayer,
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
HidingplaceE: you are making no sense and i am going to leave now
TIMOTHEAN13: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TIMOTHEAN13: a sign to believe that I saw God.
HidingplaceE: Good bye, and God be with you
TIMOTHEAN13: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
OnlineHost: HidingplaceE has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: For Moses said "for they will say,
TIMOTHEAN13: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN13: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN13: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
TIMOTHEAN13: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
TIMOTHEAN13: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN13: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
TIMOTHEAN13: All will know God.
TIMOTHEAN13: And his Judgements.
TIMOTHEAN13: Who was Caiaphas?
TIMOTHEAN13: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
TIMOTHEAN13: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does God look like?
TIMOTHEAN13: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
TIMOTHEAN13: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
TIMOTHEAN13: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN13: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
TIMOTHEAN13: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
TIMOTHEAN13: "Happy Satan's Day"
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
TIMOTHEAN13: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
TIMOTHEAN13: my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
TIMOTHEAN13: You are not God, Jesus is.
TIMOTHEAN13: God created man in His image.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is more real than His creation.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: The true God Has power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Email me to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: Read My Profile, I have a link to The Gospel of Timothy.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
TIMOTHEAN13: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
OnlineHost: *** You are in "Special Interests - Abducted by UFOs". ***
SaTaNzViRgiN 420: lmao
SaTaNzViRgiN 420: right on
Nemisis0826: trusty weed
OnlineHost: GoTimothy has left the room.
Gwen1318: she walked
Gwen1318: no public trasportation
Nemisis0826: yea dan tell me about it i've heard about it since nine this
I Am of the FaIl: only thing to calm me down is shasy t come online
Padrote De Verda: Any femalez up in here prezz 13
Nemisis0826: or so
KristiWug: SHUT UP
Nemisis0826: lol boat
OnlineHost: Lamont1800 has left the room.
Nemisis0826: hook me up
Gwen1318: i cant get home without public trasportation from manhattan
SaTaNzViRgiN 420: fukkin shitty thing to wake up to when you turn on yer tv
I Am of the FaIl: <--------- has smoked about four onces in the last week
Gwen1318: ;*********(
OnlineHost: *** You are in "Life - ImTheManThatSawJesus". ***
OnlineHost: Hondaracer51782 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
OnlineHost: Hondaracer51782 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: 3. Timo
TIMOTHEAN13: thean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: 3. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click the red heart and come back.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
TIMOTHEAN13: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN13: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am here to teach the Truth
TIMOTHEAN13: What is Truth?
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
OnlineHost: LOHENGRIN13 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many more truths can be found in my book,
TIMOTHEAN13: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
TIMOTHEAN13: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
TIMOTHEAN13: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
TIMOTHEAN13: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN13: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN13: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN13: of warning people that tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN13: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN13: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
OnlineHost: SeXyPePsI44 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN13: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
SeXyPePsI44: hi
TIMOTHEAN13: And he will save hundreds.
SeXyPePsI44: i am sad:(
SeXyPePsI44: jesus saves!!!
TIMOTHEAN13: God works in Mysterious ways.
SeXyPePsI44: i love jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TIMOTHEAN13: So I did.
TIMOTHEAN13: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TIMOTHEAN13: He brought it on himself.
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
SeXyPePsI44: do u believe in jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
SeXyPePsI44: i am lauren
SeXyPePsI44: awsome
OnlineHost: SeXyPePsI44 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TIMOTHEAN13: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN13: after his accident then he will help me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
TIMOTHEAN13: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TIMOTHEAN13: Its God's will.
OnlineHost: LOHENGRIN13 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Cheshirre Kat has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN13: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN13: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
TIMOTHEAN13: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TIMOTHEAN13: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN13: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN13: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN13: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
TIMOTHEAN13: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
TIMOTHEAN13: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
TIMOTHEAN13: before the tree snapped.
TIMOTHEAN13: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
TIMOTHEAN13: Lord hear my Prayer,
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
TIMOTHEAN13: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TIMOTHEAN13: a sign to believe that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
TIMOTHEAN13: For Moses said "for they will say,
TIMOTHEAN13: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
OnlineHost: Cheshirre Kat has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN13: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
TIMOTHEAN13: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
TIMOTHEAN13: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN13: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
TIMOTHEAN13: All will know God.
TIMOTHEAN13: And his Judgements.
TIMOTHEAN13: Who was Caiaphas?
TIMOTHEAN13: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
TIMOTHEAN13: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does God look like?
TIMOTHEAN13: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
TIMOTHEAN13: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
TIMOTHEAN13: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN13: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
TIMOTHEAN13: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
TIMOTHEAN13: "Happy Satan's Day"
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
OnlineHost: Wileecoyote187 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
OnlineHost: Wileecoyote187 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Wileecoyote187 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Wileecoyote187 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Wileecoyote187 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
OnlineHost: LitlStinker99 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Wileecoyote187 has left the room.
OnlineHost: LitlStinker99 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
TIMOTHEAN13: my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
TIMOTHEAN13: You are not God, Jesus is.
TIMOTHEAN13: God created man in His image.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is more real than His creation.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: The true God Has power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Email me to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
TIMOTHEAN13: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
TIMOTHEAN13: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
TIMOTHEAN13: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me or forget it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Goodbye.
TIMOTHEAN13: 9. The True Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: This is a proggie, stay and listen in.
TIMOTHEAN13: Email me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you, join.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: This computer program last about 40 minuets.
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion will teach you what you want to hear for 10% of your
TIMOTHEAN13: The truth is free but no one will listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to make money, start a Church and teach what the
people want to hear.
TIMOTHEAN13: "Jesus loves you, forgives you and your going to heaven,
TIMOTHEAN13: now put your money in the basket."
TIMOTHEAN13: I will teach you the truth for free, but you will not like it
nor put in
TIMOTHEAN13: If you teach the truth you will be teaching an empty room.
TIMOTHEAN13: All the world would rather pay someone to lie to them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Just create a Chat room called "Jesus loves you, now Give me
your money."
TIMOTHEAN13: You will be like other religions.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Saw God, you can too. Seek & Find, Ask to see.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to know how, read my book or stay and listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: OK, hear my story.
TIMOTHEAN13: I was at a Hotel in California.
TIMOTHEAN13: I was standing on the Balcony with a neighbor friend.
TIMOTHEAN13: There were 5 of us there.
TIMOTHEAN13: My friend recognized Him first.
TIMOTHEAN13: My neighbor said, "Look!
TIMOTHEAN13: that man looks like God."
TIMOTHEAN13: I said "no, those are just Jesus freaks,
TIMOTHEAN13: people trying to look like Jesus."
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God was in the parking lot.
OnlineHost: Dvinessence777 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I saw his face I recognized him.
TIMOTHEAN13: I said, "That's him. Go down to see Him."
TIMOTHEAN13: My neighbor said,
Dvinessence777: where u see jesus
Dvinessence777: at walmart
TIMOTHEAN13: "I am going to get my Dad" and ran into His room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God was talking to these three girls.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw His face appear in the back of His Head.
TIMOTHEAN13: He read my thought and I could read his.
TIMOTHEAN13: We spoke with our minds.
TIMOTHEAN13: He told me of earthquakes, tornadoes
Dvinessence777: what was his thoughts
TIMOTHEAN13: and the space shuttle blowing up in 86.
TIMOTHEAN13: God said there will be a Nuclear War.
Dvinessence777: what kind of weed u smokin
TIMOTHEAN13: That's pretty much it. I only saw Him for a few minutes.
TIMOTHEAN13: I feel He wanted me to write this book
TIMOTHEAN13: and I wrote it. It's at my web site.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Dvinessence777: i feel u are mentally disturbed jesus told me that
TIMOTHEAN13: When is the War? I don't know.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God's Face on my Dresser when I was younger,
OnlineHost: Dvinessence777 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew He existed and I searched until I saw His Face again.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now Satan's Church is desperately trying to get me to tell them
TIMOTHEAN13: God looks like so they can correct their painting, but I will
not tell.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God only to be killed by the Church or medical
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan is a slanderer.
TIMOTHEAN13: Slanderer = one who makes up lies about someone.
TIMOTHEAN13: They label people who have seen God as insane so no one will
listen to them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Or, they get people from religious cults to drive them mad.
TIMOTHEAN13: Most religions call it Blasphemy to Claim to have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: They kill those who claim to have seen God
TIMOTHEAN13: because the religions are false, in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not answer questions for those who have no interest in
Joining my religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions, use the form on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
OnlineHost: Eur0trash77 has entered the room.
Eur0trash77: what do you think of the attack
TIMOTHEAN13: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Time 2.19 am Date 9.11.01
OnlineHost: Eur0trash77 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN13: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
TIMOTHEAN13: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN13: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
TIMOTHEAN13: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN13: provides.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN13: injured.
OnlineHost: Butteryfly1983 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN13: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN13: All die in the hands of Doctors.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN13: My story at
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
OnlineHost: Nastradamnuts has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a mental illness.
Nastradamnuts: who cares we just got bombed
TIMOTHEAN13: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN13: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN13: illness.
OnlineHost: Nastradamnuts has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN13: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
TIMOTHEAN13: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
TIMOTHEAN13: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN13: go to the web page for more information.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN13: live.
TIMOTHEAN13: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN13: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN13: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN13: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN13: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN13: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN13: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN13: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN13: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN13: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN13: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN13: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN13: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN13: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN13: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN13: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN13: Pain drives us towards immortality.
OnlineHost: Butteryfly1983 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN13: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN13: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN13: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN13: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN13: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN13: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN13: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN13: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN13: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN13: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN13: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN13: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN13: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN13: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN13: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN13: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN13: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN13: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN13: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN13: people saw God after I prepared them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
OnlineHost: TIMOTHEAN 22 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN 22: I am getting death threats again
TIMOTHEAN 22: scary
TIMOTHEAN 22: talk to you later
TIMOTHEAN13: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
OnlineHost: TIMOTHEAN 22 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN13: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN13: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN13: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN13: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN13: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN13: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN13: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN13: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN13: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN13: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN13: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN13: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN13: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN13: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
TIMOTHEAN13: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN13: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN13: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN13: That is from the Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,
TIMOTHEAN13: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN13: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN13: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
TIMOTHEAN13: Was Mary a virgin or not?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
OnlineHost: DezTurBed6 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
OnlineHost: DezTurBed6 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
OnlineHost: S92898S has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
S92898S: HI
TIMOTHEAN13: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN13: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
S92898S: is this your room?
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN13: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
S92898S: i saw some crazy things on sunday afternoon
TIMOTHEAN13: God can do whatever He desires.
TIMOTHEAN13: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
S92898S: aslr
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN13: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah means anointed by God.
OnlineHost: CShelton6 has entered the room.
S92898S: oh
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
CShelton6: JESUS IS LORD!!!!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am looking for others who saw God.
S92898S: i think i did to
TIMOTHEAN13: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
S92898S: on sunday
TIMOTHEAN13: No visible God, then no God at all.
CShelton6: but he shouldn
TIMOTHEAN13: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
CShelton6: have to
S92898S: you know what happenned
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
CShelton6: ??????
TIMOTHEAN13: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
CShelton6: who told you that?
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
CShelton6: I belong to Jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
CShelton6: and Jesus only
TIMOTHEAN13: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
TIMOTHEAN13: You must be born again.
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no name.
TIMOTHEAN13: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Men Give God His Names.
CShelton6: nope
TIMOTHEAN13: The one God has many names.
OnlineHost: S92898S has left the room.
CShelton6: he spoke to Abraham
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN13: Atlas holds up the universe.
CShelton6: YHWH
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.
CShelton6: what books??????????
TIMOTHEAN13: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN13: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
TIMOTHEAN13: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN13: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
CShelton6: are you not listening
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
CShelton6: ?????????
CShelton6: i dont want to be
TIMOTHEAN13: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
CShelton6: and you blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ with your false God
OnlineHost: CShelton6 has left the room.
OnlineHost: CShelton6 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: If your into Science,
CShelton6: the room didnt say TIMOTHEAN
OnlineHost: CShelton6 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: What is matter?
TIMOTHEAN13: Define Matter.
OnlineHost: G00D vs Evil 2 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Energy.
G00D vs Evil 2: Life - ImTheManThatSawJesus (Keyword to:
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Waves.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
G00D vs Evil 2: Im not gonna join your cult, dont even try it
TIMOTHEAN13: Take some Physics classes.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
TIMOTHEAN13: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
TIMOTHEAN13: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
G00D vs Evil 2: just different densites of the same shit
TIMOTHEAN13: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
TIMOTHEAN13: GoTimothy is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
OnlineHost: BeachBaby1721 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
G00D vs Evil 2: Im not real either
TIMOTHEAN13: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
TIMOTHEAN13: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
TIMOTHEAN13: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God.
OnlineHost: AZRIEL 7TH has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
TIMOTHEAN13: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
TIMOTHEAN13: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is not a spirit.
AZRIEL 7TH: where did you see him?
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
TIMOTHEAN13: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN13: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
OnlineHost: BeachBaby1721 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.
OnlineHost: The Frog Brigade has entered the room.
G00D vs Evil 2: right, how can God die?
TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go now, bye.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
OnlineHost: The Frog Brigade has left the room.
AZRIEL 7TH: hello?
TIMOTHEAN13: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN13: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There will be a nuclear war.
TIMOTHEAN13: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
AZRIEL 7TH: are you going to ignore me
TIMOTHEAN13: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN13: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
OnlineHost: G00D vs Evil 2 has left the room.
OnlineHost: AZRIEL 7TH has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
TIMOTHEAN13: 3. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click the red heart and come back.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
OnlineHost: Glitternsmile has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
TIMOTHEAN13: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN13: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am here to teach the Truth
TIMOTHEAN13: What is Truth?
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
OnlineHost: Glitternsmile has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
TIMOTHEAN13: Many more truths can be found in my book,
TIMOTHEAN13: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
TIMOTHEAN13: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
TIMOTHEAN13: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
TIMOTHEAN13: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN13: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN13: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN13: of warning people that tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN13: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN13: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
TIMOTHEAN13: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN13: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN13: And he will save hundreds.
TIMOTHEAN13: God works in Mysterious ways.
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TIMOTHEAN13: So I did.
TIMOTHEAN13: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TIMOTHEAN13: He brought it on himself.
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
TIMOTHEAN13: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TIMOTHEAN13: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TIMOTHEAN13: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN13: after his accident then he will help me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
TIMOTHEAN13: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TIMOTHEAN13: Its God's will.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN13: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN13: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
TIMOTHEAN13: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TIMOTHEAN13: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN13: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN13: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN13: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
TIMOTHEAN13: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
TIMOTHEAN13: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
OnlineHost: GR wise man has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: before the tree snapped.
GR wise man: you saw jesus?
TIMOTHEAN13: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
TIMOTHEAN13: Lord hear my Prayer,
GR wise man: your in here talking to yourself?
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
GR wise man: you nut
TIMOTHEAN13: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TIMOTHEAN13: a sign to believe that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
TIMOTHEAN13: For Moses said "for they will say,
GR wise man: your kidding right?
TIMOTHEAN13: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN13: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN13: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
TIMOTHEAN13: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
TIMOTHEAN13: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
OnlineHost: GR wise man has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
TIMOTHEAN13: All will know God.
TIMOTHEAN13: And his Judgements.
TIMOTHEAN13: Who was Caiaphas?
TIMOTHEAN13: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
TIMOTHEAN13: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does God look like?
TIMOTHEAN13: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
TIMOTHEAN13: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
TIMOTHEAN13: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN13: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
TIMOTHEAN13: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
TIMOTHEAN13: "Happy Satan's Day"
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
TIMOTHEAN13: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
TIMOTHEAN13: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
TIMOTHEAN13: my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
OnlineHost: Masada36 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: You are not God, Jesus is.
TIMOTHEAN13: God created man in His image.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
Masada36: fuck you
TIMOTHEAN13: God is more real than His creation.
OnlineHost: Masada36 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: The true God Has power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Email me to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
TIMOTHEAN13: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
TIMOTHEAN13: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
TIMOTHEAN13: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me or forget it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Goodbye.
TIMOTHEAN13: 9. The True Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: This is a proggie, stay and listen in.
TIMOTHEAN13: Email me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you, join.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: This computer program last about 40 minuets.
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion will teach you what you want to hear for 10% of your
TIMOTHEAN13: The truth is free but no one will listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to make money, start a Church and teach what the
people want to hear.
TIMOTHEAN13: "Jesus loves you, forgives you and your going to heaven,
TIMOTHEAN13: now put your money in the basket."
TIMOTHEAN13: I will teach you the truth for free, but you will not like it
nor put in
TIMOTHEAN13: If you teach the truth you will be teaching an empty room.
TIMOTHEAN13: All the world would rather pay someone to lie to them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Just create a Chat room called "Jesus loves you, now Give me
your money."
TIMOTHEAN13: You will be like other religions.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Saw God, you can too. Seek & Find, Ask to see.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to know how, read my book or stay and listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: OK, hear my story.
TIMOTHEAN13: I was at a Hotel in California.
TIMOTHEAN13: I was standing on the Balcony with a neighbor friend.
TIMOTHEAN13: There were 5 of us there.
TIMOTHEAN13: My friend recognized Him first.
TIMOTHEAN13: My neighbor said, "Look!
TIMOTHEAN13: that man looks like God."
TIMOTHEAN13: I said "no, those are just Jesus freaks,
TIMOTHEAN13: people trying to look like Jesus."
TIMOTHEAN13: God was in the parking lot.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I saw his face I recognized him.
TIMOTHEAN13: I said, "That's him. Go down to see Him."
TIMOTHEAN13: My neighbor said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "I am going to get my Dad" and ran into His room.
OnlineHost: Sullen Melody has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God was talking to these three girls.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw His face appear in the back of His Head.
TIMOTHEAN13: He read my thought and I could read his.
TIMOTHEAN13: We spoke with our minds.
TIMOTHEAN13: He told me of earthquakes, tornadoes
TIMOTHEAN13: and the space shuttle blowing up in 86.
TIMOTHEAN13: God said there will be a Nuclear War.
TIMOTHEAN13: That's pretty much it. I only saw Him for a few minutes.
TIMOTHEAN13: I feel He wanted me to write this book
TIMOTHEAN13: and I wrote it. It's at my web site.
Sullen Melody: why?
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Sullen Melody: i saw
TIMOTHEAN13: When is the War? I don't know.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God's Face on my Dresser when I was younger,
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew He existed and I searched until I saw His Face again.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now Satan's Church is desperately trying to get me to tell them
Sullen Melody: why must you see to believe?
TIMOTHEAN13: God looks like so they can correct their painting, but I will
not tell.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God only to be killed by the Church or medical
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan is a slanderer.
TIMOTHEAN13: Slanderer = one who makes up lies about someone.
OnlineHost: EvilApprentice has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: They label people who have seen God as insane so no one will
listen to them.
OnlineHost: JunK412 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Or, they get people from religious cults to drive them mad.
EvilApprentice: okay, who saw Jesus?
Sullen Melody: me
JunK412: i'm the woman that saw jesus
TIMOTHEAN13: Most religions call it Blasphemy to Claim to have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
Sullen Melody: i saw jesus in my friend 4head
TIMOTHEAN13: They kill those who claim to have seen God
TIMOTHEAN13: because the religions are false, in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not answer questions for those who have no interest in
Joining my religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions, use the form on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Sullen Melody: hes trying to sell his book
Sullen Melody: i will answer any questions about the big guy
Sullen Melody: Junk, do you know beardo?
Sullen Melody: i saw jesus in his 4head b4
TIMOTHEAN13: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Time 3.27 am Date 9.11.01
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN13: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
TIMOTHEAN13: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN13: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
JunK412: maybe we'll all get drafted
JunK412: beardo jesus?
TIMOTHEAN13: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN13: provides.
Sullen Melody: perhaps
Sullen Melody: pehaps my child
Sullen Melody: haha
JunK412: how do you know there's a god?
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN13: injured.
JunK412: haha
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN13: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN13: All die in the hands of Doctors.
JunK412: when the she finds out your talking junk about other gods before
her, she's gonna be pissed.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
JunK412: =)
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN13: My story at
JunK412: i saw god in my coffee this morning. he asked for more sugar.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN13: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN13: illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN13: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
TIMOTHEAN13: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
TIMOTHEAN13: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN13: go to the web page for more information.
OnlineHost: JunK412 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
OnlineHost: Sullen Melody has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN13: live.
TIMOTHEAN13: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN13: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN13: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN13: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN13: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN13: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN13: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN13: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
EvilApprentice: go Tim, go!!!
EvilApprentice: you rock, man!
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN13: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN13: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN13: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN13: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN13: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN13: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN13: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN13: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN13: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN13: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN13: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN13: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN13: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN13: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN13: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN13: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN13: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN13: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN13: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN13: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN13: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN13: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN13: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN13: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN13: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN13: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN13: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN13: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN13: people saw God after I prepared them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN13: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN13: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN13: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN13: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN13: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN13: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN13: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN13: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN13: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN13: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN13: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN13: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN13: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN13: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN13: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN13: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
TIMOTHEAN13: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN13: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN13: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN13: That is from the Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,
TIMOTHEAN13: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN13: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN13: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
TIMOTHEAN13: Was Mary a virgin or not?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
TIMOTHEAN13: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
EvilApprentice: yeah Tim, bring it on baby
TIMOTHEAN13: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN13: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN13: God can do whatever He desires.
TIMOTHEAN13: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN13: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: No visible God, then no God at all.
TIMOTHEAN13: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
TIMOTHEAN13: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
TIMOTHEAN13: You must be born again.
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no name.
TIMOTHEAN13: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Men Give God His Names.
TIMOTHEAN13: The one God has many names.
OnlineHost: LadyRolenta has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MMiller751 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN13: Atlas holds up the universe.
OnlineHost: JMARQUEZ35 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.
TIMOTHEAN13: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN13: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
LadyRolenta: Stop preaching and start weeping
EvilApprentice: have you rad Stephen King?
TIMOTHEAN13: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
OnlineHost: JMARQUEZ35 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
LadyRolenta: It's no use preaching
MMiller751: But Aren't Mormons Polygamists?
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
MMiller751: Thats not right.
TIMOTHEAN13: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
MMiller751: A man should have only one wife.
LadyRolenta: Only few people can see God
MMiller751: One bitch.
TIMOTHEAN13: If your into Science,
TIMOTHEAN13: What is matter?
TIMOTHEAN13: Define Matter.
LadyRolenta: Why would you form a religion with only few groups
LadyRolenta: ?
TIMOTHEAN13: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
MMiller751: How about antimatter
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Energy.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is made of Waves.
TIMOTHEAN13: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
LadyRolenta: I guess Tim is an "anima mystics"
TIMOTHEAN13: Take some Physics classes.
MMiller751: The larger part of the universe is now believed to be made up of
what is called "Anti-Matter
TIMOTHEAN13: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
TIMOTHEAN13: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
TIMOTHEAN13: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
MMiller751: It's actually matter, but you can't see it.
LadyRolenta: Anima mystics believe that all matters have spirits
TIMOTHEAN13: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
TIMOTHEAN13: GoTimothy is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
TIMOTHEAN13: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
MMiller751: Anti matter is not a new concept.
LadyRolenta: Oh really
TIMOTHEAN13: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
LadyRolenta: then prove it then
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
TIMOTHEAN13: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
LadyRolenta: Give us your holy guidance
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
LadyRolenta: Make us see what we wanted to see
TIMOTHEAN13: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
OnlineHost: MMiller751 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
LadyRolenta: Oh well Adieu Tim
OnlineHost: LadyRolenta has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
TIMOTHEAN13: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is not a spirit.
TIMOTHEAN13: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
TIMOTHEAN13: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN13: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
TIMOTHEAN13: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go now, bye.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
TIMOTHEAN13: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN13: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There will be a nuclear war.
OnlineHost: Duce275 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
TIMOTHEAN13: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN13: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
TIMOTHEAN13: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
TIMOTHEAN13: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN13: a-right,
TIMOTHEAN13: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
OnlineHost: Duce275 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN13: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
TIMOTHEAN13: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TIMOTHEAN13: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TIMOTHEAN13: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
TIMOTHEAN13: He made up the story that He killed God.
TIMOTHEAN13: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
TIMOTHEAN13: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
TIMOTHEAN13: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
TIMOTHEAN13: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
TIMOTHEAN13: He will say, "I never knew you".
TIMOTHEAN13: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN13: If the preachers have not seen God,
TIMOTHEAN13: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
TIMOTHEAN13: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
TIMOTHEAN13: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN13: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
TIMOTHEAN13: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN13: The penalty for this sin is death.
TIMOTHEAN13: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
TIMOTHEAN13: What makes you think no one can see God?
TIMOTHEAN13: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
TIMOTHEAN13: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN13: that every one who sees the Son."
TIMOTHEAN13: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN13: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TIMOTHEAN13: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN13: Did you see Jesus ?
TIMOTHEAN13: Then you don't know Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TIMOTHEAN13: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN13: knowing that they do gender strife.
TIMOTHEAN13: I avoid foolish questions.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
TIMOTHEAN13: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
TIMOTHEAN13: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN13: and you have not known me?
TIMOTHEAN13: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN13: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Show us the Father?"
TIMOTHEAN13: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN13: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
TIMOTHEAN13: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TIMOTHEAN13: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TIMOTHEAN13: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
TIMOTHEAN13: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
TIMOTHEAN13: but we know that, when he shall appear,
TIMOTHEAN13: we shall be like him;
TIMOTHEAN13: for we shall see him as he is.
TIMOTHEAN13: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
TIMOTHEAN13: speaks on this wise,
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN13: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN13: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN13: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN13: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN13: because he said no man could see God and live.
TIMOTHEAN13: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN13: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN13: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
TIMOTHEAN13: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
TIMOTHEAN13: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN13: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
TIMOTHEAN13: Are you going to answer or not?
TIMOTHEAN13: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Then you are not Saved.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christianity is a Cult.
TIMOTHEAN13: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN13: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
TIMOTHEAN13: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN13: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
TIMOTHEAN13: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN13: if not by their faith then by mine.
TIMOTHEAN13: I wrote a song want to hear it?
TIMOTHEAN13: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
TIMOTHEAN13: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
TIMOTHEAN13: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
TIMOTHEAN13: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Let the invisible world become visible."
TIMOTHEAN13: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN13: "Let the visible God become invisible."
TIMOTHEAN13: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN13: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN13: While His children, destroy His house.
TIMOTHEAN13: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN13: With his faith sure and strong,
TIMOTHEAN13: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN13: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN13: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN13: Leaving judgment to the one above.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN13: Hearing the words of His voice.
TIMOTHEAN13: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN13: The wise know what I mean.
TIMOTHEAN13: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN13: They will see God's face.
TIMOTHEAN13: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN13: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN13: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN13: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN13: God wrote it.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Time 4.24 am Date 9.11.01
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN13: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
TIMOTHEAN13: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN13: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
TIMOTHEAN13: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN13: provides.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN13: injured.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN13: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN13: All die in the hands of Doctors.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN13: My story at
TIMOTHEAN13: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
EvilApprentice: what was god doing in Torrance?
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN13: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN13: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN13: illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN13: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
TIMOTHEAN13: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
TIMOTHEAN13: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN13: go to the web page for more information.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN13: live.
TIMOTHEAN13: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN13: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN13: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN13: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
OnlineHost: YouCantRestist has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN13: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
YouCantRestist: satan perished in the second war in heavens
TIMOTHEAN13: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN13: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN13: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN13: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
YouCantRestist: you will perish and your troubles relieved
TIMOTHEAN13: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN13: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
OnlineHost: YouCantRestist has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN13: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN13: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN13: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN13: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN13: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN13: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN13: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN13: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.
TIMOTHEAN13: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN13: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
EvilApprentice: you don't need a Caduceus to be a doctor
TIMOTHEAN13: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
EvilApprentice: what are you talking about
TIMOTHEAN13: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN13: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN13: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN13: What does a cop wear on His hat?
OnlineHost: EvilApprentice has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN13: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN13: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN13: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN13: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN13: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN13: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN13: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TIMOTHEAN13: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN13: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN13: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN13: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN13: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN13: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN13: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN13: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN13: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN13: people saw God after I prepared them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN13: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN13: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN13: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN13: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN13: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN13: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN13: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN13: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN13: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN13: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN13: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN13: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN13: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN13: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN13: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN13: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN13: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN13: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN13: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN13: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN13: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN13: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
TIMOTHEAN13: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
OnlineHost: Glowworm12285060 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN13: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN13: That is from the Book of Mormon.
OnlineHost: Glowworm12285060 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,
TIMOTHEAN13: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN13: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
TIMOTHEAN13: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
OnlineHost: GMOWMOW1 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
GMOWMOW1: hello
TIMOTHEAN13: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN13: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
TIMOTHEAN13: Was Mary a virgin or not?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
GMOWMOW1: what the heck is this
TIMOTHEAN13: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
GMOWMOW1: hey tim
TIMOTHEAN13: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
GMOWMOW1: helloo!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN13: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
GMOWMOW1: u must b bored!!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN13: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
GMOWMOW1: hey im just looking
TIMOTHEAN13: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
GMOWMOW1: later
TIMOTHEAN13: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
OnlineHost: GMOWMOW1 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: God can do whatever He desires.
TIMOTHEAN13: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN13: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN13: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN13: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN13: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: No visible God, then no God at all.
TIMOTHEAN13: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
OnlineHost: MADAMSALEM has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN13: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
TIMOTHEAN13: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
OnlineHost: MADAMSALEM has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN13: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: I Think George W. Bush did it to raise gas prices, he didn't
even shead a tear.
TIMOTHEAN13: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
TIMOTHEAN13: You must be born again.
TIMOTHEAN13: God has no name.
TIMOTHEAN13: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN13: Men Give God His Names.
TIMOTHEAN13: The one God has many names.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN13: Atlas holds up the universe.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.
TIMOTHEAN13: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN13: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
TIMOTHEAN13: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN13: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
TIMOTHEAN13: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
TIMOTHEAN13: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
TIMOTHEAN13: 3. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN13: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
TIMOTHEAN13: Click the red heart and come back.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN13: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
OnlineHost: BUDWEISERQUE3N has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN13: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN13: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
OnlineHost: MaC n Ceez has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN13: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.
OnlineHost: BUDWEISERQUE3N has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: I am here to teach the Truth
OnlineHost: MaC n Ceez has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN13: What is Truth?
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
TIMOTHEAN13: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
TIMOTHEAN13: Many more truths can be found in my book,
TIMOTHEAN13: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
TIMOTHEAN13: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
TIMOTHEAN13: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
TIMOTHEAN13: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
TIMOTHEAN13: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN13: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN13: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN13: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN13: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN13: of warning people that tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN13: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN13: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
TIMOTHEAN13: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN13: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN13: And he will save hundreds.
TIMOTHEAN13: God works in Mysterious ways.
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TIMOTHEAN13: So I did.
TIMOTHEAN13: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TIMOTHEAN13: He brought it on himself.
TIMOTHEAN13: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
TIMOTHEAN13: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TIMOTHEAN13: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TIMOTHEAN13: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN13: after his accident then he will help me.
TIMOTHEAN13: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
TIMOTHEAN13: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TIMOTHEAN13: Its God's will.
TIMOTHEAN13: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN13: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN13: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN13: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
TIMOTHEAN13: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
TIMOTHEAN13: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TIMOTHEAN13: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN13: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN13: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN13: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
TIMOTHEAN13: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp. © Copyright 1996-2012 by Timothy Allen Campbell,
The Gospel of Timothy,Voicemail 1-248-906-4634 All rights reserved.