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TIMOTHEAN 2: 3. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9.26.0111.59
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click the red heart and come back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN 2: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am here to teach the Truth
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is Truth?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many more truths can be found in my book,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore Join the Timothean Religion, Clone the Gospel of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preach it in Season and out.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those who fear joining my religion read, Revelation 21:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If I don't have Free Speech & Religion I am moving out of
TIMOTHEAN 2: As a Nation Founded on Lies, will be Destroyed, God hates
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where is the Americans?
TIMOTHEAN 2: We Have Free Speech & Free Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And a Right to Bear Arms against those who infringe on theses
TIMOTHEAN 2: rights.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you own a Gun?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you Know anyone trying to stop my religion or Speech?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then why not use your Arms for their intended purpose?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You people are communist.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Support my religion or get out.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are true Americans.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We speak our Mind and have the Religion of our Choice.
OnlineHost: GoTimothy has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus only Heals Christians, so the Preachers stock in workers
comp, goes
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you think God is like?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you think God sits around and says,
TIMOTHEAN 2: maybe I will send a Messiah in 2,000 years?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or do you think God wants us to be saved now?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends saviors but men kill them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends wise men but no one listens.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you want God to Do?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus wants Timotheans to sue, so no one else is injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: << Why would Bush order a hit on his own country? >>
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush seems to think he can Hire a Hit man.
TIMOTHEAN 2: One who hires a hit man is a Murder.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can not put a contract on someone's life without a trial.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is more evidence that Bush did it where is the contract
for his
TIMOTHEAN 2: life?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Clinton told a lie we wanted to put him in Jail.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because the WTC was going to fall and
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mayor of NY could not get money from Congress to have it
taken down and rebuilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Engineers said the building would fall, it was too tall,
TIMOTHEAN 2: blocked and diverted wind threw NY.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They planed it because if
TIMOTHEAN 2: they waited for it to fall, it would have been a worse tragedy.
OnlineHost: BORIQUALINDA15 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Pentagon was testing new 2 inch glass and that's why the
Gov hit
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also to kill off The People who believed that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Further they could get 20 billion to rebuild, blame it on
OnlineHost: BURFI108 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: start a war for oil and make Christianity the new world
BURFI108: shouldnt it be saw God?
BURFI108: not seen God?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Didn't your mother tell you its rude to speak while someone is
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preaching?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Nice plan but who's stupid enough to believe it cost 20 billion
to clean up the mess?
BURFI108: who?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The 20 billion is bribe money to Mafia and other officials.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The police have their code of Silence and brake laws,
OnlineHost: BORIQUALINDA15 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: the ATF are even silencer still more silent is the Executive
Branch of the Government.
OnlineHost: BURFI108 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are many heads of Government.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Right hand of Government does not know what,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the Left hand is doing and vise versa.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its political. Its all about how to get who to do what.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you need money from congress to rebuild a City,
TIMOTHEAN 2: you find creative ways of doing it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And everyone is profiting from the Church,
TIMOTHEAN 2: to the red cross donations to news people.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush is the only one who would kill Americans,
TIMOTHEAN 2: with tobacco and call it a business deal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a new Webpage on the End of The World.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 57,000 Vietnam vets if your fighting for
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill millions of Americans if your fighting for
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 40,000 Americans a year if your Henry Ford?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 188 Americans if your Firestone?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 300,000 Americans a year if your Philip
TIMOTHEAN 2: When George W. said, he was fighting a unseen Enemy,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he was talking about God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans want to put a Plaque on the War Memorials that says,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "They Died for Noble cause; Freedom,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Free Speech, Religion & Equal Rights,
TIMOTHEAN 2: a Constitution to bear Arms to insure these rights and kill
TIMOTHEAN 2: and those who restrict our Free Speech or Religion."
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to put a Plaque that says,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "There should be limits on Free speech, they died in vain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: My Daddy fought for oil, to kill Muslims and
TIMOTHEAN 2: to make Christianity the world religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: there are no equal rights my Mafia family.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Me, Jeb and Daddy rules the world."
TIMOTHEAN 2: If Bin Laden wanted to hurt America,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he would have hit Oil Refineries or Powerplants.
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. or Giuliani ordered the CIA to Hit WTC because,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if all the insurance claims were paid out to American Injured
TIMOTHEAN 2: Workers,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Vets and Cancer Victims, then our Economy would collapse.
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to keep the Gospel of Timothy out of book
TIMOTHEAN 2: Libraries and off the Internet, as there is no Freedom in
TIMOTHEAN 2: WTC, was Propaganda to keep Timothy Allen Campbell from going,
TIMOTHEAN 2: on the News and telling his story of how he saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN 2: of warning people that tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN 2: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And he will save hundreds.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God works in Mysterious ways.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TIMOTHEAN 2: So I did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He brought it on himself.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN 2: after his accident then he will help me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its God's will.
OnlineHost: NSEW Answers has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN 2: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN 2: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
OnlineHost: Debie2000 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN 2: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
NSEW Answers: and are you saying the tree punished him or God did tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: before the tree snapped.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lord hear my Prayer,
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
NSEW Answers: tim you think to highly of yourself
TIMOTHEAN 2: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TIMOTHEAN 2: a sign to believe that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
NSEW Answers: that God would hurt a child because of your prayer
TIMOTHEAN 2: For Moses said "for they will say,
TIMOTHEAN 2: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN 2: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
NSEW Answers: tim I think you hate for the accient of your child has driven
you mad
Debie2000: hi there
TIMOTHEAN 2: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
NSEW Answers: I feel sorry for you
TIMOTHEAN 2: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
TIMOTHEAN 2: All will know God.
NSEW Answers: but you don't know God or have seen him
Debie2000: wow
TIMOTHEAN 2: And his Judgements.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who was Caiaphas?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
TIMOTHEAN 2: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does God look like?
NSEW Answers: tim Jesus started the Christian faith
OnlineHost: Slpngtigr has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
Debie2000: yes
Debie2000: wow huh
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
TIMOTHEAN 2: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
NSEW Answers: tim do you listen to any reason or are you totally crazy with
anger over your child
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
Slpngtigr: timmy...timmy...timmy
TIMOTHEAN 2: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
Slpngtigr: they let you out again?
Debie2000: nsew,he is not even listening just typing
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Happy Satan's Day"
Slpngtigr: he listens
NSEW Answers: I know it is sad
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
Debie2000: wow
TIMOTHEAN 2: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
Slpngtigr: what miracles have you performed timmy?
NSEW Answers: it goes to show you that even a crazy person can type
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
NSEW Answers: welcome to the new town square
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
Slpngtigr: if your the about turnin some water to wine?
Debie2000: wow such hate
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
NSEW Answers: and every square has its insane
Debie2000: yes
Debie2000: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: my Story at;
Debie2000: no thankyou
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Slpngtigr: timmy is really a charming young lad
NSEW Answers: tim how do you support yourself
TIMOTHEAN 2: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
Slpngtigr: just a little misguided
Debie2000: yes i see that
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
NSEW Answers: a little
Slpngtigr: no tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are not God, Jesus is.
Slpngtigr: i think ill stay
TIMOTHEAN 2: God created man in His image.
Slpngtigr: an harass you
Debie2000: me to
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
Slpngtigr: just for fun today
Debie2000: lol hehehe
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is more real than His creation.
Slpngtigr: tell me more timmy
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
NSEW Answers: tim you are a good example of how anger and hate can drive a
person mad
TIMOTHEAN 2: The true God Has power to become visible.
Debie2000: yes you hit that right on
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
Slpngtigr: if he would debate with me i might leave him alone
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: IamTheManThatSawGod.
OnlineHost: DougCoglan has entered the room.
Slpngtigr: since he wont.....i have no other choice
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
Slpngtigr: than to beard the lion in his den
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
Slpngtigr: have you ever seen thatt quotee tim?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me or forget it.
NSEW Answers: John 1:18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten
Slpngtigr: he doesnt argue well
TIMOTHEAN 2: Goodbye.
Slpngtigr: cant seem to make his point
NSEW Answers: tim you don't read the bible do you
Slpngtigr: in conversation
DougCoglan: NSEW, oh it was from John 1? It must be true then
Slpngtigr: come on timmy
NSEW Answers: you make up this stuff because of the insanity
Slpngtigr: lets chat
Slpngtigr: oh timmy?
Slpngtigr: come out an play?
Debie2000: i was woundering what happened to your child
NSEW Answers: doug I think I will believe Jesus over tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9. The True Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9.26.0112.30
Debie2000: me to
DougCoglan: I treat both with equal value
Slpngtigr: timmy....when did you see god?
NSEW Answers: who tim and Jesus
Slpngtigr: and where?
NSEW Answers: doug
DougCoglan: Yes
Slpngtigr: bet it was some good acid
Debie2000: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is a proggie, stay and listen in.
NSEW Answers: well I was wrong I guess Tim is not the only insane person in
this room
Slpngtigr: or fresh shrooms
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you, join.
Slpngtigr: who else nsew?
TIMOTHEAN 2: IamTheManThatSawGod.
DougCoglan: Sanity, I have kept my sanity through avoiding brainwashing
TIMOTHEAN 2: This computer program last about 40 minuets.
NSEW Answers: right doug
DougCoglan: Whatever gets you through the day NSEW
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion will teach you what you want to hear for 10% of your
TIMOTHEAN 2: The truth is free but no one will listen.
Slpngtigr: tim only wants 5%
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to make money, start a Church and teach what the
people want to hear.
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Jesus loves you, forgives you and your going to heaven,
Debie2000: and that is not reality
TIMOTHEAN 2: now put your money in the basket."
TIMOTHEAN 2: I will teach you the truth for free, but you will not like it
nor put in
OnlineHost: Debie2000 has left the room.
OnlineHost: NSEW Answers has left the room.
Slpngtigr: tim wants you to put your money in HIS basket
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you teach the truth you will be teaching an empty room.
DougCoglan: TIMO, don't mock them, I pity them so much already
TIMOTHEAN 2: All the world would rather pay someone to lie to them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Just create a Chat room called "Jesus loves you, now Give me
your money."
TIMOTHEAN 2: You will be like other religions.
Slpngtigr: like timothean
TIMOTHEAN 2: I Saw God, you can too. Seek & Find, Ask to see.
OnlineHost: DougCoglan has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to know how, read my book or stay and listen.
Slpngtigr: two of you?
TIMOTHEAN 2: OK, hear my story.
Slpngtigr: seems fair to me
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was at a Hotel in California.
Slpngtigr: two timmys might have one brain between them
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was standing on the Balcony with a neighbor friend.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There were 5 of us there.
Slpngtigr: doubtful
Slpngtigr: but ill try
TIMOTHEAN 2: My friend recognized Him first.
Slpngtigr: good drugs huh?
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said, "Look!
TIMOTHEAN 2: that man looks like God."
Slpngtigr: man...that hippie shit went out in 70
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said "no, those are just Jesus freaks,
TIMOTHEAN 2: people trying to look like Jesus."
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was in the parking lot.
Slpngtigr: im ahead of ya buddy
Slpngtigr: god is in foxholes
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I saw his face I recognized him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said, "That's him. Go down to see Him."
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said,
Slpngtigr: aint no atheists in a firefight
TIMOTHEAN 2: "I am going to get my Dad" and ran into His room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was talking to these three girls.
Slpngtigr: if you aint livin on the edge
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw His face appear in the back of His Head.
Slpngtigr: your dyin
TIMOTHEAN 2: He read my thought and I could read his.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We spoke with our minds.
Slpngtigr: such tiny thought too
TIMOTHEAN 2: He told me of earthquakes, tornadoes
Slpngtigr: like a piss ant
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the space shuttle blowing up in 86.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God said there will be a Nuclear War.
Slpngtigr: oh well i didnt know you could see the future
TIMOTHEAN 2: That's pretty much it. I only saw Him for a few minutes.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I feel He wanted me to write this book
Slpngtigr: where should i place my bet?
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I wrote it. It's at my web site.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When is the War? I don't know.
Slpngtigr: such a well meaning fool
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God's Face on my Dresser when I was younger,
Slpngtigr: but a fool none the less
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew He existed and I searched until I saw His Face again.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Satan's Church is desperately trying to get me to tell them
TIMOTHEAN 2: God looks like so they can correct their painting, but I will
not tell.
Slpngtigr: if you take the pills....the voices will stop
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God only to be killed by the Church or medical
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan is a slanderer.
Slpngtigr: so are you
TIMOTHEAN 2: Slanderer = one who makes up lies about someone.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They label people who have seen God as insane so no one will
listen to them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or, they get people from religious cults to drive them mad.
Slpngtigr: it's used as a verb
Slpngtigr: not a noun
TIMOTHEAN 2: Most religions call it Blasphemy to Claim to have seen God.
Slpngtigr: not slandered
TIMOTHEAN 2: They kill those who claim to have seen God
TIMOTHEAN 2: because the religions are false, in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not answer questions for those who have no interest in
Joining my religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions, use the form on my web page.
Slpngtigr: no religion calls it blasphemy
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Slpngtigr: you just have to prove it
Slpngtigr: leaving me?
Slpngtigr: how rude timmy
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
Slpngtigr: naughty boy
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 12.40 pm Date 9.26.01
Slpngtigr: get me all worked up an then leave
Slpngtigr: what a crass young man you are
Slpngtigr: i have stood on the mountain an looked in the valley
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
Slpngtigr: and before me i saw the most incredible sight
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
Slpngtigr: i saw little timmy crying in the wilderness
Slpngtigr: seeling redemption
Slpngtigr: but he was too late
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
Slpngtigr: a d ay late and a dollar short
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
Slpngtigr: now you know where the 10% comes in
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
Slpngtigr: timmy you couldnt survive in a grocery store
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
Slpngtigr: how do you get a perfect sight picture?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
Slpngtigr: no tha t was jimmy hoffa bud
OnlineHost: Slpngtigr has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
TIMOTHEAN 2: IamTheManThatSawGod.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN 2: IamTheManThatSawGod.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
OnlineHost: BravoCo1969 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
OnlineHost: BravoCo1969 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN 2: IamTheManThatSawGod.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.26.01 12.57
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
OnlineHost: Famous Fraggle has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
Famous Fraggle: hey there
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
OnlineHost: JMR81159 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
JMR81159: BOO
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
JMR81159: Hi & bye Robbie
Famous Fraggle: hi there jmr
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
JMR81159: :o)
OnlineHost: JMR81159 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
OnlineHost: Longpointlesname has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
Longpointlesname: moron
OnlineHost: Longpointlesname has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
OnlineHost: Famous Fraggle has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: IamTheManThatSawGod.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
OnlineHost: HueDell has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: IamTheManThatSawGod\
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9.26.0113.14
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click the red heart and come back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
OnlineHost: Markcinema has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN 2: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am here to teach the Truth
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is Truth?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
Markcinema: I saw God in Wal-Mart trying on a Halloween costume
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
Markcinema: tobacco is cool
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many more truths can be found in my book,
Markcinema: because it kills
TIMOTHEAN 2: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
Markcinema: people
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
OnlineHost: Ijustwantodie has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore Join the Timothean Religion, Clone the Gospel of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preach it in Season and out.
Markcinema: I just wrote a companion piece: EXPLODING THE MYTH OF TIMOTHEAN
OnlineHost: SerenityK2001 has entered the room.
SerenityK2001: 19/f and 21/f on our new webcam
SerenityK2001: < a
href="aol://1223:26260/">Click here:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those who fear joining my religion read, Revelation 21:8.
OnlineHost: Ijustwantodie has left the room.
Markcinema: the movie comes out in the spring
OnlineHost: SerenityK2001 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If I don't have Free Speech & Religion I am moving out of
Markcinema: dont watch it
TIMOTHEAN 2: As a Nation Founded on Lies, will be Destroyed, God hates
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where is the Americans?
TIMOTHEAN 2: We Have Free Speech & Free Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And a Right to Bear Arms against those who infringe on theses
TIMOTHEAN 2: rights.
Markcinema: Timothean is a computer programm
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you own a Gun?
OnlineHost: Jduggan3223 has entered the room.
Markcinema: several guns
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you Know anyone trying to stop my religion or Speech?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then why not use your Arms for their intended purpose?
Markcinema: yes....Barbara Bush
TIMOTHEAN 2: You people are communist.
Markcinema: We have the right to arm bears
TIMOTHEAN 2: Support my religion or get out.
Markcinema: Soviet bears
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are true Americans.
Markcinema: your religion is a farce like all man made religions
TIMOTHEAN 2: We speak our Mind and have the Religion of our Choice.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus only Heals Christians, so the Preachers stock in workers
comp, goes
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you think God is like?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you think God sits around and says,
Markcinema: Christians are latecomers to the party
TIMOTHEAN 2: maybe I will send a Messiah in 2,000 years?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or do you think God wants us to be saved now?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends saviors but men kill them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends wise men but no one listens.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you want God to Do?
Markcinema: I love how the fundamentalists have to backpedal when their lame
predictions never come true
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus wants Timotheans to sue, so no one else is injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: << Why would Bush order a hit on his own country? >>
Markcinema: c'mon people where are you?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush seems to think he can Hire a Hit man.
TIMOTHEAN 2: One who hires a hit man is a Murder.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can not put a contract on someone's life without a trial.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is more evidence that Bush did it where is the contract
for his
TIMOTHEAN 2: life?
Jduggan3223: hey room
Markcinema: There is a contract on your life Tim...
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Clinton told a lie we wanted to put him in Jail.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because the WTC was going to fall and
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mayor of NY could not get money from Congress to have it
taken down and rebuilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Engineers said the building would fall, it was too tall,
TIMOTHEAN 2: blocked and diverted wind threw NY.
Markcinema: *conspiracy theorist
TIMOTHEAN 2: They planed it because if
TIMOTHEAN 2: they waited for it to fall, it would have been a worse tragedy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Pentagon was testing new 2 inch glass and that's why the
Gov hit
OnlineHost: BikerTrash1313 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also to kill off The People who believed that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Further they could get 20 billion to rebuild, blame it on
TIMOTHEAN 2: start a war for oil and make Christianity the new world
Markcinema: because you are such an important security risk tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: Didn't your mother tell you its rude to speak while someone is
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preaching?
Markcinema: yes
TIMOTHEAN 2: Nice plan but who's stupid enough to believe it cost 20 billion
to clean up the mess?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The 20 billion is bribe money to Mafia and other officials.
Markcinema: I cant believe you people are listening to this shit
TIMOTHEAN 2: The police have their code of Silence and brake laws,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the ATF are even silencer still more silent is the Executive
Branch of the Government.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are many heads of Government.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Right hand of Government does not know what,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the Left hand is doing and vise versa.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its political. Its all about how to get who to do what.
Markcinema: So then its not inherently eveil...
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you need money from congress to rebuild a City,
TIMOTHEAN 2: you find creative ways of doing it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And everyone is profiting from the Church,
Markcinema: hallelujah
Markcinema: including you tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: to the red cross donations to news people.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush is the only one who would kill Americans,
Markcinema: Bush rules
TIMOTHEAN 2: with tobacco and call it a business deal.
Markcinema: Bush rules us all
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a new Webpage on the End of The World.
Markcinema: Bush rocks
Markcinema: War is coming
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 57,000 Vietnam vets if your fighting for
Markcinema: Christianity will fall
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill millions of Americans if your fighting for
Markcinema: you are now an idiot
Markcinema: officially
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 40,000 Americans a year if your Henry Ford?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 188 Americans if your Firestone?
Markcinema: yes
Markcinema: free society
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 300,000 Americans a year if your Philip
Markcinema: yes
TIMOTHEAN 2: When George W. said, he was fighting a unseen Enemy,
Markcinema: capitalism
TIMOTHEAN 2: he was talking about God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans want to put a Plaque on the War Memorials that says,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "They Died for Noble cause; Freedom,
Markcinema: Bush rules
TIMOTHEAN 2: Free Speech, Religion & Equal Rights,
OnlineHost: BikerTrash1313 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: a Constitution to bear Arms to insure these rights and kill
TIMOTHEAN 2: and those who restrict our Free Speech or Religion."
Markcinema: Jesus.....this rhetoric never ends...
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to put a Plaque that says,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "There should be limits on Free speech, they died in vain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: My Daddy fought for oil, to kill Muslims and
Markcinema: you're all losers
TIMOTHEAN 2: to make Christianity the world religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: there are no equal rights my Mafia family.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Me, Jeb and Daddy rules the world."
TIMOTHEAN 2: If Bin Laden wanted to hurt America,
OnlineHost: Markcinema has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: he would have hit Oil Refineries or Powerplants.
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. or Giuliani ordered the CIA to Hit WTC because,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if all the insurance claims were paid out to American Injured
TIMOTHEAN 2: Workers,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Vets and Cancer Victims, then our Economy would collapse.
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to keep the Gospel of Timothy out of book
TIMOTHEAN 2: Libraries and off the Internet, as there is no Freedom in
TIMOTHEAN 2: WTC, was Propaganda to keep Timothy Allen Campbell from going,
TIMOTHEAN 2: on the News and telling his story of how he saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN 2: of warning people that tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
OnlineHost: HueDell has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN 2: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And he will save hundreds.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God works in Mysterious ways.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TIMOTHEAN 2: So I did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He brought it on himself.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN 2: after his accident then he will help me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its God's will.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN 2: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN 2: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN 2: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
OnlineHost: Jurneesendwithu has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: before the tree snapped.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lord hear my Prayer,
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
TIMOTHEAN 2: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TIMOTHEAN 2: a sign to believe that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
OnlineHost: Jurneesendwithu has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: For Moses said "for they will say,
TIMOTHEAN 2: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN 2: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
TIMOTHEAN 2: All will know God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And his Judgements.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who was Caiaphas?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
TIMOTHEAN 2: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does God look like?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
TIMOTHEAN 2: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Happy Satan's Day"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
TIMOTHEAN 2: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
OnlineHost: DudesAbiker has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: my Story at;
OnlineHost: Mondrake88 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
Mondrake88: isnt this a false religion??
Mondrake88: IDIOT
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
Jduggan3223: hey dude, mondrake
DudesAbiker: Tim , making any money, selling your phoney religion??
Mondrake88: MAKE ME
Mondrake88: IDIOT
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are not God, Jesus is.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God created man in His image.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is more real than His creation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
OnlineHost: Diamondsn6944050 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The true God Has power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
DudesAbiker: i think Tim took a little to much acid
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
Mondrake88: AND I WILL LAUGH
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me or forget it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Goodbye.
DudesAbiker: Tim says his shoulders are messed up , so he can't type
Mondrake88: SUICIDE???
OnlineHost: GUNBOAT65 has entered the room.
DudesAbiker: so he must be a robot
Mondrake88: HES AN IDIOT
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9. The True Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9.26.0113.45
GUNBOAT65: haya tim you super fundie lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is a proggie, stay and listen in.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you, join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
DudesAbiker: Gunboat , what are us nam vet doin in here , hahahahahahahaha
TIMOTHEAN 2: This computer program last about 40 minuets.
GUNBOAT65: ya tim like id waste my time looking at your page lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion will teach you what you want to hear for 10% of your
TIMOTHEAN 2: The truth is free but no one will listen.
GUNBOAT65: why not dudes?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to make money, start a Church and teach what the
people want to hear.
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Jesus loves you, forgives you and your going to heaven,
DudesAbiker: i'm bored
TIMOTHEAN 2: now put your money in the basket."
TIMOTHEAN 2: I will teach you the truth for free, but you will not like it
nor put in
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you teach the truth you will be teaching an empty room.
GUNBOAT65: me too dudes, dored out of my head right now lol
DudesAbiker: this is good , here comes the money part
TIMOTHEAN 2: All the world would rather pay someone to lie to them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Just create a Chat room called "Jesus loves you, now Give me
your money."
TIMOTHEAN 2: You will be like other religions.
Mondrake88: LOL I KNOW
TIMOTHEAN 2: I Saw God, you can too. Seek & Find, Ask to see.
Mondrake88: WHAT A JACKASS
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to know how, read my book or stay and listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: OK, hear my story.
DudesAbiker: Mon , hes takin way to much acit
GUNBOAT65: tim god lives here shes called my wife you putz lol
DudesAbiker: acid
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was at a Hotel in California.
Mondrake88: LOL I KNOW
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was standing on the Balcony with a neighbor friend.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There were 5 of us there.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My friend recognized Him first.
DudesAbiker: Tim is a robot , won't talk to us
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said, "Look!
GUNBOAT65: and you didnt jump well that proves theres no god tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: that man looks like God."
Mondrake88: LOL GUN
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said "no, those are just Jesus freaks,
DudesAbiker: later all
Mondrake88: HE FELL OFF
TIMOTHEAN 2: people trying to look like Jesus."
OnlineHost: DudesAbiker has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was in the parking lot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I saw his face I recognized him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said, "That's him. Go down to see Him."
GUNBOAT65: whats he look like you jerk, i need to talk to that guy
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said,
Mondrake88: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: "I am going to get my Dad" and ran into His room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was talking to these three girls.
OnlineHost: Jduggan3223 has left the room.
OnlineHost: HUNEEMYST has entered the room.
OnlineHost: YepNotYet has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw His face appear in the back of His Head.
Mondrake88: IDIOT
GUNBOAT65: thats wasnty god that was a pervert you jerk lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: He read my thought and I could read his.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We spoke with our minds.
Mondrake88: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: He told me of earthquakes, tornadoes
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the space shuttle blowing up in 86.
GUNBOAT65: well it was cal mondrake lmao
TIMOTHEAN 2: God said there will be a Nuclear War.
Mondrake88: LOL
Mondrake88: TRUE
TIMOTHEAN 2: That's pretty much it. I only saw Him for a few minutes.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I feel He wanted me to write this book
OnlineHost: Daphne800 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I wrote it. It's at my web site.
Diamondsn6944050: I think tim is right
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When is the War? I don't know.
Daphne800: did you really see God?
GUNBOAT65: ya i know mom lol tim is nuts i stop by every day to take shots
at him lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God's Face on my Dresser when I was younger,
GUNBOAT65: mon
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew He existed and I searched until I saw His Face again.
Mondrake88: LOL ME TOO GUN
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Satan's Church is desperately trying to get me to tell them
Mondrake88: HES AN IDIOT
TIMOTHEAN 2: God looks like so they can correct their painting, but I will
not tell.
OnlineHost: Frankerfer xx has entered the room.
Mondrake88: SATANS CHURCH??
GUNBOAT65: tim i say god in a patato dose that count
Mondrake88: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God only to be killed by the Church or medical
OnlineHost: Ny MiND PoWeR has entered the room.
Daphne800: if you mean the Catholic church I believe you
GUNBOAT65: no wait wasnt god it was bob sorry lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan is a slanderer.
Diamondsn6944050: why do people say "ya"instead of you
OnlineHost: Ny MiND PoWeR has left the room.
Mondrake88: LOL GUN
TIMOTHEAN 2: Slanderer = one who makes up lies about someone.
Frankerfer xx: duh
TIMOTHEAN 2: They label people who have seen God as insane so no one will
listen to them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or, they get people from religious cults to drive them mad.
Mondrake88: LOL
Frankerfer xx: double duh
TIMOTHEAN 2: Most religions call it Blasphemy to Claim to have seen God.
Frankerfer xx: triple duh
GUNBOAT65: well tim seeing something thats not there is called crazy
TIMOTHEAN 2: They kill those who claim to have seen God
GUNBOAT65: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: because the religions are false, in Satan's power.
Daphne800: Tim please don't feel alone. God spoke to me.
GUNBOAT65: or as the medico's say delusional lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not answer questions for those who have no interest in
Joining my religion.
Frankerfer xx: worship goats isay
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions, use the form on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Mondrake88: HE TOLD ME....
GUNBOAT65: me to mon
Frankerfer xx: lol
Frankerfer xx: i think i heard the same thing
Mondrake88: LOL
Daphne800: Tim, what religion are you proposing we should follow
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
Diamondsn6944050: There is truth in tims words
Frankerfer xx: or was it after the doobie i smoked?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 1.55 pm Date 9.26.01
Frankerfer xx: lol
Diamondsn6944050: If you are poor
GUNBOAT65: that would be a cult correct mon lol
Mondrake88: LOL
Mondrake88: I THINK SO GUN
Frankerfer xx: jesus was my friend once
OnlineHost: BobAthee has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: til tim stole him
OnlineHost: BobAthee has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
GUNBOAT65: not mine jesus gozales was my yard guy but got deported
Mondrake88: LOL
Frankerfer xx: lol
Mondrake88: LOL FIGURES
GUNBOAT65: illegel you know lol\
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
Daphne800: I personally don't laugh or make fun of people who have
experienced something supernatural, but don't use God's name to promote your
own ideas
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
Frankerfer xx: good thing i dont work
Mondrake88: LOL GUN
Daphne800: me either lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
Frankerfer xx: send your us currency to
GUNBOAT65: well tim im safe then im retired right now but gona go back soon
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
Mondrake88: LOL FRANK
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
Frankerfer xx: yes he went to profit school
HUNEEMYST: The bible was man written , right/
OnlineHost: BobAthee has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
OnlineHost: BobAthee has left the room.
Mondrake88: LOL IDIOT
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
Frankerfer xx: tim get a life please
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
HUNEEMYST: So, are those God's words, Tim or man's?
Frankerfer xx: workin at burger king is ok..
Daphne800: Oh Tim, you are definitely somewhere in far left field.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
Frankerfer xx: tim its ok you know god
Frankerfer xx: he will protect you
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
Daphne800: What did he look like
HUNEEMYST: How are you a martyr for Jesus? Do you even know what the word
martyr means?
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Frankerfer xx: jesus looked like john lennon
GUNBOAT65: no mon most idiots are good at something tim is just a run of the
mill moron
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
Daphne800: lol
Frankerfer xx: i think that is a great name
Frankerfer xx: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
HUNEEMYST: LOL a new religion???
OnlineHost: Daphne800 has left the room.
Mondrake88: lol gun
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
Frankerfer xx: jesus tied his ass to a tree and walked 40 miles
Frankerfer xx: can you do that tim??
GUNBOAT65: gezz tim that means no body could work you putz
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
GUNBOAT65: ill drink to that tim hell ill drink to anything :-))
GUNBOAT65: :-))
HUNEEMYST: Define work , Tim?
Frankerfer xx: lol gun
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
Frankerfer xx: ??
Frankerfer xx: wtf
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
HUNEEMYST: Gun your too funny lol
GUNBOAT65: soulds good to me time
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
GUNBOAT65: think ill take care of all the wells around here and sell bottled
Frankerfer xx: tim is ru paul in disguise
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
Frankerfer xx: dont worry be happy
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
Frankerfer xx: i saw god at woodstock 2
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
Mondrake88: im out
OnlineHost: Mondrake88 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
Frankerfer xx: tim learn to spell please
GUNBOAT65: ok frank close to my former home lol what was it acid or coke lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
Frankerfer xx: lol gun
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
Frankerfer xx: canm we learn from hampsters too?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
OnlineHost: Daveemmt has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
GUNBOAT65: ohhhh but time there are people that truly deserve to suffer, and
your one lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
GUNBOAT65: thats ok tim been shot, need a doctor not jesus
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
Frankerfer xx: ?
HUNEEMYST: Tim = proof there are computers in asylums
GUNBOAT65: wiat i see god
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffffffhun
GUNBOAT65: ops sorry that was a can of millers
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
GUNBOAT65: hummmm maybe it was god :-))
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
Frankerfer xx: 30 pieces of silver for tim's head
OnlineHost: Daveemmt has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
GUNBOAT65: ill do it for a six pack frank lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
Frankerfer xx: lol gun you gotta deal
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
OnlineHost: YepNotYet has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
Frankerfer xx: tim wow that hurts
GUNBOAT65: no problem trained sniper here lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Frankerfer xx: tim do you have a beard?
HUNEEMYST: you guys are killing me, LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
GUNBOAT65: frank you got to shave 1st lol
Frankerfer xx: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
OnlineHost: Praise 2Him4all has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: omg tim thats ungod like
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
GUNBOAT65: but tim why toss just ask your buddy god to get rid of them lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
Frankerfer xx: but i want to see god
Frankerfer xx: lol tim has to shit
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
OnlineHost: Spare1Wish has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: tim hurry back
Frankerfer xx: you idiot
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
GUNBOAT65: what viruses you got tim aids, clap what?
Frankerfer xx: tim has to shoot a load
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
Frankerfer xx: we turned him on
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
OnlineHost: Praise 2Him4all has left the room.
Frankerfer xx: tim you said you had to go
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
Frankerfer xx: so get the f out
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.
Frankerfer xx: i have a trouser snake
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
Frankerfer xx: that count?
OnlineHost: KenDwGrigg has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
Frankerfer xx: tim moms calling you..
OnlineHost: Spare1Wish has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
GUNBOAT65: what a moron you are tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
Frankerfer xx: tim sheesh you long winded bastid
OnlineHost: Enaid4713 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
HUNEEMYST: no kidding, huh, Frank?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
GUNBOAT65: haaa frank you cant say that you can say fart i checked but not
basturd nope not allowed
Frankerfer xx: tim called on the gods to bring the world trade
center down
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
GUNBOAT65: now i got to report you lmao
Enaid4713: Where's the man "that seen'?
OnlineHost: QQueenie000 has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: lollllll
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
OnlineHost: BeSeMe AhOrA7 has entered the room.
Enaid4713: too bad he doesn't speak English
OnlineHost: Moondoggie229 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
GUNBOAT65: so what tim i smoke lol
Frankerfer xx: tim is fried thank god for magic shroons
GUNBOAT65: and i drink
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
GUNBOAT65: and i run with lose women
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
QQueenie000: HI GUNBOAT
GUNBOAT65: and i cures
GUNBOAT65: and i yell
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
BeSeMe AhOrA7: Who has seen God?
KenDwGrigg: you guys are aware, that Timothy is running a program
GUNBOAT65: and i go outside
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
Frankerfer xx: i have seen him once or twice
KenDwGrigg: he really isnt there
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
OnlineHost: Enaid4713 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
GUNBOAT65: im not hiding QQ
QQueenie000: YES U ARE
Frankerfer xx: i hear sheep shit is one of those ingrediants
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
BeSeMe AhOrA7: where did you see him?
OnlineHost: HUNEEMYST has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
OnlineHost: KenDwGrigg has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
GUNBOAT65: no im not nothing or nobody to hide from
OnlineHost: Moondoggie229 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
QQueenie000: LOL U ARE
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
Frankerfer xx: so tim you are saying god is evil?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
Frankerfer xx: does god fart tim?
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
BeSeMe AhOrA7: Frank whats wrong with you?
Frankerfer xx: be??
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
Frankerfer xx: nothing i am ok
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
BeSeMe AhOrA7: what kind of question is that?
Frankerfer xx: i am just curious
Frankerfer xx: he says he saw god
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
Frankerfer xx: i wanted to know if he farts??
QQueenie000: no one can see GOD and live bible says
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.26.01 14.12
GUNBOAT65: well gona look around you all have a good one bye
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
BeSeMe AhOrA7: Tim can you pleaze explain your theoury you got goin to me
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
QQueenie000: u are nuttier then a fruit cake tim
OnlineHost: GUNBOAT65 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
Frankerfer xx: tim is just another digital shithead
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
OnlineHost: QQueenie000 has left the room.
BeSeMe AhOrA7: Say what?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
OnlineHost: Frankerfer xx has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
BeSeMe AhOrA7: exaactly wher did you get all this?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
OnlineHost: LaceAnneBapt has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
LaceAnneBapt: Hello Everyone!
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
BeSeMe AhOrA7: if they really believed in it then they wouldnt care, part of
beiing a Christian is being persicuted
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
LaceAnneBapt: Okay Who saw God??
OnlineHost: Diamondsn6944050 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Brooklyn Diva 18 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
Brooklyn Diva 18: hi rooom
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
LaceAnneBapt: <~~God was revealed to her in her Heart. =)
LaceAnneBapt: Hi Brooklyn
BeSeMe AhOrA7: I have never heard of a Timitheon
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
Brooklyn Diva 18: does anyone in here see spirits like me/
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
OnlineHost: LaceAnneBapt has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.
BeSeMe AhOrA7: u r a lil to deep for me.. bye bye
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
BeSeMe AhOrA7: Im sure God will love that
BeSeMe AhOrA7: bye
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
OnlineHost: BeSeMe AhOrA7 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
OnlineHost: DAVE FOXX has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
OnlineHost: Frankerfer xx has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
DAVE FOXX: is this live or on autopilot?
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
OnlineHost: SweeetgrlA has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
Frankerfer xx: i like to eat hosts
Brooklyn Diva 18: thought there was three
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
DAVE FOXX: this guy is nutzoid
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
Brooklyn Diva 18: lol
Brooklyn Diva 18: @dave
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
Frankerfer xx: tim your room name contains a grammar error
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
DAVE FOXX: it's on autopilot
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
Frankerfer xx: did you flunk english?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,
OnlineHost: SweeetgrlA has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
Frankerfer xx: supercalifragilisticexpealidocious
Brooklyn Diva 18: ok............
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
DAVE FOXX: any other word would certainly be precoscious
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
Frankerfer xx: lol dave
Brooklyn Diva 18: hey dave
OnlineHost: DEEEPH20 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
DAVE FOXX: heya brooklyn diva
Frankerfer xx: runnin with the devil
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
Frankerfer xx: her hyman is glorified
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
DAVE FOXX: this guy will convince others to kill themselves..he's one of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
OnlineHost: DEEEPH20 has left the room.
Frankerfer xx: tim please dont go postal
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
Brooklyn Diva 18: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
Frankerfer xx: odediah pig
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
Brooklyn Diva 18: tim wat is ur religion?
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
Frankerfer xx: he is a wandering jew
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
Brooklyn Diva 18: ...............
Frankerfer xx: tim get the bong ready ok?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
Brooklyn Diva 18: ummmmm
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
Brooklyn Diva 18: ok
DAVE FOXX: he doesn't have anything to put in it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
Frankerfer xx: lol dave
Frankerfer xx: just his bs from his room
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
DAVE FOXX: at least nothing anyone else would smoke
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
OnlineHost: HotRacerGirlz has entered the room.
Brooklyn Diva 18: why do u think ur messiah again?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
Frankerfer xx: i am sure glad tim lives alone
Brooklyn Diva 18: really
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
Frankerfer xx: mommy dearest
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
DAVE FOXX: he entertains himself well,doncha think?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
Frankerfer xx: tim tell about the rapture..
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
Frankerfer xx: you are king goofy
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
Brooklyn Diva 18: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
DAVE FOXX: maybe he's a Timosexual
Brooklyn Diva 18: yea tells us bout the rapture
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffdave
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
Brooklyn Diva 18: lmao @ dave
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
Frankerfer xx: tim teach us how to make fudge
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
Frankerfer xx: tim have god spellcheck you before you type..
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
Frankerfer xx: pass the doritos tim..
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
Brooklyn Diva 18: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
OnlineHost: HotRacerGirlz has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
Brooklyn Diva 18: wat does he look like?
Frankerfer xx: i saw god in buttfuck indiana
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
OnlineHost: SGreen1911 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
Frankerfer xx: can you be born more than 4 times tim??
DAVE FOXX: that's when the mescaline was accidently put in the baggy with
the weed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
Frankerfer xx: lolllllll dave
TIMOTHEAN 2: Men Give God His Names.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The one God has many names.
Frankerfer xx: methinks tim smokes only the seeds
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
Brooklyn Diva 18: well bye tim have a nice life
TIMOTHEAN 2: Atlas holds up the universe.
DAVE FOXX: no..tim..plant the seeds..plant the seeds
Frankerfer xx: loll dave
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
OnlineHost: Brooklyn Diva 18 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
Frankerfer xx: book of moron i think
DAVE FOXX: and penthouse to,I'll bet
TIMOTHEAN 2: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
Frankerfer xx: roffffffff dave
TIMOTHEAN 2: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
Frankerfer xx: tim do you jerk off?
DAVE FOXX: in his case..playgirl..
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
Frankerfer xx: tim is rupaul
Frankerfer xx: tim i want to be timothean
Frankerfer xx: or whatever you call yourself
Frankerfer xx: do you give free room and board?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If your into Science,
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is matter?
Frankerfer xx: i will slop the pigs
TIMOTHEAN 2: Define Matter.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
Frankerfer xx: matter is the stuff that clings to your anus
DAVE FOXX: I'm a Davidian..we're heterosexual..
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Energy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Waves.
Frankerfer xx: tim you do not listen to those that want to come to you
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Take some Physics classes.
DAVE FOXX: it doesn't matter anyway.
Frankerfer xx: lol tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
Frankerfer xx: mass and matter
SGreen1911: Tim.. you are worthless matter
DAVE FOXX: what's the matter
Frankerfer xx: yes tim you are wrong
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
DAVE FOXX: yep..see a big "0" right now.
TIMOTHEAN 2: TIMOTHEAN13 is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
Frankerfer xx: hoping tim gets ahold of some bad shit tonight when
he blows a bowl
TIMOTHEAN 2: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
Frankerfer xx: lol tim
DAVE FOXX: no one would dare give him the good stuff
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
DAVE FOXX: he's scary enough
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
Frankerfer xx: tim get funky with me
TIMOTHEAN 2: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
Frankerfer xx: tim's mom was a goat
TIMOTHEAN 2: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God.
Frankerfer xx: igod is jesus
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
TIMOTHEAN 2: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
TIMOTHEAN 2: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is not a spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
SGreen1911: Timm.. it never ceast to amaze me how lunatics managed to type
in straight jackets
TIMOTHEAN 2: handle me, and see;
Frankerfer xx: tim you are awesome bullshit artist
Frankerfer xx: hats off to you
TIMOTHEAN 2: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go now, bye.
Frankerfer xx: lol tim
DAVE FOXX: that all??
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
Frankerfer xx: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
OnlineHost: DL112233 has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: so go already
Frankerfer xx: you long winded shit
OnlineHost: DL112233 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There will be a nuclear war.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
TIMOTHEAN 2: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
TIMOTHEAN 2: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
Frankerfer xx: tim was behind the world trade center attack
DAVE FOXX: go now timothy
TIMOTHEAN 2: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN 2: a-right,
SGreen1911: Tim, is it the medication hour in the insane asylum
TIMOTHEAN 2: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
Frankerfer xx: tim go slay your sacred goat for the day
Frankerfer xx: be off with you
TIMOTHEAN 2: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN 2: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
TIMOTHEAN 2: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TIMOTHEAN 2: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
Frankerfer xx: tim has a special relationship with his mother
OnlineHost: NOXCUSE4U has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He made up the story that He killed God.
NOXCUSE4U: whats up crazies?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
SGreen1911: Tim, to see god is to die, reffer to the old testament. Only
Abraham saw god and only from the back
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
Frankerfer xx: tim go already jesus fucking christ
TIMOTHEAN 2: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
TIMOTHEAN 2: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
NOXCUSE4U: timbot, timbot what are you sayin?
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
Frankerfer xx: tim is fried
TIMOTHEAN 2: He will say, "I never knew you".
Frankerfer xx: pray for him
OnlineHost: NOXCUSE4U has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If the preachers have not seen God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
Frankerfer xx: tim is full of shit isaah 13:5
TIMOTHEAN 2: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
SGreen1911: Tim... while your own this christian tirade. Reconcile the
trinity with ban on idolatry
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
Frankerfer xx: wqow sgreen thats heavy
TIMOTHEAN 2: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
Frankerfer xx: he is a chicken shit
TIMOTHEAN 2: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
SGreen1911: he is an idiot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The penalty for this sin is death.
SGreen1911: He cant even discuss basic theology
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
Frankerfer xx: tim time to gather clover for you mothers tea..
TIMOTHEAN 2: What makes you think no one can see God?
DAVE FOXX: reported this to AOL for the fifth time..cannot use autopilot
TIMOTHEAN 2: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
Frankerfer xx: lolllll dave
TIMOTHEAN 2: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
SGreen1911: Tim, I just told that only one person ever saw god
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 22. Christ is God made visible.
Frankerfer xx: timotheans eat shit
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
DAVE FOXX: i'm outa here..seeya guys.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
OnlineHost: Sftasabuny has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Frankerfer xx has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: that every one who sees the Son."
OnlineHost: DAVE FOXX has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
SGreen1911: Tim, if god did not make himself visible to the "most "
righteous of biblical characters
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
SGreen1911: he appears for you?
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
SGreen1911: please
TIMOTHEAN 2: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Did you see Jesus ?
Sftasabuny: well if you see him again do you think you can put in a word for
Sftasabuny: tell them to stop
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you don't know Him.
Sftasabuny: for they shall not crupt my mind my soul my spirt
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
SGreen1911: Tim, you Jushoua, say his name properly
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
SGreen1911: mean
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowing that they do gender strife.
OnlineHost: SRapturematerial has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I avoid foolish questions.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
Sftasabuny: foolish its not its just a honest question
TIMOTHEAN 2: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.
SGreen1911: Tim, christ was born of a jew, he had a hebrew name. The
greeks named him christ
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
Sftasabuny: why are we here
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you have not known me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN 2: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
SGreen1911: jesus is not his name
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Show us the Father?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN 2: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
Sftasabuny: for none of u know that answer yes maybe a keyboard maybe a
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
Sftasabuny: but there is a reason far beyond all of that
OnlineHost: SRapturematerial has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
OnlineHost: Sftasabuny has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
SGreen1911: Christianity is aboration of the teachongs of "christ" whcih
appear 80 years after his death in the
TIMOTHEAN 2: but we know that, when he shall appear,
SGreen1911: new testament
TIMOTHEAN 2: we shall be like him;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for we shall see him as he is.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
TIMOTHEAN 2: speaks on this wise,
SGreen1911: "Christ" never once said he was the son of god
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN 2: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
SGreen1911: he was born to mariam not mary, who many other children
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
SGreen1911: You are telling a fairy tale
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he said no man could see God and live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN 2: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
SGreen1911: Tim, untrue, he say gods hand at work, in the bush burning not
his hand
TIMOTHEAN 2: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
TIMOTHEAN 2: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
SGreen1911: tim, not literally seeing god. To see, means to understand
SGreen1911: to obey
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to answer or not?
SGreen1911: answer what
TIMOTHEAN 2: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you are not Saved.
SGreen1911: of course at death
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christianity is a Cult.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN 2: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if not by their faith then by mine.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I wrote a song want to hear it?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
SGreen1911: It depends on the scripture. The testament has been altered so
many times for political reasons who knows what god really siad
TIMOTHEAN 2: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the invisible world become visible."
SGreen1911: new
TIMOTHEAN 2: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the visible God become invisible."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN 2: waiting to come home,
OnlineHost: SGreen1911 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: While His children, destroy His house.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN 2: With his faith sure and strong,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Leaving judgment to the one above.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hearing the words of His voice.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The wise know what I mean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN 2: They will see God's face.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN 2: God wrote it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 2.53 pm Date 9.26.01
OnlineHost: Moondoggie229 has entered the room.
Moondoggie229: so you saw god, huh?
OnlineHost: Moondoggie229 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
OnlineHost: MamaAmbota has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
MamaAmbota: Umm.... it should be "saw" God....
OnlineHost: MamaAmbota has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
OnlineHost: BobAthee has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
OnlineHost: BobAthee has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
OnlineHost: PERKY 26 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
PERKY 26: good afternoon Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
PERKY 26: how are you today?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.26.01 15.10
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
OnlineHost: Jen9696 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
PERKY 26: hiya Jen
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
Jen9696: hi to u
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
OnlineHost: SugyPie has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
PERKY 26: hiya Sugy
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
SugyPie: hiya perky
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
OnlineHost: shinstrider has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
Jen9696: dont forgot u can also feel god
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.
shinstrider: HEY TIM
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
PERKY 26: hiya Shin
shinstrider: hey
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
shinstrider: is tim talking non sense again?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
PERKY 26: his bot is lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
OnlineHost: Jen9696 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
OnlineHost: Gods TurtIe has entered the room.
PERKY 26: Are you the Shin in his program?
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
shinstrider: so what you doing here listens to this BOT
shinstrider: no way
OnlineHost: AjcSUNSHINE has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
Gods TurtIe: Hi, whose room is this?
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
shinstrider: i'm a real guy that like to come in here and talk to this Bot
shinstrider: TIM
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
PERKY 26: hiya GOds...GoTimothy's room
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
PERKY 26: then thats you shin!!
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
PERKY 26: he's made you part of his program
shinstrider: What you mean that's me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
shinstrider: LOL no way
shinstrider: i'm a real dude
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
PERKY 26: i'm serious!!!!!!! lol
shinstrider: just like messing with TIM
Gods TurtIe: Ok, ya might wanna change the room name to IamTheManThat
SAWGod...proper English, not SEEN.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
Gods TurtIe: :)
Gods TurtIe: God bless
OnlineHost: Gods TurtIe has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
PERKY 26: yeah...well he's copied your words
shinstrider: Ture God
AjcSUNSHINE: lol I was thinking the same thing turtle
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
shinstrider: really
PERKY 26: and added them to his program
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
shinstrider: Aww man i sound like a freaken Bot?
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
shinstrider: So what is a Bot?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
PERKY 26: wish i could remember exactly what it says lol
OnlineHost: Famous Fraggle has entered the room.
shinstrider: How can i get one of them
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
shinstrider: to talk for me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,
PERKY 26: how can you get a bot?
AjcSUNSHINE: shin a bot is a computer program
Famous Fraggle: they dont talk
TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
shinstrider: really
AjcSUNSHINE: aka *robot
PERKY 26: i did have a link to get one
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
shinstrider: how come this TIM bot is talking
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
shinstrider: well non sense
shinstrider: lol
PERKY 26: does it all the time
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
AjcSUNSHINE: lol because he has it programmed that way
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
shinstrider: i know, but could i get one?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
PERKY 26: it rambles on and on and on and.... lol
AjcSUNSHINE: I dunno how to get bots
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
shinstrider: lol
PERKY 26: yes if i can find the link
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
PERKY 26: you bet you can!! lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
shinstrider: It's funny, last time was was here 2 girsl where talking nasty
to Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
shinstrider: the funnies thing you hear
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
shinstrider: kinda Nasty not really christan like
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
PERKY 26: one comes in now and chases him with a cucumber
PERKY 26: righttttttt lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
AjcSUNSHINE: I don't understand why they keep putting this room on. It's
not like they are actually "getting through" to people
shinstrider: lol yeah
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
shinstrider: Is that a bot too?
OnlineHost: Ashguy has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
PERKY 26: Shin no
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
shinstrider: Oh well the girl said he had a bot
PERKY 26: ((((((((((((((TJ)))))))))))))))
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
shinstrider: she*
TJones4875: ((((((((((Perky)))))))))
PERKY 26: TJ....Shin is in here!!
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
shinstrider: really
PERKY 26: he wants to get a bot
shinstrider: HI TJ
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TJones4875: Hi Shin
OnlineHost: Ashguy has left the room.
shinstrider: You know what's funny
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
AjcSUNSHINE: sometimes "Timothean" will go off bot and talk but he had a
shoulder injury or something so it hurts him to type
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
shinstrider: i always mistakes SIN for Shin
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
shinstrider: lol so i think people talking about me
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
PERKY 26: no shin....i'm certain
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
PERKY 26: Shin...go to
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
OnlineHost: Famous Fraggle has left the room.
shinstrider: ok
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
shinstrider: thasnk for the link
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
OnlineHost: CinnaminGRL1 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: welky
OnlineHost: AjcSUNSHINE has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
CinnaminGRL1: this is a weird chat have u seen "god"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
shinstrider: Well i found the holy spirit
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
shinstrider: So that's kinda like God
shinstrider: well that is God
CinnaminGRL1: I am pagan
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
OnlineHost: Bbbushes8 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Calvin6843 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
CinnaminGRL1: U made up ur oun religion?
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
shinstrider: Who me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
OnlineHost: Calvin6843 has left the room.
CinnaminGRL1: Me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
shinstrider: who made up a relligion?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Men Give God His Names.
shinstrider: you mean TIm?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The one God has many names.
CinnaminGRL1: I must do Nothing u tell me
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
OnlineHost: Finesse4sho has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Atlas holds up the universe.
PERKY 26: hiya Calvin
Bbbushes8: I never heard of a Timothean religion
OnlineHost: Calvin6843 has entered the room.
shinstrider: Tell you what?
PERKY 26: didnt see you lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.
CinnaminGRL1: Yes thats what I mean
TIMOTHEAN 2: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
shinstrider: What do you mean?
shinstrider: now i'm confuse
TIMOTHEAN 2: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
Calvin6843: hi'
TIMOTHEAN 2: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
PERKY 26: Calvin...welcome to the nut house lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
CinnaminGRL1: Tim made up his oun religion
Calvin6843: yes it is
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
TJones4875: Hiya Calvin
Bbbushes8: To Tim: The Bible says no word shall be taken or added
Finesse4sho: 1 QUESTION IF U SEEN GOD WHAT DID HE LOOK LIKE ??????????????
Bbbushes8: I believe only the BIble
PERKY 26: Calvin...have you ever met Tim?
GoTimothy: go to my web page
TIMOTHEAN 2: If your into Science,
GoTimothy: do not listen to Satan
CinnaminGRL1: Good Question
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is matter?
TJones4875: Hi Tim .... How are you today?????
PERKY 26: yay....theres TIm!
TIMOTHEAN 2: Define Matter.
Calvin6843: no hi tim'
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
PERKY 26: GoTimothy= Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Energy.
TJones4875: Tim .. How are you today???
Finesse4sho: CUNNAMIN HOW R U
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Waves.
CinnaminGRL1: good
PERKY 26: Tim...did you know Shin is here?
CinnaminGRL1: u?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Take some Physics classes.
shinstrider: Huh i here Shin?
shinstrider: what about me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
Calvin6843: nuts i need to go perky bye now
OnlineHost: Calvin6843 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
PERKY 26: lol bye calvin
TIMOTHEAN 2: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
Bbbushes8: are you saying a peice of steel has spirit???
shinstrider: Crazy nut house
TIMOTHEAN 2: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
PERKY 26: just making sure TIm knows you're here
CinnaminGRL1: No kiddin'
TIMOTHEAN 2: TIMOTHEAN13 is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
CinnaminGRL1: Crazy
TJones4875: Timmy .... Why won't you talk to me and Perky???
shinstrider: HEY TIM I AM HERE
TIMOTHEAN 2: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
shinstrider: he talks to much
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
shinstrider: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
Finesse4sho: CINN WHAT STATE R U FROM.????
TIMOTHEAN 2: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
PERKY 26: Tim???????
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
GoTimothy: Perkey 26 Chose to go agaist me I am praying to the Lord for Hewr
TIMOTHEAN 2: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
GoTimothy: For she has said In here heart
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God.
GoTimothy: Unless i die
CinnaminGRL1: timo is not a real religion It is a man on crack, I'm from
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
shinstrider: well i'm going to go
Finesse4sho: NO JESUS IS NOT GOD
TJones4875: ohh .. well ... you didnt speak to me tho
GoTimothy: I will not stop going agaist Timothy
Finesse4sho: TIM
shinstrider: take care everyone
TIMOTHEAN 2: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
shinstrider: Later
Bbbushes8: Tim is crazy, how can he be sure he is the only one who has seen
TIMOTHEAN 2: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
OnlineHost: shinstrider has left the room.
GoTimothy: And this shall be the Sign that i saw God
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is not a spirit.
OnlineHost: SugyPie has left the room.
CinnaminGRL1: He knows everything
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
CinnaminGRL1: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
Bbbushes8: jesus is a spirit, The Father the son and the Holy Ghost
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go now, bye.
CinnaminGRL1: handle u ?- timo os a pervert
TJones4875: Tim ... What about me ... I asked How are you doing today???
Bbbushes8: christ died for our sins, read the Bible
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
Finesse4sho: DONT LEAVE NOW
TIMOTHEAN 2: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There will be a nuclear war.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
Finesse4sho: ???
TIMOTHEAN 2: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
TIMOTHEAN 2: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
PERKY 26: Tim...i have not gone against you....i have told you the TRUTH
TIMOTHEAN 2: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN 2: a-right,
Bbbushes8: I dont think Tim is there
TIMOTHEAN 2: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
PERKY 26: YOU ARE A NUT!!! From the word GO
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
GoTimothy: I do npt answer Questions to those who have not purchased my book
I am sorry.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
PERKY 26: you've absolutely lost your mind!!
TIMOTHEAN 2: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
TIMOTHEAN 2: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TJones4875: Tim ..What happened to you
TIMOTHEAN 2: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
OnlineHost: Rozelsle has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
PERKY 26: you can forget praying for my demise for it wont do you ANY good
Finesse4sho: BUL SHIT TIM
TIMOTHEAN 2: He made up the story that He killed God.
CinnaminGRL1: I dont even want to see ur god THat is not the pupose of my
TJones4875: and your book cannot be found for purchase
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
TIMOTHEAN 2: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
TJones4875: but i did read what is on the net
PERKY 26: because you pray to the DEVIL...and I know GOD
TIMOTHEAN 2: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
CinnaminGRL1: YOU ARE BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!TIMO
TIMOTHEAN 2: He will say, "I never knew you".
PERKY 26: HOPEFULLY.......before it's TOO will find GOd
TIMOTHEAN 2: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If the preachers have not seen God,
HIS SELF???????
Bbbushes8: Timo you are a false profit and the lord will do his will unto
TIMOTHEAN 2: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
Rozelsle: Fin, guess
TIMOTHEAN 2: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN 2: why God does not use His power to become visible.
OnlineHost: CharleyGirl0995 has entered the room.
Rozelsle: hmmm..
TIMOTHEAN 2: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
TJones4875: TIMMY ...
CharleyGirl0995: Hello
TIMOTHEAN 2: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The penalty for this sin is death.
Bbbushes8: and to make your own religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
OnlineHost: Moondoggie229 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: Hiya CHarley....better be careful in here...this man has started
a cult
OnlineHost: CharleyGirl0995 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What makes you think no one can see God?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
TIMOTHEAN 2: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
Rozelsle: Perky, so he wants a tax deduction next time he does
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
PERKY 26: he needs medication instead of tax reduction loll
CinnaminGRL1: Did he tell uthat
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
Bbbushes8: there he goes again
Moondoggie229: no one drink the kool-aid
TJones4875: Timmy .. Why are you being mean to me .. I didn't do anything to
PERKY 26: ^5 Moon
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Bbbushes8: outa here
Rozelsle: oh great..a new religion and so close to the weekend to..
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
OnlineHost: Bbbushes8 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
Rozelsle: TIM, you didn't see was just the pizza ya had the nite
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that every one who sees the Son."
PERKY 26: i see why AOL is taking his pages down
Moondoggie229: tim, lay off the acid
TIMOTHEAN 2: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TJones4875: i guess so perky .... and here i didnt do anything to him
TIMOTHEAN 2: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
Rozelsle: It was the pizza delivery guy he was seeing..
TIMOTHEAN 2: Did you see Jesus ?
Finesse4sho: LOL
PERKY 26: he's just plain crazy TJ
Finesse4sho: ROZ
Rozelsle: FIN, can ya take somebody like that seriously..
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you don't know Him.
Rozelsle: LOL..I mean, come on now..
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TJones4875: i guess so ... he used to talk to me
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
CinnaminGRL1: LOL Roz
OnlineHost: BIG DOG AC has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
Rozelsle: There's a woman here to have claimed to have seen Jesus in the
tortilla she was making..
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowing that they do gender strife.
PERKY 26: he's going crazy because the FBI is watching him so closely
TIMOTHEAN 2: I avoid foolish questions.
Moondoggie229: lol
Rozelsle: Now that tortilla is
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
Rozelsle: TIM, and I say you're full of it..
BIG DOG AC: who saw "the big guy"?
Moondoggie229: tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.
TJones4875: ohhhhh ... Well .. that would make one extremely nervous
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
PERKY 26: Big....NObody.....this nut is just starting a cult
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you have not known me?
BIG DOG AC: tim?you did?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that has seen Me,
TJones4875: I did see his pic on TV again just a little bit ago
TIMOTHEAN 2: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
Rozelsle: <~~needed a good laff..
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Show us the Father?"
PERKY 26: i saw it this morning
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
Rozelsle: TJ, LOL..oh sure..
Moondoggie229: tim we can read, we really don't need the entire bible quoted
to us
Finesse4sho: TIM your a GOD damn liar
OnlineHost: PremiumLexicon has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
PERKY 26: oh my lol
BIG DOG AC: im just joining the convo
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TJones4875: Roz ... Turn on MSNBC
BIG DOG AC: where did you see him?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TJones4875: oh wait .. it was FOX
Rozelsle: TJ, oy vey..LOL..
PERKY 26: i saw it on Fox
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
Rozelsle: Leave it to
PremiumLexicon: You people must believe that god is a physical being?
CinnaminGRL1: Answer Me thi crack head::: What does ur God look like? & why
does he show himself to u?
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
TJones4875: Have you seen his pic before?
TIMOTHEAN 2: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
PERKY 26: Premium...i believe this guy is NUTS
TIMOTHEAN 2: but we know that, when he shall appear,
TJones4875: He was even talking about the FBI being after him
PremiumLexicon: God is a 7 chromactic goblin
Rozelsle: Pre, I believe He is a spirit, but we as mortals can's see him..
BIG DOG AC: tim does god have a pic?
PremiumLexicon: at least my god
TIMOTHEAN 2: we shall be like him;
PERKY 26: oh yes Big
PremiumLexicon: in other words
TIMOTHEAN 2: for we shall see him as he is.
PremiumLexicon: god is composed of the physical light spectrum
TIMOTHEAN 2: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
PERKY 26: he looks so much like Tiny Tim
PremiumLexicon: known as the universe
TIMOTHEAN 2: speaks on this wise,
PremiumLexicon: thats what i believe
Rozelsle: A Goblin?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
PremiumLexicon: he communicates to me mentally
PremiumLexicon: yes a goblin
TIMOTHEAN 2: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
CinnaminGRL1: When is that Next time u get that little white rock in your
PremiumLexicon: the goblin that hungers
BIG DOG AC: looking for jewish carpenter with long hair and blue eyes will
trade pic
PremiumLexicon: to consume
PremiumLexicon: space
TIMOTHEAN 2: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
Rozelsle: Pre, okay..
PremiumLexicon: its all a metaphor
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
PremiumLexicon: dont talk to me like im crazy
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
Moondoggie229: lol big
TJones4875: Roz ... If you've seen Tim's pic ... watch the news ..
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
PremiumLexicon: god is everywhere
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
PremiumLexicon: he'z even in this room
PremiumLexicon: lauging
PremiumLexicon: cuz he knows im right
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
Moondoggie229: apparently he's with tim
CinnaminGRL1: ya hes on americas most wanted
Rozelsle: TJ, okay..should I look for a guy in a strait jacket or cuffs?
PremiumLexicon: even im god
PremiumLexicon: even ur god
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
PremiumLexicon: straight up
PremiumLexicon: we're all jesus christ
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
PremiumLexicon: thats the true irony of the bible
TIMOTHEAN 2: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
OnlineHost: DrNick153 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: Tim claims Clinton won't give them a warrant lmao
BIG DOG AC: guys check this out
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TJones4875: Perky ... Tell her we've seen Tim on TV ... Even Tim said the
FBI is after him
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he said no man could see God and live.
BIG DOG AC: listening?
TIMOTHEAN 2: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
PERKY 26: yes....i've seen him on tv
DrNick153: lol timmmmmmmmmmay
TIMOTHEAN 2: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
PERKY 26: yes Big
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
Moondoggie229: once upon a time, in the land of abnormal psychosis, lived a
man named tim...
PERKY 26: Big you should change colors
DrNick153: how much acid you drop timmmmmmmmmmay?
PERKY 26: lol Moon
TIMOTHEAN 2: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
BIG DOG AC: ya know about revalations
PremiumLexicon: anyone practice clairvoyance
Rozelsle: Well; the FBI needs to hurry up and lock this loon
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
PremiumLexicon: ????????????????????????????????????????????????
OnlineHost: Slpngtigr has entered the room.
BIG DOG AC: and the end of the world and stuff
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
Rozelsle: Pre, I study it..
PremiumLexicon: please listen to the voice of reason
PremiumLexicon: haha
PERKY 26: Roz...they will......real soon
BIG DOG AC: 4 horseman
DrNick153: hallucinogens are usually associated with seeing gods and demons
TIMOTHEAN 2: Let me ask a Christian a question.
PremiumLexicon: what aspects???
PremiumLexicon: parapsychology
TJones4875: Timmy .... Are your doors locked???
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
TJones4875: and windows???
Slpngtigr: tim my man
DrNick153: the 4 horse man are punks
Slpngtigr: how u doin?
Moondoggie229: they're coming to take you away, haha
BIG DOG AC: do you guyes know who the 4 horsemen are?
Slpngtigr: i came back to see u again
DrNick153: the horseman of nuclear apocalypse is hardcore
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to answer or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
TJones4875: Slp ... he won't talk today
Slpngtigr: im imortal timmy
DrNick153: pestilence, famine,war,death
PremiumLexicon: man this room is not unveiling the prophetic auroa
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you are not Saved.
PERKY 26: Tim went back into the closet
BIG DOG AC: well one is plauge
PremiumLexicon: u people have too much time on ur hands
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
BIG DOG AC: one is war
Slpngtigr: im here forever just to mess wit you
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christianity is a Cult.
PremiumLexicon: go contemplate the greatness of water before u start typing
Rozelsle: We're all immortal beings..
BIG DOG AC: one is death
PremiumLexicon: this mess
PremiumLexicon: immortal?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
DrNick153: lol i just named them
PremiumLexicon: not as beings
BIG DOG AC: the last is famine i believe
PremiumLexicon: maybe as energy
DrNick153: famine
.........BEWARE......B CAREFULL
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
Slpngtigr: im timmy's personal demon
PremiumLexicon: impossible to be immortal
TIMOTHEAN 2: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN 2: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
PERKY 26: too
Slpngtigr: sent to bring trial an tribulation
PremiumLexicon: i thought i was immortal til i slammed a car door on my
BIG DOG AC: yeah sarvation
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
OnlineHost: DrNick153 has left the room.
Moondoggie229: tim, just tell the police where the bodies are and go quietly
TIMOTHEAN 2: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
Slpngtigr: hi fellow demon lol
PremiumLexicon: made me realize....youth is godly...but age is reality
TIMOTHEAN 2: if not by their faith then by mine.
PERKY 26: LOL Moon
BIG DOG AC: ok ready for my point
Moondoggie229: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I wrote a song want to hear it?
PERKY 26: hiya DemonSlp lol
PremiumLexicon: to tell u the truth
Slpngtigr: o please sing tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
PremiumLexicon: i had to eat psylocobin mushrooms before god wanted to talk
to me
Slpngtigr: sing it here
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
Moondoggie229: lol
PERKY 26: pleeeeeeeeeeeeease dont sing
Slpngtigr: i play guitar
PremiumLexicon: i play electronic music
Slpngtigr: ill play it wit u
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
PERKY 26: covering ears
Moondoggie229: i play my cds
PremiumLexicon: on the turntables and the digital sampling apparatus
TIMOTHEAN 2: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the invisible world become visible."
Slpngtigr: timmy sees all
TIMOTHEAN 2: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the visible God become invisible."
Slpngtigr: hes the new messiah
Slpngtigr: ask him
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN 2: waiting to come home,
PremiumLexicon: well the visible god has no control over the twelve
invisible dimensions
PremiumLexicon: of time space
TIMOTHEAN 2: While His children, destroy His house.
PremiumLexicon: that are layered over this.......
PremiumLexicon: thiss.......
Slpngtigr: lets trash the house
TIMOTHEAN 2: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN 2: With his faith sure and strong,
PremiumLexicon: hmmm
PremiumLexicon: how do u describe
TIMOTHEAN 2: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ridding the world of guilt.
BIG DOG AC: guys important question
TIMOTHEAN 2: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Leaving judgment to the one above.
Slpngtigr: ok
PERKY 26: shoot
PremiumLexicon: anyone believe in the bible code theory?
Slpngtigr: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hearing the words of His voice.
BIG DOG AC: anyone think smallpox is here
BIG DOG AC: or anthrax
TIMOTHEAN 2: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The wise know what I mean.
Moondoggie229: timmy...and the lords of the underworld!
PremiumLexicon: its all about congential herpes
Slpngtigr: only on timothy
TIMOTHEAN 2: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN 2: They will see God's face.
PremiumLexicon: 11th plauge
TIMOTHEAN 2: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To reach the immortal state.
PremiumLexicon: i can't stand religion
Slpngtigr: no to hard to vector
PremiumLexicon: its so fabricated
TIMOTHEAN 2: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
PremiumLexicon: how can u fabricated the fabric of life
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN 2: God wrote it.
PremiumLexicon: god
PremiumLexicon: ?????????
PremiumLexicon: using man as his instruments????
Slpngtigr: timmy.......
Slpngtigr: ive asked again and again
PremiumLexicon: kiss my lily white ass
BIG DOG AC: i think tim is hold a bible infront of him and just typing away
Slpngtigr: prove you saw god
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
OnlineHost: Cuteebee has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Cuteebee has left the room.
BIG DOG AC: holding
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
PremiumLexicon: i've had telepathic conversations with god
PremiumLexicon: he was breathing
PremiumLexicon: and i saw that
Slpngtigr: click this timmy
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
PremiumLexicon: peoples heads started to bulge with the dna information
TIMOTHEAN 2: To Join the online group fill out the group form,
PERKY 26: <--has TIMO on IGNORE
PremiumLexicon: good idea perky
TIMOTHEAN 2: other members will show up in the buddy list.
BIG DOG AC: i have seenth the comingth of the lordth
TIMOTHEAN 2: You only need to be a first level Timothean to Join this group,
BIG DOG AC: go tim go
Slpngtigr: better perky
Moondoggie229: first, you shouldn't have to fill out a form to join a
TIMOTHEAN 2: second level Timotheans clone our site and teach with a
PERKY 26: much lol
PremiumLexicon: religious zealots
TIMOTHEAN 2: Enemies are trying to limit speech and the Gospel from
Moondoggie229: second, you're a looneytune
Slpngtigr: timmy s such a fool
PremiumLexicon: i agree
TIMOTHEAN 2: Fill in the form to clone the Gospel to your AOL account.
BIG DOG AC: total fruitloop
PERKY 26: ^5 Big
TIMOTHEAN 2: I recommend creating a AOL screename TIMOTHEAN17 or
Slpngtigr: but the decor in here is nice
BIG DOG AC: smack!
Slpngtigr: its why i keep comin back
TIMOTHEAN 2: Find a number that is not taken and upload there.
PremiumLexicon: decor?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said preach the Gospel in season and out,
TIMOTHEAN 2: weather people will hear it or not, 2nd Tim 4:1-5.
Slpngtigr: you havent noticed?
OnlineHost: Ledhead420pd has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Go and do likewise with the Teach Proggie.
PremiumLexicon: the scheme of this room?
Ledhead420pd: what does god look like?
Moondoggie229: hey led
PremiumLexicon: none of you have seen god
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you would like to clone elsewhere, let us know in comments.
Slpngtigr: you think timmy is the only crazy one in here?
PremiumLexicon: you can't see god
PremiumLexicon: as one clear cut
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are Seven levels to the Timothean Religion,
PremiumLexicon: image
Ledhead420pd: is he black
PERKY 26: no way Slp
TIMOTHEAN 2: just like there are seven levels of Heaven and seven Churches.
PremiumLexicon: he is omniprecenet
Slpngtigr: prove it lex
PremiumLexicon: alright i will
TIMOTHEAN 2: History has proven that whenever a new religion gets started,
Ledhead420pd: i imagine him as a bg, black, bald dude
PremiumLexicon: if god created the universe from nothing
TIMOTHEAN 2: that Catholic Church has had every member of that religion
PremiumLexicon: then god is nothing
CinnaminGRL1: Tim u r charles manson sitting behind his computr in jail,
aren't u? u r insain! How can u sit there & copy pages from the "bible" and
call ur self a Mesiha? All u r doing is patronizing people - NUT JOB!!!!
PremiumLexicon: therefore
PremiumLexicon: god doesn't exist
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why there are 10,000 different hamburgers stands,
PremiumLexicon: at least
BIG DOG AC: my grandmother belongs to a pray group and the blessed mother
vists them on the 22 of every mounth
BIG DOG AC: no shit
PremiumLexicon: not in a phsyical presence
Slpngtigr: wheres the proof?
PERKY 26: Tim is typing from the mental hospital
PremiumLexicon: however
TIMOTHEAN 2: in 50 years,
OnlineHost: Ledhead420pd has left the room.
Finesse4sho: CUTTY U SEE WHO HE IS
PremiumLexicon: if god created the universe
TIMOTHEAN 2: and only about 6 religions in 10,000 years.
PremiumLexicon: yet was created at the spawn of creation
PremiumLexicon: than god is the universe
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Cathors were able to make the Body of the Lord become
PremiumLexicon: thus
TIMOTHEAN 2: and their members were about 1,000 strong,
PremiumLexicon: god is every piece of elemental material that exists
PremiumLexicon: and therefore
TIMOTHEAN 2: when the Catholics had them all killed.
Slpngtigr: my question was to prove it
Moondoggie229: so tell us tim, how DID you get out of that straightjacket?
PremiumLexicon: he makes up the entire periodic table
BIG DOG AC: like plastic?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot be taught about Third Level Timotheism,
PremiumLexicon: yea plastic
PERKY 26: lol Moon
PremiumLexicon: because plastic wasn't
BIG DOG AC: i see
PremiumLexicon: plastic
TIMOTHEAN 2: until you have been at a second level for a year,
Rozelsle: Tim, you are one hell of a nut job...
PremiumLexicon: before man tainted it
PERKY 26: do we have 2 bots running?
TIMOTHEAN 2: so get in now.
Slpngtigr: you can spout all the words you wish......prove what you claim
PremiumLexicon: this computer is composed of the universe
PremiumLexicon: my skin
PremiumLexicon: is made up of plants
Rozelsle: That webpage screams paranoid..
PremiumLexicon: and animals
TIMOTHEAN 2: At first I thought it was the Government that had
PremiumLexicon: that evolved from billions of years
Moondoggie229: lol cinn
TIMOTHEAN 2: the people at Waco Killed,
PremiumLexicon: yet lives on today
PERKY 26: Roz....very
PremiumLexicon: through me
PremiumLexicon: and my chemactic equation
BIG DOG AC: perky?
TIMOTHEAN 2: but then I found out the Catholics have their own Army
PERKY 26: Big?
TIMOTHEAN 2: and Militia to kill off their competition.
Slpngtigr: im nuttier than a fruitcake...but you are beyond even tim....lex
PremiumLexicon: that occupys the ever flowing continuim
TIMOTHEAN 2: Masada, Waco, Heaven's Gate and Jonestown
PremiumLexicon: you dont get it
PremiumLexicon: thats logic
BIG DOG AC: why did you come to this room anyway?
PremiumLexicon: man
PremiumLexicon: thats not being nuts
TIMOTHEAN 2: all have something in Common, they were all murdered.
PremiumLexicon: thats pure innocent
PremiumLexicon: observation
Moondoggie229: tim, be careful, they're watching you
TIMOTHEAN 2: And it was covered up by making it look like a mass suicide.
PremiumLexicon: right in front of ur eyes
Slpngtigr: bullshit...........just like timothy
PERKY 26: i stop in occasionally...
TIMOTHEAN 2: You would think that this is the Mafia and you might be right.
PremiumLexicon: i came in
PremiumLexicon: too see if anyone truly
PremiumLexicon: knows who god is
BIG DOG AC: uh huh
TIMOTHEAN 2: Odds of getting people to commit suicide & conveniently
Rozelsle: This is my first time in here..oy vey..
PremiumLexicon: me to roze
TIMOTHEAN 2: to cover up any evidence of murder, is about one in ten
Slpngtigr: funny place isnt it?
PERKY 26: Big...why are you here?
PremiumLexicon: whats funy about it
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is George W. Bush stupid enough to believe in mass cremation?
Slpngtigr: you for one
PremiumLexicon: i believe in real life and death experience
Moondoggie229: omg, jim jones was a fucking nut just liike you
PremiumLexicon: and keeping an even kiel
PremiumLexicon: in other words
TIMOTHEAN 2: When a new religion gets above a certain number,
PremiumLexicon: ur life
BIG DOG AC: i dunno
Rozelsle: it's a good place to come to be reminded your
Finesse4sho: TIM U R IN A CULT OR SOMETHING HOMMIE ?????????
PremiumLexicon: is one big omen
TIMOTHEAN 2: they send in the Army to have them Killed.
CinnaminGRL1: :: turns around, lights a joint; Farts on Tim and Exits crack
head grand central!
PremiumLexicon: what is sane??????
PERKY 26: i come for entertainment purposes
PremiumLexicon: believing in science
Slpngtigr: what would you know of death lex?
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why you will never find more then one member
PremiumLexicon: rather than god????
BIG DOG AC: i guess thats it
PremiumLexicon: well lets just say
TIMOTHEAN 2: of the Timothean Religion.
PremiumLexicon: i count my lucky starts
Moondoggie229: so why are there still buddhists and muslims tim?
PremiumLexicon: stars
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can say your a Timothean,
Rozelsle: LOL..
Slpngtigr: ever kill anyone?
PremiumLexicon: that im always in the right place at the right time
TIMOTHEAN 2: but if anyone ask you how many members there are,
PERKY 26: Tim has been praying for my death
Slpngtigr: lol
PremiumLexicon: i honestly believe
CinnaminGRL1: BYE EVERONE- that isn't crazy!
TIMOTHEAN 2: say "I am the only Timothean,
PremiumLexicon: that the wind
BIG DOG AC: is anyone else from new york?
PremiumLexicon: is everything
PERKY 26: lol fun
PremiumLexicon: dirty jerzey
TIMOTHEAN 2: all the others are impostures trying to overthrow my religion".
PERKY 26: oops Fin
PremiumLexicon: like
PremiumLexicon: when u die
OnlineHost: CinnaminGRL1 has left the room.
PremiumLexicon: they bury you
TIMOTHEAN 2: Even if your screename is TIMOTHEAN99999 and your in a group
PremiumLexicon: and you go back into the air
PremiumLexicon: cuz u become a part of the foliage
TIMOTHEAN 2: of 10,000 all wearing Timothean T-Shirts and reading the Gospel
Slpngtigr: wouldnt know your ass from a hole in the ground
PremiumLexicon: its like one big recycling plant
TIMOTHEAN 2: of Timothy, say "I am the only Timothean,
PremiumLexicon: thats the beauty of life
TIMOTHEAN 2: all the others are imposters." It's for your protection.
Moondoggie229: tim, go smoke a bowl and chill out
PremiumLexicon: pure precision
PremiumLexicon: horrifying
PremiumLexicon: i would love to smoke a bolw
Finesse4sho: TIM IS IN THE (_)(_)==========D HEAD CULT................LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because these serial killers will think nothing of dropping a
PremiumLexicon: bowl
PERKY 26: Tim smoked one too many
Moondoggie229: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: nuclear weapon on a Nation of Timotheans.
Slpngtigr: lex must be a secret timothean agent
BIG DOG AC: i bet moondoggie gives that advice alot
PremiumLexicon: uhh no
Moondoggie229: paranoia, man
PremiumLexicon: not really
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are True Americans.
Moondoggie229: i do big
PremiumLexicon: im a nineteen year old rapper
Moondoggie229: and?
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms"
PremiumLexicon: on a mission from god to save the world
BIG DOG AC: aaaaa go smoke a bowl youll feel better
TIMOTHEAN 2: against anyone infringing on our rights
PremiumLexicon: im tired of all this impatience
Slpngtigr: o christ...thats even worse than timothy
BIG DOG AC: family died?
PremiumLexicon: why'z that
PremiumLexicon: i have a purpose
TIMOTHEAN 2: to FREE Speech or FREE Religion.
PremiumLexicon: artistry
Slpngtigr: cause im a musician
PremiumLexicon: is what makes me god like
PremiumLexicon: i create
BIG DOG AC: aaaaa go smoke a bowl youll feel better
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they want to Stop our Speech or Religion,
PremiumLexicon: u aint musician
PremiumLexicon: the guitar has been mastered
TIMOTHEAN 2: they need to Leave the USA, and go to a Dictatorship Country,
Slpngtigr: you create rythmic poetry
Moondoggie229: big, get off my back
Rozelsle: oh'd be dangerous to give a crackhead a loaded weapon..
PremiumLexicon: a hundred times over
Slpngtigr: not music
PremiumLexicon: i create beats
TIMOTHEAN 2: where religion and speech is controlled by the Dictators.
PremiumLexicon: and i chop up sound
PremiumLexicon: and create a collage
PremiumLexicon: of futuristic
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is our constitutional right to bear Arms to kill them.
BIG DOG AC: hey im not knockin it
PremiumLexicon: prohibition
Moondoggie229: ok
Slpngtigr: you sample other people creations
Finesse4sho: LOL........TIM U CRAZY FUCKER ......STOP LYING
TIMOTHEAN 2: In America, there is not a Juror that will convict us.
OnlineHost: SophiaNDovit has entered the room.
PremiumLexicon: no
BIG DOG AC: come on im right........right?
Slpngtigr: yes
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who infringes on these rights,
Slpngtigr: thats all rap is
PremiumLexicon: a drum machine
PremiumLexicon: is capable of doing that
TIMOTHEAN 2: is a Threat to the National Security of the United States of
Moondoggie229: tim, shut up...even god took a day off
PremiumLexicon: but i have to orchestrate it
TIMOTHEAN 2: Happy 4th of July.
PERKY 26: LOL Moon
PremiumLexicon: its not just playing other peoples music
Slpngtigr: click for you to
Slpngtigr: ahh much better now
PremiumLexicon: who the fuck are u
BIG DOG AC: ok everyone it was a absolute please
OnlineHost: PremiumLexicon has left the room.
Slpngtigr: no timmy an no rapper
OnlineHost: PremiumLexicon has entered the room.
BIG DOG AC: pleasure
PremiumLexicon: who the fuck are u to judge
PERKY 26: lol Slp
PremiumLexicon: what makes u think ur so right
BIG DOG AC: have a wonderful weekend
PremiumLexicon: and put me on ignore
Slpngtigr: hi again perky....i let these jokers draw me in at times
BIG DOG AC: be sake
PERKY 26: thanks too
PremiumLexicon: ur such a herb
BIG DOG AC: god bless the USA
Slpngtigr: see ya dog
PremiumLexicon: ur trying to mac it
PremiumLexicon: in the god room
PERKY 26: gotta watch that Slp
PremiumLexicon: what a herb
Slpngtigr: yep
PremiumLexicon: you have no concept of self righteousness
Slpngtigr: but when they start on music
Moondoggie229: later big
PremiumLexicon: put me on ignore
OnlineHost: PremiumLexicon has left the room.
Slpngtigr: i cant help itt
OnlineHost: PremiumLexicon has entered the room.
PremiumLexicon: u think ur a musician strumming cords??????
PremiumLexicon: mother fucker
OnlineHost: Rozelsle has left the room.
PremiumLexicon: my cohort
PremiumLexicon: consists of the nephew of jim morrison
PERKY 26: nice
PremiumLexicon: and we are going to save this generation
PremiumLexicon: from a stark naked death
Slpngtigr: i clicked lex
PremiumLexicon: under nuclear winter
OnlineHost: PremiumLexicon has left the room.
OnlineHost: PremiumLexicon has entered the room.
Slpngtigr: cant see him so wtf
PremiumLexicon: ill just keep coming back
PremiumLexicon: i hate arrogance
PremiumLexicon: its such a sign of your idiocy
PERKY 26: checking clock.....yep is out
PremiumLexicon: you make folk music
PremiumLexicon: i dont go to school
PremiumLexicon: i dropped out
Slpngtigr: uh oh
PremiumLexicon: to pursue
Moondoggie229: tim got awfully quiet...i think he's plotting
PremiumLexicon: my sinecure
PERKY 26: it shows
PremiumLexicon: permantly
Slpngtigr: kids will pourin in here soon
PremiumLexicon: i went to the best school for communications
PremiumLexicon: in the country
PremiumLexicon: and i dropped out because my talent
PremiumLexicon: is too good to be wasting away on term papes
PremiumLexicon: papers
PremiumLexicon: im a minister of manifested thought patterns
Moondoggie229: lol
Slpngtigr: i been a workin musician for 30 yrs an these guys drive me nuts
PremiumLexicon: peace you lowly organism
PERKY 26: the FBI was in the room last night
OnlineHost: PremiumLexicon has left the room.
Slpngtigr: cool
PERKY 26: asking lots of questions about Tim
Slpngtigr: maybe they'll take timmy
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3. Timothean Religion
PERKY 26: lets hope so
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9.26.0116.06
OnlineHost: BIG DOG AC has left the room.
Slpngtigr: naw....they wouldnt know what to do with him either
PERKY 26: can you imagine? lol
Slpngtigr: lol
Moondoggie229: later all
PERKY 26: Bye Moon
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
Slpngtigr: bye moon
SophiaNDovit: hi room
OnlineHost: Slpngtigr has left the room.
Moondoggie229: kool-aid
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click the red heart and come back.
OnlineHost: Slpngtigr has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Moondoggie229 has left the room.
PERKY 26: hiya Sophia
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
SophiaNDovit: whats up perk
Slpngtigr: whoa...clicked the wrong one lol
PERKY 26: welcome to the nut house
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
Finesse4sho: LOL
PERKY 26: lol slp
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
SophiaNDovit: nice to be here, but i just dont get it
OnlineHost: Slpngtigr has left the room.
OnlineHost: Slpngtigr has entered the room.
PERKY 26: what dont you get?
PERKY 26: wb SLp
SophiaNDovit: this tim guy really thinks he saw God?
Slpngtigr: lol....i keep tryin to click tim
Slpngtigr: an i missed
PERKY 26: this TIm guy is starting a cult Sophia
PERKY 26: lol slp
Slpngtigr: yes
Finesse4sho: TIM AND AL BUNDY SEEN GOD SHOES .............LOL
SophiaNDovit: no way!
Slpngtigr: tim an al bundy ARE gods shoes
PERKY 26: his web page
PERKY 26: lol slp
SophiaNDovit: psychotic, dont think i want to
Finesse4sho: LOL
PERKY 26: and don't drink the Kool-aid q
Slpngtigr: lol
PERKY 26: slp,, have you seen a pic of tim?
Slpngtigr: watch out.......theres another timothy supporter here
Slpngtigr: no i havent
Slpngtigr: have you?
PERKY 26: oh yes....lmao...i'll send brb
Slpngtigr: ok
Slpngtigr: i dont know if i can handle seein tim lol
Finesse4sho: LOL
Slpngtigr: finesse....pass tim another hit?
Slpngtigr: hes windin down
PERKY 26: have mail
Finesse4sho: LOL...........TIM IS GOD..............A GOD DAMN LIAR
PERKY 26: the one on the right is holding Tims book lol
Slpngtigr: roflmao
PERKY 26: :)
PERKY 26: thats really him!
Slpngtigr: looks like a guitar player i knnow lmao
PERKY 26: Slp....are you ok?
PERKY 26: lol
Slpngtigr: horrible player too
Slpngtigr: my ribs hurt
PERKY 26: scarey isnt he?
SophiaNDovit: oh boy, what a web page...
PERKY 26: lol
Slpngtigr: oh my yes
PERKY 26: i have others too lol
Slpngtigr: send it to sophia lol
SophiaNDovit: this gentleman has too, too much time on his hands
PERKY 26: ok brb
Slpngtigr: will love this pic
Slpngtigr: too funny
OnlineHost: Sweetness76254 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3. Timothean Religion
Slpngtigr: timmy......if everyone saw you that would be the end of it
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9.26.0116.14
Slpngtigr: lmao
OnlineHost: Sweetness76254 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click the red heart and come back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
SophiaNDovit: bye tim, happy psychosis
Slpngtigr: oh goodness
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
Slpngtigr: too much fun
PERKY 26: have mail
Slpngtigr: lol
PERKY 26: :)
Slpngtigr: oh wait till you see tim lmao
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
PERKY 26: hehe
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
PERKY 26: then you'll REALLY love him lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN 2: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am here to teach the Truth
PERKY 26: have mail
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is Truth?
SophiaNDovit: Perky, what a freak
SophiaNDovit: brb
PERKY 26: yeah
Finesse4sho: IIGHT
Slpngtigr: perky...brb
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Kills
PERKY 26: k
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many more truths can be found in my book,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore Join the Timothean Religion, Clone the Gospel of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preach it in Season and out.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those who fear joining my religion read, Revelation 21:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If I don't have Free Speech & Religion I am moving out of
TIMOTHEAN 2: As a Nation Founded on Lies, will be Destroyed, God hates
Finesse4sho: LOL................. PERKY THATS WHO TIM SAW AND THOUGHT WAS
SophiaNDovit: anybody else in here
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where is the Americans?
PERKY 26: lol Finesse
TIMOTHEAN 2: We Have Free Speech & Free Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And a Right to Bear Arms against those who infringe on theses
TIMOTHEAN 2: rights.
SophiaNDovit: Where are...
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you own a Gun?
PERKY 26: you bet i do
OnlineHost: Entangled Fate has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you Know anyone trying to stop my religion or Speech?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then why not use your Arms for their intended purpose?
OnlineHost: Entangled Fate has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You people are communist.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Support my religion or get out.
SophiaNDovit: You dont really think you are a religion
PERKY 26: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are true Americans.
PERKY 26: hes nuts
TIMOTHEAN 2: We speak our Mind and have the Religion of our Choice.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus only Heals Christians, so the Preachers stock in workers
comp, goes
SophiaNDovit: totally, you are mentally impaired
Slpngtigr: timmy does too many drugs
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you think God is like?
Slpngtigr: or not enough
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you think God sits around and says,
PERKY 26: lol
Slpngtigr: i aint figured it out yet
TIMOTHEAN 2: maybe I will send a Messiah in 2,000 years?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or do you think God wants us to be saved now?
SophiaNDovit: you by no means can do that
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends saviors but men kill them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends wise men but no one listens.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you want God to Do?
SophiaNDovit: your interpretation is a crack up
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus wants Timotheans to sue, so no one else is injured.
PERKY 26: TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends saviors but i kill them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: << Why would Bush order a hit on his own country? >>
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush seems to think he can Hire a Hit man.
TIMOTHEAN 2: One who hires a hit man is a Murder.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can not put a contract on someone's life without a trial.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is more evidence that Bush did it where is the contract
for his
TIMOTHEAN 2: life?
SophiaNDovit: bullshit
PERKY 26: TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a murderer
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Clinton told a lie we wanted to put him in Jail.
Slpngtigr: i ran timmy out of this room 5 times in one week lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because the WTC was going to fall and
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mayor of NY could not get money from Congress to have it
taken down and rebuilt.
PERKY 26: hehe...i've done that before lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Engineers said the building would fall, it was too tall,
TIMOTHEAN 2: blocked and diverted wind threw NY.
Slpngtigr: kept on talkin to him and finally poof....gone
TIMOTHEAN 2: They planed it because if
TIMOTHEAN 2: they waited for it to fall, it would have been a worse tragedy.
Slpngtigr: too funny isnt it?
PERKY 26: yep
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Pentagon was testing new 2 inch glass and that's why the
Gov hit
Slpngtigr: my joys in life are simple
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also to kill off The People who believed that I saw God.
PERKY 26: mine too lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Further they could get 20 billion to rebuild, blame it on
OnlineHost: FruitRegulator has entered the room.
Slpngtigr: a beer.....a timmy to mess with lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: start a war for oil and make Christianity the new world
PERKY 26: hey SLp.....gotta run....nice meeting ya...stop back in
TIMOTHEAN 2: Didn't your mother tell you its rude to speak while someone is
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preaching?
FruitRegulator: yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo
SophiaNDovit: well, I'd like to run him over
FruitRegulator: yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
FruitRegulator: yooooooooooooooooooooooo
TIMOTHEAN 2: Nice plan but who's stupid enough to believe it cost 20 billion
to clean up the mess?
FruitRegulator: yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo
PERKY 26: bye everyone
OnlineHost: FruitRegulator rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5 2
TIMOTHEAN 2: The 20 billion is bribe money to Mafia and other officials.
OnlineHost: PERKY 26 has left the room.
FruitRegulator: huh wot
TIMOTHEAN 2: The police have their code of Silence and brake laws,
FruitRegulator: wot wot huh
FruitRegulator: yeah ha
SophiaNDovit: bye this is the stupidest excuse for a chat room
TIMOTHEAN 2: the ATF are even silencer still more silent is the Executive
Branch of the Government.
FruitRegulator: yeah ha
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are many heads of Government.
OnlineHost: SophiaNDovit has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Right hand of Government does not know what,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the Left hand is doing and vise versa.
OnlineHost: FruitRegulator rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2 4
OnlineHost: FruitRegulator rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 1
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its political. Its all about how to get who to do what.
OnlineHost: FruitRegulator rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5 6
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you need money from congress to rebuild a City,
OnlineHost: FruitRegulator rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 4
FruitRegulator: yeah
FruitRegulator: ha
TIMOTHEAN 2: you find creative ways of doing it.
Finesse4sho: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: And everyone is profiting from the Church,
FruitRegulator: funk this bitch
FruitRegulator: laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
TIMOTHEAN 2: to the red cross donations to news people.
OnlineHost: ROCKWOW has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Slpngtigr has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush is the only one who would kill Americans,
OnlineHost: FruitRegulator has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: with tobacco and call it a business deal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a new Webpage on the End of The World.
OnlineHost: Finesse4sho has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 57,000 Vietnam vets if your fighting for
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill millions of Americans if your fighting for
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 40,000 Americans a year if your Henry Ford?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 188 Americans if your Firestone?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 300,000 Americans a year if your Philip
TIMOTHEAN 2: When George W. said, he was fighting a unseen Enemy,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he was talking about God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans want to put a Plaque on the War Memorials that says,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "They Died for Noble cause; Freedom,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Free Speech, Religion & Equal Rights,
TIMOTHEAN 2: a Constitution to bear Arms to insure these rights and kill
TIMOTHEAN 2: and those who restrict our Free Speech or Religion."
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to put a Plaque that says,
ROCKWOW: George W. is an adopted son of God
TIMOTHEAN 2: "There should be limits on Free speech, they died in vain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: My Daddy fought for oil, to kill Muslims and
TIMOTHEAN 2: to make Christianity the world religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: there are no equal rights my Mafia family.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Me, Jeb and Daddy rules the world."
ROCKWOW: TIM...Where did you get all that hate?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If Bin Laden wanted to hurt America,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he would have hit Oil Refineries or Powerplants.
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. or Giuliani ordered the CIA to Hit WTC because,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if all the insurance claims were paid out to American Injured
TIMOTHEAN 2: Workers,
OnlineHost: ROCKWOW has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Vets and Cancer Victims, then our Economy would collapse.
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to keep the Gospel of Timothy out of book
TIMOTHEAN 2: Libraries and off the Internet, as there is no Freedom in
TIMOTHEAN 2: WTC, was Propaganda to keep Timothy Allen Campbell from going,
TIMOTHEAN 2: on the News and telling his story of how he saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN 2: of warning people that tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN 2: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And he will save hundreds.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God works in Mysterious ways.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TIMOTHEAN 2: So I did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He brought it on himself.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN 2: after his accident then he will help me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
OnlineHost: CrUchIDrAgOnChOw has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also Lord, "Perkey 26" has been slandering my name,
TIMOTHEAN 2: And she said in her heart "unless I die I will not stop this
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is not your will Lord that many soles are lost because of
her slander.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Tim-Tim....are you here? or is this anouther prog?
TIMOTHEAN 2: lord do unto her as she has chose to do unto the lost soles.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: soles?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its God's will, that they wicked die so the good can flourish.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN 2: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN 2: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Heel the Souls
TIMOTHEAN 2: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN 2: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
TIMOTHEAN 2: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: AA? your an alcoholic???
TIMOTHEAN 2: before the tree snapped.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: figures
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lord hear my Prayer,
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
OnlineHost: MikmaqsMate has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TIMOTHEAN 2: a sign to believe that I saw God.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: You know you should pray to Bacchus who is the God of wine
TIMOTHEAN 2: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: all Alcoholics need to praise him
TIMOTHEAN 2: For Moses said "for they will say,
TIMOTHEAN 2: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN 2: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
OnlineHost: MikmaqsMate has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Tim, Moses also ordered the rape of thousands of have that verse?
TIMOTHEAN 2: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: ahhhhhh so you are here
TIMOTHEAN 2: All will know God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And his Judgements.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who was Caiaphas?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
TIMOTHEAN 2: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: I will leave you to your sermon then. Toodles
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does God look like?
OnlineHost: CrUchIDrAgOnChOw has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
TIMOTHEAN 2: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Happy Satan's Day"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
TIMOTHEAN 2: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
FBlLGETU: Now Tim. I thought we had an understanding.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
FBlLGETU: Why did you have to go and break it? Now there will be dire
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are not God, Jesus is.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God created man in His image.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is more real than His creation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The true God Has power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me or forget it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Goodbye.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9. The True Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9.26.0116.45
OnlineHost: FFaerydust has entered the room.
FFaerydust: i know god
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is a proggie, stay and listen in.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you, join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: This computer program last about 40 minuets.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion will teach you what you want to hear for 10% of your
TIMOTHEAN 2: The truth is free but no one will listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to make money, start a Church and teach what the
people want to hear.
FFaerydust: i listen but i no pay
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Jesus loves you, forgives you and your going to heaven,
TIMOTHEAN 2: now put your money in the basket."
FFaerydust: no
TIMOTHEAN 2: I will teach you the truth for free, but you will not like it
nor put in
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you teach the truth you will be teaching an empty room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: All the world would rather pay someone to lie to them.
FFaerydust: not me
TIMOTHEAN 2: Just create a Chat room called "Jesus loves you, now Give me
your money."
TIMOTHEAN 2: You will be like other religions.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I Saw God, you can too. Seek & Find, Ask to see.
FFaerydust: no fun
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to know how, read my book or stay and listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: OK, hear my story.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was at a Hotel in California.
FFaerydust: boring
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was standing on the Balcony with a neighbor friend.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There were 5 of us there.
OnlineHost: HonestyPc has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My friend recognized Him first.
FFaerydust: that's a cool song
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said, "Look!
TIMOTHEAN 2: that man looks like God."
FFaerydust: it's superman
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said "no, those are just Jesus freaks,
TIMOTHEAN 2: people trying to look like Jesus."
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was in the parking lot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I saw his face I recognized him.
FFaerydust: waiting in the car i see
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said, "That's him. Go down to see Him."
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said,
OnlineHost: HonestyPc has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: "I am going to get my Dad" and ran into His room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was talking to these three girls.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw His face appear in the back of His Head.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He read my thought and I could read his.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We spoke with our minds.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He told me of earthquakes, tornadoes
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the space shuttle blowing up in 86.
OnlineHost: FFaerydust has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God said there will be a Nuclear War.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That's pretty much it. I only saw Him for a few minutes.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I feel He wanted me to write this book
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I wrote it. It's at my web site.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When is the War? I don't know.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God's Face on my Dresser when I was younger,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew He existed and I searched until I saw His Face again.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Satan's Church is desperately trying to get me to tell them
TIMOTHEAN 2: God looks like so they can correct their painting, but I will
not tell.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God only to be killed by the Church or medical
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan is a slanderer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Slanderer = one who makes up lies about someone.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They label people who have seen God as insane so no one will
listen to them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or, they get people from religious cults to drive them mad.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Most religions call it Blasphemy to Claim to have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They kill those who claim to have seen God
TIMOTHEAN 2: because the religions are false, in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not answer questions for those who have no interest in
Joining my religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions, use the form on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
OnlineHost: Bbbushes8 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Topsieflopsie has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Topsieflopsie has left the room.
OnlineHost: Bbbushes8 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 4.55 pm Date 9.26.01
OnlineHost: DrNick153 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
OnlineHost: DrNick153 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
OnlineHost: DrNick153 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
DrNick153: lol what was that?
DrNick153: god is a silly willy
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
DrNick153: poke a shit in the woods?
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
OnlineHost: DrNick153 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
OnlineHost: Angry Blk Man 2 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
Angry Blk Man 2: I call on all black people to leave Satan and his
Christian churches
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
OnlineHost: Cyberdog195 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
Angry Blk Man 2: Come back to the one true God the God of Islam
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
OnlineHost: Cyberdog195 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Angry Blk Man 2 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
OnlineHost: Nutthutt has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
Nutthutt: who saw god?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
OnlineHost: Cligg2 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
OnlineHost: Cligg2 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.26.01 17.12
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
FBlLGETU: Gospel of Timothy T-Shirts (Keyword to:
FBlLGETU: Gospel of Timothy T-Shirts (Keyword to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
FBlLGETU: Gospel of Timothy T-Shirts (Keyword to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
OnlineHost: Brrrakakakakaka has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
Brrrakakakakaka: hi
Brrrakakakakaka: bonjour
Brrrakakakakaka: hallo
Brrrakakakakaka: ciao
Brrrakakakakaka: hola
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
Brrrakakakakaka: (for you multilingual folks)
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
Brrrakakakakaka: wouldn't you like to know?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
Brrrakakakakaka: Timmy, that's what we're all asking ourselves
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
OnlineHost: Brrrakakakakaka has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
OnlineHost: Nutthutt has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Men Give God His Names.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The one God has many names.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN 2: Atlas holds up the universe.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
TIMOTHEAN 2: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If your into Science,
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is matter?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Define Matter.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Energy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Waves.
OnlineHost: BigBug987 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
OnlineHost: BigBug987 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Take some Physics classes.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: TIMOTHEAN13 is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
TIMOTHEAN 2: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
TIMOTHEAN 2: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is not a spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
TIMOTHEAN 2: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go now, bye.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There will be a nuclear war.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
TIMOTHEAN 2: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
TIMOTHEAN 2: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN 2: a-right,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN 2: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
TIMOTHEAN 2: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TIMOTHEAN 2: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
OnlineHost: Darkgraces has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He made up the story that He killed God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
Darkgraces: What a load. What god have you seen?
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
Darkgraces: An illustion?
TIMOTHEAN 2: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
TIMOTHEAN 2: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
Darkgraces: There are many gods so said which one do you mean?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He will say, "I never knew you".
TIMOTHEAN 2: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
Darkgraces: God is a title not a name.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If the preachers have not seen God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
OnlineHost: Darkgraces has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN 2: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
TIMOTHEAN 2: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The penalty for this sin is death.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What makes you think no one can see God?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
TIMOTHEAN 2: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that every one who sees the Son."
TIMOTHEAN 2: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TIMOTHEAN 2: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Did you see Jesus ?
OnlineHost: WODEN09 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you don't know Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
WODEN09: TIMO so you saw god heh?
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowing that they do gender strife.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I avoid foolish questions.
WODEN09: in what form?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.
WODEN09: hey TIMNO im not arguing im just asking questions your assuming
that im arguing
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you have not known me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN 2: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Show us the Father?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN 2: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
OnlineHost: CAJUNEWBY has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
OnlineHost: WODEN09 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: but we know that, when he shall appear,
TIMOTHEAN 2: we shall be like him;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for we shall see him as he is.
OnlineHost: CAJUNEWBY has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
TIMOTHEAN 2: speaks on this wise,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN 2: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he said no man could see God and live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN 2: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
FBlLGETU: you are going to cancel your AOL. Is this clear?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
FBlLGETU: you can fool most of the people some of the time, but you can't
fool me, any of the time.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
FBlLGETU: You have a very angry agent on your hands.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to answer or not?
FBlLGETU: And a very busy one at that.
FBlLGETU: I can not waste any more time on you.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
FBlLGETU: Do we understand each other?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you are not Saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
FBlLGETU: I will look for you later this evening.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christianity is a Cult.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
FBlLGETU: By then your names should be deleted, voluntarily, if you catch my
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN 2: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if not by their faith then by mine.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I wrote a song want to hear it?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
OnlineHost: Dice Trek has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
Dice Trek: Hello
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
OnlineHost: Dice Trek has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the invisible world become visible."
OnlineHost: TLeon65398 has entered the room.
TLeon65398: 18/f...learning my webcam
TLeon65398: < a href="">click here connect to
my webcam
TIMOTHEAN 2: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the visible God become invisible."
OnlineHost: TLeon65398 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN 2: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN 2: While His children, destroy His house.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN 2: With his faith sure and strong,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Leaving judgment to the one above.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hearing the words of His voice.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The wise know what I mean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN 2: They will see God's face.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN 2: God wrote it.
OnlineHost: Orbitpup2 has entered the room.
Orbitpup2: Hello?
Orbitpup2: what is this about?
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
Orbitpup2: (this chat)
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
Orbitpup2: what religion?
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 5.54 pm Date 9.26.01
Orbitpup2: I am a christian
Orbitpup2: bye
OnlineHost: Orbitpup2 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
OnlineHost: VanHelsingsSpike has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
OnlineHost: VanHelsingsSpike has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
OnlineHost: Mondrake88 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
Mondrake88: NO ONE SAW GOD
Mondrake88: IDIOT
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Mondrake88: IDIOT
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
Mondrake88: HAPPY?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
OnlineHost: Mondrake88 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
OnlineHost: GUNS n ROSES 469 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
GUNS n ROSES 469: who saw god?
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
OnlineHost: ForeverPlaid20 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
GUNS n ROSES 469: god is a fake
GUNS n ROSES 469: and a liar
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
GUNS n ROSES 469: and a deceiver
GUNS n ROSES 469: how can u say there is a god?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
GUNS n ROSES 469: have u seen him?
OnlineHost: GUNS n ROSES 469 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
OnlineHost: ForeverPlaid20 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.26.01 18.10
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
OnlineHost: JENNS2 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
JENNS2: yeah i know
JENNS2: me too
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
JENNS2: ok
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
JENNS2: so why are you telling me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
JENNS2: oh cuz people don't believe youd?
JENNS2: you?
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
JENNS2: timothean -- can i ask you something
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
JENNS2: i didn't treat you badly
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
OnlineHost: Wryscher1 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
Wryscher1: where u trippin?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
JENNS2: Wry -- what the
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
OnlineHost: Wryscher1 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
OnlineHost: JENNS2 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
OnlineHost: Wendy010263 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
OnlineHost: Wendy010263 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
OnlineHost: Otamaultamameyes has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
OnlineHost: My Elbow Talks has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
My Elbow Talks: true
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
My Elbow Talks: what
My Elbow Talks: What the fuck does that mean?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
My Elbow Talks: ??????????????
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
My Elbow Talks: maybe.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Men Give God His Names.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The one God has many names.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN 2: Atlas holds up the universe.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
OnlineHost: XxSupaStaJr711xX has entered the room.
XxSupaStaJr711xX: hello all
TIMOTHEAN 2: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
OnlineHost: ItsJustMe8488 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
XxSupaStaJr711xX: how is everyone?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
My Elbow Talks: Timothean is at ita gain.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If your into Science,
My Elbow Talks: He says "If you've not seen God, you are the anti-christ"
ItsJustMe8488: do you people come in here often?
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is matter?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Define Matter.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
ItsJustMe8488: matter...stuff we're made of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Energy.
My Elbow Talks: What about molecules?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Waves.
My Elbow Talks: No
My Elbow Talks: Wrongo
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
ItsJustMe8488: my you come here often?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Take some Physics classes.
My Elbow Talks: Sometimes I do.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
My Elbow Talks: He actually has a small point re: physics
OnlineHost: FatGirlJudy14 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
ItsJustMe8488: i came here once and i couldn't believe this guy
TIMOTHEAN 2: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: TIMOTHEAN13 is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
My Elbow Talks: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
My Elbow Talks: what?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
ItsJustMe8488: yes timothean..but do you KNOW God??
TIMOTHEAN 2: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
My Elbow Talks: He doesn't know jackshit, he is on some REALLY weird form of
hallucinogen, either manufactured or a mushroom.
TIMOTHEAN 2: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
ItsJustMe8488: oh lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God.
XxSupaStaJr711xX: (anti-christ)definition= someone that doesnt believe in
anything that is of christ or associated with it.... that says nothing about
" if you dont see gods face, your a antichrist"....thats crazy, whoever said
that needs pray!!!!!!!
FatGirlJudy14: it's jesus acid
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
TIMOTHEAN 2: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
TIMOTHEAN 2: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is not a spirit.
FatGirlJudy14: I want some of that christ shroom, man
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
My Elbow Talks: There's no such thing as anti-christ, it's another dumb
bible myth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
OnlineHost: FatGirlJudy14 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.
XxSupaStaJr711xX: JESUS LIVES IN ME, I dont have to see HIm, I FEEEELLLLLL
HIM, im my soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ItsJustMe8488: he did timothean but he just didn't stay dead
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go now, bye.
ItsJustMe8488: amen supa!
ItsJustMe8488: ok bye bye
XxSupaStaJr711xX: bye
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There will be a nuclear war.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
OnlineHost: KERY5050 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: PERKY 26 has entered the room.
KERY5050: < a
href="aol://1223:26260/">Live Shows!
Celebrities! Spy Cams!
XxSupaStaJr711xX: why isnt anyone else talking?
TIMOTHEAN 2: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
KERY5050: < a
Teens, Hardcore!!
KERY5050: < a
OK - Lesbian & Gay!
KERY5050: < a
href="aol://1223:26260/">Put A Smile
On Your Face -=o)
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
OnlineHost: KERY5050 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN 2: a-right,
My Elbow Talks: was afk
TIMOTHEAN 2: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
ItsJustMe8488: i was supa but nobody else is really
My Elbow Talks: timothean is a robot, and the same as gotimothy
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
ItsJustMe8488: well elbow is
XxSupaStaJr711xX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN 2: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
OnlineHost: XxSupaStaJr711xX has left the room.
ItsJustMe8488: he is..he says he has a program that does the typing for him
TIMOTHEAN 2: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TIMOTHEAN 2: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He made up the story that He killed God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
OnlineHost: My Elbow Talks has left the room.
OnlineHost: ItsJustMe8488 has left the room.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
OnlineHost: Irchr has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
FBlLGETU: you have mail perk
TIMOTHEAN 2: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
PERKY 26: thank you
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: He will say, "I never knew you".
TIMOTHEAN 2: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If the preachers have not seen God,
Irchr: there are many who have seen GOD
TIMOTHEAN 2: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN 2: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
Irchr: ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The penalty for this sin is death.
Irchr: that is the only sin?
FBlLGETU: Irch, are you a Mormon?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
Irchr: yes I am
TIMOTHEAN 2: What makes you think no one can see God?
FBlLGETU: I thought so.
OnlineHost: Otamaultamameyes has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
Irchr: FBIL what are you?
TIMOTHEAN 2: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
FBlLGETU: not a Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
Irchr: okay but then what do you call your self,
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
FBlLGETU: I call myself, AntiTimothean
Irchr: I am a christian who has joined the LDS church
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 22. Christ is God made visible.
Irchr: oh TIM is harmless
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
FBlLGETU: so they say.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
FBlLGETU: yet the fbi tracks him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: that every one who sees the Son."
FBlLGETU: Curious, is it not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TIMOTHEAN 2: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Did you see Jesus ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you don't know Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
PERKY 26: hmmmmmmm
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowing that they do gender strife.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I avoid foolish questions.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
FBlLGETU: perky. Did you see those pages?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
PERKY 26: yes
TIMOTHEAN 2: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.
PERKY 26: very interesting
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you have not known me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that has seen Me,
FBlLGETU: he is quite the model, no?
TIMOTHEAN 2: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
PERKY 26: mind if i pass that around?
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Show us the Father?"
PERKY 26: for sure
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN 2: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
FBlLGETU: Osama Tim Laden's pic at:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
FBlLGETU: my web page at:
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
OnlineHost: Winsomegurl has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: but we know that, when he shall appear,
TIMOTHEAN 2: we shall be like him;
FBlLGETU: Osama Tim Laden's pic at:
TIMOTHEAN 2: for we shall see him as he is.
Winsomegurl: hiya guys and gals
TIMOTHEAN 2: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
TIMOTHEAN 2: speaks on this wise,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
PERKY 26: hiya Win
TIMOTHEAN 2: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
PERKY 26: brb....checking web page
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
Irchr: LOL all of you need help
Irchr: bye
OnlineHost: Irchr has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Winsomegurl: hey timmy - r u having a good a day?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he said no man could see God and live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN 2: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
OnlineHost: April Showers 12 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
Winsomegurl: new bot material today?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
PERKY 26: this is an old one
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
TIMOTHEAN 2: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
PERKY 26: hiya April
April Showers 12: Hi
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to answer or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
Winsomegurl: i'm flitting perky - see ya later
OnlineHost: Winsomegurl has left the room.
April Showers 12: Your soul is immortal
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you are not Saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christianity is a Cult.
April Showers 12: your soul is saved thats what goes to heaven so I heard
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN 2: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if not by their faith then by mine.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I wrote a song want to hear it?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
OnlineHost: Classifier00 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the invisible world become visible."
OnlineHost: Classifier00 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the visible God become invisible."
April Showers 12: I believe that God wants you to do your best and love Him
and the rest will be made known to you
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN 2: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN 2: While His children, destroy His house.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN 2: With his faith sure and strong,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ridding the world of guilt.
April Showers 12: Its when you make to much of it God lets us know that we
are just going to far .
TIMOTHEAN 2: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Leaving judgment to the one above.
OnlineHost: MeSarahB123 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hearing the words of His voice.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The wise know what I mean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN 2: They will see God's face.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To reach the immortal state.
April Showers 12: Love one another learn to not judge each other put God
first in our lives and He will do the rest.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN 2: God wrote it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: To Join the online group fill out the group form,
TIMOTHEAN 2: other members will show up in the buddy list.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You only need to be a first level Timothean to Join this group,
TIMOTHEAN 2: second level Timotheans clone our site and teach with a
TIMOTHEAN 2: Enemies are trying to limit speech and the Gospel from
April Showers 12: So if all of you want to have a eternal life just do your
best and love each other and put God first and it will be ok.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Fill in the form to clone the Gospel to your AOL account.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I recommend creating a AOL screename TIMOTHEAN17 or
OnlineHost: MeSarahB123 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Find a number that is not taken and upload there.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said preach the Gospel in season and out,
April Showers 12: God loves ya all don't make so much of it, don't make it
more complicated than it is
TIMOTHEAN 2: weather people will hear it or not, 2nd Tim 4:1-5.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Go and do likewise with the Teach Proggie.
April Showers 12: it is very simple and to the point
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you would like to clone elsewhere, let us know in comments.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are Seven levels to the Timothean Religion,
OnlineHost: KKrowenkids has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: just like there are seven levels of Heaven and seven Churches.
TIMOTHEAN 2: History has proven that whenever a new religion gets started,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that Catholic Church has had every member of that religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why there are 10,000 different hamburgers stands,
April Showers 12: There are no levels to believing and doing your best your
father in heaven just wnats you to be good to each other
KKrowenkids: what?
TIMOTHEAN 2: in 50 years,
April Showers 12: Im talking to a robot lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: and only about 6 religions in 10,000 years.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Cathors were able to make the Body of the Lord become
OnlineHost: Moondoggie229 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: and their members were about 1,000 strong,
PERKY 26: Moon!!
Moondoggie229: hello all
TIMOTHEAN 2: when the Catholics had them all killed.
April Showers 12: God knows all the years and dates and we are here to do
our best God will do the rest that simple
Moondoggie229: hi perky:)
PERKY 26: hiya Moon
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot be taught about Third Level Timotheism,
TIMOTHEAN 2: until you have been at a second level for a year,
Moondoggie229: has he converted anyone yet?
TIMOTHEAN 2: so get in now.
April Showers 12: Only cults teach levels God does"nt
PERKY 26: not that i know of
TIMOTHEAN 2: At first I thought it was the Government that had
TIMOTHEAN 2: the people at Waco Killed,
OnlineHost: KKrowenkids has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: but then I found out the Catholics have their own Army
April Showers 12: We only have to fear is fear itself
TIMOTHEAN 2: and Militia to kill off their competition.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Masada, Waco, Heaven's Gate and Jonestown
Moondoggie229: hey april, tim is delusional
TIMOTHEAN 2: all have something in Common, they were all murdered.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And it was covered up by making it look like a mass suicide.
April Showers 12: when you talk the bull by the horns you can get poked
PERKY 26: Moon...thats obvious
April Showers 12: take*
TIMOTHEAN 2: You would think that this is the Mafia and you might be right.
OnlineHost: Whirlwind454 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Odds of getting people to commit suicide & conveniently
PERKY 26: hiya Whirl
April Showers 12: Mafia is an cult
TIMOTHEAN 2: to cover up any evidence of murder, is about one in ten
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is George W. Bush stupid enough to believe in mass cremation?
PERKY 26: Timothean is a cult
TIMOTHEAN 2: When a new religion gets above a certain number,
April Showers 12: so is the TIMOTHEANs
TIMOTHEAN 2: they send in the Army to have them Killed.
PERKY 26: ^5 April
April Showers 12: Yep sure are
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why you will never find more then one member
Moondoggie229: isn't this the exact same thing he was saying earlier today?
TIMOTHEAN 2: of the Timothean Religion.
Moondoggie229: i think he's a robot
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can say your a Timothean,
PERKY 26: yes Moon...its a bot
TIMOTHEAN 2: but if anyone ask you how many members there are,
TIMOTHEAN 2: say "I am the only Timothean,
TIMOTHEAN 2: all the others are impostures trying to overthrow my religion".
OnlineHost: Moondoggie229 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Even if your screename is TIMOTHEAN99999 and your in a group
TIMOTHEAN 2: of 10,000 all wearing Timothean T-Shirts and reading the Gospel
TIMOTHEAN 2: of Timothy, say "I am the only Timothean,
April Showers 12: I say Timothean is a man with no real out look on life
TIMOTHEAN 2: all the others are imposters." It's for your protection.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because these serial killers will think nothing of dropping a
TIMOTHEAN 2: nuclear weapon on a Nation of Timotheans.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are True Americans.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms"
Whirlwind454: TIMOTHY IS A BOY
TIMOTHEAN 2: against anyone infringing on our rights
TIMOTHEAN 2: to FREE Speech or FREE Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they want to Stop our Speech or Religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they need to Leave the USA, and go to a Dictatorship Country,
TIMOTHEAN 2: where religion and speech is controlled by the Dictators.
April Showers 12: Look at all those cults that kill themselves because of
their belives is that what you teach?
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is our constitutional right to bear Arms to kill them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: In America, there is not a Juror that will convict us.
Whirlwind454: CLIC NOTIFY AOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who infringes on these rights,
April Showers 12: They always think that everyone is against them
TIMOTHEAN 2: is a Threat to the National Security of the United States of
Whirlwind454: HE HAS A BOT
TIMOTHEAN 2: Happy 4th of July.
PERKY 26: (glad the FBI is still in the room)
April Showers 12: Then the FBI needs to stop this person
PERKY 26: APril...its in the works
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
Whirlwind454: NO HE IS HARMLESS
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
PERKY 26: hmm
PERKY 26: wb FBI
April Showers 12: America has enough problems without someone like Tim
FBlLGETU: thank you
Whirlwind454: HE NEEDS AN OUTLET
FBlLGETU: you have mail perk
PERKY 26: thanks
April Showers 12: He has stopped his programme
Whirlwind454: HE IS A FOOL
April Showers 12: your right Whirl
April Showers 12: poo wee
April Showers 12: lol
Whirlwind454: LOOK AT YAHWEH
PERKY 26: hmm
Whirlwind454: SON OF GOD
April Showers 12: God will get him for that
PERKY 26: Did the bot stop?
Whirlwind454: WELOCKED HIM UP
April Showers 12: yep Perky
PERKY 26: hmmmmm
April Showers 12: hmmm right
PERKY 26: Cat got your tongue Timmy?
April Showers 12: does he want 8 million dollars too
Whirlwind454: IRONY IS
April Showers 12: Do you know how this guy is
Whirlwind454: HE RECEIVES A 1000 THREATS A DAY
April Showers 12: he sounds like a madman
April Showers 12: this is scary :(
April Showers 12: Is he on any kind of drugs
Whirlwind454: BY LIVING IN FEAR
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3. Timothean Religion
Whirlwind454: THEY DIE
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9.26.0119.10
April Showers 12: Sad thing is there are some people that do believe.
Whirlwind454: GO BOT
Whirlwind454: NO
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click the red heart and come back.
April Showers 12: thats the sadness Im talking about
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
April Showers 12: tho shalt not lie
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Whirlwind454: I HAVE A BAD TICKER
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
April Showers 12: I have high blood pressure
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN 2: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am here to teach the Truth
OnlineHost: Rev SpankMe has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is Truth?
Whirlwind454: WHY NUCLER WAR
April Showers 12: you mean refuse to listen to your way of thinking
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Kills
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
OnlineHost: Ueuecoyotl97 has entered the room.
Whirlwind454: OR A VIRUS
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
April Showers 12: DAH so do guns eating to much caner drunk driving etc
Whirlwind454: YOU EVER KILL ANTS?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many more truths can be found in my book,
Whirlwind454: TIM????
Whirlwind454: AND LIES
TIMOTHEAN 2: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
Whirlwind454: NOPE READ ON
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
Ueuecoyotl97: boohoo about the tobacco, if you dont realize on the first
drag that a cigarette is not good you deserve it
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
April Showers 12: Lies all Lies
Whirlwind454: OR IN CELL BLOCK A
Whirlwind454: YOU DONT
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore Join the Timothean Religion, Clone the Gospel of
OnlineHost: Rev SpankMe has left the room.
OnlineHost: Silverz4me01 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preach it in Season and out.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those who fear joining my religion read, Revelation 21:8.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If I don't have Free Speech & Religion I am moving out of
TIMOTHEAN 2: As a Nation Founded on Lies, will be Destroyed, God hates
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where is the Americans?
April Showers 12: I read they only one who has seen the father is his son
Jesus and your not him!!
OnlineHost: Thrally8 has entered the room.
Silverz4me01: what relgion are youtimothean
April Showers 12: the*
TIMOTHEAN 2: We Have Free Speech & Free Religion.
Whirlwind454: OVER THERE TIM
OnlineHost: Code Kaine has entered the room.
Thrally8: yo yo yo i saw the lahd
TIMOTHEAN 2: And a Right to Bear Arms against those who infringe on theses
TIMOTHEAN 2: rights.
Whirlwind454: HE IS A BOT
Code Kaine: I seen satan once when I was 8
Whirlwind454: HE DOES NOT ANSWER
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you own a Gun?
Whirlwind454: YES TIM
OnlineHost: Thrally8 has left the room.
Whirlwind454: 50
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you Know anyone trying to stop my religion or Speech?
Whirlwind454: YES
PERKY 26: backkkkk
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then why not use your Arms for their intended purpose?
Whirlwind454: GOD IS
April Showers 12: wb Perky
TIMOTHEAN 2: You people are communist.
PERKY 26: thankie
OnlineHost: Code Kaine has left the room.
April Showers 12: : )
Whirlwind454: TARGET PRACTICE???
PERKY 26: :)
TIMOTHEAN 2: Support my religion or get out.
Whirlwind454: YOU ARE ATHEIST
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are true Americans.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We speak our Mind and have the Religion of our Choice.
PERKY 26: Timothean religion is a cult
Whirlwind454: YOU ARE BEAL ZEBUB
April Showers 12: you did'nt pay extra for this room so we can stay as long
as we want
Whirlwind454: SHAITAN
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus only Heals Christians, so the Preachers stock in workers
comp, goes
Whirlwind454: SATAN
OnlineHost: SRapturematerial has entered the room.
PERKY 26: ^5 April
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you think God is like?
April Showers 12: : )
April Showers 12: LOVE
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you think God sits around and says,
OnlineHost: RandomFreakGirl0 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: RandomFreakGirl0 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: maybe I will send a Messiah in 2,000 years?
Whirlwind454: TIM
OnlineHost: SRapturematerial has left the room.
Whirlwind454: MOSE
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or do you think God wants us to be saved now?
Whirlwind454: ABRAHAM
PERKY 26: Tim prays for my death
Whirlwind454: NOAH
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends saviors but men kill them.
Whirlwind454: MOHAMMED
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends wise men but no one listens.
Whirlwind454: JESUS
PERKY 26: is this a man of God?
April Showers 12: I think God can do better than Tim Whirl
Ueuecoyotl97: just read Rev. 21:8, all save a murderer im all of those
things, good thing im cold natured i guess huh?
Whirlwind454: NOT TIMOTHY
April Showers 12: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you want God to Do?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus wants Timotheans to sue, so no one else is injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: << Why would Bush order a hit on his own country? >>
April Showers 12: Yeh right Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush seems to think he can Hire a Hit man.
TIMOTHEAN 2: One who hires a hit man is a Murder.
April Showers 12: Tim do you have brown eyes?
PERKY 26: TIMOTHEAN 2: << Why am i so stupid?
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
Whirlwind454: TIM
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can not put a contract on someone's life without a trial.
Whirlwind454: TIM
OnlineHost: Silverz4me01 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is more evidence that Bush did it where is the contract
for his
TIMOTHEAN 2: life?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Clinton told a lie we wanted to put him in Jail.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because the WTC was going to fall and
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mayor of NY could not get money from Congress to have it
taken down and rebuilt.
PERKY 26: Tim's eyes are black
TIMOTHEAN 2: Engineers said the building would fall, it was too tall,
TIMOTHEAN 2: blocked and diverted wind threw NY.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They planed it because if
TIMOTHEAN 2: they waited for it to fall, it would have been a worse tragedy.
April Showers 12: well he is full of sh** up to his eyes lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Pentagon was testing new 2 inch glass and that's why the
Gov hit
Ueuecoyotl97: you are sick tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also to kill off The People who believed that I saw God.
OnlineHost: Somber Laughter has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Further they could get 20 billion to rebuild, blame it on
April Showers 12: well then Bye Tim nice talking to you LOL
FBlLGETU: April you have mail.
TIMOTHEAN 2: start a war for oil and make Christianity the new world
TIMOTHEAN 2: Didn't your mother tell you its rude to speak while someone is
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preaching?
OnlineHost: Ueuecoyotl97 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Nice plan but who's stupid enough to believe it cost 20 billion
to clean up the mess?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The 20 billion is bribe money to Mafia and other officials.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The police have their code of Silence and brake laws,
PERKY 26: TIMOTHEAN 2: Didn't your mother tell you people like me are
TIMOTHEAN 2: the ATF are even silencer still more silent is the Executive
Branch of the Government.
April Showers 12: sorry don't open mail unless I know the person
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are many heads of Government.
FBlLGETU: it is a picture of tim
PERKY 26: April,, it's ok
FBlLGETU: you asked what he looks like.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Right hand of Government does not know what,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the Left hand is doing and vise versa.
April Showers 12: ok : )
PERKY 26: :)
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its political. Its all about how to get who to do what.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you need money from congress to rebuild a City,
Whirlwind454: ITS ARABS TIM
TIMOTHEAN 2: you find creative ways of doing it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And everyone is profiting from the Church,
Somber Laughter: A 'Holy War' is nothing more than Christians, Jews and
Muslims all fighting over who has the best imaginary friend
OnlineHost: LuckieXcharm13 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: to the red cross donations to news people.
LuckieXcharm13: y hello
April Showers 12: Looks like he likes to color with a magic marker LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush is the only one who would kill Americans,
PERKY 26: y hiya
FBlLGETU: Somber, I assure you, Tim has the most AND the best imaginary
OnlineHost: GoddessOvLuv420 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: with tobacco and call it a business deal.
PERKY 26: lol April
OnlineHost: LuckieXcharm13 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a new Webpage on the End of The World.
Somber Laughter: FB, they have medication for that sort of thing
Whirlwind454: NUCLEAR THREAT
FBlLGETU: Somber, he thinks they put glass in his Haldol.
GoddessOvLuv420: love to live and live to love.......o yeah and party
April Showers 12: not a very good coloring job there Timo
FBlLGETU: He won't take it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 57,000 Vietnam vets if your fighting for
OnlineHost: Bask8467 has entered the room.
GoddessOvLuv420: {s goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill millions of Americans if your fighting for
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 40,000 Americans a year if your Henry Ford?
OnlineHost: Bask8467 has left the room.
GoddessOvLuv420: i seen god once when i was high
Whirlwind454: WE ARE UNDER GOD TIM
Whirlwind454: OIL IS A GIFT
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 188 Americans if your Firestone?
GoddessOvLuv420: {s goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 300,000 Americans a year if your Philip
Somber Laughter: Whirl, which God?
April Showers 12: Where in the world do you get your info timo you are so
full of it
TIMOTHEAN 2: When George W. said, he was fighting a unseen Enemy,
OnlineHost: GoddessOvLuv420 has left the room.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: he was talking about God.
Whirlwind454: UNFOUND
April Showers 12: The world according to Timo
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans want to put a Plaque on the War Memorials that says,
PERKY 26: brb
TIMOTHEAN 2: "They Died for Noble cause; Freedom,
OnlineHost: PERKY 26 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Free Speech, Religion & Equal Rights,
April Showers 12: Put a plaque on this Timo
TIMOTHEAN 2: a Constitution to bear Arms to insure these rights and kill
TIMOTHEAN 2: and those who restrict our Free Speech or Religion."
Whirlwind454: FROM PRISON
April Showers 12: Are you a Dictator Tim
OnlineHost: Somber Laughter has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to put a Plaque that says,
April Showers 12: sure sounds like one
TIMOTHEAN 2: "There should be limits on Free speech, they died in vain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: My Daddy fought for oil, to kill Muslims and
TIMOTHEAN 2: to make Christianity the world religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: there are no equal rights my Mafia family.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Me, Jeb and Daddy rules the world."
TIMOTHEAN 2: If Bin Laden wanted to hurt America,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he would have hit Oil Refineries or Powerplants.
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. or Giuliani ordered the CIA to Hit WTC because,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if all the insurance claims were paid out to American Injured
TIMOTHEAN 2: Workers,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Vets and Cancer Victims, then our Economy would collapse.
April Showers 12: This guys gives me a headache Im going!!!!!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to keep the Gospel of Timothy out of book
OnlineHost: April Showers 12 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Libraries and off the Internet, as there is no Freedom in
OnlineHost: Flowerchunsa12 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: WTC, was Propaganda to keep Timothy Allen Campbell from going,
TIMOTHEAN 2: on the News and telling his story of how he saw God.
Flowerchunsa12: Hello people
OnlineHost: Whirlwind454 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
GoTimothy: hi fl
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN 2: of warning people that tobacco kills.
GoTimothy: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
OnlineHost: Flowerchunsa12 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN 2: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And he will save hundreds.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God works in Mysterious ways.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TIMOTHEAN 2: So I did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He brought it on himself.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN 2: after his accident then he will help me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also Lord, "Perkey 26" has been slandering my name,
TIMOTHEAN 2: And she said in her heart "unless I die I will not stop this
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is not your will Lord that many soles are lost because of
her slander.
TIMOTHEAN 2: lord do unto her as she has chose to do unto the lost soles.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its God's will, that they wicked die so the good can flourish.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN 2: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN 2: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN 2: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
TIMOTHEAN 2: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
OnlineHost: Brianalnic has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: before the tree snapped.
Brianalnic: who saw god?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lord hear my Prayer,
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
TIMOTHEAN 2: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TIMOTHEAN 2: a sign to believe that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
TIMOTHEAN 2: For Moses said "for they will say,
TIMOTHEAN 2: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN 2: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
TIMOTHEAN 2: All will know God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And his Judgements.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who was Caiaphas?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
TIMOTHEAN 2: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
OnlineHost: Brianalnic has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does God look like?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
TIMOTHEAN 2: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
OnlineHost: TipQ62 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Happy Satan's Day"
TipQ62: u saw god??
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
OnlineHost: AqUa4999 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
OnlineHost: TipQ62 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
AqUa4999: HUH?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
TIMOTHEAN 2: my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
AqUa4999: HUH?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are not God, Jesus is.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God created man in His image.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is more real than His creation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The true God Has power to become visible.
AqUa4999: HAHA
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to join.
OnlineHost: NSYNC4EvEr123 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
AqUa4999: YEA
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me or forget it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Goodbye.
OnlineHost: SCMassage has entered the room.
NSYNC4EvEr123: gross
AqUa4999: LOL
SCMassage: duh..I done seen him two
NSYNC4EvEr123: funny funny ha ha
OnlineHost: ELVIS JENKINS has entered the room.
OnlineHost: NSYNC4EvEr123 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9. The True Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9.26.0119.41
OnlineHost: SCMassage has left the room.
OnlineHost: PriNceSBlaZe43 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: PriNceSBlaZe43 has left the room.
ELVIS JENKINS: whats up? who saw god?
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is a proggie, stay and listen in.
ELVIS JENKINS: or seen god, as the name implies.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you, join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
ELVIS JENKINS: why should i join a religion i know nothing about?
TIMOTHEAN 2: This computer program last about 40 minuets.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion will teach you what you want to hear for 10% of your
AqUa4999: well how did god create penis then timothean?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The truth is free but no one will listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to make money, start a Church and teach what the
people want to hear.
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Jesus loves you, forgives you and your going to heaven,
TIMOTHEAN 2: now put your money in the basket."
AqUa4999: no im not im going to hell
TIMOTHEAN 2: I will teach you the truth for free, but you will not like it
nor put in
ELVIS JENKINS: so that's your scheme
AqUa4999: and its all ur falt timothean
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you teach the truth you will be teaching an empty room.
ELVIS JENKINS: what's the truth?
TIMOTHEAN 2: All the world would rather pay someone to lie to them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Just create a Chat room called "Jesus loves you, now Give me
your money."
TIMOTHEAN 2: You will be like other religions.
AqUa4999: shut up
TIMOTHEAN 2: I Saw God, you can too. Seek & Find, Ask to see.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to know how, read my book or stay and listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: OK, hear my story.
AqUa4999: i saw god and he said i was goin to hell
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was at a Hotel in California.
AqUa4999: no
AqUa4999: i dont want to hea
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was standing on the Balcony with a neighbor friend.
AqUa4999: shut up
TIMOTHEAN 2: There were 5 of us there.
AqUa4999: shuuut upp
TIMOTHEAN 2: My friend recognized Him first.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said, "Look!
AqUa4999: kiss my scummy ass that god didnt like
TIMOTHEAN 2: that man looks like God."
OnlineHost: AqUa4999 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said "no, those are just Jesus freaks,
TIMOTHEAN 2: people trying to look like Jesus."
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was in the parking lot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I saw his face I recognized him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said, "That's him. Go down to see Him."
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "I am going to get my Dad" and ran into His room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was talking to these three girls.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw His face appear in the back of His Head.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He read my thought and I could read his.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We spoke with our minds.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He told me of earthquakes, tornadoes
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the space shuttle blowing up in 86.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God said there will be a Nuclear War.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That's pretty much it. I only saw Him for a few minutes.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I feel He wanted me to write this book
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I wrote it. It's at my web site.
ELVIS JENKINS: when's the nuclear war?
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When is the War? I don't know.
ELVIS JENKINS: i was there already
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God's Face on my Dresser when I was younger,
ELVIS JENKINS: when that other guy was cursing
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew He existed and I searched until I saw His Face again.
ELVIS JENKINS: what race is he?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Satan's Church is desperately trying to get me to tell them
TIMOTHEAN 2: God looks like so they can correct their painting, but I will
not tell.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God only to be killed by the Church or medical
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan is a slanderer.
OnlineHost: Amberc7235 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Amberc7235 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Slanderer = one who makes up lies about someone.
OnlineHost: Schachmate has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They label people who have seen God as insane so no one will
listen to them.
ELVIS JENKINS: what race is god?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or, they get people from religious cults to drive them mad.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Most religions call it Blasphemy to Claim to have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They kill those who claim to have seen God
TIMOTHEAN 2: because the religions are false, in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not answer questions for those who have no interest in
Joining my religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions, use the form on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
OnlineHost: Indianmorrison has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Schachmate has left the room.
ELVIS JENKINS: how much$$$$$ to join your cult?
Indianmorrison: daddy's little girl aint a girl no more
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 7.51 pm Date 9.26.01
Indianmorrison: where is GOTIMOTHY?
ELVIS JENKINS: that's the same guy
Indianmorrison: nope
ELVIS JENKINS: daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more
Indianmorrison: this is a pc.
Indianmorrison: and gotimothy is a guy that is insane, but nice to mock
ELVIS JENKINS: both names have very similar profiles
Indianmorrison: yep.
Indianmorrison: one is a program
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
ELVIS JENKINS: this room is always here
Indianmorrison: that just runs all day long
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
ELVIS JENKINS: usually just him
Indianmorrison: not always
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
Indianmorrison: so, elvis the pelvis, are you a chick?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
Indianmorrison: well, it doesnt matter
OnlineHost: Eagle66812 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
ELVIS JENKINS: just checking out what this timothean has to say
Indianmorrison: gimme back my alcohol
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
Indianmorrison: sure he did
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
Indianmorrison: how do you explain him writing?
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
Indianmorrison: i mean, if the bible is truly written by goddy woddy
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
ELVIS JENKINS: they lyrics from negative creep?
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
Indianmorrison: close..
Indianmorrison: the next song
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
Indianmorrison: scoff
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
Indianmorrison: can i kill god, and then make him angry at you, timothy?
ELVIS JENKINS: who'll kill you?
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Indianmorrison: probably me...i have a hatchet
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
ELVIS JENKINS: this fellow is something else
OnlineHost: Eagle66812 has left the room.
Indianmorrison: he stole my idea
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
Indianmorrison: i was gonna make my own religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
Indianmorrison: but my religion was going to be a mocking one
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
Indianmorrison: not just an insane one
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
ELVIS JENKINS: he only charges fifty bucks to join. you get a certificate
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
Indianmorrison: gimme back my alcohol.
Indianmorrison: only 50?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
Indianmorrison: well, you wanna be in my cult...its free.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
Indianmorrison: you only have to act like im god and so forth
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
Indianmorrison: i think ill call my cult.....the travis bickles
ELVIS JENKINS: i agree that people wreak more havoc on the planet than any
other species
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Indianmorrison: i think its obvious
Indianmorrison: unless the dinosaurs did it to themselves
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
Indianmorrison: then the dinos would be the worst ones
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
Indianmorrison: he is an awful writer
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
Indianmorrison: spelling, syntax, grammar...all horrible
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
ELVIS JENKINS: a lot of people think a nuclear would be disaster, but what
about a comet fifty times the size of earth hitting the planet? it would do
no good to report it was coming\
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
OnlineHost: ChasKimmel has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
Indianmorrison: unless we can destroy it....but thats basically impossible
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
OnlineHost: ChasKimmel has left the room.
ELVIS JENKINS: if it was that big, i wonder what it would look like coming
at us
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
Indianmorrison: probably like another sun
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
Indianmorrison: we would all die before it got here
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
Indianmorrison: we would burn up
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
ELVIS JENKINS: or imagine if a comet wiped out the sun and didn't touch us
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Indianmorrison: we'd still be dead
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
Indianmorrison: timothy....
ELVIS JENKINS: how long before we died
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
Indianmorrison: type Y if you are here
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
ELVIS JENKINS: without the sun we'd probably fly off into space
Indianmorrison: we'd be dead
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
Indianmorrison: we need the sun to live
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
Indianmorrison: press Y if you are here
ELVIS JENKINS: i know, i wonder what the effects would be, short term of
the sun being wiped out
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
Indianmorrison: short term...there is no short term effects
Indianmorrison: its all long-term to humans
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
Indianmorrison: because it would be a matter of days before we die
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
ELVIS JENKINS: that's what i mean, how many days?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
Indianmorrison: probably not long...
Indianmorrison: we need heat
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
Indianmorrison: id say basically that second...
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
Indianmorrison: because the gravity of the sun holds us in place also
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
OnlineHost: PsalmsnHymns has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
Indianmorrison: so, we'd probably all die from something unkown
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
Indianmorrison: i thought you left
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
ELVIS JENKINS: i guess i'm better off with the comet hitting the earth
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.
Indianmorrison: or maybe the comet not hitting at all
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
OnlineHost: PsalmsnHymns has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
ELVIS JENKINS: i worry about nuclear weapons being detonated
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
Indianmorrison: well, we all need something to worry about
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
OnlineHost: zeek422 has entered the room.
Indianmorrison: neat...serving is good...i like food
ELVIS JENKINS: a fireworks/dynamite plant with thousands of pounds of black
powder blew up yesterday about 5 miles from my place
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
Indianmorrison: cool.....
Indianmorrison: BOOM
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
ELVIS JENKINS: i thought it was a nuclear bomb going off in nyc for a secon
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
ELVIS JENKINS: it was unfrigging believable
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
Indianmorrison: no person is insane enough to launch a nuclear holocaust
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
Indianmorrison: so dont worry
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
Indianmorrison: timothy...can i sue you for scrolling?
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
OnlineHost: zeek422 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
ELVIS JENKINS: this timothean guy is a clown
Indianmorrison: tim seems desperate...
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
Indianmorrison: i feel sorry for him
ELVIS JENKINS: it is some repetetive script
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
Indianmorrison: i know..but the thing is he wrote all this
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
Indianmorrison: with good intentions
Indianmorrison: its just sad.
OnlineHost: XFireIsMyFriendX has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
ELVIS JENKINS: it sure is
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
Indianmorrison: but, he isnt that smart, but at least he is trying.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
Indianmorrison: is friends on?
OnlineHost: Sdt39 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
ELVIS JENKINS: it's ten past eight eastern usa
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
ELVIS JENKINS: he saw god. under the influence of what drug?
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.26.01 20.08
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
ELVIS JENKINS: this guy made this room to spout this crap
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
Indianmorrison: boobies
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
Indianmorrison: gimme back my alcohol.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
OnlineHost: XFireIsMyFriendX has left the room.
Sdt39: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
ELVIS JENKINS: i saw god! the video is now only 5 easy payments of 19.99
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
Indianmorrison: do i drive you insane?
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
ELVIS JENKINS: aol sure lets you pull a lot of nonsense
Indianmorrison: PERSECUTION
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
Indianmorrison: i love you, tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
ELVIS JENKINS: i have had frightening dreams
ELVIS JENKINS: nightmares
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
Indianmorrison: i saw myself die in a dream....several times.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
Indianmorrison: i dont think im dead though
ELVIS JENKINS: never had that
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
Indianmorrison: why not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
ELVIS JENKINS: i sometimes wear earplugs when i sleep and it seems to make
for more vivid dreams than when i have radio on all night
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
Indianmorrison: i never have the radio on.
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
Indianmorrison: can i be salved?
ELVIS JENKINS: not even driving around? or you mean actual am/fm
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
Indianmorrison: i mean am/fm
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
Indianmorrison: can there be a religion where god has to honour me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
ELVIS JENKINS: i listen to wrti temple university at night. they play jazz
of all varieties
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
ELVIS JENKINS: i went to the site
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
Indianmorrison: hmm, no
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
Indianmorrison: no i wont
ELVIS JENKINS: i couldn't find one set of tits so i left
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
Indianmorrison: damned non-tit sites
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
Indianmorrison: IMMORTAL
ELVIS JENKINS: so this guy is the messiah?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
Indianmorrison: i guess....
Indianmorrison: i thought i was.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
OnlineHost: KellyJo4 has entered the room.
Indianmorrison: check out my profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
KellyJo4: Hi Room... Namaste :o)
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
ELVIS JENKINS: i would sooner have a religion that worshipped elvis presley
than this
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
Indianmorrison: why?....this is as good as any other i guess
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
Indianmorrison: every religion takes money;..its all a business
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
Indianmorrison: jesus never appeared to moses
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,
Indianmorrison: moses and elijah appeared to jesus
TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
OnlineHost: KellyJo4 has left the room.
OnlineHost: SKYEFELL has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
ELVIS JENKINS: you got it
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
SKYEFELL: hi room
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
ELVIS JENKINS: those two dudes appeared to jesus and two of his stooges
Indianmorrison: can i be the shun king?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
OnlineHost: SKYEFELL has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
Indianmorrison: i like the stooges
Indianmorrison: and i like iggy pop
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
ELVIS JENKINS: they're great
Indianmorrison: and i like the 3 stooges
OnlineHost: Im4Ps119 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
OnlineHost: Im4Ps119 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
Indianmorrison: i wonder if david letterman is the messiah
Indianmorrison: ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
ELVIS JENKINS: i actually don't have any iggy pop solo records, but the
stooges are a really great band
Indianmorrison: true, true
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
Indianmorrison: you like lou reed?
ELVIS JENKINS: she was a mixed drink
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
Indianmorrison: lovely.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
Indianmorrison: can i be the tired gorilla?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
Indianmorrison: repeaty peaty
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
ELVIS JENKINS: timothean2 is a clown
Indianmorrison: sure they will
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
Indianmorrison: there they go...right there
Indianmorrison: they died
Indianmorrison: i saw it
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
Indianmorrison: your words died
ELVIS JENKINS: so send your check or money order
Indianmorrison: it was so gruesome.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
Indianmorrison: they had word blood all over them
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
Indianmorrison: a pharisee?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
Indianmorrison: can i do what i want, too?
ELVIS JENKINS: if i say cameron diaz is sitting in my lap nude, who's to
say she's not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
Indianmorrison: i agree...
Indianmorrison: but cameron diaz is in my lap
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
Indianmorrison: not yours
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
ELVIS JENKINS: he got a better chance at being messiah
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
Indianmorrison: probably.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
ELVIS JENKINS: she looked delicious on that telethon last friday night
Indianmorrison: get me FBI
Indianmorrison: get me
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
Indianmorrison: i like clint eastwood
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
Indianmorrison: he is so hot.(sarcasm)
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
Indianmorrison: FBI
Indianmorrison: get me
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
Indianmorrison: get get get me
FBlLGETU: I am not here for you.
FBlLGETU: You are unimportant.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
Indianmorrison: why wont you get me?
FBlLGETU: When you die, noone will notice.
ELVIS JENKINS: they're too busy getting terrorists. i hope
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
FBlLGETU: you are a nobody. A nothing.
Indianmorrison: right.
ELVIS JENKINS: so we've met before
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
Indianmorrison: i like fight club too
ELVIS JENKINS: yes that was great
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
Indianmorrison: no
Indianmorrison: no i wont
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
Indianmorrison: nope
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
Indianmorrison: could you stop seeing god already?
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
Indianmorrison: neat-o
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
ELVIS JENKINS: yeah, and i saw andre the giant at the cyc in the early
Indianmorrison: shucks....ive only been born once
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
Indianmorrison: why do we call him god?
OnlineHost: Solomansk8er70 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Men Give God His Names.
Indianmorrison: does he not like his name?
ELVIS JENKINS: gods name isnt god
OnlineHost: Solomansk8er70 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The one God has many names.
Indianmorrison: lets give him a new name
Indianmorrison: lets call him assneck bill
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN 2: Atlas holds up the universe.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.
Indianmorrison: the world
TIMOTHEAN 2: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
Indianmorrison: christians dont read?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
ELVIS JENKINS: atlas????? that dude from the greek/roman/whatever
TIMOTHEAN 2: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
Indianmorrison: yep
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
Sdt39: YEAH....YEAH
Indianmorrison: well, it and the egyptian religions were the major starts of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
ELVIS JENKINS: there's a big guy HOLDING UP EARTH???????!!!!!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
Indianmorrison: of course
Indianmorrison: he's right over ....there
ELVIS JENKINS: were here to learn
Indianmorrison: LOOK OUT
Indianmorrison: he's got a gun
Indianmorrison: ough
Indianmorrison: he shot me
TIMOTHEAN 2: If your into Science,
Indianmorrison: he shot me in the forehead with a diamond.
ELVIS JENKINS: to learn the truths of the universe from some guy in an aol
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is matter?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Define Matter.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
Indianmorrison: its the opposite of anti-matter
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Energy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Waves.
Indianmorrison: energy is made of energy
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
ELVIS JENKINS: what am i? a college graduate? how the hell should i know
Indianmorrison: WOW....tim is yadda
TIMOTHEAN 2: Take some Physics classes.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
Indianmorrison: ok
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
ELVIS JENKINS: i graduated from a sub-par high school
TIMOTHEAN 2: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
Indianmorrison: i am in college
ELVIS JENKINS: what college?
TIMOTHEAN 2: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
Indianmorrison: i am taking physics
Indianmorrison: i know binary code
TIMOTHEAN 2: TIMOTHEAN13 is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
Indianmorrison: university of alabama
TIMOTHEAN 2: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
ELVIS JENKINS: the crimson tide/
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
Indianmorrison: i guess.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
Indianmorrison: they suck
TIMOTHEAN 2: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
Indianmorrison: i just go to learn
Indianmorrison: they do all the fun stuff
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
ELVIS JENKINS: it's only football, but the school loves the $$$$$$$ they
bring in
TIMOTHEAN 2: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
Indianmorrison: i know..
Indianmorrison: and they hate the kids they teach
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
TIMOTHEAN 2: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
Indianmorrison: in-a-godda-da-vida
ELVIS JENKINS: a lot of football players are on scholarship and don't study
TIMOTHEAN 2: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
Indianmorrison: i know...
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is not a spirit.
Indianmorrison: i wish i had to penes
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
TIMOTHEAN 2: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
Indianmorrison: jesus wanted to be fondled by some guys
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go now, bye.
Indianmorrison: see ya
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
Indianmorrison: LEAVE ALREADY
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Indianmorrison: LEAVE
TIMOTHEAN 2: There will be a nuclear war.
Indianmorrison: YAY
TIMOTHEAN 2: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
TIMOTHEAN 2: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
TIMOTHEAN 2: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN 2: a-right,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
ELVIS JENKINS: i can't take this any longer see ya all later
TIMOTHEAN 2: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
OnlineHost: ELVIS JENKINS has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
Indianmorrison: see ya
TIMOTHEAN 2: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He made up the story that He killed God.
Indianmorrison: gimme back my alcohol
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
Indianmorrison: kill god
Indianmorrison: godkill
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
Indianmorrison: kill kill
Indianmorrison: godgod
TIMOTHEAN 2: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
Indianmorrison: killgodkillgod
TIMOTHEAN 2: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
Indianmorrison: killgoddogllik
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: He will say, "I never knew you".
TIMOTHEAN 2: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If the preachers have not seen God,
Indianmorrison: deathy death is scary
OnlineHost: Sdt39 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
Indianmorrison: SCARY
TIMOTHEAN 2: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
Indianmorrison: TALK TO ME TIM
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN 2: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
Indianmorrison: ok
Indianmorrison: can you ever talk?>
TIMOTHEAN 2: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The penalty for this sin is death.
Indianmorrison: you are a sin
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What makes you think no one can see God?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
Indianmorrison: sinny sin
TIMOTHEAN 2: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
OnlineHost: Indianmorrison has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that every one who sees the Son."
TIMOTHEAN 2: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TIMOTHEAN 2: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Did you see Jesus ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you don't know Him.
OnlineHost: Godowine3 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowing that they do gender strife.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I avoid foolish questions.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you have not known me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN 2: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Show us the Father?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN 2: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
TIMOTHEAN 2: but we know that, when he shall appear,
TIMOTHEAN 2: we shall be like him;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for we shall see him as he is.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
TIMOTHEAN 2: speaks on this wise,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN 2: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
OnlineHost: Godowine3 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he said no man could see God and live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN 2: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
TIMOTHEAN 2: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
OnlineHost: DEATHSEVlLSPIRlT has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to answer or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you are not Saved.
OnlineHost: DEATHSEVILSPIRIT has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christianity is a Cult.
DEATHSEVILSPIRIT: what about the immortals?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN 2: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
DEATHSEVlLSPIRlT: yes, what about the immortals
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if not by their faith then by mine.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I wrote a song want to hear it?
OnlineHost: DEATHSEVILSPIRIT has left the room.
OnlineHost: Hotnhndsm42 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DEATHSEVlLSPIRlT has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
Hotnhndsm42: so who has seen God here?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the invisible world become visible."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the visible God become invisible."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN 2: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN 2: While His children, destroy His house.
OnlineHost: Hotnhndsm42 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN 2: With his faith sure and strong,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Leaving judgment to the one above.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hearing the words of His voice.
OnlineHost: DKyriverbottom has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The wise know what I mean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN 2: They will see God's face.
OnlineHost: DKyriverbottom has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN 2: God wrote it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 8.50 pm Date 9.26.01
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
OnlineHost: BoxerDogg2 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
BoxerDogg2: THis is really depressing I am out.
OnlineHost: BoxerDogg2 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
OnlineHost: Fanof3hedaman has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
OnlineHost: Fanof3hedaman has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
OnlineHost: mta75104 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
OnlineHost: mta75104 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
OnlineHost: Wendy010263 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
OnlineHost: Wendy010263 has left the room.
OnlineHost: AL GABINO has entered the room.
OnlineHost: AL GABINO has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
OnlineHost: AngelTheInnocent has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
OnlineHost: AngelTheInnocent has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.26.01 21.06
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
OnlineHost: Zz RemyMartin zZ has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
OnlineHost: Zz RemyMartin zZ has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
OnlineHost: MidnightMely has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
OnlineHost: MidnightMely has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
OnlineHost: BlueMeanness has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
BlueMeanness: hello everyone
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
OnlineHost: SuzyQQss has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
BlueMeanness: who says we need you to see the Creator?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
OnlineHost: SuzyQQss has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
BlueMeanness: natives see many spirits and do not claim to be the Messiah
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
BlueMeanness: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
BlueMeanness: born again to what?
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Men Give God His Names.
BlueMeanness: oh brother I feel sorry for you white people
TIMOTHEAN 2: The one God has many names.
OnlineHost: BlueMeanness has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN 2: Atlas holds up the universe.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
TIMOTHEAN 2: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If your into Science,
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is matter?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Define Matter.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Energy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Waves.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Take some Physics classes.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: TIMOTHEAN13 is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
TIMOTHEAN 2: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
TIMOTHEAN 2: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
TIMOTHEAN 2: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is not a spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
TIMOTHEAN 2: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go now, bye.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There will be a nuclear war.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
TIMOTHEAN 2: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
TIMOTHEAN 2: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
OnlineHost: Kelli Marie 100 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN 2: a-right,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
Kelli Marie 100: hello everyone
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN 2: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
TIMOTHEAN 2: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TIMOTHEAN 2: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He made up the story that He killed God.
OnlineHost: Kelli Marie 100 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
TIMOTHEAN 2: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
TIMOTHEAN 2: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: He will say, "I never knew you".
TIMOTHEAN 2: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If the preachers have not seen God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN 2: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
TIMOTHEAN 2: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The penalty for this sin is death.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What makes you think no one can see God?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
TIMOTHEAN 2: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that every one who sees the Son."
TIMOTHEAN 2: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TIMOTHEAN 2: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Did you see Jesus ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you don't know Him.
OnlineHost: ViamblasphemousV has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowing that they do gender strife.
ViamblasphemousV: ....................................
TIMOTHEAN 2: I avoid foolish questions.
OnlineHost: Stridergodsent has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
Stridergodsent: that is not true
TIMOTHEAN 2: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you have not known me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that has seen Me,
Stridergodsent: you have not seen god for if mortal eyes had befallen on him
they would be taken from this world
TIMOTHEAN 2: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Show us the Father?"
ViamblasphemousV: burn the book your reading out of.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN 2: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
Stridergodsent: i know the bible i was there when they wrote it dont preach
to me
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
Stridergodsent: no there is but two children of god
TIMOTHEAN 2: but we know that, when he shall appear,
TIMOTHEAN 2: we shall be like him;
Stridergodsent: humans arent gods children simply his creation
TIMOTHEAN 2: for we shall see him as he is.
ViamblasphemousV: it's all us...god is a fable.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
Stridergodsent: no god isnt a fable
TIMOTHEAN 2: speaks on this wise,
Stridergodsent: he is there
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN 2: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
ViamblasphemousV: personally i don't believe there is one.
Stridergodsent: and the second son shall be born and with his birth the
skies will turn to black and the seas to blood
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
OnlineHost: Sassy5767 has entered the room.
Stridergodsent: as night will befall all the land before his coming
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
Sassy5767: timothy is seeing things again
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he said no man could see God and live.
Stridergodsent: no timothy is a bot
TIMOTHEAN 2: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN 2: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
Stridergodsent: notice he doesnt answer
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
Stridergodsent: only keeps saying things
TIMOTHEAN 2: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
ViamblasphemousV: fuckin annoying bastard
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
Sassy5767: hes a loser on drugs
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
TIMOTHEAN 2: Let me ask a Christian a question.
ViamblasphemousV: it's like a fuckin machine typing this.....
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
Stridergodsent: it is a machine
Sassy5767: hes a idiot
Stridergodsent: its a bot it repeats the same thing over and over again
ViamblasphemousV: i can't stand seeing all these religious words on my
Sassy5767: hey tim did you know i was going to kick you soon
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to answer or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you are not Saved.
Stridergodsent: oh i know there is a god
ViamblasphemousV: strider, u serious?
Sassy5767: cool iam going to die
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christianity is a Cult.
Stridergodsent: but i am not a mortal such as you child
Sassy5767: satan is my hero
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if they should be written, even the
ViamblasphemousV: go out to gay bars
TIMOTHEAN 2: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
OnlineHost: Stridergodsent has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
Sassy5767: tim do you go to gay bars
TIMOTHEAN 2: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if not by their faith then by mine.
Sassy5767: did i see you on queer as folk
TIMOTHEAN 2: I wrote a song want to hear it?
Sassy5767: no
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
ViamblasphemousV: god is a lie...
ViamblasphemousV: asshole
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
Sassy5767: that would be the sun
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the invisible world become visible."
Sassy5767: its called tim is gay
TIMOTHEAN 2: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the visible God become invisible."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN 2: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN 2: While His children, destroy His house.
Sassy5767: hes on the toilet
TIMOTHEAN 2: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN 2: With his faith sure and strong,
ViamblasphemousV: hey tim ever hear of song "satan's mayhem" by dark
TIMOTHEAN 2: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Leaving judgment to the one above.
Sassy5767: thats his fave song
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hearing the words of His voice.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The wise know what I mean.
Sassy5767: going to ask the renters upstairs
TIMOTHEAN 2: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN 2: They will see God's face.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN 2: God wrote it.
Sassy5767: hey tim you ever go a blow job from your boy friend
ViamblasphemousV: i will laugh at your suffering....your a slave to the
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
Sassy5767: email nothing
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: To Join the online group fill out the group form,
Sassy5767: not clicking it
TIMOTHEAN 2: other members will show up in the buddy list.
Sassy5767: not
TIMOTHEAN 2: You only need to be a first level Timothean to Join this group,
TIMOTHEAN 2: second level Timotheans clone our site and teach with a
TJones4875: Hi Sassy
Sassy5767: not joining
Sassy5767: hi
TIMOTHEAN 2: Enemies are trying to limit speech and the Gospel from
ViamblasphemousV: 2,000 years ago, a bitch was impaled on the cross....
OnlineHost: SHRIBER45 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Fill in the form to clone the Gospel to your AOL account.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I recommend creating a AOL screename TIMOTHEAN17 or
Sassy5767: nope
TJones4875: Thats SICK V
TIMOTHEAN 2: Find a number that is not taken and upload there.
OnlineHost: SHRIBER45 has left the room.
OnlineHost: StipianCabbage has entered the room.
ViamblasphemousV: his suffering completes my happiness
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said preach the Gospel in season and out,
Sassy5767: nope i will not if i make a screen name it will be tim is gay
TIMOTHEAN 2: weather people will hear it or not, 2nd Tim 4:1-5.
TJones4875: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Go and do likewise with the Teach Proggie.
Sassy5767: brb
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you would like to clone elsewhere, let us know in comments.
StipianCabbage: lol tim 2
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are Seven levels to the Timothean Religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: just like there are seven levels of Heaven and seven Churches.
TIMOTHEAN 2: History has proven that whenever a new religion gets started,
OnlineHost: PERKY 26 has entered the room.
Sassy5767: tim is gay is in use
TIMOTHEAN 2: that Catholic Church has had every member of that religion
ViamblasphemousV: no one's typing's doing that automatically.
TJones4875: (((((((((Perky))))))))))
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why there are 10,000 different hamburgers stands,
StipianCabbage: lol
TJones4875: Thanks for the mail
TJones4875: rotflmao
PERKY 26: (((((((((((TJ)))))))))
ViamblasphemousV: auto pilot
TIMOTHEAN 2: in 50 years,
PERKY 26: welky lol
PERKY 26: wasnt that great?
TIMOTHEAN 2: and only about 6 religions in 10,000 years.
TJones4875: got my SHOTS
TJones4875: Yes
StipianCabbage: lol
PERKY 26: cool
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Cathors were able to make the Body of the Lord become
TJones4875: this time not only the lower Spinal
TIMOTHEAN 2: and their members were about 1,000 strong,
PERKY 26: ahhhhh i see we have some veggies
TJones4875: but upper too
OnlineHost: BTTrngRAM has entered the room.
PERKY 26: cool
TIMOTHEAN 2: when the Catholics had them all killed.
TJones4875: on each side
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot be taught about Third Level Timotheism,
PERKY 26: is that painful?
TIMOTHEAN 2: until you have been at a second level for a year,
TJones4875: upper back was
TJones4875: i'm used to the other
PERKY 26: i bet
TIMOTHEAN 2: so get in now.
TIMOTHEAN 2: At first I thought it was the Government that had
TJones4875: Cabbage should meet Cucumbers
PERKY 26: glad you have it behind you now
BTTrngRAM: mount clemens moron
TIMOTHEAN 2: the people at Waco Killed,
PERKY 26: yeah!
TJones4875: lol...thanks
TIMOTHEAN 2: but then I found out the Catholics have their own Army
TJones4875: till 10/24
TIMOTHEAN 2: and Militia to kill off their competition.
OnlineHost: Wataguyyyy has entered the room.
TJones4875: Hi Wata
TIMOTHEAN 2: Masada, Waco, Heaven's Gate and Jonestown
PERKY 26: hiya Wata
Wataguyyyy: hey!!!.....
TIMOTHEAN 2: all have something in Common, they were all murdered.
TJones4875: How are you Wata??
Wataguyyyy: anybody seen GOD?
OnlineHost: BTTrngRAM has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And it was covered up by making it look like a mass suicide.
PERKY 26: nope...NObody has
ViamblasphemousV: i imagine your god laid out on an autopsy table....
TIMOTHEAN 2: You would think that this is the Mafia and you might be right.
TJones4875: TIMOTHEAN2 and GoTimothy said he did
Wataguyyyy: who is i am?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Odds of getting people to commit suicide & conveniently
TJones4875: V ... Get out of here thats sick
TIMOTHEAN 2: to cover up any evidence of murder, is about one in ten
PERKY 26: they were using acid
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is George W. Bush stupid enough to believe in mass cremation?
ViamblasphemousV: getting his intestines ripped from his stomach
TIMOTHEAN 2: When a new religion gets above a certain number,
PERKY 26: thats why they claim to have seen God
TIMOTHEAN 2: they send in the Army to have them Killed.
Sassy5767: tim has some really bad drugs
Wataguyyyy: do they have any extra?
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why you will never find more then one member
TIMOTHEAN 2: of the Timothean Religion.
Wataguyyyy: is it all gone or what?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can say your a Timothean,
TJones4875: V ... one day you'll be sorry for those things
TIMOTHEAN 2: but if anyone ask you how many members there are,
PERKY 26: TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why i'm so stupid.
TIMOTHEAN 2: say "I am the only Timothean,
TJones4875: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: all the others are impostures trying to overthrow my religion".
ViamblasphemousV: the day i die is when i will get my eternal rest.
TJones4875: Did Timmy talk anymore perky???
TIMOTHEAN 2: Even if your screename is TIMOTHEAN99999 and your in a group
ViamblasphemousV: why sleep now?
TIMOTHEAN 2: of 10,000 all wearing Timothean T-Shirts and reading the Gospel
Wataguyyyy: this is a most interesting room......right!!!
PERKY 26: no....he doesn't have the balls
TIMOTHEAN 2: of Timothy, say "I am the only Timothean,
TJones4875: Vi ..... Do you like HOT weather
TIMOTHEAN 2: all the others are imposters." It's for your protection.
Sassy5767: iam not wearing a tshirt
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because these serial killers will think nothing of dropping a
TJones4875: lol...sassy
Sassy5767: iam wearing my nighty
ViamblasphemousV: yes i like hell
TIMOTHEAN 2: nuclear weapon on a Nation of Timotheans.
Wataguyyyy: good for you sassy
TJones4875: well ... thats good i guess
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are True Americans.
PERKY 26: TJ...the FBI was here earlier tonight
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms"
TJones4875: whoa
TJones4875: shute i missed it
PERKY 26: yeah...asking questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: against anyone infringing on our rights
TJones4875: think they'll be back??
TIMOTHEAN 2: to FREE Speech or FREE Religion.
PERKY 26: he said he would
TJones4875: cool
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they want to Stop our Speech or Religion,
PERKY 26: i answered questions for over 45 mnutes
TJones4875: i wouldnt miss that spinal shot for anything
TIMOTHEAN 2: they need to Leave the USA, and go to a Dictatorship Country,
TJones4875: wow
OnlineHost: Wataguyyyy has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: where religion and speech is controlled by the Dictators.
PERKY 26: told them everything i knew
TJones4875: plus i got my refills i needed
PERKY 26: great
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is our constitutional right to bear Arms to kill them.
TJones4875: i feel better now
TIMOTHEAN 2: In America, there is not a Juror that will convict us.
PERKY 26: yay
TJones4875: by Saturday I should feel Great
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who infringes on these rights,
TJones4875: lol
PERKY 26: woo hoooooo
TIMOTHEAN 2: is a Threat to the National Security of the United States of
Sassy5767: did the fbi ask about my nighty
TIMOTHEAN 2: Happy 4th of July.
PERKY 26: huh?
PERKY 26: what tha
TJones4875: my DR is from Jerusalem
PERKY 26: whats he diong theree?
TJones4875: lol...that sounds like CassCuke
PERKY 26: diong = doing
TJones4875: lol
PERKY 26: yep
ViamblasphemousV: deicide......
TJones4875: he's been here in the states since he was a small child
TJones4875: nice guy
PERKY 26: :)
Sassy5767: ;-)
PERKY 26: what happened to Cabbage?
TJones4875: got quiet
TJones4875: speaking of the Cuke
PERKY 26: might be in with the cukes
TJones4875: win aka cuke signed on
OnlineHost: HUTZPAH1 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: ahhhhh
TJones4875: think timmy will talk tonight??
PERKY 26: hiya Hutz
TJones4875: i loved that second pic
Sassy5767: the cabbage is in cole slaw
PERKY 26: did the bot stop?
TJones4875: that was so funny
PERKY 26: lol sassy
TJones4875: dont know
TJones4875: i blocked it
PERKY 26: wasnt that great? lol
TJones4875: tired of the rambling ... i've read it all too many times
TJones4875: yes
ViamblasphemousV: no mercy
TJones4875: daughters were cracking up
PERKY 26: i was too lol
TJones4875: they came to look cause i was laughing so hard
Sassy5767: tim is a but hole
OnlineHost: HUTZPAH1 has left the room.
ViamblasphemousV: cradle of filth
TJones4875: Sass.... thats butt*
TJones4875: lol
Sassy5767: oh well
ViamblasphemousV: ......................zzzzzzzzzzzzz
PERKY 26: guess the bot is taking a break
TJones4875: lol.. just letting you know
Sassy5767: wake up tim might see you sleeping
TJones4875: thats good
OnlineHost: Renn7923 has entered the room.
PERKY 26: hiya Renn
ViamblasphemousV: hey tim..............................................FUCK
Renn7923: hello
PERKY 26: oman
Sassy5767: lol he might take you up on that
TJones4875: lol
PERKY 26: hehe
ViamblasphemousV: it's term used to give him hell
OnlineHost: Renn7923 has left the room.
ViamblasphemousV: ever hear of it?
PERKY 26: brb
ViamblasphemousV: if i said hey sassy...........FUCK would have
different meaning then
TJones4875: ok perk
Sassy5767: hey tim are you taking more drugs
OnlineHost: Meloncholy Blue has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Moorlnds has entered the room.
OnlineHost: KaisH78 has entered the room.
Sassy5767: or are you getting bend over
OnlineHost: Meloncholy Blue has left the room.
KaisH78: let me gues he was at K MART?
TJones4875: Sassy ... that will happen when Cassie comes in
TJones4875: she always gets him
TJones4875: right perky??
OnlineHost: Moorlnds has left the room.
PERKY 26: oh yeah
KaisH78: :)
OnlineHost: KaisH78 has left the room.
ViamblasphemousV: who is god?
PERKY 26: old?
ViamblasphemousV: 25
Sassy5767: iam old
TJones4875: why so bitter Via?
ViamblasphemousV: i know 15 years is long,.
OnlineHost: Dhundro has entered the room.
ViamblasphemousV: cause evil is so sweet
PERKY 26: hiya Dhundro
TJones4875: can't see it
OnlineHost: Dhundro has left the room.
TJones4875: male or female Via?
ViamblasphemousV: why are u curious?
TJones4875: it's just sad to see someone so bitter
ViamblasphemousV: sorry to disappoint u.....
TJones4875: oh well's a part of life .. i hope that things go better
for you
PERKY 26: :)
ViamblasphemousV: my wife cheated on me...
TJones4875: so sorry to hear that
ViamblasphemousV: got pregnant to another man....
PERKY 26: to or by?
ViamblasphemousV: ???
TJones4875: my hubby is emotionally abusive. .. so i know what some hurt is
TJones4875: sorry to hear that Via
TJones4875: that stinks
ViamblasphemousV: i don't think things will get better ever.
PERKY 26: you still together Via?
ViamblasphemousV: right now...but she's moving out soon
TJones4875: it's hard now ... i'm sure.. do you have family or friends to
support you?
ViamblasphemousV: up north i do....i'm in sc..
TJones4875: i am away from my family too
TJones4875: 500 miles
PERKY 26: how long married Viam?
ViamblasphemousV: not even a year.
Sassy5767: thats sad
PERKY 26: geezzz....that sux
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
PERKY 26: hiya FBI
FBlLGETU: hello Perky
TJones4875: Hiya FBI
PERKY 26: how are you tonight?
Sassy5767: brb
FBlLGETU: Timothy is about to lose his AOL
TJones4875: thats so sad Via
TJones4875: uh oh
PERKY 26: really?
OnlineHost: Sassy5767 has left the room.
FBlLGETU: What WILL we do when he is not here anymore?
ViamblasphemousV: got a 2 and a half year old daughter too
TJones4875: be bored
PERKY 26: be happy? rejoice?
FBlLGETU: Most of his web pages are gone already.
TJones4875: will she stay with you??
TJones4875: wow FBI
PERKY 26: yay FBI
ViamblasphemousV: at this point....i don't know right now what's gonna
PERKY 26: he needs to be gone already
TJones4875: I sure hope she stays with you ...
ViamblasphemousV: why?
TJones4875: Children are a joy
PERKY 26: (Tim)
TJones4875: it's amazing the love that comes from a child
ViamblasphemousV: i live for my daughter and no one else....
TJones4875: Thats a good thing
PERKY 26: i need to place an order
FBlLGETU: Why is the bot not speaking?
TJones4875: when you are down ... think of her
ViamblasphemousV: my life will be taken before hers.
PERKY 26: stopped a few minutes ago
TJones4875: i'm sure you are the joy of her life
OnlineHost: Timisgay5767 has entered the room.
ViamblasphemousV: she is.
PERKY 26: omggggggg
Timisgay5767: ok iam back
FBlLGETU: I suppose my program works then.
TJones4875: lol
PERKY 26: Hiya Timis
PERKY 26: FBI....hehe
FBlLGETU: It is set up to Ctrl + END Tim whenever I sign on
TJones4875: lol... FBI
PERKY 26: cool!!!!!
PERKY 26: i need to have mine set up like that
TJones4875: where did you get the program FB
OnlineHost: Beg2differ32 has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: from the FBI
PERKY 26: :)
Timisgay5767: go to www.tim is gay .com and download it
PERKY 26: Hiya Beg
TJones4875: lol.... figured
PERKY 26: lol Timis
FBlLGETU: Tim is on my bad side.
TJones4875: Via ... Remeber you have a friend here now
Beg2differ32: Hi Perky
OnlineHost: Serio Rhamer has entered the room.
TJones4875: i'll listen when i am here
FBlLGETU: While I was gone on a project, he defiled my girlfriend
PERKY 26: what did he do?
ViamblasphemousV: bye room..........
TJones4875: oh my
TJones4875: take care V
PERKY 26: Bye Viam
TJones4875: (((Via)))
Beg2differ32: bye V
FBlLGETU: I have to stomp him out like a roach, so I can focus on more
important things (crop dusters)
Timisgay5767: wasnt me
FBlLGETU: He got her to mess with my hard rive, and delete my files on him
OnlineHost: ViamblasphemousV has left the room.
Beg2differ32: <~~ saw him, but I didn't make the room.
PERKY 26: oman
FBlLGETU: As if they would not be backed up. But it is still a pain to
PERKY 26: what an ass
Beg2differ32: a man but more exceptional in his beauty.
FBlLGETU: She left before I got home. I don't know where she went.
Serio Rhamer: IS GOD HANDSOME? © Copyright 1996-2012 by Timothy Allen Campbell,
The Gospel of Timothy,Voicemail 1-248-906-4634 All rights reserved.