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Jesus Christing: TJ I'll leave YOU to the Ripley Believe It Or Not stories
Jesus Christing: I have things to do
TJones4875: good riddance
Jesus Christing: oh brother Then... you're a hambone
ThenewevilI: wrong boy
Jesus Christing: lol
ThenewevilI: hahaha your alittle off
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3. Timothean Religion
Jesus Christing: you're a little ham
Jesus Christing: =)
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9.26.0123.56
ThenewevilI: no alittle death actaully
PERKY 26: here we go..
TJones4875: >:(
DooMofWorlds666: why would a God rip his faith away from a follower
Jesus Christing: too many movies
ThenewevilI: he hasnt
DooMofWorlds666: he has me
ThenewevilI: no movies i dont do human things
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
ThenewevilI: your filthy things disgust me
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click the red heart and come back.
Jesus Christing: this is the part where Then bites the head off a bat and
lights a black candle
TJones4875: Check with that Opthamalogist
Jesus Christing:
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
ThenewevilI: you are far from wrong i follow only god
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
Jesus Christing: I am far from wrong.. lol
ThenewevilI: i know heexsists
Jesus Christing: indeed
Jesus Christing: ;)
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
ThenewevilI: your not very bright are you
DooMofWorlds666: hey new evil why have a screen name like that then
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
Jesus Christing: ThenewevilI: you are far from wrong i follow only god
Jesus Christing: ThenewevilI: your not very bright are you
ThenewevilI: because it is what i am
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
TJones4875: Christing. ... Check with Dr. Allen Kolker in St. Louis to get
your answer
TIMOTHEAN 2: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
Jesus Christing: um
Jesus Christing: indeed again
TIMOTHEAN 2: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.

Jesus Christing: rofl
OnlineHost: CrackMyGlowStix has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am here to teach the Truth
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is Truth?
Jesus Christing: Crack you have to check out this crowd
CrackMyGlowStix: who seen god in here?
DooMofWorlds666: the truth is pain
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Kills
CrackMyGlowStix: y???
Jesus Christing: they're the most amusing weirdos I've met all night
TJones4875: The .... this one seems to be incapable of learning
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
CrackMyGlowStix: who is u?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
ThenewevilI: and with the birth of the second son of god the skies turned to
black as the seas urned to blood as a darkness filled the land
OnlineHost: Vaggue has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
Jesus Christing: I could just tell by your name you weren't in here to swap
a story about "laying hands"
DooMofWorlds666: evil is a plague you will never destroy
TJones4875: Crack .... He is a moton
Jesus Christing:
TJones4875: moron
OnlineHost: Vaggue has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many more truths can be found in my book,
TJones4875: *
TIMOTHEAN 2: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
CrackMyGlowStix: o
TIMOTHEAN 2: the messiah
CrackMyGlowStix: whats a moton
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
TJones4875: misspelling
Jesus Christing: Tim who cares.. you're arrogant enough to have a book of
your own
TJones4875: hit the wrong key
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore Join the Timothean Religion, Clone the Gospel of
CrackMyGlowStix: im a christian
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preach it in Season and out.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those who fear joining my religion read, Revelation 21:8.
Jesus Christing: god Tim.. get over yourself.. you're having Koresh Ego
OnlineHost: SiciLiaN StyIe has entered the room.
CrackMyGlowStix: what did u mean instead of moton
TIMOTHEAN 2: If I don't have Free Speech & Religion I am moving out of
Jesus Christing: then move.. we don't want your ass anyway
TIMOTHEAN 2: As a Nation Founded on Lies, will be Destroyed, God hates
ThenewevilI: well jes if you are such a disbeliever then why are you in this
Jesus Christing: you'll just breed with 13 yr olds and build up an arsenal
in TX
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where is the Americans?
DooMofWorlds666: tell your god tim or whoever he is to fix what he messed up
Jesus Christing: begone you arrogant sociopath, TIM
TIMOTHEAN 2: We Have Free Speech & Free Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And a Right to Bear Arms against those who infringe on theses
TIMOTHEAN 2: rights.
Jesus Christing: Then I can't believe what I'm reading
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you own a Gun?
DooMofWorlds666: i own a lot of guns
Jesus Christing: this room should be called Sociopathic Bible Readers Unite
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you Know anyone trying to stop my religion or Speech?
CrackMyGlowStix: i belive in god, but people dont belive me cuz of what my
profile say
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then why not use your Arms for their intended purpose?
OnlineHost: SiciLiaN StyIe has left the room.
DooMofWorlds666: i will
TIMOTHEAN 2: You people are communist.
Jesus Christing: Tim you think you ARE david koresh
TIMOTHEAN 2: Support my religion or get out.
Jesus Christing: you need meds hon
CrackMyGlowStix: whats a communist?
Jesus Christing: you seriously do
DooMofWorlds666: and you a fool
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are true Americans.
ThenewevilI: and you should believe for he is real
TIMOTHEAN 2: We speak our Mind and have the Religion of our Choice.
OnlineHost: CrackMyGlowStix has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus only Heals Christians, so the Preachers stock in workers
comp, goes
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you think God is like?
Jesus Christing: Tim you're a self absorbed schizoid personality.. I'm not
pathetic enough to follow your crazy ass like a sheep
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you think God sits around and says,
TIMOTHEAN 2: maybe I will send a Messiah in 2,000 years?
ThenewevilI: well boy if it should be called such a name then why are you
Jesus Christing: I don't think god has an ass.. so how can he sit?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or do you think God wants us to be saved now?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends saviors but men kill them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends wise men but no one listens.
ThenewevilI: god isnt a form but an entity
Jesus Christing: I think god wants you to stop pretending you've been
properly ordained
DooMofWorlds666: god lets our lives be destroyed
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you want God to Do?
Jesus Christing: you pretend you're one of those wise men
Jesus Christing: hence, your mental disorder
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus wants Timotheans to sue, so no one else is injured.
ThenewevilI: who me
TIMOTHEAN 2: << Why would Bush order a hit on his own country? >>
DooMofWorlds666: God creates evil by his absence
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush seems to think he can Hire a Hit man.
Jesus Christing: you know what? Tim is just scrolling a bot program while
he takes a crap
ThenewevilI: not true
Jesus Christing: how uplifting and inspiring
TIMOTHEAN 2: One who hires a hit man is a Murder.
ThenewevilI: god does not create evil
Jesus Christing: later you crazy kids ;)
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can not put a contract on someone's life without a trial.
OnlineHost: Jesus Christing has left the room.
OnlineHost: PuringCat has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is more evidence that Bush did it where is the contract
for his
TIMOTHEAN 2: life?
ThenewevilI: the hates sins and evil of mans heart has to go somewhere when
they die right
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Clinton told a lie we wanted to put him in Jail.
PERKY 26: yay
TJones4875: thank heaven that guy left
PERKY 26: ^5 TJ
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because the WTC was going to fall and
DooMofWorlds666: the pain would not create rage if it was prevented and the
rage would not destroy others lives
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mayor of NY could not get money from Congress to have it
taken down and rebuilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Engineers said the building would fall, it was too tall,
TIMOTHEAN 2: blocked and diverted wind threw NY.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They planed it because if
TIMOTHEAN 2: they waited for it to fall, it would have been a worse tragedy.

TJones4875: ^5
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Pentagon was testing new 2 inch glass and that's why the
Gov hit
ThenewevilI: ah but if god controlled us we wouldnt be alive meerly a toy
like the ones your human filth children play with
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also to kill off The People who believed that I saw God.
TJones4875: makes me want to thank him for leaving ..... lmao
ThenewevilI: ah but you are alive
TIMOTHEAN 2: Further they could get 20 billion to rebuild, blame it on
PERKY 26: amen!
TIMOTHEAN 2: start a war for oil and make Christianity the new world
TIMOTHEAN 2: Didn't your mother tell you its rude to speak while someone is
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preaching?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Nice plan but who's stupid enough to believe it cost 20 billion
to clean up the mess?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The 20 billion is bribe money to Mafia and other officials.
ThenewevilI: talos dela contredro
OnlineHost: LICK IT 2 I CUMM has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Dwanah has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The police have their code of Silence and brake laws,
OnlineHost: LICK IT 2 I CUMM has left the room.
OnlineHost: DooMofWorlds666 has left the room.
PERKY 26: TIMOTHEAN 2: Didn't your mother tell you not to talk to people
like me?
Dwanah: what
TIMOTHEAN 2: the ATF are even silencer still more silent is the Executive
Branch of the Government.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are many heads of Government.
OnlineHost: Dwanah has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Right hand of Government does not know what,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the Left hand is doing and vise versa.
ThenewevilI: pain is only the beginning
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its political. Its all about how to get who to do what.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you need money from congress to rebuild a City,
TIMOTHEAN 2: you find creative ways of doing it.
TJones4875: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: And everyone is profiting from the Church,
TIMOTHEAN 2: to the red cross donations to news people.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush is the only one who would kill Americans,
TIMOTHEAN 2: with tobacco and call it a business deal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a new Webpage on the End of The World.
ThenewevilI: any questions children
PERKY 26: ok...bedtime for me
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 57,000 Vietnam vets if your fighting for
OnlineHost: Eriikkss has entered the room.
PERKY 26: nite everyone
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill millions of Americans if your fighting for
TJones4875: nite perk
PERKY 26: (((((((TJ)))))))
Eriikkss: yes
PERKY 26: nite nite
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 40,000 Americans a year if your Henry Ford?
OnlineHost: BrothrBen has entered the room.
TJones4875: ((((perky)))))
OnlineHost: PERKY 26 has left the room.
ThenewevilI: look under you bed and closet perky
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 188 Americans if your Firestone?
Eriikkss: yes
ThenewevilI: well be watching
Eriikkss: yes
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 300,000 Americans a year if your Philip
Eriikkss: yes
TIMOTHEAN 2: When George W. said, he was fighting a unseen Enemy,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he was talking about God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans want to put a Plaque on the War Memorials that says,
Eriikkss: there is no god
BrothrBen: if you dont know by now if killing is ok have much bigger
problems than you thought
TIMOTHEAN 2: "They Died for Noble cause; Freedom,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Free Speech, Religion & Equal Rights,
OnlineHost: Katesroom217 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: a Constitution to bear Arms to insure these rights and kill
TIMOTHEAN 2: and those who restrict our Free Speech or Religion."
ThenewevilI: ah but there is child
Eriikkss: timotheans equal jackasses
ThenewevilI: and killing is wrong
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to put a Plaque that says,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "There should be limits on Free speech, they died in vain,
ThenewevilI: i am not of timothean
ThenewevilI: i am of god
TIMOTHEAN 2: My Daddy fought for oil, to kill Muslims and
TIMOTHEAN 2: to make Christianity the world religion,
Eriikkss: there is no god
TIMOTHEAN 2: there are no equal rights my Mafia family.
OnlineHost: Katesroom217 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Me, Jeb and Daddy rules the world."
ThenewevilI: and with the birth of the second son of god the skies of earth
turned to black as the seas to blood as a darkness covered the land
TIMOTHEAN 2: If Bin Laden wanted to hurt America,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he would have hit Oil Refineries or Powerplants.
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. or Giuliani ordered the CIA to Hit WTC because,
BrothrBen: I certainly hope that in time as you gain a little
maturity....wisdom will sure need it
TIMOTHEAN 2: if all the insurance claims were paid out to American Injured
TIMOTHEAN 2: Workers,
OnlineHost: BrothrBen has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Vets and Cancer Victims, then our Economy would collapse.
ThenewevilI: who
Eriikkss: wgat a donkey you are tim #2
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to keep the Gospel of Timothy out of book
TIMOTHEAN 2: Libraries and off the Internet, as there is no Freedom in
TIMOTHEAN 2: WTC, was Propaganda to keep Timothy Allen Campbell from going,
TIMOTHEAN 2: on the News and telling his story of how he saw God.
Eriikkss: tim ..spare us
OnlineHost: DeVauxed has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
OnlineHost: Eriikkss has left the room.
DeVauxed: who saw god?
DeVauxed: timothean?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
DeVauxed: timothean, how hard is it to see god when god is in all?
TIMOTHEAN 2: of warning people that tobacco kills.
ThenewevilI: i have come to fill the minds and hearts of man with pain and
fear i will come for you all when it is time the truth will be revealed
TIMOTHEAN 2: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
DeVauxed: why do you fear death so much?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
ThenewevilI: i am death
TIMOTHEAN 2: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And he will save hundreds.
DeVauxed: thenewevill, so what is death?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God works in Mysterious ways.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So I did.
OnlineHost: Cotton Slim 019 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
ThenewevilI: not only the arch angels but i am created by the death pain and
suffering of all life
TIMOTHEAN 2: He brought it on himself.
DeVauxed: good good theneevill
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
DeVauxed: but what is death?
ThenewevilI: your hate your fear your deaths go to me
TIMOTHEAN 2: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
ThenewevilI: an entity created to collect the souls of those who die
TIMOTHEAN 2: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
DeVauxed: ok thene, what is to collect?
DeVauxed: you separatist
TIMOTHEAN 2: after his accident then he will help me.
ThenewevilI: but i collect death in man itself
TIMOTHEAN 2: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
DeVauxed: so thene, let me ask you of the peruvians, and those whos pineal
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also Lord, "Perkey 26" has been slandering my name,
DeVauxed: what is to collect?
TIMOTHEAN 2: And she said in her heart "unless I die I will not stop this
DeVauxed: what is to collect of the individual?
ThenewevilI: i am not of you human filth kind do not address me as if i were
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is not your will Lord that many soles are lost because of
her slander.
TIMOTHEAN 2: lord do unto her as she has chose to do unto the lost soles.
ThenewevilI: the soul the life force
DeVauxed: thene, why are you online here in a chatroom?
ThenewevilI: and with the birth of the second son of god the skies of earth
turned to black as the seas to blood as a darkness covered the land
DeVauxed: the life force is all that is
DeVauxed: its core is all that is
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its God's will, that they wicked die so the good can flourish.
DeVauxed: what are you holding on to?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN 2: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN 2: by breaking them.
DeVauxed: what are you going to collect and bring it to where?
DeVauxed: to another realm?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
ThenewevilI: no heaven
DeVauxed: what is heaven?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
ThenewevilI: but i do not collect i am not of the reaper i am death itself
TIMOTHEAN 2: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
ThenewevilI: what is heaven
DeVauxed: If you are death itself, what is death?
TIMOTHEAN 2: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN 2: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I never seen him again until several years ago,
ThenewevilI: the end of a time
TIMOTHEAN 2: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
ThenewevilI: the end of a creatures time
DeVauxed: you think time is real?
TIMOTHEAN 2: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
DeVauxed: time is relative
ThenewevilI: it is
DeVauxed: time is an illusion
DeVauxed: and how are you here in form?
FBlLGETU: Timothy
TIMOTHEAN 2: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: before the tree snapped.
DeVauxed: why are you here in a chat room?
FBlLGETU: you spelled "Perky 26" wrong.
ThenewevilI: i am a form
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
ThenewevilI: and with the birth of the second son of god the skies of earth
turned to black as the seas to blood as a darkness covered the land
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lord hear my Prayer,
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
TIMOTHEAN 2: from the neck down in a car accident as,
DeVauxed: thene i can read texts myself. WHAT IS DEATH?
TIMOTHEAN 2: a sign to believe that I saw God.
Cotton Slim 019: your a retard
DeVauxed: And the end of a form is only a description based on the dust that
you and I are.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
ThenewevilI: the new born of god dropped the devil to his knees in fear
before destroying him
OnlineHost: Cotton Slim 019 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: For Moses said "for they will say,
TIMOTHEAN 2: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
ThenewevilI: do not refer to me as if i were you or your filthy kind
TIMOTHEAN 2: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN 2: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
ThenewevilI: the end
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
ThenewevilI: and a new beginning
TIMOTHEAN 2: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
DeVauxed: when you die thene, your form, and your identity, you will become
all... and none, you willbecome one with "god" and then propell back into
your dualistic nature
DeVauxed: that which you are is an illusion
TIMOTHEAN 2: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
DeVauxed: the self is your creation
TIMOTHEAN 2: All will know God.
ThenewevilI: wrong child
DeVauxed: and if you are death... you are only reinforcing the "filth" of
OnlineHost: LSparky3 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And his Judgements.
ThenewevilI: i have been forever
OnlineHost: LSparky3 has left the room.
DeVauxed: if you have been forever where are you now?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who was Caiaphas?
DeVauxed: why are you even conceptualizing time?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
ThenewevilI: wrong i do not take souls or anything
DeVauxed: in a chat room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
ThenewevilI: i am made up of death
DeVauxed: ok so you are death itself
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does God look like?
ThenewevilI: and pain suffereing and fear
DeVauxed: yet you cannot even describe death beyond dusty form.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
DeVauxed: and extreme emotional perspective.
ThenewevilI: do you think you can handle the truth child
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
OnlineHost: PuringCat has entered the room.
DeVauxed: what is truth?
TIMOTHEAN 2: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
ThenewevilI: your mind allows you to believe certian things
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
DeVauxed: what is my mind?
DeVauxed: belief is irrelivant here
TIMOTHEAN 2: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
DeVauxed: you are the one believing here.
DeVauxed: you believe you are death
ThenewevilI: no wait why dont you answer it
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Happy Satan's Day"
DeVauxed: when i myself am death and life.
ThenewevilI: no i am made up of death
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
DeVauxed: WHO ARE YOU?
ThenewevilI: you are not listening
DeVauxed: What is your construct?
DeVauxed: what is your form
TIMOTHEAN 2: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
DeVauxed: no i am lisening
DeVauxed: you cannot answer my questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
DeVauxed: WHAT IS YOUR INDIVIDUALITY upon all that is?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
DeVauxed: what is your identification based on but belief and mind itself?
ThenewevilI: i have come in the form of a creature pretaining the elements
of everything
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
ThenewevilI: i am a creature that has many parts
TIMOTHEAN 2: my Story at;
DeVauxed: yet you identify with them??
ThenewevilI: you dont want to know what i am though
DeVauxed: You call yourself a creature?
DeVauxed: you are dust.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
DeVauxed: i know what you are.
ThenewevilI: wrong child
DeVauxed: and what timothen is.
DeVauxed: and what we all are
TIMOTHEAN 2: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
ThenewevilI: i am not of your human filth
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
DeVauxed: of course you arent, because your mind has separated your identity
DeVauxed: you are all that is, and none...
ThenewevilI: do not refer to me as human filth
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are not God, Jesus is.
DeVauxed: it is your perspective.
DeVauxed: that is all.
DeVauxed: It is your mental view of yourself
DeVauxed: and that is all you are.
ThenewevilI: i have not perspective
TIMOTHEAN 2: God created man in His image.
DeVauxed: then why are you in here typing?
ThenewevilI: hahaha
DeVauxed: if you have not perspective?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
ThenewevilI: i am not typing
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is more real than His creation.
DeVauxed: but you are not expressing yourself?
ThenewevilI: i am in everything
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
ThenewevilI: but nothing at the same time
DeVauxed: you are not sending text across a page?
ThenewevilI: and with the birth of the second son of god the skies of earth
turned to black as the seas to blood as a darkness covered the land
DeVauxed: ok... if you were that, you would not be speaking
TIMOTHEAN 2: The true God Has power to become visible.
ThenewevilI: and i am not speakinf
DeVauxed: i can read texts msyelf thene
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to join.
DeVauxed: anyone can see god timothean
DeVauxed: anyone can
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
ThenewevilI: it is not good to though
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
ThenewevilI: i am a creature of god
ThenewevilI: i am monster
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
DeVauxed: thene, you are what you decide yourself to be
DeVauxed: but you find yourself to be separate from god
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
DeVauxed: just like everyone else
ThenewevilI: i am lord of the monster gods second son as jesus is the lord
of the humans
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
DeVauxed: timothean's fault is that he claims to have seen god, when god is
everywehre, and included in himself
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me or forget it.
ThenewevilI: wrong child i am more with god than any mere human
TIMOTHEAN 2: Goodbye.
ThenewevilI: no god is not everywhere
DeVauxed: what is god?
ThenewevilI: a entity in a term that a human can understand god is creation
ThenewevilI: he creates he is creater
DeVauxed: You speak of god in words?
DeVauxed: you are a fool
DeVauxed: goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9. The True Religion.
ThenewevilI: how would you like me to speak of god in colors
ThenewevilI: you are the fool child
DeVauxed: you didnt see through my question
DeVauxed: you should know god cannot be put into words
DeVauxed: however you quote texts
DeVauxed: you are a fool
DeVauxed: you still hold onto the petty human aspect of communication
DeVauxed: yet you are not us filth?
ThenewevilI: exactly and as i said humans cant understand so i put it into
DeVauxed: you waste your time
ThenewevilI: that your filth can
DeVauxed: you waste your time
DeVauxed: thene, then tell me what i need to hear
DeVauxed: you are inside me, you are inside all
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is a proggie, stay and listen in.
DeVauxed: tell me what i need to hear
DeVauxed: what is GOD?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you, join.
ThenewevilI: you are not ready
DeVauxed: hahahhaa
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
ThenewevilI: you body and mind havent been ready
TIMOTHEAN 2: This computer program last about 40 minuets.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion will teach you what you want to hear for 10% of your
ThenewevilI: why is it you think god hasnt shown himself because man isnt
OnlineHost: MJW506 has entered the room.
ThenewevilI: it takes time child
TIMOTHEAN 2: The truth is free but no one will listen.
DeVauxed: you still identify god as a HE?
DeVauxed: you are a fool
DeVauxed: you are an american
DeVauxed: you are typical
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to make money, start a Church and teach what the
people want to hear.
DeVauxed: you are a filthy human
ThenewevilI: wrong child
DeVauxed: that is your identification
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Jesus loves you, forgives you and your going to heaven,
ThenewevilI: dont call me a human
TIMOTHEAN 2: now put your money in the basket."
ThenewevilI: there is no right and wrong
ThenewevilI: you are mistaken
TIMOTHEAN 2: I will teach you the truth for free, but you will not like it
nor put in
DeVauxed: Judger
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
DeVauxed: I know there is no such thing as right and wrong
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you teach the truth you will be teaching an empty room.
ThenewevilI: i have not judged
DeVauxed: only perspective
DeVauxed: however you see me as you judge me
DeVauxed: You are a fool
TIMOTHEAN 2: All the world would rather pay someone to lie to them.
DeVauxed: Yet you still put me on a lower scale than yourself
TIMOTHEAN 2: Just create a Chat room called "Jesus loves you, now Give me
your money."
ThenewevilI: yes i do judge
TIMOTHEAN 2: You will be like other religions.
DeVauxed: which only reinstates that you are a fool
ThenewevilI: your a filthy human
ThenewevilI: and when you die i shall be there
TIMOTHEAN 2: I Saw God, you can too. Seek & Find, Ask to see.
ThenewevilI: waiting for you
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to know how, read my book or stay and listen.
ThenewevilI: and you will see me
DeVauxed: thene... I have died
TIMOTHEAN 2: OK, hear my story.
DeVauxed: You werent there
DeVauxed: I am that.
ThenewevilI: wrong child
DeVauxed: I am you.
DeVauxed: You are me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was at a Hotel in California.
DeVauxed: Death is an illusion
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was standing on the Balcony with a neighbor friend.
DeVauxed: destroy my form
ThenewevilI: no death is very real
DeVauxed: burn my mind
DeVauxed: because they are only aspects
DeVauxed: turn me into mush
DeVauxed: that is all i am
TIMOTHEAN 2: There were 5 of us there.
ThenewevilI: then put a gun to your head and pull the trigger
DeVauxed: my death is an illusion
TIMOTHEAN 2: My friend recognized Him first.
OnlineHost: Curiouslkr has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Curiouslkr has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said, "Look!
ThenewevilI: and if you stand after i will agree
TIMOTHEAN 2: that man looks like God."
ThenewevilI: but if you dont then you are the fool
ThenewevilI: humans die
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said "no, those are just Jesus freaks,
DeVauxed: what is the individual makeup thene?
TIMOTHEAN 2: people trying to look like Jesus."
DeVauxed: what makes the individual?
OnlineHost: Trippin247 18 has entered the room.
DeVauxed: what makes the human?
ThenewevilI: do you truely believe that you can not die that it is merely an
DeVauxed: what is the self?
Trippin247 18: hello everyone
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was in the parking lot.
ThenewevilI: brought forth by your mind]
DeVauxed: My idea of self will die. That which i define myself by.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I saw his face I recognized him.
DeVauxed: Yet that idea of self is an illusion
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said, "That's him. Go down to see Him."
ThenewevilI: ah but you didnt answer
DeVauxed: walk up to the sel fand touch it
OnlineHost: MJW506 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said,
DeVauxed: i just did
DeVauxed: you cannot read me
TIMOTHEAN 2: "I am going to get my Dad" and ran into His room.
DeVauxed: because you are an aspect of self .
ThenewevilI: no you asked a series of questions
DeVauxed: you are an individual like i.
Trippin247 18: you all have seen god?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was talking to these three girls.
DeVauxed: sure trippin
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw His face appear in the back of His Head.
ThenewevilI: your right i dont read you i never said i could
Trippin247 18: what did he look like?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He read my thought and I could read his.
DeVauxed: but you are everything and nothing?
TIMOTHEAN 2: We spoke with our minds.
DeVauxed: and you expect for me to see YOU when I die?
DeVauxed: I will see the clear mind
TIMOTHEAN 2: He told me of earthquakes, tornadoes
DeVauxed: I will be burned of all my individuality
ThenewevilI: exactly did anywhere in that statement say i can read you
Trippin247 18: you guys lost me
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the space shuttle blowing up in 86.
Trippin247 18: you saw him bu you didn't?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God said there will be a Nuclear War.
ThenewevilI: no child
ThenewevilI: you are foolish
TIMOTHEAN 2: That's pretty much it. I only saw Him for a few minutes.
ThenewevilI: as the human filth you are
DeVauxed: trippin god doesnt have form
DeVauxed: god is all, and none
TIMOTHEAN 2: I feel He wanted me to write this book
DeVauxed: i am human filth
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I wrote it. It's at my web site.
DeVauxed: i am a child
OnlineHost: Jeeter Falls has entered the room.
DeVauxed: and an adult
DeVauxed: I am foolish and wise
DeVauxed: you are a labeler
DeVauxed: a separatist
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
DeVauxed: just like the average human filth.
ThenewevilI: yes by human age you are an adult but in age to me you are a
Trippin247 18: did you all have one of those near deaths experiances?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When is the War? I don't know.
DeVauxed: I am a child.
DeVauxed: Age is an illusion
DeVauxed: time is an illusion
ThenewevilI: wrong agian
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God's Face on my Dresser when I was younger,
DeVauxed: wrong again?
DeVauxed: right and wrong... dual.
ThenewevilI: to you everything is an illusion
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew He existed and I searched until I saw His Face again.
DeVauxed: you cannot even transcend dualism yet your the face of death?
OnlineHost: Jeeter Falls has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Satan's Church is desperately trying to get me to tell them
DeVauxed: everything is and is not an illusion
TIMOTHEAN 2: God looks like so they can correct their painting, but I will
not tell.
DeVauxed: you live on up and down, left and right... extremes, dualism.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God only to be killed by the Church or medical
DeVauxed: How can you see when you have not even trasncended that
OnlineHost: BabyGirI0543 has entered the room.
DeVauxed: do you believe you go anywhere when you walk?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan is a slanderer.
Trippin247 18: did anyone see him more then once?
BabyGirI0543: hey peapz
DeVauxed: or that your form is actually moving?
ThenewevilI: fine i shall proove you wrong grab a knife cut yourself then
close your eyes and open them if the wound is gone you are right if it isnt
you are a fool
TIMOTHEAN 2: Slanderer = one who makes up lies about someone.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They label people who have seen God as insane so no one will
listen to them.
DeVauxed: thene, in this world, the physical world, all is dust, all is born
and wll die
DeVauxed: this world is dual.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or, they get people from religious cults to drive them mad.
DeVauxed: it will always be that way
DeVauxed: and when i cut myself i will bleed
TIMOTHEAN 2: Most religions call it Blasphemy to Claim to have seen God.
DeVauxed: and when i cut my form or another form they will bleed
DeVauxed: what this world is although, is an illusion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They kill those who claim to have seen God
DeVauxed: of what reality really is.
ThenewevilI: ah but you said it is an illusion so nobody actually dies
TIMOTHEAN 2: because the religions are false, in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not answer questions for those who have no interest in
Joining my religion.
DeVauxed: like i said, self dies., individualism dies
Trippin247 18: have any of you seen satan?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions, use the form on my web page.
DeVauxed: and when it does, it is reborn in separation.
BabyGirI0543: trippin
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
BabyGirI0543: timothean2 IS satan
Trippin247 18: yea?
Trippin247 18: ok
BabyGirI0543: bye timbo
ThenewevilI: there is no illusion an illusion is that which is not real all
this is real
Trippin247 18: then what is he doing online?
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
DeVauxed: hahahha
DeVauxed: this is real?
DeVauxed: You are a filthy human arent you?
DeVauxed: hahaha
ThenewevilI: wrong
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
DeVauxed: when is time going to disolve in your mind friend?
BabyGirI0543: making up his AOL hit list
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 12.38 am Date 9.27.01
ThenewevilI: i haven not a mind
DeVauxed: babygirl, in actuality he is a bot...
DeVauxed: then what is spraying babble on the screen?
OnlineHost: Playin w MyseIf has entered the room.
DeVauxed: your insight?
ThenewevilI: no i am not a bot
DeVauxed: haha
DeVauxed: not you, timothean
ThenewevilI: oh
Trippin247 18: tim your satan?
OnlineHost: Playin w MyseIf has left the room.
Trippin247 18: or r u just a form of satan?
DeVauxed: trippin, he will say he is a prophet
DeVauxed: just as many do
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
DeVauxed: he is a fool just like the rest
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
ThenewevilI: i consume the lives of humans you are my food and my army of
creatures food
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
ThenewevilI: i dont respect your sinful ways
DeVauxed: ohhh so your a reptilian?
Trippin247 18: wow some people are far out
ThenewevilI: and more
OnlineHost: Sunglassesgurl01 has entered the room.
DeVauxed: of course more..
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
ThenewevilI: i am of all creatures
DeVauxed: you are not human, you are just as lost as one tho
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
DeVauxed: but your not a filthy human?
ThenewevilI: no i have a perpose
DeVauxed: your a hypocrite
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
DeVauxed: what purpose is that?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
ThenewevilI: a hypocrit i might be but i dont like your human filth and that
is the way it will always be
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
DeVauxed: so be it thene...
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
DeVauxed: you will die just as us
DeVauxed: maybe in a longer period of time
ThenewevilI: wrong child
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
BabyGirI0543: yeah hes a bot
ThenewevilI: i have no end
Trippin247 18: i think tim has tripped off lsd to many times
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
OnlineHost: BIGSPOTNY1 has entered the room.
BabyGirI0543: you people new here?
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
OnlineHost: KYPONY has entered the room.
DeVauxed: you have no end, yet you talk of time as if its real.
DeVauxed: your a fool
DeVauxed: just like the rest
ThenewevilI: and with the birth of the second son of god the skies of earth
turned to black as the seas to blood as a darkness covered the land
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
BabyGirI0543: not LSD
ThenewevilI: because time will go on forever
BabyGirI0543: ...dmt
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
Trippin247 18: whats dmt?
DeVauxed: lol babygirl
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
BabyGirI0543: 10x LSD
DeVauxed: you have dmt running in your body daily
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
OnlineHost: BIGSPOTNY1 has left the room.
DeVauxed: dmt is not 10x lsd.
Trippin247 18: that would explain iut
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
Trippin247 18: he's another charlie manson
BabyGirI0543: oh really?
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
ThenewevilI: who
DeVauxed: babygirl, i study ethnobotany.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
BabyGirI0543: you're right, i dont know what im talking about
BabyGirI0543: .....dumbass
OnlineHost: Pope John Galt has entered the room.
Trippin247 18: i'm scared to ask this but does he have followers?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
OnlineHost: DezTurBed6 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: KYPONY has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
Pope John Galt: timothy
ThenewevilI: no he doesnt
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
Pope John Galt: i have found a vital wrong in your religion that makes me
say i no longer am interested in any sort or part of your religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
Pope John Galt: we need jobs
Pope John Galt: jobs give us more luxuries
ThenewevilI: tims religion is false
DezTurBed6: is any timmys talkin or is this just a robot
Pope John Galt: like automobiles and cushony couches
ThenewevilI: soon his followers will learn he wishes them to worship him
Pope John Galt: not everyone is content walking aorund naked eating fruit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
DeVauxed: i believe that thene
Pope John Galt: i've read everything on the webpage
Pope John Galt: thats why i know your a crock
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
ThenewevilI: i am not him
Pope John Galt: that webpage has some good points, then a load od bullcrap
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
ThenewevilI: he is a fool
Pope John Galt: yes
Trippin247 18: free trail copy of what?
Pope John Galt: be happy you don't
ThenewevilI: that is why he doesnt speak back he only sends his bot
Pope John Galt: the link is dead
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
Pope John Galt: exactly
OnlineHost: DezTurBed6 has left the room.
Pope John Galt: hes religion would fail
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
Pope John Galt: gotim, have you nothing to say in defense?
ThenewevilI: his religion is the beliefe of him
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
ThenewevilI: no he doesnt
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
Pope John Galt: your a moron tim.
OnlineHost: BabyGirI0543 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
Pope John Galt: the patient got hurt in the first place
ThenewevilI: i have seen his kind since the dawn of time
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
Pope John Galt: even in your perfect world, accidents would still happen
DeVauxed: pope, your talking to a bot
Pope John Galt: and youd try to abolish the ones to heal
DeVauxed: tim isnt even there.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
Pope John Galt: your an idiot
Pope John Galt: i know
ThenewevilI: they foolishly believe them selves to be gods
DeVauxed: so why are you wasting your time?
Pope John Galt: but i know gotim is
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
OnlineHost: BIGSPOTNY1 has entered the room.
ThenewevilI: after so long of compliments
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
Pope John Galt: to make a counterpoint to what gotimothy said earlier
Pope John Galt: he cna hear me
Pope John Galt: i know it
Pope John Galt: i've said my peace.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
Pope John Galt: goodbye
Pope John Galt: and by the way
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
Pope John Galt: use better grammer in the room title nimrod
OnlineHost: Pope John Galt has left the room.
OnlineHost: Sassimeme42 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
OnlineHost: PharoahVIII has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
PharoahVIII: Thank God
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
ThenewevilI: and with the birth of the second son of god the skies of earth
turned to black as the seas to blood as a darkness covered the land
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
PharoahVIII: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
PharoahVIII: Tim is so important
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
OnlineHost: Sunglassesgurl01 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
ThenewevilI: a long time ago an intire mayan civilization completely
dissapeared with out a trace
OnlineHost: Sassimeme42 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
ThenewevilI: if you need proof that your kind is filth look at what your own
kind did to you destruction everywhere war pain suffering
OnlineHost: BIGSPOTNY1 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
ThenewevilI: you all feared the devil why your far worse then he ever was
ThenewevilI: he was a coward
OnlineHost: Trippin247 18 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
PharoahVIII: I want some acid too tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
ThenewevilI: to scared to defend himself
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
ThenewevilI: drugs another foolish human filth thing
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
ThenewevilI: and with the birth of the second son of god the skies of earth
turned to black as the seas to blood as a darkness covered the land
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
OnlineHost: ThenewevilI has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.

TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
OnlineHost: PharoahVIII has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
OnlineHost: DeVauxed has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.27.01 0.55
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
OnlineHost: GurlsPlayGames has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
OnlineHost: GurlsPlayGames has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
TJones4875: Hi Puring
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TJones4875: has he said anything tonight??
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
PuringCat: oh hi. Sorry.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
PuringCat: no he hasn't. :-(
TJones4875: no problem
TJones4875: ok
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
TJones4875: Hiya FBI
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
PuringCat: lol Timmy, look who's here!!
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
OnlineHost: Pagankiten has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: Hello Timothy
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
Pagankiten: Who saw god
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
Pagankiten: is the book free?
FBlLGETU: He is watching the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
Pagankiten: Who is watching the room?
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TJones4875: he watches a lot lately
FBlLGETU: He is afraid to talk to me. He knows I have power to strip his
Messiah-hood from him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.

Pagankiten: who Fbil
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
PuringCat: poor timmy!
FBlLGETU: Timothy
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TJones4875: i guess he is afraid
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
Pagankiten: what book do we have to read
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
Pagankiten: man, am i on ignore or something in here?
FBlLGETU: He knows I have defeated him and proven him not to be what he
claims to be.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
TJones4875: is that AntiGoTimothy site still up
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
Pagankiten: there is a antigotimothy site?!
FBlLGETU: What Timothy Believes (Keyword to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
Pagankiten: lol
TJones4875: go there PAg
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
Pagankiten: Be right back
TJones4875: ok
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
OnlineHost: Teeners32 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
Teeners32: ok so like what is this room about
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,

TJones4875: GoTimothy and TIMOTHEAN2
TJones4875: same person
TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
TJones4875: check the profiles
FBlLGETU: Teen, it is about a psychotic, schizoprenic mind
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TJones4875: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
Teeners32: no seriously
FBlLGETU: It is about the demise of the King Messiah
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
FBlLGETU: I would like to encourage everyone to read the profile of
GoKingMessiah and click Notify AOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
OnlineHost: Teeners32 has left the room.
FBlLGETU: protest his declaration that we must kill doctors, lawyers, and
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TJones4875: oh wow ... i hadnt seen that one
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
Pagankiten: OMG, is this guy for real
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
FBlLGETU: use Notify AOL button at the bottom of the profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
Pagankiten: is this a real person talking, or is this a robot
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
FBlLGETU: a bot
FBlLGETU: but the programmer is real.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
Pagankiten: has to be
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
Pagankiten: i want to know why we have to kill doctors and lawyers
FBlLGETU: we don't
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
FBlLGETU: we just have to notify aol :)
Pagankiten: well, i know we dont, i'm just wondering why he thinks we should
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
Pagankiten: i would cash it in myself
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
OnlineHost: Tigerchasesdovz has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
Pagankiten: yeah, that will happen
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
Pagankiten: TIger, what's happeining girl
Pagankiten: this guy is a trip
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
Pagankiten: he thinks we should kill all the doctors and lawyers
Tigerchasesdovz: nothing , couldnt get web page to cum up so i changed
profile a lil
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
Tigerchasesdovz: hummm ok
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Men Give God His Names.
Tigerchasesdovz: i think i ll need the doctor to delevier my baby
TIMOTHEAN 2: The one God has many names.
Tigerchasesdovz: lol
Pagankiten: it is really amazing, because i think he thinks this is real
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN 2: Atlas holds up the universe.
Pagankiten: guess you will have to pray to god to deliver it for you tiger
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.

Pagankiten: if you buy his book of course
TJones4875: congrats Tiger
TIMOTHEAN 2: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
TIMOTHEAN 2: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
Tigerchasesdovz: thanx tjones
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
TJones4875: you're welcome :)
TJones4875: 1st?
Tigerchasesdovz: right kiten like id trust god with my baby
Tigerchasesdovz: nope
TJones4875: how many?
Pagankiten: tim, we are trying to figure you out
TIMOTHEAN 2: If your into Science,
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is matter?
OnlineHost: Finnian745 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Define Matter.
OnlineHost: SavvyScryer has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Energy.
OnlineHost: Jtmonkey2000 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Waves.
OnlineHost: Jtmonkey2000 has left the room.
Finnian745: morning
Tigerchasesdovz: i have 3 boys
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Take some Physics classes.
OnlineHost: DezTurBed6 has entered the room.
TJones4875: i have 3 girls 2 boys
SavvyScryer: does it matter
TJones4875: Hiya Dez
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
DezTurBed6: hey
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
FBlLGETU: His penis is never solid.
FBlLGETU: That is what he means.
TIMOTHEAN 2: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
Pagankiten: lol fbi
SavvyScryer: poopoo is solid
Finnian745: uuuuuhhhhhhhh
TJones4875: eewww sav
SavvyScryer: sometimes mushy
FBlLGETU: What a room.
Pagankiten: or just watery
FBlLGETU: Fit for a prophet isnt it?
TIMOTHEAN 2: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: TIMOTHEAN13 is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
SavvyScryer: what a mushroom
Finnian745: lol FBIL
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
FBlLGETU: I am sure God is proud of your room Timothy
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
FBlLGETU: You have accomplished so much in 5 years.
SavvyScryer: his grammar is a bit bad
OnlineHost: ROBIN E KNOW 777 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
FBlLGETU: Sold so many books.
SavvyScryer: HE SEEN GOD
FBlLGETU: Made so many people turn to God.
Pagankiten: so he says
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
SavvyScryer: HE has seen God
TIMOTHEAN 2: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
SavvyScryer: He saw God
OnlineHost: Tigerchasesdovz has left the room.
Finnian745: TIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God.
FBlLGETU: Brought all of us together here to discuss....poopoo
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
Finnian745: lmao FB
Pagankiten: i'm the man that saw poo poo
TIMOTHEAN 2: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
Finnian745: omg, ewwwwwww
SavvyScryer: God hads a sense of humor why do few people know that
TIMOTHEAN 2: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
SavvyScryer: has
SavvyScryer: ooops
ROBIN E KNOW 777: God is God,,,AND, Jusus is God
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is not a spirit.
FBlLGETU: EVen I am impressed.
FBlLGETU: The Timocracy is established!
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
FBlLGETU: Or shall we rename it
Finnian745: ::::: passes diapers around room :::::::::
TIMOTHEAN 2: handle me, and see;
FBlLGETU: the Poopocracy
Finnian745: no way, TIM
FBlLGETU: Handle him, he says.
TIMOTHEAN 2: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
SavvyScryer: hehe
DezTurBed6: wtf are u guys talkin about...shit]
TJones4875: oh my ...
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
Pagankiten: i''m going back into my regular room
SavvyScryer: yes....shit
Finnian745: k, bye Pagan
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.

Pagankiten: everyone have a great night
TJones4875: none for me thanks Finn
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go now, bye.
Finnian745: Tim just said 'handle him'
Pagankiten: bye Finnian
Finnian745: no way
OnlineHost: ROBIN E KNOW 777 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Pagankiten has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
FBlLGETU: He has to go now.
TIMOTHEAN 2: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
SavvyScryer: look hes judging others now....:Christians cannot see God.
FBlLGETU: Say good bye to him
Finnian745: k, bye Tim
Finnian745: :PPPPPPPPPP
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
FBlLGETU: Goodbye Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: There will be a nuclear war.
Finnian745: are you leaving Tim?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
FBlLGETU: He lied. He does not have to go now.
TIMOTHEAN 2: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
SavvyScryer: Tiny Tim..God Bles Us Everyone
Finnian745: plague does NOT equal nuclear war
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
OnlineHost: DezTurBed6 has left the room.
FBlLGETU: I can not believe a prophet of God lied.
FBlLGETU: In a chat room too
TIMOTHEAN 2: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
Finnian745: awwwwww, i love that movie, Sav
SavvyScryer: me too
TIMOTHEAN 2: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN 2: a-right,
Finnian745: :O
FBlLGETU: the most sacred of all religious venues
TIMOTHEAN 2: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
Finnian745: yah
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
Finnian745: k
TIMOTHEAN 2: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN 2: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
SavvyScryer: why is everyone so bent on making the prophesies be true
Finnian745: Tim???? are you in here?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TIMOTHEAN 2: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
Finnian745: Sav ~ something to do
FBlLGETU: He is watching, fearful.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He made up the story that He killed God.
Finnian745: never heard of Caiaphas
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
Finnian745: yah, k
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
TIMOTHEAN 2: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
TIMOTHEAN 2: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
Finnian745: eh
OnlineHost: PuringCat has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
SavvyScryer: everybodys going overboard with the Nostradamus stufff....maybe
he MEANT something else for cripes sake
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: He will say, "I never knew you".
Finnian745: yah, probably Sav....Nos was good quesser
TIMOTHEAN 2: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If the preachers have not seen God,
SavvyScryer: yeah
Finnian745: :)
TIMOTHEAN 2: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
Finnian745: has Tim talked with anyone in here?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
SavvyScryer: i meant the quatrains are all mysterious
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
Finnian745: yep
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN 2: why God does not use His power to become visible.
SavvyScryer: they keep talking anti christ
TJones4875: not since earlier
TIMOTHEAN 2: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
Finnian745: k, thanks TJ
TIMOTHEAN 2: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The penalty for this sin is death.
Finnian745: anti-christ = ??
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What makes you think no one can see God?
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
Finnian745: Cause you said so, Tim?
OnlineHost: RyanLwrnc has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
TIMOTHEAN 2: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
RyanLwrnc: Hi tim Remember me???
Finnian745: oh
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
Finnian745: i think he's on auto program, Ryan
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
SavvyScryer: sometimes i think God laughs at all this bogus crap
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
RyanLwrnc: No he's not
Finnian745: yep, Sav, same here
TIMOTHEAN 2: 22. Christ is God made visible.
SavvyScryer: i mean God is the most superior intellect
RyanLwrnc: Hey TIm say HI
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
Finnian745: see if you can get him to talk, Ryan
Finnian745: agree, Sav
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that every one who sees the Son."
TIMOTHEAN 2: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
SavvyScryer: hey i saw a guy in our supermarket parking lot that looked like
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TIMOTHEAN 2: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Did you see Jesus ?
SavvyScryer: maybe i should make a room IAM THE WOMAN THAT SEEN STEVIE
Finnian745: I"ve talked with him before, but don't think he's in mood to
talk now
Finnian745: LOL Sav
RyanLwrnc: Good one
Finnian745: NO, i haven't seen Jesus, Tim
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you don't know Him.
Finnian745: k
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
RyanLwrnc: Tim, left this world a looooong time ago
Finnian745: yay! you're in here!
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowing that they do gender strife.
Finnian745: Tim? is 'seen' the same as 'know'??
OnlineHost: Skystar460 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I avoid foolish questions.
Skystar460: lol
Skystar460: like you know something
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
Skystar460: yeah i did too
TIMOTHEAN 2: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
Finnian745: < not arguing
RyanLwrnc: have you seen he's profile, He started this 2 man religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.

Finnian745: yep, have seen it, Ryan
SavvyScryer: haha
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you have not known me?
Skystar460: timo,,,,,, your not gonna go start killing for god are ya?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN 2: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
Skystar460: these god people make me sick
Finnian745: different than "SEEN"
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Show us the Father?"
Skystar460: its so scarey
OnlineHost: OneTrueMan28 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
RyanLwrnc: Tim is a little loopy
TIMOTHEAN 2: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
Finnian745: lol
SavvyScryer: lol
Skystar460: they hypnotize themselves with their own delusions
RyanLwrnc: Don't listen to him Sky
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
OnlineHost: clin672 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: XOX Pia XOX has entered the room.
Finnian745: was that a question?
Skystar460: lah de dah,,,,
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
RyanLwrnc: He repeats the same thing over and over and over
Skystar460: in a world of his own making
clin672: hello
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
Finnian745: hi clin
Skystar460: sort of like being a drug addict
RyanLwrnc: Hi
OneTrueMan28: Hello Room How are you guys tonight ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
Finnian745: hi One
RyanLwrnc: COol
XOX Pia XOX: Hello room
TIMOTHEAN 2: but we know that, when he shall appear,
OneTrueMan28: Hi Finnian
Finnian745: hi XoX
Skystar460: next thing you know, he will say something about being a martyr
OneTrueMan28: Hi XOX
TIMOTHEAN 2: we shall be like him;
XOX Pia XOX: hello
Finnian745: < will bitchslap him if he does that, Sky
RyanLwrnc: Tim isn't here right now but you can leave a message
TIMOTHEAN 2: for we shall see him as he is.
Skystar460: bitchslap!! kewl
TIMOTHEAN 2: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
Finnian745: yah, Ryan
TIMOTHEAN 2: speaks on this wise,
OneTrueMan28: TIM I came in the middle I believe ...What is the topic ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
Skystar460: blabber blabber
TIMOTHEAN 2: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
Finnian745: good luck getting an ansawer, One
TIMOTHEAN 2: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
Finnian745: minus a
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
OnlineHost: SavvyScryer has left the room.
RyanLwrnc: Like I said leave a message
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
XOX Pia XOX: lol
XOX Pia XOX: will he call back?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
Skystar460: uh oh,, waiting to return?, not via my airline is it?
Finnian745: LOL
RyanLwrnc: maybe, if he ever stops
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
Finnian745: no way
Skystar460: cause i got news for ya timo
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
clin672: Timothean Religion?
OneTrueMan28: This GUY using PEARL TALK ( Automated typing ) ???
OnlineHost: Ssbmole has entered the room.
OnlineHost: LTasha1998 has entered the room.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Finnian745: yep One,,,,,,,most of the time
Skystar460: not gonna be a martyr for your stupid religion around me bud
RyanLwrnc: probably
OnlineHost: LTasha1998 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
XOX Pia XOX: so anyways Tim you are like a cult
Finnian745: bye he just answered me a little bit ago
TIMOTHEAN 2: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
XOX Pia XOX: in torrance you saw God?
Finnian745: but.....not bye
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he said no man could see God and live.
Skystar460: i think you are right we are talking to a machine, lol
Skystar460: joke is on us
Finnian745: TIM!!!!!! i cannot type because of you
Skystar460: notice he wont answer us
TIMOTHEAN 2: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
Skystar460: cause he is a machine!
OnlineHost: Raccoon714 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
OneTrueMan28: lol Finn
Finnian745: :)
RyanLwrnc: He will every now and then
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
Raccoon714: Oy, why this room?
Skystar460: i got an idea, i will put him on ignore
XOX Pia XOX: So this is the new craze huh
Finnian745: hi Raccoon
XOX Pia XOX: coonie sounded interesting
TIMOTHEAN 2: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
Finnian745: k, Sky
XOX Pia XOX: and ya know what?
Skystar460: whew
RyanLwrnc: Tim are you a machine
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
Skystar460: relief
XOX Pia XOX: it is....
OneTrueMan28: Hey Tim look guy I think god is kewl and all but could come
down to our level for a bit
Ssbmole: I saw an Angel and Jesus in my backyard
OneTrueMan28: ???
clin672: no Yahweh isnot his name according to the jewish text book
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
XOX Pia XOX: Tim then you are leaving out "FAITH"
RyanLwrnc: ????
TIMOTHEAN 2: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
OneTrueMan28: clin YHWH ???
RyanLwrnc: immortal
RyanLwrnc: I'm highlander
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Finnian745: < punts self from room...... peace all (LMAO Ryan)
OnlineHost: Raccoon714 has left the room.
XOX Pia XOX: I'll be back till I get it right
Skystar460: i think gotim is his handler
clin672: Elohim, Adonai, Hashem, not yaweh
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to answer or not?
RyanLwrnc: I said
TIMOTHEAN 2: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
RyanLwrnc: i was immortal
OneTrueMan28: Christian ??? I will not die but be delivered ...How about you
Tim ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you are not Saved.
RyanLwrnc: I'm immortal
Ssbmole: ok ok who let Falwell's kid out?
clin672: YHWH is yadheyvadheyin Hebrew
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christianity is a Cult.
RyanLwrnc: Your not listening I'm HIGHLANDER
XOX Pia XOX: I'm thinkin Tim needs to lay off the weed
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
RyanLwrnc: something like that
OneTrueMan28: OK that is all ...TIM has gone over the koo koo 's nest
TIMOTHEAN 2: if they should be written, even the
Skystar460: i just figured it out, both of them are MACHINES~!~
TIMOTHEAN 2: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
OnlineHost: Finnian745 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Spousewntd has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BossBuca has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
XOX Pia XOX: hey scooooob
Ssbmole: hey Tim, did you do speed?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
XOX Pia XOX: lol
BossBuca: Piaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
RyanLwrnc: More compony to listen to TIM THE WONDER MACHINE
TIMOTHEAN 2: if not by their faith then by mine.
Ssbmole: I mean LOTS of speed?
BossBuca: Hi Mole
OnlineHost: OneTrueMan28 has left the room.
Ssbmole: hi Boss
OnlineHost: Skystar460 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I wrote a song want to hear it?
Ssbmole: no
RyanLwrnc: NO
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
Ssbmole: Boss meet Jerry Falwell
OnlineHost: Spousewntd has left the room.
XOX Pia XOX: how did you see God in Torrance?
XOX Pia XOX: were you at the DelAmo mall?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
BossBuca: lol Mole
Ssbmole: I saw an Angel and Jesus in my backyard.they trim my bushes
TIMOTHEAN 2: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the invisible world become visible."
RyanLwrnc: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the visible God become invisible."
BossBuca: Halleluyah
BossBuca: Or something
BossBuca: Whatever
RyanLwrnc: Really they mow my grass
XOX Pia XOX: lol
BossBuca: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN 2: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN 2: While His children, destroy His house.
XOX Pia XOX: sometimes I sit on my throne
TIMOTHEAN 2: Until a Messiah comes along,
BossBuca: You know, Elvis was on the "throne" when he died
TIMOTHEAN 2: With his faith sure and strong,
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Leaving judgment to the one above.
XOX Pia XOX: Adam was a hunk
XOX Pia XOX: I like his house
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hearing the words of His voice.
RyanLwrnc: ANSWER ME !!!!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN 2: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The wise know what I mean.
clin672: Tim, whee are you from?
BossBuca: whee?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN 2: They will see God's face.
BossBuca: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
BossBuca: lol
XOX Pia XOX: Torrance California... there is a huge mall there
TIMOTHEAN 2: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
XOX Pia XOX: tim are you like a wanna be Goth singer/preacher?
RyanLwrnc: He keeps going and going and going
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN 2: God wrote it.
RyanLwrnc: Must be the battery
XOX Pia XOX: that's the vibrator
Ssbmole: Tim, do you do drugs?
RyanLwrnc: lol
BossBuca: lol Pia
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
OnlineHost: clin672 has left the room.
RyanLwrnc: NO
XOX Pia XOX: Ummmm thinkin not
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
BossBuca: Umm- Nope
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
RyanLwrnc: You wouldn't want me
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
Ssbmole: Tim are you David Koresh?
XOX Pia XOX: I'm thinkin I'll start my own cult
RyanLwrnc: Your profile is wack
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 1.36 am Date 9.27.01
BossBuca: Though Judiasm might want to kick me out
XOX Pia XOX: lol scoooob
OnlineHost: Lucian Star007 has entered the room.
XOX Pia XOX: lmfaoooooo
XOX Pia XOX: meet tim
XOX Pia XOX: he
RyanLwrnc: It's 9-28-01
BossBuca: Hey, I worked and I ate on Yom Kippur, so I'm screwed
XOX Pia XOX: has seen God
Ssbmole: sup Luc, meet Jerry Falwell and David Koresh
BossBuca: I was a very bad jew
Lucian Star007: WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XOX Pia XOX: lolol
RyanLwrnc: If it is 1:36 am It is 9-28-01
XOX Pia XOX: he wants us to join his religion
Lucian Star007: LMAO... yeah ok
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
BossBuca: Umm, food does grow on trees, you yutz
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: brb
Lucian Star007: ROTFLMAO!!!!!.... I believe it's a sin to work and not get
paid for it.... does that count?
RyanLwrnc: HAHAHA
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
XOX Pia XOX: Lucianigion
XOX Pia XOX: so be dumb tim?
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
Lucian Star007: LMAO Pia.... Speak now or forever hold your peace
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
BossBuca: So, I become unemployed and say it is for religious reasons
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
XOX Pia XOX: for timothean
XOX Pia XOX: lol
BossBuca: God didn't need to go to school, you yutz
Lucian Star007: LMAO Scoob
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
XOX Pia XOX: so Timo, did nature create the computer you are on
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
BossBuca: Hmm. Tim has a computer
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
BossBuca: That means Tim has money
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TJones4875: SSI
BossBuca: That means Tim has a job or some loser supports Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
Ssbmole: easy David Koresh
XOX Pia XOX: Tim's just waitin around for the next comet
TJones4875: disability
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
XOX Pia XOX: lol
XOX Pia XOX: That's so funny to me
Ssbmole: that was just a bad 'shrrom trip Tim
BossBuca: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
XOX Pia XOX: lmfaoooo
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
BossBuca: It's called life, moron
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
Lucian Star007: God never went to school? So he never went to architecture
school to create the world?
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
BossBuca: We are not here to curl up in a ball and hide
OnlineHost: KYoung1207 has entered the room.
XOX Pia XOX: lolol
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
XOX Pia XOX: heyyy KORI
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
XOX Pia XOX: welcome to Timotheanismismss
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
BossBuca: I'm in denial
XOX Pia XOX: <~Illin
OnlineHost: DDisney10 has entered the room.
BossBuca: I'm a baaaaaad boy
OnlineHost: DDisney10 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
BossBuca: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
BossBuca: I hate stuff straight off the tree
KYoung1207: Tim....I agree with you on the work's a sin part
XOX Pia XOX: satan has brownies?
BossBuca: I must be Satan
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
Lucian Star007:
XOX Pia XOX: lolol
Ssbmole: I like being a capitalist
BossBuca: Oh, I get it. Tim's a commie
XOX Pia XOX: I like brownies
OnlineHost: KiTTiE PuRRzZ has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
Lucian Star007: Satan has brownies... Where? i'm hungry
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: Karl Marx David Koresh Jerry Falwell all in one
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Lucian Star007: Satans got milk too LOL
XOX Pia XOX: lmfaooooooo
RyanLwrnc: LOL
Ssbmole: what a freakin bargain
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Ssbmole: hey Tim can I curse?
BossBuca: THETIMOTHEAN --- Kinda melodromatic, aren't you Tim?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
XOX Pia XOX: Tim so when you saw God what did he say to you... did he say
Make a ROOM on AOL?
BossBuca: Fuckin A you can curse, Mole
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: LOL Pia
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
Ssbmole: LOL Boss
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
Ssbmole: Boss you are heathen Jew
Ssbmole: LOL
Lucian Star007: LMAO Scoob
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
BossBuca: I think maybe Tim is a robot
Lucian Star007: Boss you should be commited
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
BossBuca: He's not responding to anything
XOX Pia XOX: patents?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
XOX Pia XOX: a doctor has patents?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
KYoung1207: that's true
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
BossBuca: Damn, I'm mentally ill
Lucian Star007:
XOX Pia XOX: God told me you are wrong Tim
OnlineHost: Mxpx2121 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
XOX Pia XOX: lol luc
RyanLwrnc: I LOVE MXPX
Mxpx2121: whos seen God??
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
BossBuca: Now Tim's a reject from "Children of the Corn"
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
KYoung1207: I don
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
KYoung1207: I don't have children so I guess I'm safe for awhile
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: hey Tim, lay off the shrooms
XOX Pia XOX: it's a damn good birthcontrol
Lucian Star007: God played for the Chicago Bulls a couple of years ago and
wore number 23... that's what Larry Bird said
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
OnlineHost: KiTTiE PuRRzZ has left the room.
XOX Pia XOX: lolol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
BossBuca: Umm, okay
XOX Pia XOX: ohhhhh Tim did God hurt your shoulder?
BossBuca: Can we go now
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
Ssbmole: Can I break your program?
BossBuca: This is giving me a headache
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
KYoung1207: Tim....did you ask Jesus to heal you?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
Lucian Star007: Did you get a brain transplant before your shoulders started
Ssbmole: did you hurt your shoulders flapping your arms thinking you were an
XOX Pia XOX: awwwww tim.. maybe God wants you off the puter
BossBuca: Yup, some loser on workman's comp
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
XOX Pia XOX: lolol mole
Lucian Star007: LMAO Scoob
BossBuca: Or on disabilty
BossBuca: Mooching off people with jobs
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
XOX Pia XOX: lol sccccooooooby
OnlineHost: Raccoon714 has entered the room.
Ssbmole: hey Tim do you like Osama bin Laden?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
XOX Pia XOX: lol
BossBuca: Yeah, blow me Tim
Raccoon714: Luc, you motherfucker
KYoung1207: Hi Cooooooonie
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
XOX Pia XOX: Tim..... I Saw God
Raccoon714: How are you doing?
OnlineHost: DodgerBaby31158 has entered the room.
XOX Pia XOX: and Jesus
XOX Pia XOX: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy PIA SIS
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
BossBuca: Hi Rac
Ssbmole: he wants to see God...maybe you and bin Laden can hook up
Lucian Star007: I see Jesus!!!!!..... ok, why is he planting lillies in my
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Raccoon714: How are doing Scoob
Lucian Star007: Hey Racc.... Fuck off
XOX Pia XOX: lmfaooooo
DodgerBaby31158: Hey everyone
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
BossBuca: Gettin bye, Rac
BossBuca: Hi Rach
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
XOX Pia XOX: Timo.... so you have this cult, and then what do you do
RyanLwrnc: UH-OH E-MAIL TIME!!
Lucian Star007: Rach!!!!!!!!!!
Ssbmole: but you can't type Tim how will you answer them?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
XOX Pia XOX: just go online?
DodgerBaby31158: LUC
XOX Pia XOX: lol
DodgerBaby31158: A's suck
DodgerBaby31158: :)
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
Raccoon714: Timo = nutcase?
XOX Pia XOX: SIS he saw God in Torrance!!!!!!
Lucian Star007: Ok, why haven't I gotten any Koolaid?
KYoung1207: has anyone gone to it?
DodgerBaby31158: WHO DID?!
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: Why would God go see you?
BossBuca: That's what we're thinking, Rac
XOX Pia XOX: lol
KYoung1207: bye Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
Lucian Star007: I want my pudding and koolaid damnit!!!!!!!!
BossBuca: Delusional moron
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
Ssbmole: Satan is here tim
XOX Pia XOX: well the 666 is just trying too hard
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
DodgerBaby31158: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
XOX Pia XOX: ok so how are you in Fraser MI if you saw God in Torrance
Lucian Star007: I don't like cults
BossBuca: Okay, we have a post office box now
Lucian Star007: LMAO Scoob
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
BossBuca: Let's hunt the loser down and shut him up
Ssbmole: on the Seventh Day God threw up when he saw this
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
Raccoon714: All right
RyanLwrnc: GO FOR IT
Ssbmole: Tim do you drink Kool-Aid?
Raccoon714: I'm out of here
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.

Lucian Star007: Since when did we have to start PO Boxing Jesus?
Raccoon714: I'm already depressed enough
XOX Pia XOX: lol coonie
OnlineHost: Mxpx2121 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
XOX Pia XOX: lmfaooooooooooooooo luc
BossBuca: I've had enough, too
KYoung1207: Tim....are you a Christian Scientist?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
Ssbmole: 1
Ssbmole: 2
Ssbmole: 3
Ssbmole: 4
Ssbmole: 5
Ssbmole: 6
Ssbmole: 7
Ssbmole: 8
Ssbmole: 9
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: 10
XOX Pia XOX: omg
Lucian Star007: this is fun LOL
Ssbmole: 11
Ssbmole: 12
Ssbmole: 13
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
Ssbmole: 14
KYoung1207: mole....stop
Ssbmole: 15
XOX Pia XOX: he's going to count them
Ssbmole: 165
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
Ssbmole: 17
Ssbmole: 18
Ssbmole: 19
OnlineHost: Raccoon714 has left the room.
Ssbmole: 20
Ssbmole: 21
Ssbmole: 22
Ssbmole: 23
BossBuca: LOL okay kids, I have to sleep early anyway
Ssbmole: 24
Ssbmole: 25
Ssbmole: 26
Lucian Star007:
Ssbmole: 27
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
BossBuca: Bye all
Ssbmole: 28
XOX Pia XOX: maybe if you tried one of God's meds you'd not have this cult
Ssbmole: Later Boss
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
BossBuca: See ya
XOX Pia XOX: Night Scoooooobbbbbb
Ssbmole: May Gawd be with you
Lucian Star007: Later Scooob
XOX Pia XOX: say hi to GOD
DodgerBaby31158: You know...
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
OnlineHost: BossBuca has left the room.
DodgerBaby31158: where's Ace when you need him?
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
Lucian Star007: LMAO Rach
DodgerBaby31158: :)
RyanLwrnc: I'LL TAKE OVER : )
KYoung1207: boss is one....believe me
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
RyanLwrnc: 1
RyanLwrnc: 2
RyanLwrnc: 3
RyanLwrnc: 4
RyanLwrnc: 5
RyanLwrnc: 6
Ssbmole: I served people in a restaurant.did I serve Satan?
RyanLwrnc: 7
RyanLwrnc: 8
Lucian Star007: He's probably blaming God for his penis shortage too
RyanLwrnc: 9
RyanLwrnc: 10
RyanLwrnc: 11
RyanLwrnc: 12
XOX Pia XOX: lol
RyanLwrnc: 13
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
RyanLwrnc: 14
RyanLwrnc: 15
RyanLwrnc: 16
RyanLwrnc: 17
RyanLwrnc: 18
DodgerBaby31158: LMAO Luc
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
DodgerBaby31158: lol
RyanLwrnc: 19
RyanLwrnc: 20
RyanLwrnc: 21
RyanLwrnc: 22
RyanLwrnc: 23
RyanLwrnc: 24
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
RyanLwrnc: 25
Ssbmole: I am a smoker
RyanLwrnc: 26
RyanLwrnc: 27
RyanLwrnc: 28
RyanLwrnc: 29
XOX Pia XOX: Tim do you just need a hug really bad?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
RyanLwrnc: 30
KYoung1207: people are suing tobacco companies
Ssbmole: I want tobacco.I don't want to sue them
RyanLwrnc: 31
RyanLwrnc: 32
RyanLwrnc: 33
RyanLwrnc: 34
Lucian Star007: I am a smoker too....
RyanLwrnc: 35
RyanLwrnc: 36
RyanLwrnc: 37
RyanLwrnc: 38
RyanLwrnc: 39
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
DodgerBaby31158: lol
RyanLwrnc: 40
RyanLwrnc: 41
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
RyanLwrnc: 42
RyanLwrnc: 43
RyanLwrnc: 44
RyanLwrnc: 45
RyanLwrnc: 46
Ssbmole: what is this propagandist bullshit?
RyanLwrnc: 47
RyanLwrnc: 48
RyanLwrnc: 49
DodgerBaby31158: Okay...what's this dude counting?
RyanLwrnc: 50
Lucian Star007: My parents are dead? fuck, where's the insurance money
KYoung1207: Ryan.....quit
RyanLwrnc: 51
RyanLwrnc: 52
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
RyanLwrnc: 53
RyanLwrnc: 54
RyanLwrnc: 55
RyanLwrnc: 56
RyanLwrnc: 57
RyanLwrnc: 58
RyanLwrnc: 59
XOX Pia XOX: lol
RyanLwrnc: 60
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
Ssbmole: all the different forms of Satan there are 666 of them
XOX Pia XOX: he's counting to 665
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
Lucian Star007: Atleast he can count.... sort of
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
Ssbmole: Tim I would like to smoke you
DodgerBaby31158: Thanks Molie...In that case....~*~click~*~
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
RyanLwrnc: NO 666 IM IN A CULT
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
Lucian Star007: LMAO Mole.... is that a new come on line?
KYoung1207: I heard some of them are growing pot
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
Ssbmole: I saw God
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
Ssbmole: no Luc..I need target practice
Lucian Star007: LOL KY
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
KYoung1207: true
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
DodgerBaby31158: I'm feeling a sense of Deja Vu from our last Ace
Ssbmole: did he take out his penis?
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
DodgerBaby31158: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
XOX Pia XOX: ::Slap me::
RyanLwrnc: GO PIA
Lucian Star007: he did Tim? cool... So God knows psychos
XOX Pia XOX: ty
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
KYoung1207: I hate when planes fly low over my house
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: I hope we get to kill this guy too...just like that fruit Koresh
Lucian Star007: I would be one Pia, But I have yet to receive any pudding
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
XOX Pia XOX: do you ever get the Bigger cock thing in here?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
Ssbmole: LOL
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.27.01 1.53
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
Lucian Star007: LMAO Pia... he gets it every second
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
Lucian Star007: LMAO Ryan
XOX Pia XOX: yep you do tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
XOX Pia XOX: and hell you even have the right to have a chat room
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: Mail Order Ministry! LMAO
Lucian Star007: Mail order ministry LMAO..
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
Ssbmole: Luc!
XOX Pia XOX: OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucian Star007: LOL Mole
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
XOX Pia XOX: noooooooooo that's Theadore
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
RyanLwrnc: JUST TIM
XOX Pia XOX: Theaview
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
Ssbmole: Tim I think you did waaaaay to many drugs in your early years
Lucian Star007: Yeah you've seen God.... unfortunately, it was the IRS
KYoung1207: I'm already going insane
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
KYoung1207: He seen Tox?
XOX Pia XOX: damn don't just hate being persecuted
XOX Pia XOX: lol nope
Lucian Star007: LOL KY.... yep
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
Ssbmole: Tim...someone should pop a cap in your machine ass
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
KYoung1207: I wouldn't either Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
Ssbmole: I walked on water
Lucian Star007: me too
XOX Pia XOX: I call it nifty
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
DodgerBaby31158: Hey...anyone see that Married with Children episode when Al
Bundy saw God?
Lucian Star007: Of course it was raining outside at the time
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
XOX Pia XOX: lol sis nope
DodgerBaby31158: He saw God's shoes
Ssbmole: I saw God
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
Ssbmole: I saw God
Ssbmole: Oh Jesus I saw God
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
XOX Pia XOX: so noone before you saw God?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
Ssbmole: Only Timotheans see God? well neener neener neener
KYoung1207: none.....Pia....get it right
Lucian Star007: I've seen Elvis at Burger King.... Does that count?
KYoung1207: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
XOX Pia XOX: lmfao
DodgerBaby31158: Hopefully God will give you better use of the English
language Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
XOX Pia XOX: lol
DodgerBaby31158: "I am the man that SEEN God?
Ssbmole: Pia how in hell did you find this raving looney?
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.

XOX Pia XOX: lmfaoooooo
Lucian Star007: LOL Rach.... It didn't go anything for Wulf
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
XOX Pia XOX: I jsut started lookin for a fun new room to see
DodgerBaby31158: LMAO
XOX Pia XOX: and this one caught my eye
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
OnlineHost: HollyGoLitlie has entered the room.
RyanLwrnc: It's not hard he is ALWAYS here
Ssbmole: hey Tim, who is the Patron saint of penis' and vagina's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
XOX Pia XOX: no you said it meant he who see's God
KYoung1207: Tim.....are you tax exempt?
Lucian Star007: LMAO Mole
XOX Pia XOX: lmfaooooooooooooo MOLE
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
RyanLwrnc: tim is of course
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
Ssbmole: no
RyanLwrnc: YES
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
RyanLwrnc: It was boring
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
OnlineHost: HollyGoLitlie has left the room.
Lucian Star007: it was boring.... no way
Ssbmole: Jesus would never WANT you blasphemer!
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
Ssbmole: Tim you are not Jesus
TJones4875: Did ya all know TIMOTHEAN2 is a chatbot??
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
KYoung1207: Jesus is the Messiah
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
Ssbmole: TJ and you would know this how?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
KYoung1207: I was thinking that TJ
DodgerBaby31158: YYYAAAYYY...get catbox in here
OnlineHost: ToxicShot has entered the room.
RyanLwrnc: He'll talk every now and then, Won't he room
OnlineHost: Raccoon714 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TJones4875: because i have been watching him long enough to know
Lucian Star007: walking on water really sucks... it messes up the shine on
my gucci shoes
XOX Pia XOX: yep
DodgerBaby31158: Hey catbox
ToxicShot: HOWDY MUTHAFUCKAS!!!!!!!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TJones4875: and its fun watching people talk to it ..... lol
Raccoon714: For the love of God, why are we still in here!!!!
Ssbmole: Tim I wish you would blow up.I hate your machine ass
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
Raccoon714: (snicker...)
OnlineHost: DJGeminiEdge has entered the room.
Lucian Star007: Yo Racc... fuck off
Ssbmole: TJ are you a Timothean?
XOX Pia XOX: Tim saw God in Torrance
RyanLwrnc: tim is rolling, on and on and on and on and on and on
Ssbmole: sup Tox
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
XOX Pia XOX: lolol
Lucian Star007: feel better? LOL
Raccoon714: Luc, you jerk, not now
DJGeminiEdge: wuz he nakid?
XOX Pia XOX: or raspberry
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
XOX Pia XOX: lmfaooooooooooooooooooo
DJGeminiEdge: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
Ssbmole: Jesus did not appear to Moses
TJones4875: nope
DJGeminiEdge: just wanna know
TJones4875: never
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
XOX Pia XOX: well maybe the were fighting
KYoung1207: Hi Toxie
Lucian Star007: Jesus rules man!!!!!!
XOX Pia XOX: sometimes I call Kori satan
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
DJGeminiEdge: i bet he is major hung
XOX Pia XOX: but we love each other
Lucian Star007: WOOOHOOO
XOX Pia XOX: lol
KYoung1207: fine Tox
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,

Ssbmole: Jesus Loves me!
ToxicShot: THAT'S NICE
KYoung1207: I'm the devil
TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
DJGeminiEdge: Ss , was he good?
XOX Pia XOX: lolol
DodgerBaby31158: Okay...I'm gonna start singing *Nsync now
XOX Pia XOX: oh noooooooo
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
Lucian Star007: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XOX Pia XOX: just kidding
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
Raccoon714: All right
DodgerBaby31158: "Been sitting here,cant get you off my mine
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
DodgerBaby31158: *mind
Ssbmole: Jesus Loves me I saw it ona bumper sticker
Lucian Star007: shake yo thang Messiah boy\
DJGeminiEdge: <22 swf , collegepark md
Raccoon714: I'm out of here... again...
XOX Pia XOX: Timo... did you ever have a special warm feeling inside when
seeing a Comet?
DodgerBaby31158: try my best to be a man and be strong
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
Ssbmole: I wish I had a rifle
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
OnlineHost: Raccoon714 has left the room.
XOX Pia XOX: lol luc
DodgerBaby31158: i drove myself INSANE wishing I could touch your face
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
Lucian Star007: sing it Rach
DodgerBaby31158: but the truth remains you're
DodgerBaby31158: GONE
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
DodgerBaby31158: baby youre
DodgerBaby31158: GONE
DodgerBaby31158: Girl you're
DodgerBaby31158: GONE
DodgerBaby31158: :)
Ssbmole: Tim tell everyone about your injured shoulders
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
Lucian Star007: David Robinson's kid?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
XOX Pia XOX: Gods
DJGeminiEdge: lol
XOX Pia XOX: she was a virgin
DodgerBaby31158: God's
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
XOX Pia XOX: Like me
RyanLwrnc: TOxic go suck cock
XOX Pia XOX: ok ok
XOX Pia XOX: not like me
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
ToxicShot: LMAO RYAN
DJGeminiEdge: i heard that rod blossomed ....gurl........
Lucian Star007: I thought Mary was a little lamb.... damn children books
ToxicShot: GODDAMN IT!
DodgerBaby31158: LMAO Catbox
OnlineHost: WJDNJ has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
Ssbmole: Tim who is your father? David Koresh? Jerry Falwell? or Osama bin
XOX Pia XOX: lolololol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
DodgerBaby31158: lol
DJGeminiEdge: woohoo
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
WJDNJ: Minor Signs (Keyword to:
Ssbmole: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
Lucian Star007: Mary had a little lamb.... he was whiter than michael
DJGeminiEdge: jesus , i droped my books
WJDNJ: Major Signs (Keyword to:
ToxicShot: LMAO
DodgerBaby31158: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
DJGeminiEdge: woohooo
Ssbmole: Osama bin Laden?
OnlineHost: WJDNJ has left the room.
DodgerBaby31158: LMAO...
OnlineHost: Firewoman1a has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
DodgerBaby31158: You king messiah
DJGeminiEdge: u
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
RyanLwrnc: I don't think Iv'e ever seen this many people in here before
DodgerBaby31158: Yeah...and I'm Piazzas wife with his 10 children
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
KYoung1207: like it in here?
Lucian Star007: I am the porno messiah... here my words people
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
Ssbmole: Tim we can only hope you die soon
Lucian Star007: LMAO Mole
Ssbmole: I hate machines
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
Lucian Star007: ouch LOL
DodgerBaby31158: Tim...that is not true
RyanLwrnc: No it's just amusing
DJGeminiEdge: Doger you gewt the house in palm springs hun
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
OnlineHost: Firewoman1a has left the room.
XOX Pia XOX: Ryan it caught my eye, so my "cult" followed
XOX Pia XOX: lolol
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
DJGeminiEdge: 10 kids...damn is that legal
Ssbmole: ok I am going to go do something better with my time..I fear
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
DodgerBaby31158: Hey DJ...maybe if you learned how to spell I'd pay
attention to your stupid ass
Ssbmole: bye for now
OnlineHost: Ssbmole has left the room.
Lucian Star007: Later Mole
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
DJGeminiEdge: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
RyanLwrnc: No prob, this is the most fun I've had in this room
OnlineHost: Muchelle777 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
ToxicShot: OK COOOL
Lucian Star007: Is pornography a sin?
Muchelle777: yes
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
DJGeminiEdge: hey DODGE , GET OUT OF... oh you have that covered
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
Lucian Star007: thank you Tox
DJGeminiEdge: lmao
ToxicShot: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
XOX Pia XOX: but you never ask me when
XOX Pia XOX: or how
XOX Pia XOX: you just say you saw him
DJGeminiEdge: come do my essay and we can talk foo
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
XOX Pia XOX: neener neener
DodgerBaby31158: DJ...make SOME amount of sense and maybe you'll be
XOX Pia XOX: well when I saw him, we hung out
OnlineHost: KYoung1207 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
DJGeminiEdge: {S click
Lucian Star007: DJ stop talking to yourself
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
DJGeminiEdge: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
XOX Pia XOX: We're not gonna take it
Lucian Star007: well pass me a beer for calling me the anti christ
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
RyanLwrnc: NO
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
DodgerBaby31158: I'll pass Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Lucian Star007: Yo Tim, have you witnessed the 6 headed lion too?
DodgerBaby31158: I have my own religion thank you very much
XOX Pia XOX: someone should really send the link to pocaclitis
RyanLwrnc: What if the link turned red or orange
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
OnlineHost: Muchelle777 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
RyanLwrnc: lol
DJGeminiEdge: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
Lucian Star007: ROTFLMAO Tim.... God shows up in Southern Cali of all places
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
DodgerBaby31158: AND IN TORRANCE!
ToxicShot: LMAO LUC
DodgerBaby31158: LMAO
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
XOX Pia XOX: he's at the Del Amo
TIMOTHEAN 2: Men Give God His Names.
Lucian Star007: Was his name OJ?
DodgerBaby31158: LMAO
ToxicShot: LMAO
DJGeminiEdge: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: The one God has many names.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
XOX Pia XOX: Atlas?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Atlas holds up the universe.
Lucian Star007: Did he have his wife by the throat and a certain waiter dead
in the bushes?
XOX Pia XOX: as in the map book?
RyanLwrnc: Atlas, I use that for road trips
DodgerBaby31158: I thought Atlas was a map
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.

XOX Pia XOX: lolol
RyanLwrnc: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
DJGeminiEdge: LOL ^5 Ryan
Lucian Star007: LOL Tox
DodgerBaby31158: LMAO...Christians are not forbidden to read books
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
XOX Pia XOX: but TIM do you read about the Ghia Concept?
DodgerBaby31158: what planet are you living on?
TIMOTHEAN 2: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
DodgerBaby31158: God is not a person
OnlineHost: AASHEE has entered the room.
Lucian Star007: I thought Tony Atlas was a former professional wrestler....
so i pray to him every night? scary
ToxicShot: HEY AA!
XOX Pia XOX: AA!!!!!!!!
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
ToxicShot: LMAO LUC
Lucian Star007: Hey AA, welcome to hell
AASHEE: Hi Tox & Pia!!!
DodgerBaby31158: he makes him self known in other ways here on earth
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
XOX Pia XOX: Cause you are funny
DodgerBaby31158: I'm a follower
DodgerBaby31158: lol
DJGeminiEdge: i can see judgmentalism should be the catch phase in this chat
DodgerBaby31158: Hey AA
Lucian Star007: I never realized God jumped off the top turnbuckle... cool
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: If your into Science,
ToxicShot: LOL
DJGeminiEdge: LOL!!
AASHEE: Hiya Dodge
RyanLwrnc: I hate Science
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is matter?
RyanLwrnc: A word
TIMOTHEAN 2: Define Matter.
Lucian Star007: Science ain't real bro
XOX Pia XOX: do you believe that Timo is gonna hit a grandslam?
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Energy.
RyanLwrnc: Take me out to the ball game
DodgerBaby31158: ~*~yawn~*~
Lucian Star007: I believe history is total lie too
XOX Pia XOX: ok... whatsa matter? like hey whats wrong
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Waves.
RyanLwrnc: I never took it
Lucian Star007: and did I mention school sucks shit
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
RyanLwrnc: The waves are fun
Lucian Star007:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Take some Physics classes.
AASHEE: Matter? Hmm.....If she has small doesn't MATTER if I see
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
Lucian Star007: LMAO AA
DodgerBaby31158: "Dont wanna be a fool for you
RyanLwrnc: lol
DodgerBaby31158: just another player in your game for 2
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
DJGeminiEdge: i agree with that Tim , so what???
DodgerBaby31158: you may hate me but it aint no lie
DodgerBaby31158: baby BYE BYE BYE!"
TIMOTHEAN 2: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
RyanLwrnc: By magic
DodgerBaby31158: ~*~doing the *Nsync Bye Bye Bye dance~*~
TIMOTHEAN 2: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
Lucian Star007: I'm with AA and the tit thingy
TIMOTHEAN 2: TIMOTHEAN13 is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
RyanLwrnc: I knew it TIM is an AI
AASHEE: If I put my 1 in her 0 it would feel good
Lucian Star007: Shake it Rach
TIMOTHEAN 2: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
XOX Pia XOX: so he knows no one will believe him
Lucian Star007: LMAO Tim... and sammy davis jr.
DodgerBaby31158: YEAH!
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
RyanLwrnc: Yes listen to tim and he will guide you
TIMOTHEAN 2: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
DJGeminiEdge: it goes on for infinity....... thats 80's crap TIM
AASHEE: I saw God fact we share a turkey sandwich and some Doritos
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
XOX Pia XOX: lol
XOX Pia XOX: but AA was it in Torrance?
TIMOTHEAN 2: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
DJGeminiEdge: lol
OnlineHost: Ssbmole has entered the room.
Lucian Star007: I saw Sammy Davis Jr. last week at the pool hall.... yeah,
he returned to pick up his eye from table 7
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God.
DodgerBaby31158: And at a hotel in Torrance
AASHEE: No Pia.....but very close
ToxicShot: WB MOLE
XOX Pia XOX: lol aa
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
ToxicShot: LMAO LUC
Ssbmole: you people are still in here?
TIMOTHEAN 2: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
RyanLwrnc: yup
Ssbmole: I am now a Timothean
DodgerBaby31158: that's what i'm saying Molie
Lucian Star007: I'm waiting for my koolaid Mole
TIMOTHEAN 2: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
ToxicShot: LOL
RyanLwrnc: I have nothing better to do
Lucian Star007: this is a fuckin' jip
AASHEE: Here comes Mole...he posed as God last week
DJGeminiEdge: LOL ss
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Ssbmole: I saw God while having a smoke
RyanLwrnc: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is not a spirit.
Lucian Star007: LMAO AA
DodgerBaby31158: ~*~pouring Luc a nice tall glass of Kool Aid
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
Lucian Star007: can I get a cherry too Rach?
XOX Pia XOX: lolol
Ssbmole: Jesus loves me according to bumper stickers
AASHEE: Kool Aid...that's Wulf's beverage of choice
XOX Pia XOX: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: handle me, and see;
DodgerBaby31158: You want mine Luc?
XOX Pia XOX: woooooohoooooooooooo
XOX Pia XOX: lol
DodgerBaby31158: LMAO
TIMOTHEAN 2: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
Lucian Star007: YES!!!!!!!!!
Lucian Star007: :)
DodgerBaby31158: Come and get it
XOX Pia XOX: handle you eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
Lucian Star007: WOOOHOOOO
Ssbmole: Tim is Jesus now?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.

DodgerBaby31158: Tim is a fool now
Ssbmole: Jesus does not know how to use computers
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go now, bye.
Ssbmole: bye
RyanLwrnc: YES
DodgerBaby31158: YYYYAAAYYYY
Lucian Star007: ok if you're Jesus, Can you please get me another job or
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
DodgerBaby31158: BYE BYE BYE
RyanLwrnc: WE DID IT!!!!
AASHEE: Bye TIM...say Hi to God for me
TIMOTHEAN 2: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
XOX Pia XOX: awwwwwwwwwwwww tim is leaving cause his momma said TIM IT"S BED
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
DJGeminiEdge: i yi yie
OnlineHost: DJGeminiEdge has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There will be a nuclear war.
RyanLwrnc: He didn't leave?
Ssbmole: < click click > say hi to God for me Tim
ToxicShot: :-)
Lucian Star007: Jesus never went to bed.... where is my pudding
TIMOTHEAN 2: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
XOX Pia XOX: lol
ToxicShot: LOL
TIMOTHEAN 2: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
Ssbmole: there will be a nuclear war? Really?
DodgerBaby31158: LMAO
Lucian Star007: LMAO
TIMOTHEAN 2: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
XOX Pia XOX: lol
Lucian Star007: LMAO
Ssbmole: I want to nuke you Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN 2: a-right,
AASHEE: Sure there will be a nuclear bad the people we are fighting
don't have them
TIMOTHEAN 2: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
DodgerBaby31158: I think it was Zito's turn tonight Catbox
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
Lucian Star007: nah, it was Piazza's turn actually LOL
DodgerBaby31158: Tim...thought you were takin a hike
TIMOTHEAN 2: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN 2: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
XOX Pia XOX: TIM..... well you've seen him so now die
Ssbmole: Well I'm going to the MOUND to warm up..big game tonight
DodgerBaby31158: Nah...piazza's got my cherry tonight baby
TIMOTHEAN 2: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
OnlineHost: Ssbmole has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
RyanLwrnc: See you all later
OnlineHost: VEILED LOOK has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DodgerBaby31158 has left the room.
XOX Pia XOX: byeeeeeee
Lucian Star007: Boooo LOL
OnlineHost: KMKAHUNA has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
XOX Pia XOX: awwwwww Kahunaaaaa
XOX Pia XOX: we are all headed to mounds
TIMOTHEAN 2: He made up the story that He killed God.
KMKAHUNA: mounds???
OnlineHost: RyanLwrnc has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
AASHEE: see y'all in mounds
Lucian Star007: Sup KM..... you killed Jesus... you bastard!!!!!!!!
VEILED LOOK: there is a god?
XOX Pia XOX: yeah cause tim is just too sad to make fun of
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
XOX Pia XOX: yep
TIMOTHEAN 2: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
OnlineHost: AASHEE has left the room.
Lucian Star007: Ok, time to disappear
XOX Pia XOX: bye bye
OnlineHost: KMKAHUNA has left the room.
ToxicShot: OK LATER Y'A
OnlineHost: XOX Pia XOX has left the room.
ToxicShot: LL
OnlineHost: Lucian Star007 has left the room.
OnlineHost: ToxicShot has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
OnlineHost: ToxicShot has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
ToxicShot: BOOOOOO!
OnlineHost: ToxicShot has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: He will say, "I never knew you".
OnlineHost: VEILED LOOK has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If the preachers have not seen God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN 2: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
TIMOTHEAN 2: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The penalty for this sin is death.
OnlineHost: Luluthie68 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
Luluthie68: hello
TIMOTHEAN 2: What makes you think no one can see God?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
TIMOTHEAN 2: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
Luluthie68: people are linear
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
Luluthie68: what is that???
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that every one who sees the Son."
TIMOTHEAN 2: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TIMOTHEAN 2: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Did you see Jesus ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you don't know Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowing that they do gender strife.
OnlineHost: NELL93 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I avoid foolish questions.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.

TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you have not known me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN 2: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Show us the Father?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN 2: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
TIMOTHEAN 2: but we know that, when he shall appear,
TIMOTHEAN 2: we shall be like him;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for we shall see him as he is.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
TIMOTHEAN 2: speaks on this wise,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN 2: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
OnlineHost: Luluthie68 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he said no man could see God and live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN 2: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
TIMOTHEAN 2: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
OnlineHost: NELL93 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to answer or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you are not Saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christianity is a Cult.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN 2: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if not by their faith then by mine.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I wrote a song want to hear it?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the invisible world become visible."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the visible God become invisible."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN 2: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN 2: While His children, destroy His house.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN 2: With his faith sure and strong,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Leaving judgment to the one above.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hearing the words of His voice.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The wise know what I mean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN 2: They will see God's face.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN 2: God wrote it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: To Join the online group fill out the group form,
TIMOTHEAN 2: other members will show up in the buddy list.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You only need to be a first level Timothean to Join this group,

TIMOTHEAN 2: second level Timotheans clone our site and teach with a
TIMOTHEAN 2: Enemies are trying to limit speech and the Gospel from
TIMOTHEAN 2: Fill in the form to clone the Gospel to your AOL account.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I recommend creating a AOL screename TIMOTHEAN17 or
TIMOTHEAN 2: Find a number that is not taken and upload there.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said preach the Gospel in season and out,
TIMOTHEAN 2: weather people will hear it or not, 2nd Tim 4:1-5.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Go and do likewise with the Teach Proggie.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you would like to clone elsewhere, let us know in comments.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are Seven levels to the Timothean Religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: just like there are seven levels of Heaven and seven Churches.
TIMOTHEAN 2: History has proven that whenever a new religion gets started,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that Catholic Church has had every member of that religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why there are 10,000 different hamburgers stands,
OnlineHost: LyNnKhS03 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: in 50 years,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and only about 6 religions in 10,000 years.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Cathors were able to make the Body of the Lord become
TIMOTHEAN 2: and their members were about 1,000 strong,
TIMOTHEAN 2: when the Catholics had them all killed.
OnlineHost: Suspended Pasion has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot be taught about Third Level Timotheism,
TIMOTHEAN 2: until you have been at a second level for a year,
TIMOTHEAN 2: so get in now.
LyNnKhS03: i gots a ?
Suspended Pasion: Tim. are you saying that you're the only person who's seen
TIMOTHEAN 2: At first I thought it was the Government that had
TIMOTHEAN 2: the people at Waco Killed,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but then I found out the Catholics have their own Army
TIMOTHEAN 2: and Militia to kill off their competition.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Masada, Waco, Heaven's Gate and Jonestown
LyNnKhS03: i wish i knew what was going on here
TIMOTHEAN 2: all have something in Common, they were all murdered.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And it was covered up by making it look like a mass suicide.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You would think that this is the Mafia and you might be right.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Odds of getting people to commit suicide & conveniently
TIMOTHEAN 2: to cover up any evidence of murder, is about one in ten
OnlineHost: LyNnKhS03 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is George W. Bush stupid enough to believe in mass cremation?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When a new religion gets above a certain number,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they send in the Army to have them Killed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why you will never find more then one member
TIMOTHEAN 2: of the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can say your a Timothean,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but if anyone ask you how many members there are,
Suspended Pasion: question. then what happened to the protestants?
TIMOTHEAN 2: say "I am the only Timothean,
TIMOTHEAN 2: all the others are impostures trying to overthrow my religion".

TIMOTHEAN 2: Even if your screename is TIMOTHEAN99999 and your in a group
TIMOTHEAN 2: of 10,000 all wearing Timothean T-Shirts and reading the Gospel

TIMOTHEAN 2: of Timothy, say "I am the only Timothean,
TIMOTHEAN 2: all the others are imposters." It's for your protection.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because these serial killers will think nothing of dropping a
TIMOTHEAN 2: nuclear weapon on a Nation of Timotheans.
OnlineHost: Suspended Pasion has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are True Americans.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms"
TIMOTHEAN 2: against anyone infringing on our rights
TIMOTHEAN 2: to FREE Speech or FREE Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they want to Stop our Speech or Religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they need to Leave the USA, and go to a Dictatorship Country,
TIMOTHEAN 2: where religion and speech is controlled by the Dictators.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is our constitutional right to bear Arms to kill them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: In America, there is not a Juror that will convict us.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who infringes on these rights,
TIMOTHEAN 2: is a Threat to the National Security of the United States of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Happy 4th of July.
OnlineHost: My Name ls Ace has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
My Name ls Ace: TIMMYY
My Name ls Ace: shhhhh
My Name ls Ace: timmy
OnlineHost: PharoahVIII has entered the room.
TJones4875: Hiya Ph
PharoahVIII: What's Up?
TJones4875: nothin really
TJones4875: he wont talk today
PharoahVIII: I made him mad
My Name ls Ace: You talked to the real timmy
TJones4875: ohhhh ... how
TJones4875: yes
My Name ls Ace: no way
TJones4875: yes ...several times
OnlineHost: SpinDocNet has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SpinDocNet has left the room.
OnlineHost: FCHERISH has entered the room.
PharoahVIII: I asked him to elaborate on his mob hit and provide proof, and
all he could say is "who are you to say it ain't so"
TJones4875: oh
My Name ls Ace: uhhuh
TJones4875: guess he cant prove it
OnlineHost: FCHERISH has left the room.
TJones4875: otherwise you'd think he would
PharoahVIII: He said he will pray for my death
My Name ls Ace: haha
PharoahVIII: That I would be killed by a tobacco extremist
My Name ls Ace: he crazy he sees people in his dresser
TJones4875: he did that to perky today
My Name ls Ace: hes a robot
TJones4875: did you see the FBI in here earlier
PharoahVIII: No who was that?
TJones4875: most of the time yes he is ...
TJones4875: but he does talk too
TJones4875: some FBI guy
PharoahVIII: Yes tim claims to have 10000 followers
My Name ls Ace: I dobut it
PharoahVIII: They are all survivalists
TJones4875: no tellin really ..... but one of those guys said it wasnt many
TJones4875: the FBI guy said they want the followers .. that tim is harmless
PharoahVIII: Tim is harmless
TJones4875: i figured Timmy would be relieved
PharoahVIII: He only has a 10thn grade education level
TJones4875: lol
PharoahVIII: Seriously
TJones4875: Ph .... did you see his pic on FOX news?
PharoahVIII: And he suppose to be some great leader
PharoahVIII: No I didn't
PharoahVIII: When was it on
PharoahVIII: ?
TJones4875: Perky and I saw it today
TJones4875: looks just like him anyway
My Name ls Ace: what
My Name ls Ace: is tim famous
TJones4875: might be now ..... lol
My Name ls Ace: why
PharoahVIII: What was it on for,
PharoahVIII: TImothy's robot isn't talking cause he is scared of being
TJones4875: they said it was a suspected terrorist
TJones4875: guess so
TJones4875: or he walked off and it quit
OnlineHost: PharoahVIII has left the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
OnlineHost: My Name ls Ace has left the room.
OnlineHost: PharoahVIII has entered the room.
PharoahVIII: Timmy
PharoahVIII: You there?
PharoahVIII: Don't be afraid
OnlineHost: PharoahVIII has left the room.
OnlineHost: Ttgirl3136611862 has entered the room.
Ttgirl3136611862: hi room
Ttgirl3136611862: sorry 2 bother both of you....God Bless :(
Ttgirl3136611862: GoodBye
OnlineHost: Ttgirl3136611862 has left the room.
OnlineHost: PropheticPilgrim has entered the room.
OnlineHost: LU63FOOTBALL has entered the room.
OnlineHost: LU63FOOTBALL has left the room.
PropheticPilgrim: so who seen god
OnlineHost: PropheticPilgrim has left the room.
OnlineHost: BlueScorpio42 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: VEILED LOOK has entered the room.
OnlineHost: VEILED LOOK has left the room.
BlueScorpio42: bla bla bla
OnlineHost: BlueScorpio42 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Wesdallas22 has entered the room.
Wesdallas22: have you now/
Wesdallas22: ?
Wesdallas22: ??
OnlineHost: Wesdallas22 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Weedhopper36 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Weedhopper36 has left the room.
OnlineHost: MasterChang2000 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MYSTIKAL653314 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MasterChang2000 has left the room.
OnlineHost: MYSTIKAL653314 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Florgaspivenquat has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Travma708 has entered the room.
Travma708: Hiya guys my profile has some webcam pics on it
Travma708: < a href="">click here
OnlineHost: Travma708 has left the room.
Florgaspivenquat: When you seen God, did he give you a lesson in grammar?
Florgaspivenquat: Wow -- got real quiet all of a sudden.
OnlineHost: Florgaspivenquat has left the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Janicetwin50 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Janicetwin50 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Xxh2oChikxX has entered the room.
Xxh2oChikxX: i saw god once
Xxh2oChikxX: what you dont beleive me?
OnlineHost: Xxh2oChikxX has left the room.
OnlineHost: HBRANDNET has entered the room.
OnlineHost: HBRANDNET has left the room.
OnlineHost: Cotton Slim 019 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Cotton Slim 019 has left the room.
OnlineHost: BeAlpha2222 has entered the room.
BeAlpha2222: WHY HELLO
OnlineHost: CuteSmiley17 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: CuteSmiley17 has left the room.
BeAlpha2222: so whts this chat about
TIMOTHEAN 2: hi Cute
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
BeAlpha2222: so ur a christian
BeAlpha2222: ??
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean info at
TIMOTHEAN 2: no a new religion called Timothean
OnlineHost: JackieOiFag has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: hi Jackir
BeAlpha2222: what
BeAlpha2222: new religion???????/
BeAlpha2222: why
JackieOiFag: hi :)
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985, my Story at;
BeAlpha2222: is that a reason to have new religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: The true God Has power to become visible, I am starting a new
TIMOTHEAN 2: religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean's see God while alive Christians have to be dead to
TIMOTHEAN 2: see God.
JackieOiFag: he has had incredible insight into christianity that changes it
to another religion, i guess.
BeAlpha2222: same beliefs or different ones??????????????
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God set men free , Satan created slavery called "Jobs"
BeAlpha2222: sounds like a CULT to me
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is the provider, everything man needs grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan put a fence around the apple tree and said to Adam and
TIMOTHEAN 2: "you want a apple? get a Job."
JackieOiFag: whats yur definition of a cult, be? ::curious::
TIMOTHEAN 2: We are not hear to work.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Technology destroys men
BeAlpha2222: yes i believe in God and his son Jesus very much with all my
heart, and my flesh and my soul
OnlineHost: XSertuMAenigmAx has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: have you seen Him/
JackieOiFag: thats good. :)
BeAlpha2222: well this guy says his religion can see God before he comes
XSertuMAenigmAx: Timothean
BeAlpha2222: the bible says no such thing
JackieOiFag: <~~~sees god
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
OnlineHost: ARABICveryPROUD has entered the room.
JackieOiFag: he never died..he never went away
JackieOiFag: how can he come back if he never left us?
BeAlpha2222: yes God spoke to moses face to face on many ocasions
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said
TIMOTHEAN 2: Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my life is
TIMOTHEAN 2: preserved.
BeAlpha2222: only because Moses was a holy man
BeAlpha2222: not everyone can see God
BeAlpha2222: u may of saw him
JackieOiFag: you think that god doesnt talk to people nowadays? he does.
BeAlpha2222: but not everyone that joins ur religion will
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
TIMOTHEAN 2: which is good.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
TIMOTHEAN 2: seen God.
JackieOiFag: no...everyone can see god if they open themselves to it...
BeAlpha2222: yes i know the bible
TIMOTHEAN 2: but he that does evil has not seen God.
JackieOiFag: timothy is tryingto open people to see god.
XSertuMAenigmAx: Is this some kinda cult?
BeAlpha2222: still why a new religion??????
BeAlpha2222: sounds like it hugh
BeAlpha2222: xsertui
JackieOiFag: why not?
OnlineHost: BeAlpha2222 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: because its better then arguing with Christians
OnlineHost: ARABICveryPROUD has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: who never saw Jesus
XSertuMAenigmAx: King Messiah?
XSertuMAenigmAx: Thats a big step
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God not the Messiah
JackieOiFag: i like timothy. i think me and him should talk one day.
JackieOiFag: I'll be around in one form or another...bai bai
OnlineHost: JackieOiFag has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
XSertuMAenigmAx: So can anyone be a messiah?
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can make anyone the Messiah
XSertuMAenigmAx: Nut there can only be one Messaih right?
XSertuMAenigmAx: *but
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jewish textr says two messiahs
OnlineHost: AtheistDotCom has entered the room.
XSertuMAenigmAx: I see
AtheistDotCom: whats up thean
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who's Son is Christ? David's or Gods.
OnlineHost: XlCreepyJesuslX has entered the room.
AtheistDotCom: whats the topic in here this morn'
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord, how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN 2: 20:41-44.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: the Question is :
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord, how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN 2: 20:41-44.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who's Son is Christ? David's or Gods.
OnlineHost: XlCreepyJesuslX has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
OnlineHost: Latae20 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
XSertuMAenigmAx: so tim whats your religion about, what is the goal?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exulted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
AtheistDotCom: timdude umm is there any point here to these quotes man?
whats the goal here
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or Die my words shall never Die and no one shall

TIMOTHEAN 2: be saved without seeing God.
AtheistDotCom: preaching these quotes show no valid god i say.
AtheistDotCom: wouldnt you agree there tim???
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ask to see God.
Latae20: there is a god
AtheistDotCom: actually thats called manifestation
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seek the Lord and He will be found
AtheistDotCom: to "ask" to see a god concept is to implant a god notion
within one's mindset by 3 ways
AtheistDotCom: bible text, church influence, or fellow fundies.
TIMOTHEAN 2: otherwise God is just religion
AtheistDotCom: eliminate those 3.. and you cant even present a god
concept...let alone a valid god.
XSertuMAenigmAx: Tim I read your homepage, whats this about the Mob hit
ordered by Bush and the CIA
XSertuMAenigmAx: Now I was told to come in here, with the promise of talking
to you
TIMOTHEAN 2: At, perhaps Church is in Satans power and the bible is
TIMOTHEAN 2: to keep you from finding GOd
Latae20: atheist what is your belief to you about
AtheistDotCom: perhaps?
OnlineHost: JacksEyed has entered the room.
AtheistDotCom: latae i think all humans are born without a god concept, ie
XSertuMAenigmAx: The WTC attack was a mob hit to keep me from finding God,
am I getting this right
XSertuMAenigmAx: Tim?
AtheistDotCom: we evolve to pick and chose our particular god
notions..along with other manmade notions.
OnlineHost: JacksEyed has left the room.
AtheistDotCom: which is why there are over 3600 different manmade god
perceptions floating on this earth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, is a Theory not bassed on the brainwashing of the news
AtheistDotCom: no media = no god concept?
AtheistDotCom: hmmm.
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, the news is another form of Brainwashing
XSertuMAenigmAx: So your not saying it could be or not be true?
TIMOTHEAN 2: other then religion
AtheistDotCom: man's influence shows a valid god? how about VALID gods
showing valid gods,,,instead of humans pushing them?
AtheistDotCom: that'd rule out bible text manifestations eh?
AtheistDotCom: anyone agree here??
XSertuMAenigmAx: Timothean, weren't you on TV?
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, more evidence that CIA did it then Bin Laden
AtheistDotCom: does that sound more rational or what?
Latae20: atheist is man made
AtheistDotCom: latae yes its a manmade responce
AtheistDotCom: to manmade god concept
AtheistDotCom: all are manmade yes.
AtheistDotCom: response even*
TIMOTHEAN 2: At, i speek of what i know and saw
TIMOTHEAN 2: but my pic is on my web page
AtheistDotCom: tim you see what you want to see and you let god concepts
influence your mindset
AtheistDotCom: miricles are chance events to an atheist.
XSertuMAenigmAx: Are you the leader of this organization or are you a Lt. or
TIMOTHEAN 2: At, you will see God wheater you want to or not.
AtheistDotCom: chance events are miricles to apologists and other
AtheistDotCom: tim impossible
AtheistDotCom: i already evolved past all of the manmade god notions
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am the man who saw God
AtheistDotCom: i know their origins
TIMOTHEAN 2: No one of any other religion holds that claim
XSertuMAenigmAx: Are you Tinothy Allen Campbell?
AtheistDotCom: all are from the mindsets of man. critical thinking knows
this to be valid.
AtheistDotCom: implying one "sees" a god concept is simply an implanted
conditioned concept from another manmade source tim.
AtheistDotCom: ie bible text or the like.
AtheistDotCom: shows no valid god to the masses
AtheistDotCom: just one's individual perception of what he's experienced.
TIMOTHEAN 2: At, sounds like babble to me
AtheistDotCom: tim what the bible?
Latae20: right tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: At, you
Latae20: no you atheist
AtheistDotCom: tim apparently you can't even show a valid god to
AtheistDotCom: let alone another
AtheistDotCom: by dismissing as " babble " shows that.
TIMOTHEAN 2: At, you can rationalize anything
AtheistDotCom: i apparently hit 2 nerves here...tim and latae lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: you have just proven this
AtheistDotCom: tim i dont need rationalizing when speaking with god
AtheistDotCom: you cant refute the origins of all of them
Latae20: you have no vision atheist so you will parish
AtheistDotCom: we know the origin of RA as well
AtheistDotCom: latae you are simply a bible puppet, which is why you say
such things.
TIMOTHEAN 2: At, many have seen God after reading my book
AtheistDotCom: you need to evolve emotionally before you impulsively speak
TIMOTHEAN 2: but you will not read it with an open mind
AtheistDotCom: tim AFTER READING ?
AtheistDotCom: how about before?
Latae20: I have seen God work
AtheistDotCom: critical thinking ???
AtheistDotCom: did latae and tim have their same god concept when they were
2 weeks of age??
TIMOTHEAN 2: you mean "Stinking thinking"
AtheistDotCom: or did they EVOLVE to comprehend manmade god concepts?
AtheistDotCom: well did you 2 ???
AtheistDotCom: which was it? a 2 week god concept, or evolution?
TIMOTHEAN 2: no me
Latae20: you cannot put your trust in man
AtheistDotCom: latae 2 week god perception?
AtheistDotCom: tim??
Latae20: what about your way of thinking
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, the WTC was condemmed years ago
AtheistDotCom: latae did you evolve ??
Latae20: no
TIMOTHEAN 2: Everyone knew it had to come down
XSertuMAenigmAx: Timothy, Is your organization in any attempt trying to
overthrow the United States?
AtheistDotCom: or did you already possess your same god concept?
TIMOTHEAN 2: it was too tall
TIMOTHEAN 2: and they not rebulid it
TIMOTHEAN 2: to the same hight
AtheistDotCom: and tim? prayer at 2 weeks?
AtheistDotCom: or are you intentionally ignoring such qstns
TIMOTHEAN 2: as engineers claim the wind drift
TIMOTHEAN 2: was unsatisfactory
AtheistDotCom: people who wrote bible texts apparently forgot to fill in
such answers for my line of qstning eh tim?
Latae20: your ignorant and close minded
TIMOTHEAN 2: At, not me
AtheistDotCom: latae cant answer
AtheistDotCom: we know why.
XSertuMAenigmAx: Tim, are you in attempt to overthrow the United States?
AtheistDotCom: tim cant answer
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was Atheist until i saw Gods
AtheistDotCom: we also know why
AtheistDotCom: tim you were born atheist
AtheistDotCom: as was latae
AtheistDotCom: and the rest of human species
Latae20: noo i was not
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, no to change it
AtheistDotCom: then you did have a god concept at 2 weeks then
AtheistDotCom: eh latae? why the silience?
XSertuMAenigmAx: To change it by force of violence?
AtheistDotCom: critical thinking not present?
AtheistDotCom: tim avoids for this same reason.
AtheistDotCom: he preaches god concepts..yet he can't show a valid god.
AtheistDotCom: interesting.
Latae20: god to me is not a concept it is much more
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, to get rid of the Serial killing tobacco companies
AtheistDotCom: latae 2 weeks?
AtheistDotCom: did you pray or have a god notion??
AtheistDotCom: simple qstn.
AtheistDotCom: one apparently not so simple eh?
XSertuMAenigmAx: Tim, I hear that you have threatened the lives of people?
TIMOTHEAN 2: At, i am looking for folowers not arguments
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not Argue
AtheistDotCom: tim i perceive that as a conveinent way to elude my qstn
AtheistDotCom: you cant answer
AtheistDotCom: we know why
TIMOTHEAN 2: Xs, your wrong many have threated to kill me
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have the chat logs
TIMOTHEAN 2: if you want them
XSertuMAenigmAx: A so-called follower claims that you have assassins?
AtheistDotCom: its like why you dont know the name of the Madagascarian god
Latae20: so i guess you will say you evolved from a monkey
Latae20: not i
AtheistDotCom: latae youhave to answer my 2 week qstn then ill answer
TIMOTHEAN 2: Xs, they can lie all they want
XSertuMAenigmAx: Tim, this is a follower of you?
XSertuMAenigmAx: No they
AtheistDotCom: oh and latae by trying to refute evolution theorie
still shows no valid god.
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, i have no folowers thatks to people like At,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and Christians
TIMOTHEAN 2: who stalk my members
AtheistDotCom: tim we are evolving is why
AtheistDotCom: we are slowly but surely evolving past your implanted
concepts like god concepts
OnlineHost: Whenluvfindsu has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I belive in Evolution i am not a Xian
XSertuMAenigmAx: Now Tim, what is your plan of action to combat the tobacco
industry and non-follwers?
TIMOTHEAN 2: hi When
AtheistDotCom: we are realizing that they are simply ancient dogmas that are
Whenluvfindsu: me too Tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, sue them
Whenluvfindsu: Hi
TIMOTHEAN 2: and pray for their demise as if God has power to heal
TIMOTHEAN 2: you can take life
OnlineHost: Latae20 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: with prayer
XSertuMAenigmAx: But by no means, you have no intent to use force of
violence to combat non-followers?
AtheistDotCom: anybody can simply pick up a bible text..or the like..and
implant a god concept within his/her mindset...that shows nothing of a valid
god to the masses..just another individual manifesting the same general
concept..and adding to it
Whenluvfindsu: I beieve the earth is nature and in evolution. I do not
believe in a supreme being
AtheistDotCom: his or her own individualism.
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, that is what bush id doing to Arabs to get them to Join
AtheistDotCom: if there was VALID genuine gods, we'd need not fundies
pushing their existance ,,,nor would we need bible texts to implant them
TIMOTHEAN 2: When you and AT, should start your own religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: u both have the same belief
Whenluvfindsu: it is a very nice idea of a God, someone to blame death and
freak occurences on, but totally not practical
AtheistDotCom: religions arent nothing to me
AtheistDotCom: i have no use for them
XSertuMAenigmAx: Tim, I am asking you this, Do you have any intention of
using the force of violence to either to intimidate, or to benefit your
AtheistDotCom: especially ones that have god concepts included within them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Xs, are you insame delusional or Skitzophenric?
XSertuMAenigmAx: I am asking you a simple question that you cannot answer
AtheistDotCom: i see tim has fallen behind in our conversation
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because that is a insane Question
Whenluvfindsu: the Bible appears to me to be a fairy tale....a story to put
u to sleep at night with nightmares of sacrifices and killing lams and blood
AtheistDotCom: you chose not to evolve past god concepts for your own
XSertuMAenigmAx: So I take it that you will use violence to benefit your
AtheistDotCom: my guess is emotional turmoils
AtheistDotCom: and fear
AtheistDotCom: mainly fear
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, i take it that your insane
AtheistDotCom: most amusing thing to see ... is a frustrated fundie.
AtheistDotCom: eh timmy?
XSertuMAenigmAx: Answer the question or I will assume yes, Is violence in
your agenda?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said no but can not take no for an answer
TIMOTHEAN 2: becasue you are like a rapist
AtheistDotCom: apparently youre pulling his leg here sertu
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
AtheistDotCom: i dont think anyone with a rational mind would take this
character seriously
AtheistDotCom: i think he's just a manson wanna be
AtheistDotCom: they still exist? wow.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Xs, is no registering in your head
Whenluvfindsu: Tim? Are you the man who believes he saw God?
AtheistDotCom: you apparently have been watching too much prime time pal
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or are you stil being insane?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When yes
AtheistDotCom: oh brother
Whenluvfindsu: would you tell me what u saw please?
AtheistDotCom: umm which implanted god concept are you chosing to speak
about then there tim??
AtheistDotCom: ra?
TIMOTHEAN 2: At, you are on ignore
AtheistDotCom: the egyptian sungod concept from egypt??that one?
AtheistDotCom: you ran tim
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not here to argue
AtheistDotCom: you can't answer me so you run
AtheistDotCom: tim you cant even show validity is why you run
AtheistDotCom: you only want particular individuals to hear your amusing
AtheistDotCom: typical for the neurotic mindset
AtheistDotCom: your god concept is faltering timmy
AtheistDotCom: and you dont like it.
XSertuMAenigmAx: Tim is your organization armed?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God, Matthew. 5:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3. Timothean Religion
AtheistDotCom: heart? rofl
AtheistDotCom: heart disease = #1 leading cause of death in the world
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
AtheistDotCom: stick that in your mindset pal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: XS, I said No
AtheistDotCom: heart rofl all too amusing
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
AtheistDotCom: timmy youre just another copy of an imitation
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click the red heart and come back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
XSertuMAenigmAx: Ok Tim, thank you for your time
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
OnlineHost: XSertuMAenigmAx has left the room.
AtheistDotCom: try to think for yourself instead of impulsivly quoting
other men's works.
AtheistDotCom: br original pal
Whenluvfindsu: wow...did u see his sight?
AtheistDotCom: try to be original instead of a zerox
AtheistDotCom: whos sight when?
Whenluvfindsu: he does have a cult
Whenluvfindsu: tim
AtheistDotCom: lol a cult would show a valid god?
Whenluvfindsu: no...they cannot show it
AtheistDotCom: or would it show other puppets chosing to be conditioned
into his mindset?
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3. Timothean Religion
AtheistDotCom: critical thinking
AtheistDotCom: not emotional thinking
AtheistDotCom: thats his along with all fundie thinking
Whenluvfindsu: exactly...those people prey on the weak-minded followers of
the world
AtheistDotCom: yes sheeple i call them
Whenluvfindsu: good name ath
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy will be back, check times on Timothean Religion Page.
AtheistDotCom: it fits i say
Whenluvfindsu: eww
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click the red heart and come back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type.
AtheistDotCom: the neurotic follow the neurotic simple
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
Whenluvfindsu: no thanks tim....I am not of weak mind
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently Asked Questions:
AtheistDotCom: oh brother a bot showing a valid god
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
AtheistDotCom: tim humans are showing that god slots are slimming
AtheistDotCom: why even try anymore?
GoTimothy: At, why are you in here?
Whenluvfindsu: Tim...get surgery for ur worked for me
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
AtheistDotCom: gotim the same reason you are here
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't come online to make friends; I come to teach.
GoTimothy: When i tried they will not do it
TIMOTHEAN 2: I come to teach the Gospel in season and out, whether people
will hear it or not
TIMOTHEAN 2: until the Nuclear War destroys all those who refused to listen.

GoTimothy: to learn
Whenluvfindsu: in season?
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am here to teach the Truth
AtheistDotCom: you call it "teaching" we see it as implanted quotes from
other men
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is Truth?
AtheistDotCom: rofl he thinks truth is an absolute rofl
Whenluvfindsu: do u need a license to hunt?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Kills
AtheistDotCom: truth is only in the eye of the individual
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies know Tobacco Kills
AtheistDotCom: tim tabacco kills only if genetics lets it
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Tobacco Companies are murderers
Whenluvfindsu: I see it as an individual interpretation of a rather crazed
TIMOTHEAN 2: Truth = Those who support Tobacco Companies, are also Killers
GoTimothy: At, bullets only kill some people
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many more truths can be found in my book,
AtheistDotCom: so when you pay taxes you support them too eh tim?
TIMOTHEAN 2: but there are many murderers who will try to keep you from
reading it.
AtheistDotCom: dolt. lolol.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can only get it on Amazon or my web site.
AtheistDotCom: its amusing to converse with the neurotic mindset
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why should I answer one who does not believe I saw
AtheistDotCom: its like talking to a child in a way
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore Join the Timothean Religion, Clone the Gospel of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preach it in Season and out.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those who fear joining my religion read, Revelation 21:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If I don't have Free Speech & Religion I am moving out of
AtheistDotCom: another thing lol i perceive timmy as simply another
attention whore of a god concept
AtheistDotCom: hehe
TIMOTHEAN 2: As a Nation Founded on Lies, will be Destroyed, God hates
Whenluvfindsu: I fear nothing Tim....if you do notbelieve God there is
nothing to fear
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where is the Americans?
TIMOTHEAN 2: We Have Free Speech & Free Religion.
AtheistDotCom: hey timmy do you refute allah? how about r'makle?
TIMOTHEAN 2: And a Right to Bear Arms against those who infringe on theses
TIMOTHEAN 2: rights.
AtheistDotCom: oh wait you DONT KNOW RMAKLE??
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you own a Gun?
AtheistDotCom: why dont you know rmakle??
AtheistDotCom: i know why
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you Know anyone trying to stop my religion or Speech?
Whenluvfindsu: I do. A Very big one
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then why not use your Arms for their intended purpose?
AtheistDotCom: you werent born in madagascaria or received press of that
particular god concept.
AtheistDotCom: that is why.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You people are communist.
Whenluvfindsu: such as?
AtheistDotCom: no timmy were evovled
TIMOTHEAN 2: Support my religion or get out.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are true Americans.
AtheistDotCom: i support nardil at 500mgs pal
TIMOTHEAN 2: We speak our Mind and have the Religion of our Choice.
AtheistDotCom: im an lpn and i see you in dire need of that drug
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus only Heals Christians, so the Preachers stock in workers
comp, goes
Whenluvfindsu: we do not have to support ur religion to be here...we live in
the land of the free?
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you think God is like?
AtheistDotCom: hehe when good one hehe
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do you think God sits around and says,
TIMOTHEAN 2: maybe I will send a Messiah in 2,000 years?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or do you think God wants us to be saved now?
AtheistDotCom: hey tim you think your god concept err watches you
masturbate too? or does he like look the other way?
AtheistDotCom: rofl.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends saviors but men kill them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God sends wise men but no one listens.
Whenluvfindsu: I don't think of God or wonder because I don't believe....I
came here to see what this was about
AtheistDotCom: remember timdude....99.9999% of humans jerk or stab pal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What do you want God to Do?
AtheistDotCom: you included.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus wants Timotheans to sue, so no one else is injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: << Why would Bush order a hit on his own country? >>
AtheistDotCom: i came in here to show the inventor of this chatroom that hes
a farse
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush seems to think he can Hire a Hit man.
AtheistDotCom: like all pushers of god concepts are.
TIMOTHEAN 2: One who hires a hit man is a Murder.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can not put a contract on someone's life without a trial.
AtheistDotCom: so your god concept is a redrumer eh?
Whenluvfindsu: I belive we will rid the world of Osama Bin Laden
AtheistDotCom: he "pushes" other men into genocide?
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is more evidence that Bush did it where is the contract
for his
TIMOTHEAN 2: life?
Whenluvfindsu: and it will be a better world
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Clinton told a lie we wanted to put him in Jail.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because the WTC was going to fall and
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mayor of NY could not get money from Congress to have it
taken down and rebuilt.
AtheistDotCom: (replaces nardil 500mgs to above 1100mgs)
TIMOTHEAN 2: Engineers said the building would fall, it was too tall,
TIMOTHEAN 2: blocked and diverted wind threw NY.
Whenluvfindsu: where do u get these ideas?
TIMOTHEAN 2: They planed it because if
TIMOTHEAN 2: they waited for it to fall, it would have been a worse tragedy.

AtheistDotCom: adds 2 hydrocod's too lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Pentagon was testing new 2 inch glass and that's why the
Gov hit
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also to kill off The People who believed that I saw God.
AtheistDotCom: (spits coke out) ROFL
TIMOTHEAN 2: Further they could get 20 billion to rebuild, blame it on
TIMOTHEAN 2: start a war for oil and make Christianity the new world
Whenluvfindsu: he doesn't need pain pills Ath, he needs psychotropic stuff
AtheistDotCom: allah 1 RA o rofl
TIMOTHEAN 2: Didn't your mother tell you its rude to speak while someone is
TIMOTHEAN 2: Preaching?
AtheistDotCom: maybe he suffers from panic disorder
TIMOTHEAN 2: Nice plan but who's stupid enough to believe it cost 20 billion
to clean up the mess?
Whenluvfindsu: no
TIMOTHEAN 2: The 20 billion is bribe money to Mafia and other officials.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The police have their code of Silence and brake laws,
AtheistDotCom: lets take a peek into tim's internal dialogue for abit...
TIMOTHEAN 2: the ATF are even silencer still more silent is the Executive
Branch of the Government.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are many heads of Government.
Whenluvfindsu: have some serious problems...a regular Taxi
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Right hand of Government does not know what,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the Left hand is doing and vise versa.
AtheistDotCom: ::::hey ..i think ill invent a chatroom about my neurotic
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its political. Its all about how to get who to do what.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you need money from congress to rebuild a City,
TIMOTHEAN 2: you find creative ways of doing it.
AtheistDotCom: :::hmm maybe theres some puppets out there that actually
might talk to me and follow my amusing concepts TOO:::
TIMOTHEAN 2: And everyone is profiting from the Church,
AtheistDotCom: :::sheesh if christ could trick SO CAN I :::
TIMOTHEAN 2: to the red cross donations to news people.
Whenluvfindsu: you included Timmy?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bush is the only one who would kill Americans,
TIMOTHEAN 2: with tobacco and call it a business deal.
AtheistDotCom: demagogues are a dime a dozzen pal
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a new Webpage on the End of The World.
AtheistDotCom: martyr wanna bes are even cheaper
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 57,000 Vietnam vets if your fighting for
Whenluvfindsu: what?!
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill millions of Americans if your fighting for
AtheistDotCom: its amusing to break the mindset of a neurotic and watching
them run and hide
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 40,000 Americans a year if your Henry Ford?
AtheistDotCom: rofl
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 188 Americans if your Firestone?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is it ok to kill 300,000 Americans a year if your Philip
Whenluvfindsu: what is the hell are you ranting about Tim man?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When George W. said, he was fighting a unseen Enemy,
AtheistDotCom: like atheism has killed rofl god followers = 2.3rds
of ALL wars
TIMOTHEAN 2: he was talking about God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans want to put a Plaque on the War Memorials that says,
AtheistDotCom: factions between different manmade gods ,..and the men who
fight for them...attribute to just that...2/3rds of all wars.
TIMOTHEAN 2: "They Died for Noble cause; Freedom,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Free Speech, Religion & Equal Rights,
AtheistDotCom: martyrs for liberation rofl
TIMOTHEAN 2: a Constitution to bear Arms to insure these rights and kill
TIMOTHEAN 2: and those who restrict our Free Speech or Religion."
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to put a Plaque that says,
AtheistDotCom: and all you get is war rofl
TIMOTHEAN 2: "There should be limits on Free speech, they died in vain,
AtheistDotCom: gaza strip rofl
TIMOTHEAN 2: My Daddy fought for oil, to kill Muslims and
AtheistDotCom: peace in middle east rofl
TIMOTHEAN 2: to make Christianity the world religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: there are no equal rights my Mafia family.
Whenluvfindsu: may I ask how old you are Tim?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Me, Jeb and Daddy rules the world."
TIMOTHEAN 2: If Bin Laden wanted to hurt America,
OnlineHost: XSertuMAenigmAx has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: he would have hit Oil Refineries or Powerplants.
Whenluvfindsu: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. or Giuliani ordered the CIA to Hit WTC because,
AtheistDotCom: only valid gods can show valid gods...not humans pushing them
try to condition that concept within your amusing turmoiled mindset pal end
of story hehehe later on to wheniluv...
OnlineHost: AtheistDotCom has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: if all the insurance claims were paid out to American Injured
TIMOTHEAN 2: Workers,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Vets and Cancer Victims, then our Economy would collapse.
TIMOTHEAN 2: George W. wants to keep the Gospel of Timothy out of book
OnlineHost: Whenluvfindsu has left the room.
XSertuMAenigmAx: Tim are you still talking, or are you running the program
TIMOTHEAN 2: Libraries and off the Internet, as there is no Freedom in
TIMOTHEAN 2: WTC, was Propaganda to keep Timothy Allen Campbell from going,
OnlineHost: XSertuMAenigmAx has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: on the News and telling his story of how he saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Injured people can phone counsel other injured people into
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had to pray to God for this man to get in a serious car
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he was going against the true religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He wanted a sign from God that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So the Sign was that he would be paralyzed from the neck down
in a car accident.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He is letting millions die of cancer by restricting my speech,
TIMOTHEAN 2: of warning people that tobacco kills.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He came in this room to tell people I was crazy and not to
listen to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He compared my religion to a cult that drinks poison.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When he is paralyzed he will be online,
TIMOTHEAN 2: teaching that the Timothean religion is the true one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And he will save hundreds.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God works in Mysterious ways.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: Judge me then friend
TIMOTHEAN 2: So I did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It rained 40 days and nights because of people like him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He brought it on himself.
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc: I am Michael.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He claims to be Michael the Angel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We will see if He is an Angel or a crippled.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When they fit the computer so he can type with his teeth,
TIMOTHEAN 2: after his accident then he will help me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I been on 6 years been going about it the wrong way,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Should have been praying for these Jerks Death along time ago.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also Lord, "Perkey 26" has been slandering my name,
TIMOTHEAN 2: And she said in her heart "unless I die I will not stop this
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is not your will Lord that many soles are lost because of
her slander.
TIMOTHEAN 2: lord do unto her as she has chose to do unto the lost soles.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its God's will, that they wicked die so the good can flourish.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I was young there was a neighbor,
TIMOTHEAN 2: who climbed small trees and he was harming the trees,
TIMOTHEAN 2: by breaking them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew this was not right and told him, he would not listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He climbed another tree and it snapped.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He fell 20 feet, his eye was gouged out,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and a long scare on his face, his leg broken several places,
TIMOTHEAN 2: his family lost their home from all the surgery he needed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I never seen him again until several years ago,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I seen him at a AA meeting, he knew my name,
TIMOTHEAN 2: his face was all scared and he walked with a limp.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He said when he was in that tree that he saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: before the tree snapped.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then I knew it snapped because of my prayer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lord hear my Prayer,
TIMOTHEAN 2: PhilosophyScienc decided that he need to be paralyzed,
TIMOTHEAN 2: from the neck down in a car accident as,
TIMOTHEAN 2: a sign to believe that I saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Give Him the sign as you gave the Egyptians the Signs.
TIMOTHEAN 2: For Moses said "for they will say,
TIMOTHEAN 2: The LORD has not appeared unto me." Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And the Lord said, "That they may believe that the LORD God
TIMOTHEAN 2: of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the God of Jacob, has appeared unto thee.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There shall be signs. Ex. 4:1-12.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So as Timotheans we pray for the Death and injury of our
TIMOTHEAN 2: All will know God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And his Judgements.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who was Caiaphas?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He was the Jewish High priest who started the Christian
TIMOTHEAN 2: because Jesus was getting people to follow him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does God look like?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Like Jesus, long hair, barefoot, but not a Christian.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christmas was started when two of God's prophets
TIMOTHEAN 2: were murdered for trying to correct mankind.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says, "and they shall make merry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall send gifts to one another,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the
earth", Rev. 11:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So Christmas is the celebration of murdering God's chosen
OnlineHost: BEMA333 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Happy Satan's Day"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God. I am King Messiah
BEMA333: hell with satan
TIMOTHEAN 2: Some say I am a proggie but I only talk to Timothean's.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "I let my children starve, they don't work they
don't eat."
TIMOTHEAN 2: A Catholic: "We Kill Muslims, Jews and Atheists"
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to kill people Join that false Timothean
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance California in 1985,
BEMA333: i hate religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: my Story at;
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
OnlineHost: BEMA333 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Double Click my name in people here then click see Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Those not interested in Joining my religion please leave.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are not God, Jesus is.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God created man in His image.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is real; the creation is an illusion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is more real than His creation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christians want to become God by claiming no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The true God Has power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean's see God while alive. Christians have to be dead to
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the Christian religion you have to commit suicide to see
TIMOTHEAN 2: Bible says "where two or more are gathered, they make
themselves gods."
OnlineHost: J77Spring has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Therefore, I will not talk to people in Chat.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me or forget it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Goodbye.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 9. The True Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is a proggie, stay and listen in.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Email me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you, join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: This computer program last about 40 minuets.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion will teach you what you want to hear for 10% of your
TIMOTHEAN 2: The truth is free but no one will listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to make money, start a Church and teach what the
people want to hear.
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Jesus loves you, forgives you and your going to heaven,
TIMOTHEAN 2: now put your money in the basket."
TIMOTHEAN 2: I will teach you the truth for free, but you will not like it
nor put in
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you teach the truth you will be teaching an empty room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: All the world would rather pay someone to lie to them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Just create a Chat room called "Jesus loves you, now Give me
your money."
TIMOTHEAN 2: You will be like other religions.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I Saw God, you can too. Seek & Find, Ask to see.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to know how, read my book or stay and listen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: OK, hear my story.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was at a Hotel in California.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I was standing on the Balcony with a neighbor friend.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There were 5 of us there.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My friend recognized Him first.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said, "Look!
TIMOTHEAN 2: that man looks like God."
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said "no, those are just Jesus freaks,
TIMOTHEAN 2: people trying to look like Jesus."
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was in the parking lot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I saw his face I recognized him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said, "That's him. Go down to see Him."
TIMOTHEAN 2: My neighbor said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "I am going to get my Dad" and ran into His room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God was talking to these three girls.
OnlineHost: I like corn dogs has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw His face appear in the back of His Head.
I like corn dogs: hello
TIMOTHEAN 2: He read my thought and I could read his.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We spoke with our minds.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He told me of earthquakes, tornadoes
TIMOTHEAN 2: and the space shuttle blowing up in 86.
OnlineHost: I like corn dogs has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God said there will be a Nuclear War.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That's pretty much it. I only saw Him for a few minutes.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I feel He wanted me to write this book
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I wrote it. It's at my web site.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When is the War? I don't know.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God's Face on my Dresser when I was younger,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I knew He existed and I searched until I saw His Face again.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Satan's Church is desperately trying to get me to tell them
TIMOTHEAN 2: God looks like so they can correct their painting, but I will
not tell.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God only to be killed by the Church or medical
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan is a slanderer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Slanderer = one who makes up lies about someone.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They label people who have seen God as insane so no one will
listen to them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Or, they get people from religious cults to drive them mad.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Most religions call it Blasphemy to Claim to have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They kill those who claim to have seen God
TIMOTHEAN 2: because the religions are false, in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not answer questions for those who have no interest in
Joining my religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions, use the form on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 6.16 am Date 9.27.01
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
OnlineHost: Chyna23462 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
OnlineHost: Chyna23462 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
OnlineHost: InMyAngelsShadow has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
OnlineHost: InMyAngelsShadow has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.

TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
OnlineHost: XSertuMAenigmAx has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
OnlineHost: XSertuMAenigmAx has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.27.01 6.34
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.

TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,

TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Men Give God His Names.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The one God has many names.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN 2: Atlas holds up the universe.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.

TIMOTHEAN 2: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
TIMOTHEAN 2: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If your into Science,
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is matter?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Define Matter.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Energy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Waves.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Take some Physics classes.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: TIMOTHEAN13 is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
TIMOTHEAN 2: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
TIMOTHEAN 2: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
TIMOTHEAN 2: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is not a spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
TIMOTHEAN 2: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.

TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go now, bye.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There will be a nuclear war.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
TIMOTHEAN 2: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
TIMOTHEAN 2: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN 2: a-right,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN 2: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
TIMOTHEAN 2: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TIMOTHEAN 2: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He made up the story that He killed God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
TIMOTHEAN 2: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
TIMOTHEAN 2: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: He will say, "I never knew you".
TIMOTHEAN 2: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If the preachers have not seen God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN 2: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
TIMOTHEAN 2: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The penalty for this sin is death.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What makes you think no one can see God?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
TIMOTHEAN 2: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that every one who sees the Son."
TIMOTHEAN 2: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
TIMOTHEAN 2: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Did you see Jesus ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you don't know Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowing that they do gender strife.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I avoid foolish questions.
OnlineHost: SNK11123 has entered the room.
SNK11123: check out these pictures I found of britney spears!
SNK11123: < a href="">click here
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
OnlineHost: SNK11123 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.

TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you have not known me?
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN 2: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Show us the Father?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN 2: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
TIMOTHEAN 2: but we know that, when he shall appear,
TIMOTHEAN 2: we shall be like him;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for we shall see him as he is.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
TIMOTHEAN 2: speaks on this wise,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN 2: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he said no man could see God and live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN 2: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
TIMOTHEAN 2: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to answer or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you are not Saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christianity is a Cult.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
OnlineHost: Exactable boot has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN 2: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if not by their faith then by mine.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I wrote a song want to hear it?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the invisible world become visible."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the visible God become invisible."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN 2: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN 2: While His children, destroy His house.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN 2: With his faith sure and strong,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Leaving judgment to the one above.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hearing the words of His voice.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The wise know what I mean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN 2: They will see God's face.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN 2: God wrote it.
Exactable boot: tim are you part of a cult
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1. Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Time 7.15 am Date 9.27.01
OnlineHost: Exactable boot has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe its a sin to work, and food grows on trees.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Working destroys Gods earth. Judgement days is where
TIMOTHEAN 2: God destroys everyone who has a Job. Revelation 9:20.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says not to take from the tree of Knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It was the original sin. Gen 3:1-19
TIMOTHEAN 2: God never went to School.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans take survival courses to learn how to live off of
what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: provides.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe if it was God's will to work or drive, not even one
would be
TIMOTHEAN 2: injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe Doctors deceive the world with their perverted
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowledge.
TIMOTHEAN 2: All die in the hands of Doctors.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am a Martyr for Jesus. They will kill me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God in Torrance, California in 1985.
TIMOTHEAN 2: My story at
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also I have a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn that it's not Gods will to work, after 4
are injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a learning disability.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they can't learn after 5 people injured on the Job,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they have a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A two year old knows that not even one should be injured.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Society is mentally ill, and like an Alcoholics they are in
denial of their
TIMOTHEAN 2: illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Work is a sin; it destroys the earth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Food grows on trees, but Satan is not happy with what God
TIMOTHEAN 2: Capitalists cut down fruit trees so they can sell their apples
for more.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The more they pollute water the more they get for bottled
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to talk to the man that saw God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: go to the web page for more information.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Be happy I have a form for a free trial copy on my web page
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: When in Rome do as the Romans, but learn to live how God wants
you to
TIMOTHEAN 2: live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Unless a Doctor suffers 450 billion dollars worth of pain,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he can not understand how His patents feel.
TIMOTHEAN 2: A doctor who would send and injured man back to work has a
major mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who likes to see another suffer has a mental illness.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Bible says we will learn from our Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children will kill their parents, Mark 13:12, because
TIMOTHEAN 2: Children know its not God's will to work and that the world is
in Satan's power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want your children to kill you,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then don't brainwash them by saying a Job is not slavery.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Also, do not teach them Jesus heals injuries,
TIMOTHEAN 2: or they might shoot you to see If Jesus heals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have 2 shoulder injuries. I can't type
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a program that types for me if I stick to the script.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Please visit my web page for Frequently
TIMOTHEAN 2: Asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: It causes me severe pain to type.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have a better chance to talk to the president then me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I do not talk to the President because I have better things to
do with my time.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You should consider yourself blessed to know the address of my
web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your chances of seeing God are about Zero
TIMOTHEAN 2: because you will not do what it takes to learn.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Go to my web page for Frequently asked Questions
TIMOTHEAN 2: Any questions not on my page you can e-mail me.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not send me multiple e-mails or I will Forward them to
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not go to it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go. Goodbye
TIMOTHEAN 2: 10. Timothean Religion 666 marks.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot send or receive IM's due to viruses and punters.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you want to be a Timothean or preach the Gospel, write to:
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothy, PO Box 224, Fraser, MI 48026-0224
TIMOTHEAN 2: Search for The Gospel of Timothy on Alta Vista
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you will not have to remember the address.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pain drives us towards immortality.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan deceives us with Doctors until we grow old and die.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is a Greek God. its the serpent wrapped around a tree.

TIMOTHEAN 2: Caduceus is one of the 666 marks of the beast. There are 665
more; count them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors took a vow to the Caduceus and they have to wear this
mark to be a Doctor.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They use medications and labels to prevent people from finding
God's truth.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When men see God, they are tortured by Doctors to the point of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Lawyers serve another mark; it's a Statue holding balances.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 664 more; count them. Rev. 13:18.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I cannot say what the others are. You might be serving one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What does a cop wear on His hat?
TIMOTHEAN 2: A badge that he took a vow to.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They are not taking away your right to smoke,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they took away your right to sue the tobacco companies.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claim it's you right to smoke, but not your right to sue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You have the right to sue the tobacco companies for giving your
parents cancer.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God did not kill your parents; the Tobacco companies did.
OnlineHost: Deststeph1010 has entered the room.
Deststeph1010: 19/f and 21/f on our new webcam
Deststeph1010: < a
href="aol://1223:26260/">click here to connect
to my webcam
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can sue for all the money you spent on tobacco.
OnlineHost: Deststeph1010 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Keep all your receipts.
OnlineHost: BareNakedPagan has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They put chemicals in tobacco to make sure you could not stop.
OnlineHost: CammeIIia has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now sue to get that money you spent on smokes back.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We could end world hunger by making tobacco companies grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: When your Children ask you why God lets people starve,
TIMOTHEAN 2: tell them it is the Tobacco companies who would rather grow
TIMOTHEAN 2: that makes people starve, not God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God didn't say anything, he revealed things to me.
OnlineHost: CammeIIia has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God is worth a million words.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After I saw God, I started to look things up.
BareNakedPagan: so what's up with this room?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When all religions tried to tell me no one can see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: then I knew the Church was in Satan's Power.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion because of it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click Blue Line on my web page to Join
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
BareNakedPagan: lol
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: 11. 9.27.01 7.32
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God. That is all I know, the rest is my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I have a right to my opinion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I had a mail order ministry and
TIMOTHEAN 2: people saw God after I prepared them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean means one who has seen God or will see Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Seeing God does not drive one to insanity;
TIMOTHEAN 2: it's the people you have to deal with after you see God that
drives you to insanity.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They do not tell you because of persecution,
TIMOTHEAN 2: I love persecution. That is why I tell you.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I don't have to answer Questions from people who treat me
TIMOTHEAN 2: If one man walks on water you call it an illusion,
BareNakedPagan: so is everyone here to listen to this guy talk?
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 people its a hallucination,
TIMOTHEAN 2: see 50,000 people walk on water, and you begin to believe you
can too.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hear 50,000 testimonies from those who have seen God, and our
faith grows.
TIMOTHEAN 2: People in most religions will never see God; only Timotheans
see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not argue.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Many have seen God after reading my book.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you don't want to see God, do not read it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: After you see God, to be saved you must confess
TIMOTHEAN 2: you saw Him to Others. Confession leads to salvation.
TIMOTHEAN 2: True Christianity promised the faithful a vision of God, for
TIMOTHEAN 2: vision of God is the acquisition of immortality. St. Irenaeus.

TIMOTHEAN 2: I am starting a new religion called Timothean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Information is on my web page.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timothean = He who honors God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Where 2 or more are gathered they make themselves Gods.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Organizations are like lynch mobs; that is how they killed
BareNakedPagan: so do you respond to what others say?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Have you been to my web site?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is a Timothean. Join the religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe the purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That statement makes me King Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and my words will not change forever.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Words are immortal.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans do not believe God is invisible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they have not seen God, they do not know Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are two Jesus's; one is dead on a cross,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the other is resurrected in a body.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the God who we can see and shake His hand.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormons and Christians have not seen Jesus Body,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but they claim to know Him. This is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When Jesus appeared to Moses,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 12. Moses Called Jesus Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses only believed God when he was a burning bush.
TIMOTHEAN 2: That is from the Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Church has hidden many ancient books called Pseudepigrapha,

TIMOTHEAN 2: but I have them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Mormon is not truth because Mormons believe Moses did see
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw Christ and He is God, that makes me King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is not the Messiah, He is God incarnate.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Religion demoted God down to being a messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The messiah is the son of Joseph, Christ is the son of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah would be born from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: David called Him Lord; how can Christ be David's son? Luke
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whose Son is Christ? David's or God's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Was Mary a virgin or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is the Son of Joseph from the line of David.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God, but some will burn in hell for demoting Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus was the meek Lamb, and Messiah is the Roaring Lion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah is born from a women named "Fruitful," not a city
TIMOTHEAN 2: This means she will have many Children.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I exalted Christ to being God, that made me King Messiah.
OnlineHost: BareNakedPagan has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: When I said the purpose of Life is to see God, that made me
King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Whether I live or die my words shall never die,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and no one shall be saved without seeing God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not see God, you will die in your sins.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan will play God and say that God cannot make me the
TIMOTHEAN 2: I say If God made me King Messiah who are you to say He did
TIMOTHEAN 2: God can do whatever He desires.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I appeared before you and said I was King messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you do not believe I am the Messiah,
TIMOTHEAN 2: how will you believe God is God when He appears?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Messiah means anointed by God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God; I am King Messiah.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I saw God, and my testimony destroys Satan.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am looking for others who saw God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If there is a God, He can use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: No visible God, then no God at all.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If God showed you Steel turning into Gold
TIMOTHEAN 2: Doctors would claim you are having hallucinations as they are
cashing in your Gold.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you have not seen God, you are the Anti Christ.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The testimony of Seeing God destroys the Anti Christ,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click blue link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: 13. The spirit of Anti Christ lives in all mortals.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You must be born again.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God has no name.
TIMOTHEAN 2: In the beginning there was no one to name Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Men Give God His Names.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The one God has many names.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans call Him by His name, Atlas
TIMOTHEAN 2: Atlas holds up the universe.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are not forbidden to read books like Christians are.

TIMOTHEAN 2: I read the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Book of Mormon,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Pseudepigrapha, and Apocrypha and Buddhist writings.
TIMOTHEAN 2: These books were written by people who saw God in person.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The supreme personality Godhead appeared to Arjuna.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans see God. If you have not seen God you, are not a
TIMOTHEAN 2: Why are you in a Timothean room if you are not a Timothean?
TIMOTHEAN 2: If your into Science,
TIMOTHEAN 2: What is matter?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Define Matter.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is no Matter. All is spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Energy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is made of Waves.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Matter is only Matter when it is Observed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Take some Physics classes.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are no Solids, not even evidence of a solid.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You are only seeing 0's and 1's on your computer screen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: How can you make sound and video out of 0's and 1's?
TIMOTHEAN 2: In fact you have been talking to a robot.
TIMOTHEAN 2: TIMOTHEAN13 is not real, except on sundays at 10 p.m. EST.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Don't listen to anyone else in this room. I am the only one who
has seen God in person.
OnlineHost: Anunnaki Being has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, but they are
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:59 And he said unto another, Follow me. But he said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: suffer me first to go and bury my father.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 9:60 Jesus said unto him, Let the dead bury their dead.
TIMOTHEAN 2: but go you all and preach the kingdom of God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Kings 18:39 And when all the people saw [it],
OnlineHost: Anunnaki Being has left the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he
TIMOTHEAN 2: [is] the God; the LORD, he [is] the God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus is not a spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Luke 24:39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
TIMOTHEAN 2: handle me, and see;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is blasphemy to claim Christ died. that is why Christians
cannot see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ten commandments says not to make images of anything in heaven.

TIMOTHEAN 2: I have to go now, bye.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:21 He that has my commandments, and keeps them,
TIMOTHEAN 2: he it is that loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of
my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There will be a nuclear war.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD
TIMOTHEAN 2: smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their
TIMOTHEAN 2: shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
TIMOTHEAN 2: Surah, 92:7 Gods guidance is always near,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if a man will chose it, and what is the Goal for those who
TIMOTHEAN 2: a-right,
TIMOTHEAN 2: the sight of the face of God Most High, for that indeed is
happiness supreme.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Goal and purpose of life is to see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Psalm 53:2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of
TIMOTHEAN 2: to see if there were [any] that did understand, that did seek
TIMOTHEAN 2: Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become
TIMOTHEAN 2: [there is] none that does good, no, not one.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John, 11:47-57, Caiaphas was a false Prophet.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He made up the story that He killed God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot kill God, and to claim so is Blasphemy.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 12:34 The people answered him, "We have heard
TIMOTHEAN 2: out of the law that Christ abide for ever."
TIMOTHEAN 2: The preachers don't know God; they never asked the question,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Where is the Lord?" Jeremiah. 2:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: They claimed, "Lord did we not heal in your name?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: He will say, "I never knew you".
TIMOTHEAN 2: Sins hide Gods face from them. Isa. 59:2.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If the preachers have not seen God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they are Anti Christ. 1st. John 4:1-7.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The evil have not seen God. 3rd. John 1:11.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God is visible, the Anti Christ is a deceiving spirit.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Satan's Church says God is all powerful but can't explain
TIMOTHEAN 2: why God does not use His power to become visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The only sin there is, is to set up a false image of God in
TIMOTHEAN 2: heart, a invisible image of God, is false image, and a sin.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The penalty for this sin is death.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The pure in heart shall see God. Matthew. 5:8.
TIMOTHEAN 2: What makes you think no one can see God?
TIMOTHEAN 2: The False Church Babylon claims "no one can see God" they will
TIMOTHEAN 2: be destroyed for their teaching. Isa. 47:10.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims no one can see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: 22. Christ is God made visible.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anti Christ claims you don't have to see God to be saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 6:40 "For this is the will of my Father,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that every one who sees the Son."
TIMOTHEAN 2: It says His will is to SEE the SON.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is
TIMOTHEAN 2: the mystery of godliness: God was manifest
OnlineHost: GypsyOhar has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Did you see Jesus ?
GypsyOhar: Hello, as a matter of fact, I have.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you don't know Him.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that
which is good.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not
seen God.
GypsyOhar: What would make you assume that I do not follow Christ?
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid,
TIMOTHEAN 2: knowing that they do gender strife.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I avoid foolish questions.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not arguing, I am just saying I saw God. You are arguing.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God will not appear to Satan's Church members.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Look up the Bible verses before you make a fool of yourselves.

TIMOTHEAN 2: John 14:9 Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you
TIMOTHEAN 2: and you have not known me?
GypsyOhar: No, I'm not arguing. You seemed to assume --unless you aren't
speaking with me.
OnlineHost: Jennypooh1975 has entered the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: He that has seen Me,
TIMOTHEAN 2: has seen the Father; so how can you ask,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Show us the Father?"
GypsyOhar: What was the circumstance under which you saw God?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 24:11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he
laid not his hand:
TIMOTHEAN 2: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Who said Genesis 32:30 I have seen God face to face, and my
life is preserved.
GypsyOhar: What version of the bible are you quoting?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Judges 13:22 We have seen God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 1:18 No man has seen God at any time; EXCEPT the Son,
TIMOTHEAN 2: 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and it does not yet appear what we shall be:
OnlineHost: GypsyOhar has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: but we know that, when he shall appear,
TIMOTHEAN 2: we shall be like him;
TIMOTHEAN 2: for we shall see him as he is.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith
Jennypooh1975: are u saying that if people dont see god in some way they are
TIMOTHEAN 2: speaks on this wise,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Do not say, "Who shall go into heaven?"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The purpose of the Gospel is, "to bring Christ down from
TIMOTHEAN 2: Gods Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth, Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses did not only see a burning Bush, he saw Gods hands
TIMOTHEAN 2: and feet, 70 people saw God read Ex. 24:9-11
TIMOTHEAN 2: Exodus 33:11 And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face,
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
Jennypooh1975: I dont think that if you dont see god that means you are an
evil person
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
Jennypooh1975: that is ok
TIMOTHEAN 2: I said No
TIMOTHEAN 2: 14. But Moses was not righteous.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses was the false prophet that deceived the Nations,
TIMOTHEAN 2: because he said no man could see God and live.
TIMOTHEAN 2: While Moses Himself saw God and thought he could
TIMOTHEAN 2: rule the world by keeping others from seeing God.
OnlineHost: Jennypooh1975 has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Moses went as far as calling God Satan, right to Gods Face.
Book of Mormon.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Yahweh is His name according to the J text.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's laws can only be kept by people who see God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said if you knew Him, you would never die, believe this.
John 11:26
TIMOTHEAN 2: Let me ask a Christian a question.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to die in your sins, or are you immortal?
TIMOTHEAN 2: Are you going to answer or not?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You're going to die, and see there is a God.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Then you are not Saved.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you are a Mortal you are not saved. Satan has you deceived.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Christianity is a Cult.
TIMOTHEAN 2: God's Church is in heaven waiting to return to earth. Rev.
TIMOTHEAN 2: John 21:25 And there are many other things which Jesus did,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if they should be written, even the
TIMOTHEAN 2: world itself could not contain the books. Amen.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Both the faithful and faithless man will see God,
TIMOTHEAN 2: if not by their faith then by mine.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I wrote a song want to hear it?
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can hear my song on my web page in real audio.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its on the Album "The Light of The World"
TIMOTHEAN 2: Its called "The Return To The Visible God"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The visible God said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the invisible world become visible."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Had children, equal in power, who said,
TIMOTHEAN 2: "Let the visible God become invisible."
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now He sits on His throne,
TIMOTHEAN 2: waiting to come home,
TIMOTHEAN 2: While His children, destroy His house.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Until a Messiah comes along,
TIMOTHEAN 2: With his faith sure and strong,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Destroys the false Church Adam built,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Ridding the world of guilt.
TIMOTHEAN 2: 24. By teaching unconditional love,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Leaving judgment to the one above.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now His Children rejoice,
TIMOTHEAN 2: Hearing the words of His voice.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Declaring "God can be seen"
TIMOTHEAN 2: The wise know what I mean.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Learning about grace,
TIMOTHEAN 2: They will see God's face.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And, it will be their fate,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To reach the immortal state.
TIMOTHEAN 2: So this is the Goal of all,
TIMOTHEAN 2: To be redeemed from Adam's fall.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I am not a poet,
TIMOTHEAN 2: God wrote it.
TIMOTHEAN 2: E-mail me to Join the Timothean Religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: Click link on my page so I can invite you to join.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There is a link to it in my Profile.
TIMOTHEAN 2: To Join the online group fill out the group form,
TIMOTHEAN 2: other members will show up in the buddy list.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You only need to be a first level Timothean to Join this group,

TIMOTHEAN 2: second level Timotheans clone our site and teach with a
TIMOTHEAN 2: Enemies are trying to limit speech and the Gospel from
TIMOTHEAN 2: Fill in the form to clone the Gospel to your AOL account.
TIMOTHEAN 2: I recommend creating a AOL screename TIMOTHEAN17 or
TIMOTHEAN 2: Find a number that is not taken and upload there.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Jesus said preach the Gospel in season and out,
TIMOTHEAN 2: weather people will hear it or not, 2nd Tim 4:1-5.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Now Go and do likewise with the Teach Proggie.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If you would like to clone elsewhere, let us know in comments.
TIMOTHEAN 2: There are Seven levels to the Timothean Religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: just like there are seven levels of Heaven and seven Churches.
TIMOTHEAN 2: History has proven that whenever a new religion gets started,
TIMOTHEAN 2: that Catholic Church has had every member of that religion
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why there are 10,000 different hamburgers stands,
TIMOTHEAN 2: in 50 years,
TIMOTHEAN 2: and only about 6 religions in 10,000 years.
TIMOTHEAN 2: The Cathors were able to make the Body of the Lord become
TIMOTHEAN 2: and their members were about 1,000 strong,
TIMOTHEAN 2: when the Catholics had them all killed.
OnlineHost: GoTimothy has left the room.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You cannot be taught about Third Level Timotheism,
TIMOTHEAN 2: until you have been at a second level for a year,
TIMOTHEAN 2: so get in now.
TIMOTHEAN 2: At first I thought it was the Government that had
TIMOTHEAN 2: the people at Waco Killed,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but then I found out the Catholics have their own Army
TIMOTHEAN 2: and Militia to kill off their competition.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Masada, Waco, Heaven's Gate and Jonestown
TIMOTHEAN 2: all have something in Common, they were all murdered.
TIMOTHEAN 2: And it was covered up by making it look like a mass suicide.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You would think that this is the Mafia and you might be right.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Odds of getting people to commit suicide & conveniently
TIMOTHEAN 2: to cover up any evidence of murder, is about one in ten
TIMOTHEAN 2: Is George W. Bush stupid enough to believe in mass cremation?
TIMOTHEAN 2: When a new religion gets above a certain number,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they send in the Army to have them Killed.
TIMOTHEAN 2: This is why you will never find more then one member
TIMOTHEAN 2: of the Timothean Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: You can say your a Timothean,
TIMOTHEAN 2: but if anyone ask you how many members there are,
TIMOTHEAN 2: say "I am the only Timothean,
TIMOTHEAN 2: all the others are impostures trying to overthrow my religion".

TIMOTHEAN 2: Even if your screename is TIMOTHEAN99999 and your in a group
TIMOTHEAN 2: of 10,000 all wearing Timothean T-Shirts and reading the Gospel

TIMOTHEAN 2: of Timothy, say "I am the only Timothean,
TIMOTHEAN 2: all the others are imposters." It's for your protection.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Because these serial killers will think nothing of dropping a
TIMOTHEAN 2: nuclear weapon on a Nation of Timotheans.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Timotheans are True Americans.
TIMOTHEAN 2: We believe in the second Amendment "Right to Bear Arms"
TIMOTHEAN 2: against anyone infringing on our rights
TIMOTHEAN 2: to FREE Speech or FREE Religion.
TIMOTHEAN 2: If they want to Stop our Speech or Religion,
TIMOTHEAN 2: they need to Leave the USA, and go to a Dictatorship Country,
TIMOTHEAN 2: where religion and speech is controlled by the Dictators.
TIMOTHEAN 2: It is our constitutional right to bear Arms to kill them.
TIMOTHEAN 2: In America, there is not a Juror that will convict us.
TIMOTHEAN 2: Anyone who infringes on these rights,
TIMOTHEAN 2: is a Threat to the National Security of the United States of
TIMOTHEAN 2: Happy 4th of July.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
OnlineHost: ImUrDeStInY1599 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: ImUrDeStInY1599 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Nutthutt has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Nutthutt has left the room.
OnlineHost: MyDarkAngel07 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MyDarkAngel07 has left the room.
OnlineHost: srawlings5 has entered the room.
srawlings5: hello room
OnlineHost: srawlings5 has left the room.
OnlineHost: DAVE FOXX has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DAVE FOXX has left the room.
OnlineHost: J77Spring has left the room.
OnlineHost: Scattie21 has entered the room.
Scattie21: hey
OnlineHost: KwietJoy has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Scattie21 has left the room.
OnlineHost: DAVE FOXX has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DAVE FOXX has left the room.
OnlineHost: Act1186 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Act1186 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Angelic Mariel has entered the room.
Angelic Mariel: Blessings
KwietJoy: blessings : )
Angelic Mariel: cute KweitJoy
Angelic Mariel: joy is so much like God
KwietJoy: {S giggle
KwietJoy: yes : )
OnlineHost: Ezontheeyeballs has entered the room.
Ezontheeyeballs: hi
Angelic Mariel: hello
Ezontheeyeballs: who has seen god?
Angelic Mariel: such a silly name you where
Angelic Mariel: Ez how can you NOT see God?
Ezontheeyeballs: i can't
Ezontheeyeballs: where is she?
Angelic Mariel: then your eyes are close
Ezontheeyeballs: no they are open
Angelic Mariel: there is nothing apart from God ? is ther
Angelic Mariel: e
OnlineHost: WPAUL11 has entered the room.
Angelic Mariel: hi Paul
WPAUL11: bonjour
Angelic Mariel: blessings to you
OnlineHost: Ezontheeyeballs has left the room.
WPAUL11: ca'va?
Angelic Mariel: ?
Angelic Mariel: what is that
WPAUL11: Angelic Mariel: o .......giggles I am happy
OnlineHost: AmethystStorm has entered the room.
WPAUL11: that is good
WPAUL11: Angelic Mariel: i think its lovely i just dont understand ......forgive me
WPAUL11: i have been doing my homework for that class
Angelic Mariel: Amethy hi
AmethystStorm: Greetings
WPAUL11: and i carried away
AmethystStorm: is Tim-Tim in the room this morning?
Angelic Mariel: if he is he is in deep meditation
Angelic Mariel: ?
OnlineHost: DChildofGod3 has entered the room.
DChildofGod3: hello everyone
Angelic Mariel: hi child
DChildofGod3: ((WPaul))
DChildofGod3: hiya Mariel
WPAUL11: hey
Angelic Mariel: LOVE YOU
DChildofGod3: so....who in this room seen God?
OnlineHost: AmethystStorm has left the room.
WPAUL11: I did not hear you come in dc
OnlineHost: Angelic Mariel has left the room.
WPAUL11: DChildofGod3: lol Paul
DChildofGod3: hmm....lots leaving the room
DChildofGod3: lol
OnlineHost: AmethystStorm has entered the room.
DChildofGod3: not me either
DChildofGod3: i walk with him and talk with him...but cant say i have seen
DChildofGod3: but i feel and see His presence in my life daily
AmethystStorm: Anyone ever hear Tim-Tim's sermon?
AmethystStorm: he preaches with progs in here somtimes
DChildofGod3: progs?
AmethystStorm: very interesting
AmethystStorm: program
DChildofGod3: oh
DChildofGod3: nope cant say i have
DChildofGod3: how have you been WPaul? long time no see
WPAUL11: ok
DChildofGod3: great to see you again
WPAUL11: i through out my back last monday though
DChildofGod3: :0)
OnlineHost: J77Spring has entered the room.
AmethystStorm: his web page is down....drat
DChildofGod3: oh....its only temporary
OnlineHost: J77Spring has left the room.
DChildofGod3: healing is yours saith the lord
AmethystStorm: I love that whole "david Koresh" thig he has going on
DChildofGod3: if you just believe
AmethystStorm: thing*
DChildofGod3: in Him
DChildofGod3: well..thats it for me
OnlineHost: KwietJoy has left the room.
DChildofGod3: hope your feeling better soon
DChildofGod3: God bless the world
DChildofGod3: bye
AmethystStorm: Goddess bless
DChildofGod3: <
WPAUL11: bye
DChildofGod3: God bless
DChildofGod3: Jehovah bless
DChildofGod3: El Shalom bless
AmethystStorm: Goddess Bless, Bacchus bless
DChildofGod3: El Shaddai bless
DChildofGod3: lol
DChildofGod3: cant out do my God
DChildofGod3: lol
DChildofGod3: love u all in jesus name
DChildofGod3: peace and love in Him
DChildofGod3: †
DChildofGod3: †
AmethystStorm: yea, my Goddess never raped underaged virgins
DChildofGod3: †
AmethystStorm: like your god
OnlineHost: DChildofGod3 has left the room.
AmethystStorm: can't out do that
OnlineHost: DChildofGod3 has entered the room.
AmethystStorm: Tim-Tim come out
OnlineHost: AmethystStorm has left the room.
DChildofGod3: oooh i had to come back on that one
DChildofGod3: God never raped anyone
DChildofGod3: he impregnated the virgin mary with his own
DChildofGod3: Jesus
DChildofGod3: read your bible
DChildofGod3: hello?
WPAUL11: well i better go
WPAUL11: ttyl
WPAUL11: bye
DChildofGod3: bye paul
DChildofGod3: God bless you
OnlineHost: WPAUL11 has left the room.
DChildofGod3: so timothean ..r u there
DChildofGod3: ?
DChildofGod3: want to talk
DChildofGod3: chat
DChildofGod3: ?
OnlineHost: CrUchIDrAgOnChOw has entered the room.
DChildofGod3: .......
DChildofGod3: well...guess not
DChildofGod3: bye all
DChildofGod3: have a blessed day
DChildofGod3: peace in Him
DChildofGod3: †
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Blessed be
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Timothy where are you???
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Come out you cult freak
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: tell us when the mass suicide will take place
DChildofGod3: i guess he is not here
DChildofGod3: but God is
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: he is here....he is just watching
DChildofGod3: and he see's all
DChildofGod3: and knows all
DChildofGod3: oh is that it
DChildofGod3: hmm
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: oh, is your god a AOL room host now?
DChildofGod3: i thought chat rooms were for chatting
DChildofGod3: my God is the only God
DChildofGod3: there is but one
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Funny, the bible says differently
DChildofGod3: really, where
DChildofGod3: hmm
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: the bible says there are sons of god, and even talks about
Inanna, queen of heaven
DChildofGod3: i would like to read that one
DChildofGod3: lol
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: never heard of the Nephilim
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: the "sons of god" in Genisis?
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: or Inanna in Jerimiah?
DChildofGod3: God says you worship no idols, or false images , or other Gods
but me
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: whom your god calls Queen of Heaven?
DChildofGod3: so...where is the scripture?
DChildofGod3: i would like to read it
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Jerimiah.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: The Nephilim are in Genisis...but they took most of it out
of KJ
DChildofGod3: Satan hasalready been defeated see...thru the blood of Jesus
DChildofGod3: God is my king, my savior, my lord
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: it just says the "Sons of god wanted the Daughters of
DChildofGod3: God the Father, God the Son, And God the holy spirit
DChildofGod3: Jesus was the only perfect flesh house to walk this earth
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: but if you are educated and read the texts of Theologans
and Historians then you know
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: that the new bibles are but edited trash
DChildofGod3: i read the only text important ...the holy bible
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: This is from your bible
DChildofGod3: nope...i disagree
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: the new editions of the bible are edited
DChildofGod3: and someday you will see
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: the older greek verses have many forgoten texts
DChildofGod3: you will stand before God and answer for your actions
DChildofGod3: and will be held accoutable
DChildofGod3: so...dont argue with me..argue with God
DChildofGod3: ROFL
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: lol, I Know more about the bible then you
DChildofGod3: and with that
DChildofGod3: i say
DChildofGod3: good day
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: and you want to preach it
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: lol
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: loser
DChildofGod3: lol
DChildofGod3: nope...i am a kings kid
DChildofGod3: royalty
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: please, you don't even know who the first woman was
DChildofGod3: an heir to the kingdom of God
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: of what the nephilim where
DChildofGod3: lol
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: you don't know your bible
DChildofGod3: bye
OnlineHost: DChildofGod3 has left the room.
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: so how can you preach it
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: lol, they always leave when you prove them wrong
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Well Tim-Tim....what about you?
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: you know what the Nephilim are?
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Ahhhhhh....gotta love the Big, strong Silent Type
CrUchIDrAgOnChOw: Toodles Tim-TIm....chit chat latter
OnlineHost: CrUchIDrAgOnChOw has left the room.
OnlineHost: GARDENER2K has entered the room.
GARDENER2K: R u the man that seen God?
OnlineHost: GARDENER2K has left the room.
OnlineHost: IAMthatIAM999 has entered the room.
IAMthatIAM999: tim?
IAMthatIAM999: sigh...
IAMthatIAM999: ok well ...
IAMthatIAM999: hi i am...
IAMthatIAM999: goodmorningiam.
IAMthatIAM999: monining how r u ?
OnlineHost: IAMthatIAM999 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Mommie2michael has entered the room.
Mommie2michael: hi
Mommie2michael: hmm you seen god?
Mommie2michael: ...doubt it
Mommie2michael: wacko
Mommie2michael: bye
OnlineHost: Mommie2michael has left the room.
OnlineHost: A Mystery Voice has entered the room.
OnlineHost: A Mystery Voice has left the room.
OnlineHost: StaGarK has entered the room.
StaGarK: what did you see
OnlineHost: StaGarK has left the room.
OnlineHost: ILuVRyan369 has entered the room.
ILuVRyan369: Hello
ILuVRyan369: Are you there?
ILuVRyan369: Guess not
ILuVRyan369: God bless you
OnlineHost: ILuVRyan369 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Aoele has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Aoele has left the room.
OnlineHost: AtheistDotCom has entered the room.
AtheistDotCom: well well well
AtheistDotCom: still at it eh timmy?
AtheistDotCom: guess what so am i heheheheeeeeeeee
OnlineHost: AtheistDotCom has left the room.
OnlineHost: c4cvuna has entered the room.
c4cvuna: HELLO
OnlineHost: c4cvuna has left the room.
OnlineHost: Cg1929 has entered the room.
Cg1929: watcha doin
Cg1929: oh okay
OnlineHost: Cg1929 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Stargirl1118 has entered the room.
Stargirl1118: Hi there.
Stargirl1118: Are you in here?
Stargirl1118: take care then. Bye.
OnlineHost: Stargirl1118 has left the room.
OnlineHost: riff979 has entered the room.
riff979: what the fuck
riff979: god is a fucin fake thing that somebody made up
riff979: like the story of jesus thats funny because there was other storys
way before that one thar had the same story line to it
OnlineHost: riff979 has left the room.
OnlineHost: MILLMUN01 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Saltnpepa2003 has entered the room.
MILLMUN01: awight i dont care who you are
MILLMUN01: you have not seen god
MILLMUN01: anyone care to argue that they have?
MILLMUN01: because god is a myth
MILLMUN01: he doesnt even exist
Saltnpepa2003: prove it
MILLMUN01: so i know you people havent seen "him"
MILLMUN01: well you prove that he does exist
MILLMUN01: ive always thought the same way
MILLMUN01: if you think somethings real
MILLMUN01: prove it
MILLMUN01: if you cant
MILLMUN01: prolly aint real
MILLMUN01: makes sense to me
Saltnpepa2003: point made
MILLMUN01: peace god people
MILLMUN01: im out
OnlineHost: MILLMUN01 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Saltnpepa2003 has left the room.
OnlineHost: ExecutionOFMind1 has entered the room.
ExecutionOFMind1: where did you come up with/hear your "personal" quote?
ExecutionOFMind1: I hear voices....Im seeing a doctor...I use to think it
was God
ExecutionOFMind1: shouldnt it be....I am the man who saw God?
ExecutionOFMind1: restroom break?
OnlineHost: ExecutionOFMind1 has left the room.
OnlineHost: GoldenDove4U has entered the room.
OnlineHost: GoldenDove4U has left the room.
OnlineHost: OBGb2DYAmkwAzEy has entered the room.
OBGb2DYAmkwAzEy: say u seen god?
OnlineHost: OBGb2DYAmkwAzEy has left the room.
OnlineHost: Different1031 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Different1031 has left the room.
OnlineHost: HitchWzrd has entered the room.
OnlineHost: HitchWzrd has left the room.
OnlineHost: WPAUL11 has entered the room.
WPAUL11: you there tim-tim?
OnlineHost: WPAUL11 has left the room.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DudesAbiker has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: hello
FBlLGETU: are you a biker?
OnlineHost: Starlyn Paendrag has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: hello
DudesAbiker: Tim , how the drugs treatin you today
FBlLGETU: This proggie will pretend to be the Timothean preacher leader.
OnlineHost: Starlyn Paendrag has left the room.
DudesAbiker: FBI , ya i' m a biker
FBlLGETU: GoTimothy: I will tell a story of how my dog seen God.
FBlLGETU: When I was a young kid the teachrers told my mother
OnlineHost: PSUXIII has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: she shuld put me in a mentle instution, I had 2 shoulder injuries
I culdnt do schoolwork.
OnlineHost: ConvertTOaThEiSm has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DudesAbiker has left the room.
FBlLGETU: butt my mother new I was speshel, she said, Tim u are speshel, she
called me Ed.
PSUXIII: convert, i dissagree
FBlLGETU: she got me a dog, I named him Nebukkanezzer
PSUXIII: you must be a christian to be saved
FBlLGETU: he was the nebukkanezzer of the Bible, from Babylon.
PSUXIII: wow, i've never blinked so wildly
OnlineHost: ConvertTOaThEiSm has left the room.
FBlLGETU: One day my dog said to me Tim,look its God
FBlLGETU: I didnt see God, I was not pure, I had spilt my seed, only the
pure can see God.
PSUXIII: on a serious note...
FBlLGETU: I looked at empty space, my dog was seeing god
FBlLGETU: I saed Nebukkanezzer, tell god to forgive me
FBlLGETU: Nebukkanezzer sed god toled him I am King Messiah.
FBlLGETU: My dog seen God in a bowl of kibbles, that makes him Canine
FBlLGETU: I fedd my dog cream corn, guess what
FBlLGETU: it come out like whole kernels, there was 18, I counted them.
FBlLGETU: I saved the holy kernels on a bag, I slep with them under my
FBlLGETU: until I seen God in the back of my head.
FBlLGETU: He toled me if I ate the kernels I wuld see God,
FBlLGETU: once i grown up, I prepared to see God
FBlLGETU: I went to the hotel california, I seen God in my blow up doll
OnlineHost: PSUXIII has left the room.
FBlLGETU: He toled me if I ever used t
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
OnlineHost: BCATEACAKE has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BCATEACAKE has left the room.
OnlineHost: Desert Thoughts has entered the room.
Desert Thoughts: hi tim how are you
Desert Thoughts: interesting room title ..
Desert Thoughts: does it have any meaning
OnlineHost: Desert Thoughts has left the room.
OnlineHost: LukeIV has entered the room.
LukeIV: nice grammer
OnlineHost: LukeIV has left the room.
OnlineHost: BelgaeHordes666 has entered the room.
BelgaeHordes666: So you saw god
BelgaeHordes666: ?
OnlineHost: BelgaeHordes666 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Frankerfer xx has entered the room.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Frankerfer xx: lol
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Frankerfer xx: tim is this true?
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Frankerfer xx: tim speak oh beloved one
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Frankerfer xx: get thine hands off thine penis
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Frankerfer xx: tomothy redeem yourself
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Frankerfer xx: tomothy is this true?
Frankerfer xx: speak oh soldier of jesus
OnlineHost: Frankerfer xx has left the room.
OnlineHost: Frankerfer xx has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: tim please rescue me
Frankerfer xx: i want to seen god too
Frankerfer xx: i beg of you
Frankerfer xx: teach me how to misuse grammar too
OnlineHost: Dropshot bopper has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: tim tim dont forsake me
Dropshot bopper: The AOL Timothy show has not gone off the air. God, I'm so
Dropshot bopper: lol
Frankerfer xx: kick this mutha out of autopilot and talke to me
Frankerfer xx: tim tell me is there hope??
Dropshot bopper: Timothean, got the proogie on?
Frankerfer xx: tim i need to see god within the next 20 secs like yoiu
Frankerfer xx: tim tim please
Dropshot bopper: Read Tim's profile. You'll laugh your brains out
Dropshot bopper: And his webpage
Dropshot bopper: that's actually what I meant
Frankerfer xx: tim i need you please help me
Frankerfer xx: tim
Frankerfer xx: i want to be a desciple of yours
OnlineHost: Type0negative419 has entered the room.
Dropshot bopper: quit teasing Tim.
Dropshot bopper: :o)
Frankerfer xx: get off the shitter and help me tim
Type0negative419: so who is the man that seen good
Type0negative419: were is he\
Frankerfer xx: i think i might have seen god
Frankerfer xx: i am ot sure tho
Dropshot bopper: Type, you've never heard of the famous Timothy of AOL?
Type0negative419: so can laugh at u
Frankerfer xx: does god have nice tits??
Type0negative419: hhhhh no cuz u know what
Type0negative419: god is on my web page
Dropshot bopper: Timothy thinks he is the messiah
Dropshot bopper: not only that he saw god, but that he is the messiah
Frankerfer xx: tim please save the souls in your room
Frankerfer xx: please
Frankerfer xx: we fuckin beseeech you
Type0negative419: u ever herd of maynard
Type0negative419: that is god
Type0negative419: he is god
Dropshot bopper: maynard?
Type0negative419: maynard is god so u all need to leave
Frankerfer xx: maynard g crebs?
Type0negative419: lol
Type0negative419: maynar
Type0negative419: maynard
Frankerfer xx: thats odd tims middle name is maynard
Frankerfer xx: then he is the messiah??
Type0negative419: uhhhhhhh no i think timothy is stupid
Frankerfer xx: lol
Type0negative419: he is a loser
Frankerfer xx: i love this room
Type0negative419: maynard is on my web page go to it
Frankerfer xx: tim gives me spiritual laughage
Type0negative419: tim is dumb what is his screenname
Frankerfer xx: tim come out come out
Dropshot bopper: Tim is a lonesome soul in need of deseprate attention
OnlineHost: Type0negative419 has left the room.
Dropshot bopper: and he gets it
Frankerfer xx: and we give it to him
Frankerfer xx: so we are good people
Dropshot bopper: lol
Frankerfer xx: tim come out so we can make fun oy you
Frankerfer xx: of
OnlineHost: Jduggan3223 has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: tim please
OnlineHost: Trippin247 18 has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: tim you scroat
Frankerfer xx: come out
Trippin247 18: hello everyone
Jduggan3223: hi room
Jduggan3223: hi trippin
Frankerfer xx: i will be tim for the day ok??
Dropshot bopper: Let's say a Timothean prayer to bring our messiah out.
Shall we?
Dropshot bopper: lol
Dropshot bopper: Dear Lord........
Frankerfer xx: tim says eat shit
Frankerfer xx: simon says pray
Frankerfer xx: tim says eats shit
OnlineHost: MookieJava has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Trippin247 18 has left the room.
Frankerfer xx: tim says blow him
OnlineHost: Juscallmenobody has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: tim save us
Frankerfer xx: ok??
MookieJava: :::Looking around to try to find the moron who named this
Frankerfer xx: lol mookie
OnlineHost: WntCrzy4cocopfs has entered the room.
Dropshot bopper: Mookie, it isn't hard to find
Frankerfer xx: tim is taking a scared shit
Frankerfer xx: he wil be back in 5
WntCrzy4cocopfs: whos seen god?
MookieJava: Is you the man what seen him, buddy?
MookieJava: :o)
Frankerfer xx: i think i saw him yesterday
Dropshot bopper: What Mookie?
Frankerfer xx: but i am not sure
Frankerfer xx: tim may be screwing a sacred cow
MookieJava: Ya know, I'm the man who saw William Shatner.
Frankerfer xx: he said he will be back in a few
MookieJava: I saw him 3 days ago.
OnlineHost: Type0negative419 has entered the room.
Type0negative419: i am back
OnlineHost: Steel7Life has entered the room.
Type0negative419: how can i see god
Type0negative419: lol
Steel7Life: hi
Frankerfer xx: i think tim is porking his mom..
Dropshot bopper: Tim derives his income from his sales on from
the book he wrote about seeing god
Steel7Life: Hey guys I went to see this awesome new movie called Megiddo
yesterday-it's beyond a movie!!
Dropshot bopper: he doesn't even have a real job
Frankerfer xx: lol drop
OnlineHost: Steel7Life has left the room.
WntCrzy4cocopfs: you didnt see god
OnlineHost: Jduggan3223 has left the room.
WntCrzy4cocopfs: no one sees god
Frankerfer xx: i must say that yes tim did see god
MookieJava: Maybe his mom's giving him a job. (nudge-nudge)
Dropshot bopper: Wnt, you can't convince us. We are saved. We believe in Tim
Dropshot bopper: We want to save you Tim
Dropshot bopper: too*
Frankerfer xx: he took a helacious shit and god said let there be a
dookie stick
OnlineHost: Type0negative419 has left the room.
Frankerfer xx: to make it go down
Dropshot bopper: lol
WntCrzy4cocopfs: what about tim?
OnlineHost: Juscallmenobody has left the room.
MookieJava: Can I be TheManThatSeenTim?
Dropshot bopper: Tim is a nut. He's in a nuthouse as we speak
Frankerfer xx: tim does want to help us all
Dropshot bopper: probably taking his daily meds
Frankerfer xx: i am tims helper today
Frankerfer xx: please forward any jesus shit to me
WntCrzy4cocopfs: i take meds what about it??!
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Dropshot bopper: Wnt, I take meds too. That was a joke
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
MookieJava: Jesus shit? That would be a relic, wouldn't it?
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Frankerfer xx: tim said that he saw jesus just about 45 minutes ago
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
MookieJava: It'd be all petrified.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
WntCrzy4cocopfs: but i dont belive in god
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
FBlLGETU: Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a
fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud. Timothy is a fraud.
WntCrzy4cocopfs: does that make me a fraud
Dropshot bopper: FBIL, is Tim really a fraud?
Dropshot bopper: lol
Frankerfer xx: even tim has to think he is fucked up
FBlLGETU: well, yes, he is.
Dropshot bopper: Yeah, we know
Dropshot bopper: no reason to state the obvious
Frankerfer xx: tim speak to us
FBlLGETU: What Timothy Believes (Keyword to:
WntCrzy4cocopfs: does it
Frankerfer xx: as we speak tim is whacking off to miss june
OnlineHost: SCMassage has entered the room.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has left the room.
WntCrzy4cocopfs: im a witch
Frankerfer xx: and i am a warlock
SCMassage: i'm a massage therapist
MookieJava: And I'm a monkey.
Frankerfer xx: i love to kiss tims balls
OnlineHost: Dropshot bopper has left the room.
Frankerfer xx: they are so holy
WntCrzy4cocopfs: no u not there is no such thing as a worlock
Frankerfer xx: lol wnt
Frankerfer xx: casting a spell on you
WntCrzy4cocopfs: you cant
Frankerfer xx: abra kadabra
MookieJava: He did. I saw it.
Frankerfer xx: love to pokus you
OnlineHost: SCMassage has left the room.
MookieJava: Monkeys don't lie.
Frankerfer xx: tim show yourself
Frankerfer xx: we hear you have 7 inches uncut
MookieJava: Just not all of yourself, please.
Frankerfer xx: eenie meanie chili beanie
MookieJava: Can we play with his stuff he left in the room while he's gone?
Frankerfer xx: lol mookie
Frankerfer xx: most is sperm covered
WntCrzy4cocopfs: but y do u ppl want belive in youu r god?
Frankerfer xx: can you auto clave the toys??
MookieJava: You guys wanna play with his JC and the Apostles" action
Frankerfer xx: rofffffffffffffffmookie
WntCrzy4cocopfs: because a book that says so?
Frankerfer xx: coo coo for co co puffs
WntCrzy4cocopfs: yes i did
MookieJava: Look! I've got the Judas with Mega-Betrayal Action Fists!
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffffffffff
MookieJava: Take that, Jesus!
Frankerfer xx: he will fist you for 30 pieces of silver
MookieJava: Man! He's got all the figures! Even the obscure lame-ass ones
like Abednego!
Frankerfer xx: was he a teenage mutant turtle?
MookieJava: I think so.
OnlineHost: MikmaqsMate has entered the room.
WntCrzy4cocopfs: yes
Frankerfer xx: ty
Frankerfer xx: methinks tim is bopping a whore that wandered in room
MookieJava: Cool! The Mary Magdalene figure has a button on the back so you
can make her give Holy Hand Jobs!
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffffffffffffff
Frankerfer xx: tim teach aus about holy hand jobs
Frankerfer xx: us
Frankerfer xx: please
MookieJava: Man, i wish I had bought these figures now!
OnlineHost: MikmaqsMate has left the room.
Frankerfer xx: hey tim you fucker come chat with us christians
MookieJava: LOL
MookieJava: Tim! Ah'm callin' you out, boy!
Frankerfer xx: you jive ass turkey
WntCrzy4cocopfs: if he dont want to talk then he dont have to come out
MookieJava: Damn. Tim sucks.
Frankerfer xx: hope tim can cut and paste
Frankerfer xx: but its his room..
Frankerfer xx: the chicken shit
OnlineHost: NewBridie has entered the room.
OnlineHost: NewBridie has left the room.
MookieJava: Timmmmm! We can hear you in the bathroom, dude!
Frankerfer xx: tim caused the world trade center disater
Frankerfer xx: tim is a sand nigger
MookieJava: Dag! Tim sucks!
MookieJava: Oops.
MookieJava: The N-Bomb was sooooo uncool, dude.
Frankerfer xx: hey towel head come out
WntCrzy4cocopfs: you sux too mookie
MookieJava: I sucks?
Frankerfer xx: lol mookie
Frankerfer xx: call dudley dooright
WntCrzy4cocopfs: hey blacks have feelings too
Frankerfer xx: lo wnt
Frankerfer xx: yeah mookie have some respect
Frankerfer xx: lol
MookieJava: What?
Frankerfer xx: rofffffff
Frankerfer xx: mookie is a racist
WntCrzy4cocopfs: roffffffffff
WntCrzy4cocopfs: lol
MookieJava: Yeah. It's true. That's it.
Frankerfer xx: mookie is it all pink on the inside??
MookieJava: Guys, I am black.
Frankerfer xx: lol mookie
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffffffffffff
Frankerfer xx: i am polish
Frankerfer xx: tim is mesopotamian
MookieJava: Could you maybe shut up with the racist stuff? It's just not
Frankerfer xx: sorry mookie
Frankerfer xx: i catch it too
OnlineHost: BeAlpha2222 has entered the room.
MookieJava: It's cool.
Frankerfer xx: i am a black polock
BeAlpha2222: u still in here timothean
MookieJava: LOL
Frankerfer xx: lol
Frankerfer xx: my mom is a jew
MookieJava: Tim's still spanking his mom.
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffffff
BeAlpha2222: hows ur new religion goin
WntCrzy4cocopfs: who me?
MookieJava: It's great. We worship Tim.
Frankerfer xx: tim is workin out a few bugs on his new religion
Frankerfer xx: he will be right back
WntCrzy4cocopfs: thats not funny :(
Frankerfer xx: i think it is
BeAlpha2222: how can u just begin a new religion
MookieJava: Tim is what's not funny.
BeAlpha2222: its crazy
Frankerfer xx: lol
Frankerfer xx: its easy
BeAlpha2222: no its a cult
Frankerfer xx: you just smoke some dope
MookieJava: Oh, it's easy. We read "New Religions For Dummies".
WntCrzy4cocopfs: i have another religon im wicca
Frankerfer xx: and vuella new religion
Frankerfer xx: tim loves this new religion
BeAlpha2222: david kuretch types stuff
Frankerfer xx: he has worked many hours on it
MookieJava: Oh no.
MookieJava: Nothing like killing or any of that.
Frankerfer xx: tim says set yourself on fire
Frankerfer xx: no no somon says
MookieJava: Tim just gives us holy hand jobs.
Frankerfer xx: tim talk to us
WntCrzy4cocopfs: im a pagan do u think im crazy
BeAlpha2222: well he said if u join his religion u'll see God before jesus
comes back to get us
Frankerfer xx: are all pagans virgins?
BeAlpha2222: thats just not right
WntCrzy4cocopfs: yes
OnlineHost: Ruby 764 has entered the room.
Ruby 764: so what does god look like
BeAlpha2222: well what does a pagon believe
MookieJava: A puppy.
Frankerfer xx: tims religion requires you to stuff a hunk of cheese in
your ass
WntCrzy4cocopfs: well mabey but there kinda supposed to
OnlineHost: TTo3438629 has entered the room.
MookieJava: Yeah. My butt's all full of Swiss.
OnlineHost: Ruby 764 has left the room.
Frankerfer xx: rofffffffffff mookie
BeAlpha2222: wnt what do u believe in
Frankerfer xx: wnt believes in flowers
OnlineHost: BrightonUnivED has entered the room.
MookieJava: Swiss poop is gross, man. All full of holes.
OnlineHost: FELINEFUN1970 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: LoriNewer1 has entered the room.
TTo3438629: Hello
WntCrzy4cocopfs: there just like a witch but but wew belive more in mother
Frankerfer xx: tim gets fromunda cheese from his mom
BrightonUnivED: Hello.
TTo3438629: how do you know earth is a she?
Frankerfer xx: wnt says she has tits
OnlineHost: FELINEFUN1970 has left the room.
MookieJava: In fact, Tim's getting some from his mom right now.
BeAlpha2222: well Gods WORD says sorcery is of Sin
Frankerfer xx: i hear it makes great lasagna
WntCrzy4cocopfs: because thats what i belive inm
WntCrzy4cocopfs: in*
OnlineHost: BrightonUnivED has left the room.
BeAlpha2222: and all will be thrown into the lake of fire
Frankerfer xx: lol be
LoriNewer1: now if sorcery worked maybe it could be
Frankerfer xx: i hear the water is a bit chilly
WntCrzy4cocopfs: did god make u or did u make go?
MookieJava: Wow. A lake of fire would be cool because then the fish would
already be cooked.
BeAlpha2222: God made me
Frankerfer xx: tim pooped in the lake of fire
MookieJava: So handy!
Frankerfer xx: rofffffffffffmookie
BeAlpha2222: God made u to
BeAlpha2222: your just blind
LoriNewer1: what purpose would a lake of fire serve?
MookieJava: Yeah.
LoriNewer1: that would make no sense
Frankerfer xx: god didnt make little green apples
BeAlpha2222: for everyone that don't belive in God to go
MookieJava: Why a "lake" of fire?
MookieJava: Why not a pit or a wall?
Frankerfer xx: could it just be a pond of fire?
BeAlpha2222: all the sinners and Satan
TTo3438629: Lori, symbolically the lake of fire means eternal destruction.
BeAlpha2222: go to the lake of fire
LoriNewer1: but why? why a lake? why fire? what purpsoe would tht be?
MookieJava: Yeah. A fiery pond.
WntCrzy4cocopfs: my religion is not based on spells and "curses"
Frankerfer xx: i can name the 5 great lakes
TTo3438629: DESTRUCTION!!!
LoriNewer1: TT.. then if destruction why not say into eternal nothngness
MookieJava: An ocean of fire would be very scary, but a lake?
BeAlpha2222: so u could burn for eternity
BeAlpha2222: in extreme pain
Frankerfer xx: tim what is your opinion ??
WntCrzy4cocopfs: so cane i H.O.M.E.
Frankerfer xx: lol wnt
Frankerfer xx: er um
TTo3438629: Lori, I don't know why the bible was already written when I
became a believer.
Frankerfer xx: there is a 5th one
Frankerfer xx: duh
MookieJava: I hurt myself in Lake Huron one time, but it wasn't like eternal
MookieJava: I could walk the next day.
LoriNewer1: TT.. and now you do?
Frankerfer xx: lolllllll mookie
Frankerfer xx: more like semi eternal pain??
MookieJava: Yeah.
BeAlpha2222: how u figure
Frankerfer xx: oh gotcha
MookieJava: It was just really tender.
TTo3438629: Lori, what?
LoriNewer1: eternal pain would accomplish nothing
BeAlpha2222: it will be extreme
BeAlpha2222: oh ya it would
WntCrzy4cocopfs: H.O.M.E.S.
LoriNewer1: TT.. do you understand the bible now?
WntCrzy4cocopfs: SUPRIOR
MookieJava: Extreme like New Doritos Xtreme Cheez?
Frankerfer xx: tim likes to give eternal pain to his religious bitches
TTo3438629: lori, no eternal pain, just a state of non-existence.
OnlineHost: BeAlpha2222 has left the room.
LoriNewer1: TT.. ok.. too bad they did not express it that way
MookieJava: Or Extreme like that lame metal band from the 90s?
Frankerfer xx: tim are there any virgins left for your new religion??
TTo3438629: Lori, still learning, but I do understand more than others.
LoriNewer1: TT.. ok.. that is good
Frankerfer xx: tim come back to us
LoriNewer1: TT.. that you thik it so is a opinion i can respect
WntCrzy4cocopfs: BRB IM HUNGRY
Frankerfer xx: lol wnt
TTo3438629: Lori, first God is a God of Love, not hate. God would not have
someone suffer eternal torment in a so called hell.
MookieJava: I'm tired of waiting for Tim.
Frankerfer xx: lol mookie be patient
LoriNewer1: TT.. yes.. if there were a god.. and tht god loved in a sense
that we understood
MookieJava: But...
Frankerfer xx: please
Frankerfer xx: tim wants to speak with you
MookieJava: *sigh* Okay.
Frankerfer xx: lol
TTo3438629: Lori, so you don't think we have a Creator, the maker of Heaven
and earth and man?
Frankerfer xx: tim get your new religion assout here you fucker
LoriNewer1: TT. i do not know
MookieJava: I wish Tim had some cool magazines here in his waiting room.
LoriNewer1: TT. there may be a god.. maybe not
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffff mookie
OnlineHost: PAPA SOUPA SMURF has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: they are hidden under his boxspringds
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i've have been with god before
MookieJava: All he has is a bunch of old copies of "Boy's Life".
Frankerfer xx: they are all stuck together
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i liked god but my best friend larry the potato didn't
like god
TTo3438629: Lori, the purpose God has for humanity in the near future is to
live in peace and take away death forever.
Frankerfer xx: tim may be in church
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: larry said god smelled like barbaqe sauce
TTo3438629: we will be living in paradise conditions all over the world, no
wars, hate, hunger, ect.
MookieJava: Mmmmm....Barbeque sauce...
MookieJava: Yum.
Frankerfer xx: tim tim oh where the f art thou??
LoriNewer1: TT.. perhaps so.. but i think that being lori for all eternity
would get pretty stale
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i'm with god right now anyone wanna ask him a question ?
TTo3438629: Lori, why?
Frankerfer xx: roffffff pappa
LoriNewer1: TT.. besides i like my emotions..
Frankerfer xx: yes ask hgod where the fuck is tim
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: oh ok hold on
OnlineHost: LIL LI0N HEART has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: lol
LoriNewer1: TT.. why ? because i would get bored with the thoughts that i
have and can have
Frankerfer xx: tapping foot
TTo3438629: Lori, all your emotions are not going to go away, cause you can
live forever>
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: god said stick it up your ass
Frankerfer xx: rofffffffffffffffffffffffff papa
MookieJava: YOops. I broke the arm off his John The Lesser figure.
Frankerfer xx: lol mookie
LoriNewer1: TT.. hatred? envy? jealousy? thought they were supposed to
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: ok anyone thing else you wanna ask god?
LoriNewer1: TT. they are part of my emotions
Frankerfer xx: stop being so rough with the christian action figures
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: anythign at all don';t be scared
LoriNewer1: TT.. they are part of the sets of feelings tht make me feel
TTo3438629: Lori, yes those emotions will be no more,
Frankerfer xx: running scared here papa
MookieJava: Yeah. Ask God why the hell Carrot Top is still gettin' paid!!!
Frankerfer xx: lol mookie
LoriNewer1: TT.. then I would be less than i am today
TTo3438629: Lori, so are happiness, laughing, joy.
Frankerfer xx: i think tim is that muther fucker carrot top
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: god said go to hell
Frankerfer xx: what a dickweed
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: ok ok someone pick a card anycard
LoriNewer1: TT..yes.. but they did not say those emotios would vanish
Frankerfer xx: lol popa
LIL LI0N HEART: ????????????????????????????????????????????
MookieJava: LOL
LoriNewer1: TT.. so tht was why i diod not include them
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: cum on pick a card
Frankerfer xx: what me pulla rabbit outa my hat
TTo3438629: lori, Imagine never dying, never getting old, sick. ect.
Frankerfer xx: while we wait for tim
OnlineHost: LIL LI0N HEART has left the room.
MookieJava: Okay. I pick....this one.
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: grrrr someone pick a card anycard don't be scared
Frankerfer xx: dont let anyone see it except tim mookie
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: ok mookie memorize ytour card
LoriNewer1: TT.. I would get pretty tired of being me after a time
MookieJava: Okay. Got it.
Frankerfer xx: lol
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: think hard about what your card is
TTo3438629: lori, do you now?
Frankerfer xx: i think mookie is gonna lie
Frankerfer xx: ill tell tim on you
LoriNewer1: TT. and without risk.. and only routine life would be to be a
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: now take the card and shove it up your azz
OnlineHost: PAPA SOUPA SMURF has left the room.
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffffffffffffpapa
MookieJava: Sideways or like usual?
Frankerfer xx: mookie can you do that??
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffffffmookie
LoriNewer1: TT.. no.. at this point i love my life and all the delights
TTo3438629: Lori, I look at so much differently since I now God has kept all
his promises.
Frankerfer xx: neat people
LoriNewer1: TT.. amd that includes the range of my emotions
MookieJava: Okay. It's...oof!...up there. Now what? Ow.
Frankerfer xx: lol
Frankerfer xx: ok mookie now shit it out without a stain
TTo3438629: lori, have you ever been to Hawaii?
Frankerfer xx: prove you know jesus too
LoriNewer1: TT.. nope.. i do not like to travel
LoriNewer1: TT espeically do not like the thought of travel over an ocean
MookieJava: No stain?!? Who do you think I am? TiM???
TTo3438629: ok, but you know how beautiful it is.
Frankerfer xx: rofffffffffffffff mookie
Frankerfer xx: prtesto
Frankerfer xx: i think mookie should be the new tim
LoriNewer1: TT.. nope.. but know how beautiful my home is.. and my city
Frankerfer xx: at least he is here
LoriNewer1: TT. and the region round it
Frankerfer xx: i love loris region
MookieJava: Guys, guys...I'm honored, but I'm not Tim. I'm just a man.
LoriNewer1: Frank.. which region of me?
TTo3438629: Where do you live?
Frankerfer xx: mookie no way you to can be a gog like person
LoriNewer1: TT.. san francisco
Frankerfer xx: send 19.95 to
Frankerfer xx: god
Frankerfer xx: lori...
TTo3438629: Lori, kind of crowded? but a nice city
LoriNewer1: Frank?
Frankerfer xx: er um..
MookieJava: Rocky?
LoriNewer1: TT.. yes.. but i enjoy people
Frankerfer xx: was just a funnin you..xoxox
LoriNewer1: TT.. i am a people person..
TTo3438629: Lori, so you don't think you can enjoy people for eternity?
LoriNewer1: TT.. rather like men
Frankerfer xx: south of the belly button region??
TTo3438629: I rather like women.
LoriNewer1: TT..i do not know.. but i know after a time I will begin to hate
being me
Frankerfer xx: tim please stop makin me sin
MookieJava: And who doesn't?
LoriNewer1: Frank.. men tend to enhoy that part of me
OnlineHost: PAPA SOUPA SMURF has entered the room.
TTo3438629: Lori, how do you know? What if you never come to hate yourselve?
Frankerfer xx: is it wrong to want to think about anal relations with
my mother?
LoriNewer1: TT.. i have at times all ready in my life
MookieJava: Dude, I already don't like me as a friend!
Frankerfer xx: enhoy??
LoriNewer1: TT.. i already know that happens
LoriNewer1: enhoy as in enjoy
LoriNewer1: except for my finger anils
Frankerfer xx: mookie hand puppets are great when you are lonely
TTo3438629: Lori, those are from maybe the wrong decisions we make.
LoriNewer1: nails
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: it's me larry the potato
Frankerfer xx: lori ty
LoriNewer1: TT.. sure from many of my foolish decision
MookieJava: Hey Larry!
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i'm eating ham and green beans out of a bucket
TTo3438629: Lori, have you read the bible?
Frankerfer xx: i used a real potaoe for that game
LoriNewer1: TT.. yep.. sure did
Frankerfer xx: i am a genious
Frankerfer xx: i read penthouse forums version of the bible
Frankerfer xx: thou shalt not get whizzed upon
MookieJava: Dear Penthouse, you'll never believe what happened to me on the
road to Nazareth today...
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: brb larry the potato is drunk agian
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffff mookie
LoriNewer1: frank.. darn.. i guess i missed that commandment too
Frankerfer xx: lol lori
TTo3438629: well in the book of Rev. 12: 7 - 9, 12 tells us of a war in
heaven and how satan was kicked out and has come down to us having great
anger, now he has a short period of time left.
Frankerfer xx: was the other tablet that fuckin moses dropped
TTo3438629: that is where all our Woe's are coming from
MookieJava: Blah de blah de blah
Frankerfer xx: thou shalt not eat pussy
LoriNewer1: TT.. it would be interesting were that to happen.. but i fear
that I would have same fate as a satan
Frankerfer xx: glad that one got dropped
MookieJava: Well, slap my ass and call me a sinner.
LoriNewer1: Frank.. darn.. violated that one too
Frankerfer xx: lol lori
TTo3438629: Lori, why you don't sound evil?
Frankerfer xx: i hear they were 1400 commandments
LoriNewer1: TT.. i am not evil.. meaning harmful to others
OnlineHost: CHICLET44 has entered the room.
TTo3438629: ok,
LoriNewer1: TT.. I have been helpful
Frankerfer xx: we all hate mean people
MookieJava: What does evil sound like? Does it always go "BWAHAHAHAHA!!!"?
LoriNewer1: TT. but there are few of the commandments i have not violated
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i am in the spaceship awaiting zoltar
Frankerfer xx: roffffffff popaa
Frankerfer xx: zuit suit on??
OnlineHost: The Winged Globe has entered the room.
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: larry riding shotgun
Frankerfer xx: now pump some oxygen into me
OnlineHost: The Winged Globe has left the room.
TTo3438629: lori, we all violate God's commandments in our life time, even
more often then we prefer .
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: begian readout
Frankerfer xx: suck dont blow baby
LoriNewer1: or pump something into me
Frankerfer xx: ground cuntrol to major tom
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: 2.frezze dryed blackwhores
LoriNewer1: sucking now we are talking of things i know well
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: 3. 5 power rangers costumes
Frankerfer xx: tim are you our co pilot??
OnlineHost: CHICLET44 has left the room.
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: 4. one whopper sandwitch
MookieJava: Mmmmm....Whopper...
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: 5. roll of tolit paper
MookieJava: Yumm.
Frankerfer xx: i have a statue of tim on my dashboard
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: countdown start
MookieJava: Mmmmmm....Toilet paper....
MookieJava: Yum.
Frankerfer xx: this is ground
Frankerfer xx: cuntrol to
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: houstn we have a problem
OnlineHost: WOMEN BOW DOWN has entered the room.
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: omg houston we have a problem
LoriNewer1: TT,, i respect your religion but it just is not for me it seems
Frankerfer xx: tim have you seen the miracle of you gobblin a dick
MookieJava: Tim
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: larry the potato has a turd on his foot
Frankerfer xx: tim is a dick smoker
MookieJava: Tim has seen God, yet he is God. The mystical paradox.
Frankerfer xx: only tim has seen god
Frankerfer xx: lol mookie
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: ain't no thang but a chicken wing on a string playa
Frankerfer xx: so tim has seeen himself
MookieJava: Tim, God, Larry The Potato...The Trinity.
Frankerfer xx: rofffffffffffffffmookie
OnlineHost: WOMEN BOW DOWN has left the room.
Frankerfer xx: tims mom was the virgin mary
MookieJava: WAS
Frankerfer xx: and his dad is zoolander
Frankerfer xx: roffffffffffffffffffmookie
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i'ms about to roll down to the kfc for a back and a thigh
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: has anypone seen zoltar i can't seem to find himmm
Frankerfer xx: tim is it true you only like breasts and thighs?
OnlineHost: LoriNewer1 has left the room.
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: frank fank hmmmmm frank
OnlineHost: SNK11123 has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: lol
SNK11123: check out these pictures I found of britney spears!
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: um um frank
SNK11123: < a href="">click here
OnlineHost: SNK11123 has left the room.
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i can't do this anymore
Frankerfer xx: tim says he can finger bang so deep he can touch a
girls gizzard
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: but frank frank i can't do this anymore
OnlineHost: UnboundedChaos has entered the room.
Frankerfer xx: papa its ok
Frankerfer xx: save yourself
Frankerfer xx: ill tell tim
Frankerfer xx: you were here
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i can't do it anymore
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i can't pee anymore
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: you it's all your fault frank
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: you broke my penis
Frankerfer xx: omg someone filled pappas pee hole with red clay
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i know i shouldn't of let you borrow it
Frankerfer xx: but but
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: you broke my baby buddy
Frankerfer xx: i will repair it
Frankerfer xx: i promise
OnlineHost: MookieJava has left the room.
Frankerfer xx: ill ask tim for a miracle
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: you have no respect for other people' property
Frankerfer xx: sigh
Frankerfer xx: that is why i was wanting tim
Frankerfer xx: to save me
Frankerfer xx: i am a shit
Frankerfer xx: tim..
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i'll tell you what happened
Frankerfer xx: lol
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: it's those damned dolphins
Frankerfer xx: lol
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: there kicking my out of my mayo jar
Frankerfer xx: i hate endangered species
UnboundedChaos: its "saw" or "has seen" you mullet
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: i will have no place to live
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: see u u see ricky it's his damn fault
Frankerfer xx: gotta go take a tim and wipe my tim hole
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: no knocked over my bottle of dirt
Frankerfer xx: by pals xoxox
OnlineHost: Frankerfer xx has left the room.
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: and let me tell you i will kill a mouth for knockin over
my dirt
OnlineHost: UnboundedChaos has left the room.
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: so i shoved his bottle noses through a godamned window
PAPA SOUPA SMURF: ok ok someone pick a number
OnlineHost: PAPA SOUPA SMURF has left the room.
OnlineHost: HarryPrinceandco has entered the room.
HarryPrinceandco: ok who saw god and where did he go
HarryPrinceandco: god is that you
HarryPrinceandco: i guess nobody saw god huh oh well see yall
OnlineHost: HarryPrinceandco has left the room.
WntCrzy4cocopfs: ok im back
WntCrzy4cocopfs: hello tim
WntCrzy4cocopfs: then goodbye
OnlineHost: WntCrzy4cocopfs has left the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TJones4875: Hi TT
TJones4875: Hi Tim ...if you're there
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Briandevil534530 has entered the room.
Briandevil534530: who thinks they saw a god
OnlineHost: Briandevil534530 has left the room.
OnlineHost: FBlLGETU has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DorkyGeekNerd has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DorkyGeekNerd has left the room.
OnlineHost: Timishu311 has entered the room.
Timishu311: hey timothy
Timishu311: still didn't get any one to join yet
Timishu311: what a homo
OnlineHost: Timishu311 has left the room.
TTo3438629: sorry, left for a second, hello Tjones
OnlineHost: TTo3438629 has left the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
TJones4875: Hi FBI
OnlineHost: agibson638 has entered the room.
agibson638: good afternoon room
TJones4875: Hi ag
agibson638: who here saw jesus?
TJones4875: guess that would be TIMOTHEAN2
agibson638: what'd he look like?
TJones4875: he said ... long hair ...white robe... barefoot
OnlineHost: GUNS n ROSES 469 has entered the room.
agibson638: that's how most christians picture him
GUNS n ROSES 469: god is a myth
GUNS n ROSES 469: how can u say that there is a god?
GUNS n ROSES 469: huh?
agibson638: i agree GUNS
agibson638: just bored
GUNS n ROSES 469: god is the "creator" of earth..right?
GUNS n ROSES 469: well than how come mary gave birth to him?
GUNS n ROSES 469: and if she was a virgin...
TJones4875: ummm ... that was Jesus ... SON of God
GUNS n ROSES 469: ok...well....god and jesus r the same in the bible
TJones4875: ok
OnlineHost: SlipKnot22288 has entered the room.
GUNS n ROSES 469: hi slipknot
SlipKnot22288: hey
GUNS n ROSES 469: tell this tim dude that god is a myth
SlipKnot22288: k
agibson638: the bible's just a bunch of lies and contradictions
TJones4875: Do you like hot weather Ag and Guns?
OnlineHost: GUNS n ROSES 469 has left the room.
agibson638: and false ideas.
agibson638: finish him off slip
agibson638: god is non-existent
agibson638: face the facts tjones
OnlineHost: agibson638 has left the room.
TJones4875: well.... i was blind as a child
TJones4875: now i'm not
TJones4875: funny how someone RUNS cause they don't wanna hear a reply
TJones4875: not mind thanks
TJones4875: mine*
OnlineHost: SlipKnot22288 has left the room.
TJones4875: FBI .... are you there??
OnlineHost: Ash91886 has entered the room.
Ash91886: don't join the timothean religion
OnlineHost: Be bop babum has entered the room.
Ash91886: join my religion
TJones4875: oh've been here before Ash?
Ash91886: weedism
TJones4875: lol
OnlineHost: Ash91886 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Ash91886 has entered the room.
Be bop babum: THERE IS NO GOD
Ash91886: i could of told you that
Be bop babum: WE ALL GOD
Ash91886: this guy is crazy
TJones4875: like HOT weather be bop???
Ash91886: join my religion
Ash91886: the timothean religion
Ash91886: what a bunch of bull
Ash91886: yea i been here before
Ash91886: why ain't he typin all his scripture
TJones4875: tim is quite confused
Ash91886: yea, my house is the center of it
OnlineHost: OoJammyDeviloO has entered the room.
TJones4875: the bot isnt running for some reason
TJones4875: nice to have a change
Ash91886: confused, confused is to nice
OoJammyDeviloO: hello
Ash91886: fucked up maybe
OnlineHost: BurnRebelFlag has entered the room.
Ash91886: god don't exist
Ash91886: it's a big conspiracy
BurnRebelFlag: what's up room?
TJones4875: i dont agree
Ash91886: the church just want money
BurnRebelFlag: lol ash
Ash91886: thanx
TJones4875: i was born with glaucoma ... blind by 3mo old .. i can see fine
Ash91886: i thought it was funny too
BurnRebelFlag: all religions are after 'the almighty dollar'
Ash91886: that would be called medical help
BurnRebelFlag: they have been since time began
Ash91886: yep
TJones4875: Most are after money
Ash91886: rebel flag knos what i talkin bout
TJones4875: some are for real
BurnRebelFlag: thankx ash
Ash91886: like mr. timothy over here
Ash91886: no prob
BurnRebelFlag: you go to my buddy list. ok?
OoJammyDeviloO: did they have money when time began?
Ash91886: sure
Ash91886: you goin to mine too
BurnRebelFlag: they barter other things
BurnRebelFlag: like animals and slaves
BurnRebelFlag: and clothing
OoJammyDeviloO: i think there were just a buncha rocks when time began
OnlineHost: QQQUENNIE has entered the room.
TJones4875: dont think you all changed
OnlineHost: QQQUENNIE has left the room.
BurnRebelFlag: ha
Ash91886: i think
Ash91886: the church just wants all the money in the world
Be bop babum: YEP
Ash91886: and all the power, that damn pope has so much treasures in the
BurnRebelFlag: he really does ash
Ash91886: and yet there are a million poor people in the world
BurnRebelFlag: it's a big hypocracy
BurnRebelFlag: and a cult
OoJammyDeviloO: i'd like all the money in the world too
Ash91886: they could sell all that and buy them clothes
Ash91886: and stuff
Be bop babum: TRUE
Ash91886: yea, you right , a cult
Ash91886: but since it been around so long, no one will view it as one
OnlineHost: HonestyPc has entered the room.
TJones4875: some really are
BurnRebelFlag: those religions baptize peeps from birth
Ash91886: they got everyone faked out
BurnRebelFlag: and force children to fear god and nonsense
OnlineHost: PurrfectPaj has entered the room.
Ash91886: yea
TJones4875: it's sad that those are the only kind of churches you
BurnRebelFlag: i'm so glad i snapped out of it
TJones4875: all have found
TJones4875: hiya Purr
HonestyPc: HELLO
Ash91886: me too
TJones4875: how are you
OoJammyDeviloO: peeps? like the little marshmallow bunnys and chicks you get
at easter?
PurrfectPaj: HEY TJ
BurnRebelFlag: people
BurnRebelFlag: =)
PurrfectPaj: purrty good, you?
TJones4875: doing ok
Ash91886: god is gay
PurrfectPaj: anyone witty in here today?
OoJammyDeviloO: oh, why didn't ya just say that :)
Ash91886: please all realize it
BurnRebelFlag: i've been baptized, given communion, and confirmed
Ash91886: me too
Be bop babum: THERE IS NO GOD
Ash91886: and that's it
BurnRebelFlag: sad it took so long for me to see the truth
Ash91886: no more for me
BurnRebelFlag: lol
BurnRebelFlag: me either
Ash91886: yea, well, it not take me to long
Ash91886: shut up, no one asked you
Ash91886: stupid honesty
BurnRebelFlag: that's your own opinion honesty
TJones4875: Thank you Honest
OnlineHost: Mackk777 has entered the room.
Ash91886: honesty never gets you no wear
OoJammyDeviloO: he he dribble-piss
Ash91886: where*
OnlineHost: Mackk777 has left the room.
BurnRebelFlag: it is not a proven fact
PurrfectPaj: where the hell is my man tim?
TJones4875: Honest .. a bunch of bitter people in here right now
OnlineHost: NJGIRL347 has entered the room.
Ash91886: yea, so i suggest you leave
TJones4875: he hasnt spoken since yesterday after noon as far as i know
HonestyPc: WHY
OoJammyDeviloO: i saw jesus in my toaster
BurnRebelFlag: don't give me that 'faith' nonsense either
Ash91886: before i open a can of whoop *ss on you
BurnRebelFlag: lol
PurrfectPaj: and the bastard was not here sunday either
Ash91886: when you were stoned right?
OoJammyDeviloO: um... yeah of course
Ash91886: i saw him in my microwave
BurnRebelFlag: i'll brb.
BurnRebelFlag: later ash
Ash91886: k
OoJammyDeviloO: what did he tell you to do?
OnlineHost: PurrfectPaj has left the room.
OnlineHost: BurnRebelFlag has left the room.
Be bop babum: OVER COOK
TJones4875: YES
Ash91886: no
Ash91886: no
Be bop babum: I DONT
TJones4875: sad people .... hope they enjoy HOT weather
Be bop babum: WE ALL GOD
Ash91886: no there isn't
Ash91886: if there is a god
Ash91886: then why did all those innocent people die
OnlineHost: HonestyPc has left the room.
OoJammyDeviloO: that son of a bitch! he could've made you burn you microwave
TJones4875: God is the reason i can see
Ash91886: in the world trade centers
Ash91886: i was bein sarcastic bout the micorwave
Ash91886: if i remember right, it was my oven
Ash91886: lol
TJones4875: because of an act of terrorism
OoJammyDeviloO: oh, cuz i was serious bout the toaster
TJones4875: not God
Ash91886: shutup jones
TJones4875: no
Ash91886: god could of stopped it
OoJammyDeviloO: i hate tom jones
Ash91886: why didn't he
OoJammyDeviloO: you're not tom jones are ya?
Ash91886: lol
TJones4875: no
OoJammyDeviloO: k, good
Ash91886: wishes he was though
Ash91886: lol
TJones4875: thats a hard one to explain Ash
FBlLGETU: This proggie will pretend to be the Timothean preacher leader.
Ash91886: there you go
TJones4875: lol FBI
FBlLGETU: GoTimothy: I will tell a story of how my dog seen God.
TJones4875: glad to see you today
FBlLGETU: When I was a young kid the teachrers told my mother
Ash91886: lol
FBlLGETU: she shuld put me in a mentle instution, I had 2 shoulder injuries
I culdnt do schoolwork.
Ash91886: that nice
TJones4875: Ash ... there have been too many miracles in my life
FBlLGETU: butt my mother new I was speshel, she said, Tim u are speshel, she
called me Ed.
OoJammyDeviloO: chicky chicky boom boom
FBlLGETU: she got me a dog, I named him Nebukkanezzer
Ash91886: be back later`
Ash91886: to piss you gusy off some more
TJones4875: lmao .... the old script
FBlLGETU: he was the nebukkanezzer of the Bible, from Babylon.
OnlineHost: Ash91886 has left the room.
FBlLGETU: One day my dog said to me Tim,look its God
FBlLGETU: I didnt see God, I was not pure, I had spilt my seed, only the
pure can see God.
FBlLGETU: I looked at empty space, my dog was seeing god
FBlLGETU: I saed Nebukkanezzer, tell god to forgive me
Be bop babum: WHO CARE
FBlLGETU: Nebukkanezzer sed god toled him I am King Messiah.
FBlLGETU: My dog seen God in a bowl of kibbles, that makes him Canine
OoJammyDeviloO: my dog's name is scooter
FBlLGETU: I fedd my dog cream corn, guess what
OoJammyDeviloO: ewww
FBlLGETU: it come out like whole kernels, there was 18, I counted them.
TJones4875: lol
FBlLGETU: I saved the holy kernels on a bag, I slep with them under my
FBlLGETU: until I seen God in the back of my head.
FBlLGETU: He toled me if I ate the kernels I wuld see God,
FBlLGETU: once i grown up, I prepared to see God
TJones4875: eeewwww ..... LOL
FBlLGETU: I went to the hotel california, I seen God in my blow up doll
Be bop babum: LOL
FBlLGETU: He toled me if I ever used that doll again, my hair wuld fall out.
Be bop babum: HA HA
OoJammyDeviloO: he he
FBlLGETU: It wuld be a sign and a curse, also my teeth wuld blacken and I
get fat.
FBlLGETU: I wuld get devil looking eye brows
FBlLGETU: E M AntiGotimothy for my pic, u can see how hansome I still am,
FBlLGETU: Its a sign.
TJones4875: lol
FBlLGETU: When I was a kid with my dog there was a kid who climed trees.
FBlLGETU: I toled him he was hurting the trees and stop it, he did not
FBlLGETU: One day he fell of the tree top, he got a twig up his nose into
his brain
FBlLGETU: he also broke his weenis and had have surgery to become a girl
FBlLGETU: It nocked out his teeth and tore his eyebrows off and birds ate
TJones4875: LOL
FBlLGETU: thats what happens when u climb innocent trees,
FBlLGETU: and when u die u will get climbed for all eternity , see how u
like it
Be bop babum: LOL
FBlLGETU: I saw the kid 20 years later at my Gay Pride support group
FBlLGETU: He had on a dress and had a scar up his nostril and wore lip stick
FBlLGETU: He said he seen God in the tree, God shoved him out, I prayed for
OoJammyDeviloO: sounds like my uncle ted
FBlLGETU: Don't mess with the Timbo.
FBlLGETU: I have to go goodbye
TJones4875: lol
FBlLGETU: This proggie is designed to sound like the Timothean founder.
FBlLGETU: This is the way he teaches. He makes no sense.
Be bop babum: THAT WAS FUNNY
FBlLGETU: GoTimothy: I have 2 brain injuries I can't tipe.
FBlLGETU: I don't come online to make sense I come to preach.
FBlLGETU: I tell the gospel weather fish are raining or not.
FBlLGETU: Who was Caiaphas?
TJones4875: GoTimothy = TIMOTHEAN2
FBlLGETU: He was a cat I had who seen God.
TJones4875: and a bunch of others .... all the same guy
FBlLGETU: He was climbing a innocent tree, I said Caiaphas, stop.
FBlLGETU: But he didn't listen, then he seen God in his litter box.
FBlLGETU: What does God look like?
OoJammyDeviloO: kitty poo?
FBlLGETU: Like a tootsie roll, brown, but covered in peace's of litter.
OoJammyDeviloO: yup
FBlLGETU: Christmas was started when a tree burnt down and killed 40,000
FBlLGETU: Wont you give up your tree to save 40,000 children?
OnlineHost: Be bop babum has left the room.
TJones4875: actually Timmy says he saw him in a plate of Spaghetti
FBlLGETU: Happy Satan's Day, I got candel's on my cake, and I got blowed.
FBlLGETU: God did not make me insane I got this way from huffing freon.
FBlLGETU: The docters and lawyers toled me I had glass in my head, they want
me to die.
TJones4875: LOL
FBlLGETU: They put glass in my Haldol capsule's, to kill the Messiah.
OnlineHost: JohnLennon109 has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: Some say I am a progie but I am just stupid.
JohnLennon109: really?
TJones4875: Hi John
FBlLGETU: A Timothean: I Let my children starve, I won't work.
JohnLennon109: What does "God" look like?
OoJammyDeviloO: kitty poo
FBlLGETU: A Timothean: I let grandpa starve, I won't work and can't get
workers comp
FBlLGETU: because I got filmed by FOX news playing ball.
FBlLGETU: I seen God in the corner of my Quiet Booth at Harbor View Asylum
in 1985.
TJones4875: Tim says... Long Hair ...Barefoot ... White robe ..
TJones4875: lol
FBlLGETU: When your preecher says God Heals, bite him on the elbow
TJones4875: as if everyone didnt know that
JohnLennon109: FBI, what does he look like?
FBlLGETU: and knee him in the groin, put a cattle prod in his ear like the
Asylum done to me
FBlLGETU: then ask him why he doesnt preech. Cause his brane is fried,
FBlLGETU: My injury is caused by repetative stroking, equal to being banged
with a
FBlLGETU: 300 OD, ID, CD in the head $450 billion times
FBlLGETU: I got a hemmeroid at Mayco Plastics, and they fired me.
TJones4875: FBI is the comic relief in here
FBlLGETU: I shuld not of showed my hemmeroid to my superviser, it got in his
TJones4875: TIMOTHEAN2 is the one who made the room
JohnLennon109: bye
FBlLGETU: Eating fetuses will end masturbation.
TJones4875: take care
OnlineHost: JohnLennon109 has left the room.
FBlLGETU: God created sex, anyone you have sex with you are married to.
FBlLGETU: I got married a lot when I was in prison.
TJones4875: ROTFL
FBlLGETU: I have to go goodbye.
FBlLGETU: This program will sound just like the Timothean founder.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
FBlLGETU: It will show you what Timotheans listen to as gospel.
FBlLGETU: Bush is so dumb, he will push the room service button thinking its
to launch a nuclear bomb.
OnlineHost: OoJammyDeviloO has left the room.
FBlLGETU: I went on the Bill Mahr show to talk about my 2 testicle injuries,
I cant piss.
FBlLGETU: It cost $450 billion on Ebay to be on that show, I paid it in t
OnlineHost: SlipKnot22288 has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: Big Tobacco companies pay Britney Speers to dance and induce
FBlLGETU: She shakes her thing and cancer blooms up everywear.
OnlineHost: SlipKnot22288 has left the room.
FBlLGETU: As if she can kill people because her shirt says Diva on it
FBlLGETU: My shirt use to say Diva, I got arrested for lying.
OnlineHost: NJGIRL347 has left the room.
OnlineHost: VarinaGirl13 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: I have a death threat warning on my weenis,
FBlLGETU: it is masking tape saying, "warning, may cause wart's and nausea"
TJones4875: LMAO
FBlLGETU: If u get sick from it, dont blaim me.
TJones4875: Hi Varina
TJones4875: How are you
FBlLGETU: Hitler made it legal to kill jews, the tobacco company makes it
legal to kill smokers.
FBlLGETU: If I got a tattoo on my four head saying I am an idiot,
FBlLGETU: and u still listen to me and die of poison Kool Ade,
FBlLGETU: u can't sue me, u were warned.
TJones4875: LOL
FBlLGETU: This is what Timotheans hear at their Sunday service.
FBlLGETU: Here is some more of that their leader tells them, look at my
FBlLGETU: and my web page to hear what ANTItimotheans believe,
FBlLGETU: Email me to join.
FBlLGETU: If Michigan makes it illeagel to go nude,
FBlLGETU: they will have there arms chopped off for $450 in pane.
FBlLGETU: Do not use a ax, it leaves a clean would.
FBlLGETU: It should be bit off by a vicous bald messiah with warts and no
FBlLGETU: its better to sin eating flesh than go to jail being nude.
TJones4875: See ya later FBI ..
FBlLGETU: BABABABOOBOOEY21: Are you insane or just a retart?
OnlineHost: TJones4875 has left the room.
FBlLGETU: Buy my book on amazon, it's cheeper then printing it,
OnlineHost: Ghalihad has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Ghalihad has left the room.
FBlLGETU: a ink jet cartridge is $89 and your time is $2 plus staples for
$29, buy the book.
FBlLGETU: Yesterday I was mopping the floor, I spilt my seed.
OnlineHost: VarinaGirl13 has left the room.
FBlLGETU: My dog who seen God, walked passed me, and farted.
FBlLGETU: I got a poopule flung in my eye, it burns like acid.
FBlLGETU: How do you get a poopule out of your cornea?
FBlLGETU: Free book to anyone who nose.
FBlLGETU: I said Nebukkanezzer, don't fart in my eye.
FBlLGETU: My cat had kittens one time, there was 3 , count them.
FBlLGETU: One of them past a way, I dried it in the sun til it was cat
FBlLGETU: I kep it in a box under my bed, I named it Nick.
FBlLGETU: It was a Nick-in-the-box.
FBlLGETU: One day my nephew came to play, with my un loded weapons,
FBlLGETU: He is 8 months old, I call him Hunter.
FBlLGETU: He climbed under my bed, he chewed the foot off the cat, Nick.
FBlLGETU: Now he gots foot-in-mouth disease, my eye burns from the poopule.
FBlLGETU: There are 666 Timothean devil signs, count them.
FBlLGETU: One, is the letter T, we brand all new members on the rump.
FBlLGETU: There is 664 more, count them.
FBlLGETU: What dose a tupper ware on his head?
FBlLGETU: Caduceus is a snake in a tree, he seen God.
FBlLGETU: I went in the jungle to preach at abboringinieeze, I seen
FBlLGETU: I said Caduceus, your climbing innocent trees, he hissed at me.
FBlLGETU: I brung down a curse on Caduceus, he would die of AIDS in a plane
OnlineHost: OLDEKINGCOAL has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: He would be paralized from the neck down, then we will see who is
OnlineHost: Onesoul0 has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: when his keyboard has to be fitted so he can tipe with his teeth,
FBlLGETU: he will be hear telling people I am the Messiah.
FBlLGETU: I have to go, the cat is seeing God in his hairball, goodbye.
OnlineHost: Onesoul0 has left the room.
OLDEKINGCOAL: Peace, love, and light.
FBlLGETU: This proggie will pretend to be the Timothean preacher leader.
FBlLGETU: GoTimothy: I will tell a story of how my dog seen God.
FBlLGETU: When I was a young kid the teachrers told my mother
OnlineHost: Angelss65 has entered the room.
FBlLGETU: she shuld put me in a mentle instution, I had 2 shoulder injuries
I culdnt do schoolwork.
FBlLGETU: butt my mother new I was speshel, she said, Tim u are speshel, she
called me Ed.
OnlineHost: Angelss65 has left the room.
OnlineHost: OLDEKINGCOAL has left the room.
FBlLGETU: she got me a dog, I named him Nebukkanezzer
FBlLGETU: he was the nebukkanezzer of the Bible, from Babylon.
FBlLGETU: One day my dog said to me Tim,look its God
FBlLGETU: I didnt see God, I was not pure, I had spilt my seed, only the
pure can see God.
FBlLGETU: I looked at empty space, my dog was seeing god
FBlLGETU: I saed Nebukkanezzer, tell god to forgive me
FBlLGETU: Nebukkanezzer sed god toled him I am King Messiah.
FBlLGETU: My dog seen God in a bowl of kibbles, that makes him Canine
FBlLGETU: I fedd my dog cream corn, guess what
FBlLGETU: it come out like whole kernels, there was 18, I counted them.
FBlLGETU: I saved the holy kernels on a bag, I slep with them under my
FBlLGETU: until I seen God in the back of my head.
FBlLGETU: He toled me if I ate the kernels I wuld see God,

Keywords: © Copyright 1996-2012 by Timothy Allen Campbell, The Gospel of Timothy,Voicemail 1-248-906-4634 All rights reserved.