Only someone who is has seen God knows God. If you want to see Jesus, then your name address, and phone number to the address form below. Information will not be available to other religions that use God's wisdom to promote their evil agendas. If you don't believe I'm the Messiah, you're not gonna believe Jesus is Jesus. Most people believe that Donald Trump is Jesus or the pope is Jesus. But I'm the only one who knows Jesus. Jesus is not a plastic man on a cross or a stone statue. Jesus is not invisible. My purpose is to prepare people to see Jesus. There is no rapture. The devil teaches lies in the church and Christians are waiting to be raptured. But all Christians, Muslims, and Jews have been doing for the last 2000 years, is dying in their sins while the devil deceives them to get their money. Jesus said those who see him will never die and if you believe the words of Jesus, you will believe I am the Messiah.
I’ve been doing this for 36 years and haven’t made a penny. I spent at least 50 thousand dollars since 1990 preaching this stuff, sending out books, computer equipment, cameras, Internet access, fax machines, etc.
God does not appear to sinners. God is not likely to appear to gun owners.
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