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The Time of the End

Jeremiah 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

What a terrifying site, appearing from the East. The nations of the Dragons of Arabia shall come out with many war machines, and from the day that they set out, their hissing shall spread over the earth, so that all who hear them will fear and tremble. There shall be fear and great trembling on earth: those who see the wrath shall be horror stricken. Heavy storm clouds shall be stirred from the South and from the North and another part of the West. But the winds from the East will prevail over the cloud that was raised in wrath and dispel it, and the tempest that was to cause destruction by the East wind shall be driven violently toward the South and West. Great in mighty clouds, full of wrath and tempest, shall rise and destroy all the earth and its inhabitants, and they shall destroy the height and lofty place ( WTC ) a terrible tempest, Fire and Hale and flying swords and floods of water, so that all the fields all the streams shall be field with abundance of those waters as dams are broken. They shall destroy cities and walls, mountains and hills, trees of the forest, and grass and the meadow, and their grain. The dust and smoke shall reach the sky, and all who are around it shall mourn for it.

Famine and plague, tribulation and anguish are sent as scourges for the correction of humankind. Yet for all this they will not turn from their iniquities. Provisions will be so cheep that people will imagine that peace is sure for them, and then calamities shall come on earth, the sword, famine, and great confusion. Many shall perish by famine and those who survive the famine shall die by the sword. The dead will be thrown out like dung, and the earth shall be left desolate. It cities shall be demolished. No one shall be left to cultivate the earth or to sow it. The trees shall bear fruit, but who will gather it? The grapes shall ripen, but who will tread them? In all places there will be great solitude, a person will long to see another human being or to even hear another human voice. For ten shall be left out of the city and two from the country, those who hid themselves in the caves. The earth shall be left desolate, its field shall be empty and its roads shall bring forth thorns, because no one will travel along them. Virgin shall mourn because they have no bridegrooms and women with no husbands. The bridegrooms and husbands shall be killed in war and famine.

When the number of souls like yourselves (the righteous) has completed, then the end will come. These shall be the signs of the end. The inhabitants of the earth shall ceased with great terror and the way of truth will be hidden and the land will be Barren of faith. Unrighteousness shall increase and the land that you see ruling will be a trackless waste and thrown into confusion. The sun shall suddenly began to shine at night and the Moon during the day. Blood will drip from wood and crystal stones will speak by way of Walkie Talkies. The people will be troubled and stars shall fall from heaven. And one shall reign whom those who inhabit the earth do not expect (Bush), the birds will fly away together and the Seas shall cast up dead fish. The one whom the many do not know shall make his voice heard by night and all nations shall hear his voice. There will be chaos in many places, forest fires show often break out, wild animals will roam beyond their hunting grounds and women shall give birth to monsters (birth defects). Saltwater shall be found in the freshwater and friends will conquer one another, reason will hide itself and wisdom shall withdraw. It will be sought by many, but wisdom will not be found. Unrighteousness and unrestraint shall increase. One nations shall ask another "has righteousness or anyone who has done right, passed through you? The nations will answer, "NO." At that time people will hope but not obtain, they shall labor, but their ways will not prosper.

Children a-year-old shall speak and premature children shall live at three and four months. Farmlands shall suddenly appear unsown and full warehouses shall be found empty. This sirens shall sound aloud and when all hear it they shall be terrified. Friends will make war with friends as enemies. The taps and fountains of water shall not flow for three or four hours. Whoever remains after all of these things shall be saved and see the End of The World. And they shall see those who were taken to heaven whom from their birth have never tasted death (Enoch, Moses and Me) and the hearts of the inhabitants of the earth shall be changed and converted to a different spirit. For evil shall be blotted out, and deceit shall be quenched, faithfulness shall flourish, and corruption shall be overcome with truth and the truth, which has been so long without fruit, shall be revealed, (God will become visible).

And this was the dream in visions of the night. The wind rose from the Holy Sea and something like the figure of a man, I saw that this man flew with the clouds of heaven; wherever he turned his face to look, everything under his gaze tremble, and whenever his voice issued from his mouth, all who heard his voice melted as wax melts when near the fire. And innumerable multitude of people were gathered together from the four winds of heaven, to make war against the man who came up out of the Sea. He carved for Himself a great Mountain and flew on top of it. All the people that were gathered together to wage war against Him, were filled with fear, and yet they dared to fight. When He saw the onrush of the approaching multitude, He neither lifted His hand nor held a spear or any weapon of war, but He sent forth from His mouth something like a stream of fire, and from His lips of flaming breath, and from His tongue He shot forth a storm of sparks, (words are like bullets).

The eagle flew with its wings and reigned over the whole Earth. Everything under heaven was subject to it, and no one spoke against it, not a single creature that was on earth. Two heads of the Eagle were planning to reign together, as they were planning, the third head suddenly awoke: it was greater than the two heads and I saw how it aligned it's two heads with itself, moreover this head gained control over the whole Earth and with much oppression dominated its inhabitants, it had power over the whole world. Then suddenly this 3rd head disappeared. But the two heads remained which likewise ruled over the earth. Then the head on the right devoured the one on the left. The lion Spoke with a human voice to the Eagle, the words of the Most High and announced it's impending doom. Then the remaining head disappeared. The whole body of the Eagle was burned and the whole Earth was exceedingly terrified. Only one Government with three heads: Executive, Judicial and Congress.

Do not be concerned for those who parish, for they were instructed of what they should do to live and avoid punishment. For these people have spoke against God and proposed wicked frauds, they even declared that the Most High God does not exist and they ignored His ways even though they knew that they must die. They scored His laws and denied His covenants and been unfaithful to its statutes and have not performed His works. That is why empty things are for the empty and full things for the full.

After these things come to pass the City of God, that is not seen shall appear, the land that is now hidden shall be disclosed. Everyone who has been delivered from the evils shall see these wonders. Only judgment shall remain, truth will stay and faithfulness will grow strong. The pit of hell shall appear, the opposite side shall be the Paradise of delight. The Most High will say to the Nations that of been raised from the dead, "look now, and understand whom you have denied, whom you have not served and whose Commandments you have despised."

The day of judgment will be the end of this age and the beginning of the immortal age to come, in which corruption has passed away and sinful indulgence has come to a end and unbelief will be cut off, righteousness has increased and truth has appeared, (God made visible). Therefore no one will then be able to have mercy on someone who has been condemned in the judgment or to harm someone who is victorious. No work of human construction could endure in a place where the City of the Most High is to be revealed.

In the dreams and the visions of the night I saw heaven open, and the armies of heaven descended to the earth, and every man who thought one job injury was acceptable had an finger chopped off, and every man who thought one car crash injury was acceptable, had an arm chopped off, and every man who thought one injury from war was acceptable, had and leg chopped off, and every man who thought one death from tobacco, industry, or war was acceptable, was put to death, whether they were old or young, whether they were man or woman, whether rich or poor, whether Christian Muslim or Atheist. And if one man would hire a another man to cut his lawn, knowing there was a possibility that he could injure himself, and hireling ran over his foot with the lawn mower, then the man who hired him should also have his foot ran over with a lawn mower. And if a president went to war knowing there is a possibility that one man would be killed, then that president would be put to death at the moment a soldier died. For if that President wanted Bin Laden killed he should of killed him himself, rather than be charged with murder before God. For Christianity is a false religion, because it claims that God changed his law of an eye for an eye, an tooth for a tooth, a life for life. And if Christianity was true, then President George W. Bush would have to turn the other cheek on the people who bombed the World Trade Center.

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