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Veronica's Information

Here's some info about me, since we had the audacity of asking you for yours......

My last sexual experience was: I'm trying to forget about it!!!

My Last Sexual Experience Took Place: in a waterbed

My Last Sexual Experience Was With: my BOSS

My reasons for being a ReBorn Virgin: because Nikki and I get to decide and she says I can.

Hobbies/Interests: Travel; Nose Picking; Butt Scratching; Getting A Guy To Cook For Me; Playing Matchmaker. (I'll let you try to figure out which ones are true and which ones aren't.)

Pets: Birds (Willie and Boopy), Turtles (Tuffy and Myrtle) and a Cat (Mateus). Oh yeah, 2 sons (Son#1 and Son#2)

Can we contact your last known sexual partner? I know who he is, and so does Nikki.

What Name/Word Do You Refer To Your Last Shameful Experience: Oh Shit!!! This was a mistake!!!

I Suffer From All Of The Following: Depression; Hallucinations; Snoring; Insomnia; Bad Judgment; Heavy Panting; Uncontrollable Laughing; Road Rage; and more!

I Wear My Badge Proudly

I Have Framed And Hung My “Certificate Of Approval”

I Use My Membership Card At All Accepting Establishments (there's none yet, but we're trying!)

I Honor All of the Re-Born Virgin Guidelines & Rules

I Promise To Uphold The Re-Born Virgin’s Pledge Of Allegiance

I Just Can't Abstain From Shameful Fornication If He’s A Hunk!

Now you know all about Veronica. Now, tell us about you!!!