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Coins Of The Kingdom Of Iceland
1922-1942 Printable Check List

A very small number of coins are needed to complete the Kingdom of Iceland, 54 to be precise(44 circulating, 7 proofs, and 3 medallic Issues).

Yet still, this nation is truly a difficult nation to complete, as the total production of all circulating and medallic coins is only 24,647,000 items(No mintage figures are available for the proofs, if you know the answer, I would love to hear it), and 41 of the 54 items have a mintage lower than the United States 1909svdb Lincoln Cent, in fact, only 7 coins have mintages of over 1,000,000, and the largest mintages were only 2,000,000. With 60 million people collecting World Coins, I think you can see a supply problem. Not counting the proof issues, only 10,000 sets can be completed.

The face value of the 24.647 million items was only 5,007,760 Icelandic Kronur, even though these coins were demonitized with the formation of the Republic Of Iceland in 1944, and replaced in 1946 with the New Kronur, these coins still floated freely out of need for coins. Though not truly legal tender, the face value dropped too 50,077.60 Icelandic Kronur in 1981 when there was a 100 to 1 remonitization. On 01-27-04, the Icelandic Kronur exchanged at a rate of 69.145 for 1 United States Dollar, this means that every coin produced by the Kingdom of Iceland, includings its out of nation productions from London, Germany, and Copenhagen, would now be worth $724.24.

Mint Marks for the Kingdom of Iceland were HCN-GJ, which means the Mint Master was Hans Christian Neilson(HCN) from 1922-1926, and the Moneyer was Knud Gunnar Jenson(GJ) from 1922-1940(though he actually served till 1955 with the Republic Of Iceland). During 1929-1940, it was changed to NGJ, with the N representing Niels Peter Nielson as the 2nd mintmaster. In the second half of 1940, coin production was moved to London, which has no Mintmark. London actually accounts for 17,261,000 of the coins produced, meaning that the Mint of Copenhagen(Indicated by a Heart shaped mint mark), which is actually located in Denmark, only produced 8,079,000 coins.

Monatary terms, Eyrir and Krona are the singular terms, Auror and Kronur are the plural terms, 100 Auror equals 1 Krona.

The Kingdom Of Iceland used the same flag as the Republic Of Iceland, however, the King Of Iceland Had his own Royal Standard.

1926 HCN-GJ 1 Eyrir (Images Available)
1931 NGJ 1 Eyrir (Images Available)
1937 NGJ 1 Eyrir (Images Available)
1938 NGJ 1 Eyrir (Images Available)
1938 NGJ 1 Eyrir Large 3 Over Small 3 Images Available)
1939 NGJ 1 Eyrir Large 3 (Images Available)
1939 NGJ 1 Eyrir Small 3 (Images Available)
1940 1 Eyrir (Images Available)
1940 1 Eyrir Proof
1942 1 Eyrir (Images Available)
1926 HCN-GJ 2 Auror (Images Available)
1931 NGJ 2 Auror (Images Available)
1938 NGJ 2 Auror (Images Available)
1940 NGJ 2 Auror (Images Available)
1940 2 Auror (Images Available)
1940 2 Auror Proof
1942 2 Auror (Images Available)
1926 HCN-GJ 5 Auror (Images Available)
1931 NGJ 5 Auror (Images Available)
1940 5 Auror (Images Available)
1940 5 Auror Proof
1942 5 Auror (Images Available)
1922 HCN-GJ 10 Auror (Image Available)
1923 HCN-GJ 10 Auror (Images Available)
1925 HCN-GJ 10 Auror (Images Available)<
1929 NGJ 10 Auror (Images Available)
1933 NGJ 10 Auror (Image Available)
1936 NGJ 10 Auror (Image Available)
1939 over 6 NGJ 10 Auror (Image Available)
1939 NGJ 10 Auror (Image Available)
1940 10 Auror (Images Available)
1940 10 Auror Proof
1942 10 Auror (Images Available)
1922 HCN-GJ 25 Auror (Images Available)
1923 HCN-GJ 25 Auror (Images Available)
1925 HCN-GJ 25 Auror (Images Available)
1933 NGJ 25 Auror (Images Available)
1937 NGJ 25 Auror Near 7 (Images Available)
1937 NGJ 25 Auror Far 7 (Images Available)
1940 25 Auror (Images Available)
1940 25 Auror Proof
1942 25 Auror (Images Available)
1925 HCN-GJ 1 Krona (Image Available)
1929 HCN-GJ 1 Krona (Image Available)
1940 NGJ 1 Krona (Image Available)
1940 London 1 Krona (Image Available)
1940 1 Krona Proof
1925 HCN-GJ 2 Kronur (Image Available)
1929 NGJ 2 Kronur (Image Available)
1940 2 Kronur (Image Available)
1940 2 Kronur Proof

Medallic Issues
These three items, though baring a face value in Icelandic Krone, were actually Struck privately by the Saxon State Mint, Muldenhutten, Germany, at the instigation of a Parliamentary Committee. I find that amusing personally, as 14 years later, Iceland became a Republic specifically to protect itself from Germany.

1930 2 Kronur (Image Available)
1930 5 Kronur (Image Available)
1930 10 Kronur (Image Available)

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