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After saying goodbye to Jackie in Geneva, I spent the last 3 days of my vacation alone in Luzern, Switzerland.

Luzern is a quaint little town in the Alps.  I had intended to spend my last day there in the mountains, exploring at 10,000+ feet, but the weather interfered.  I can't complain; it was the only bad day of weather I experienced in 2 weeks!




This is the Chapel Bridge and Water Tower at sunset.






The Dying Lion of Luzern is one of the most photographed monuments in Switzerland.






The artwork and architecture around town are quite different than anything I saw in Italy.  Here is just one example.








Inside the Chapel Bridge are many painting like this one, telling the story of Swiss History on one side, and local history on the other.  If you look closely on the right side of the picture, you can see a skeleton walking along.  All the paintings contain this; it's significance is to remind us that we are all mortal.





Luzern had their own Carnival celebration going on.  Unfortunately, I didn't understand most of what I saw or heard, but it was interesting to walk around and see everything.  This is from their parade.







Here's another picture of the parade.






My last day in Luzern, I got up at 4 a.m. with the rest of the town to go see a bunch of people in costume walk from one side of town to the other.  Most everyone was in some sort of costume, and the kids took part as well.  After about an hour, I went back to my hotel and slept a while longer.  The parade was later in the day, followed by a night of drinking, socializing, and eating.  


Here are some links for you to check out.

Dakota at Benefit Basketball Game

Dakota  Supper Club  Dakota and Cameron

About Me and My Family:  Me   Dakota   Dakota 2   Dakota 3   Danny and Derek   Harley the Super Dog  Harley Part 2

Seen and Done (in chronological order):

    Rome   Rome 2   Florence   Bologna   Venice     Geneva   Luzern   Horses   Random    

Other Pages for you to see:  Shannon's Web page   


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