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Bright Lights, Big City


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We got lefted on the ferry, so we were losted.

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Brittney isn't happy.

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Which way do we go, George, which way do we go?

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Our expirence with New York!

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Ah, Chinatown! Sara spilled some hot soup on herself. 

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Amanda broke her sandal and had to get karate shoes in one of the shops.

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We got Guh- Lenda's autograph!

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And the not-so-wicked witch of the West's!

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This building intrigues me, it looks kinda like a car.

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Ah, St. Patrick's Cathedral. You know i got lefted so i hung out there for three hours?

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Shoppin on fifth avenue.

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Chillin out, maxin, relaxin all cool.

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Model pictures!

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I think Sarah takes the best model pictures. Sorry Mark!

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Inside Radio City Music hall. That painting is gorgeous and the chandelier is about ten feet long.

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Chillin out in the girl's bathroom.

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I don't know. This was in the elevator and i liked it.

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Da Stage!

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Let's practice for Rockette auditions!

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Sarah used to be a dancer!

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We are with a rocket! And her name is Danielle!

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The guys are estatic!

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Mmm, snack time!

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Me and my favoritist actor, Harrison Ford. Can you believe he was actually at some museum we went to?

Home Up NYC