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Daddy's Quilt Square

On Dec.8th 2002. Vankirks_Griswell Funeral Home held a Memorial Service for the Families that lost Loved Ones in late 2001 and 2002, They dis-played the Quilt for 2001-2002.This one is Dad's.-----------------------Daddy loved the simple things in life. The Mountains of Kentucky was his Favorite,He Loved his Family,and his Church, He loved doing work for the Lord,Most of all Daddy loved Children.I couldn't begin to tell you how many kiddo's dad gave a helping hand to. I went to visit him one time and there was a baby just a few weeks old at his house and I ask what he was doing with a baby and he replyed that the momma was having a hard time and he wanted to help so the only way he saw for the mom & baby was to offer to take the baby for a while until she got it together.Which she did.Daddy alway's had a house full of kiddo's, Giving them a safe haven.Daddy's door was always open to anyone that needed any thing.Children & Adults no matter what you were going thru he would lend a hand.No questions ask.That was the kind of man he was. The Music ~The Wind Beneath My Wings~: can be found at. This time Click the bottom link to Continue. <bgsound src="windbeneathmywings.mid" loop=infinite> //-->

