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The Lithuanian Association for Canadian Studies

The Lithuanian Association for Canadian Studies (LACS) was established January 2, 2002 by the now late Vilnius University Professor Regina Siniute-Ayre, who became the Association's first President. Since its creation, the LACS primary objective has been to increase knowledge and understanding of Canada in Lithuania, to develop bilateral relations between Lithuania and Canada and to encourage young scholars in Lithuania undertake scholarly research about Canada.

In 2002 the LACS organized an international Canadian Studies conference "Identity and Multiculturalism in Canada", which was held at Vilnius University and where one of the keynote speakers were Aritha van Herk, famous Canadian novelist, and her husband Robert Sharp, explorer of the Canadian North. In 2001, a year before the creation of the LACS, Vilnius University housed another Canadian Studies conference titled "Canadian Women", where plenary speakers were Janice Kulyk Keefer, well-known Canadian poet and novelist, and Isobel Grundy, Professor at the University of Alberta. The proceedings of this conference are currently underway to publication.

Since 2002 the Lithuanian Association for Canadian Studies has entered the Canadian Studies rotation system in the Baltic countries, whereby Canadian Studies conferences in each Baltic country is organized every third year. The next Canadian Studies conference in Lithuania is planned for October 2005.

The LACS currently lists 47 members. The Board has regular meetings and organizes various activities related to Canada and Canadian Studies. The LACS is encouraging researchers and young students to develop their interests in Canadian society and culture. With the support of the Canadian Embassy Office in Vilnius, the LACS is organizing Canadian films sessions in the Embassy premises (Gedimino str. 64), Canadian books exhibitions in the National Martynas Mazvydas Library in Vilnius, at Siauliai University in Siauliai etc.

The LACS is also set on assisting academics in higher education institutions to develop and teach courses about Canada in Lithuania and on helping lecturers as well as students from Lithuania to participate in various academic activities (conferences, seminars, studies etc.) related to Canada.

Our address is: Universiteto street 5, Vilnius. Phone: (+370 5) 2687228. For further information, please write to Ms Ruta Slapkauskaite, the LACS Secretary:

An informal LACS get together in May 2004