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Chapter 1: Morality

The Order of the Universe

What is this Order? The Order of the Universe is a set of laws that govern aspects of civilization. Each of these laws governs the nature of one thing within civilization. Some of the laws govern things like fishing, brewing, and textiles. Other laws govern how gods organize themselves, and what demons are and are not allowed to do. Yet other laws govern man such as our own legal system and the hospitality laws.

What makes the Order unique is that it is a set of laws that even the gods must obey. Because of this Order the gods do not come into direct conflict with one another. This also allows some dangerous wild demons to serve a purpose even if sometimes that purpose is destructive.

In the Sumerian language the word for god is Dingir. This can be defined as one who has power within the order of the universe. In other words a powerful being who does not have authority within the Order is not a god. The reverse is also true, even a ghost, if given power within the Order, can be a powerful Dingir god.

In other pantheons gods are defined differently. This definition only applies to Sumerian gods. By this definition no gods from other pantheons fit the definition of a god. As such it does not serve the order to worship them.

If you think about it the Order, if taken to it's logical conclusion would cover the earth. There would be cities dotting the entire planet. Complex roads would interconnect these cities. Information would be everywhere for each person to grab with little effort.

Agriculture would develop to a point where farms could banish starvation across the globe. The types of food would be wide and varied for more than just the select few. Unsustainable forms of agriculture such as slash and burn farming would be replaced with more efficient forms of farming through education and technology.

Labor would be divided up wisely so that those with skill would be free to do the most good. This would spread luxuries like perfumes and fine garments across the population. There would still be inequity, but even the poor would have more than the basics of food and shelter.

The wilderness would even come under the rule of the order. Parks would be protected for the enjoyment of those who choose to visit them. Preserves would sustain the delicate ecologies of the world. Hunters and fishermen would be active in the protection and maintenance of the wild so that it could be there for future generations. Lumberjacks would replenish what they draw from the forests.

Technology would slowly advance.

Civilization would develop to new heights.

The order would go on growing steadily.

As you might be able to tell the gods have been busy. We are not there yet, and we may never quite get there, we are much further along than we ever were in the past and we show no signs of slipping. Even in times of disarray the order advances.

The gods do not simply strike a blow against chaos. They dismiss it as an unworthy adversary. This isn't a struggle where order battles chaos and chaos battles order. In the Sumerian Order of the Universe chaos is simply steadily displaced and order takes its place.

The laws of the Order change over time. This is not because the gods were short sighted, but because of the nature of the Order itself. The Order of the Universe governs civilization, and civilization changes over time. The order comes to encompass more and more things because civilization becomes more complex and more vast over time.

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