"Passion for the story is the lifeblood at what I do"
"I try not to describe myself. I'm an ever-changing, ever-blossoming creature. Every day I seem to learn something new about myself that I didn't know the day before."
”Oh yeaahhh Grace. Same old Grace. She's in the repair shop right now getting some new brakes done. She's a FAN-tastic car. She has the original engine. She'll just run forever..."
”Ryan's got a great ass and nice dimples. Ryan is really a good egg."
- Om sin vän Ryan Reynolds.
"He's just such a good solid friend, you can always depend on him to be very loving and supportive. He's just a really good guy."
- Igen om vännen Ryan
"I was the only boy in the entire [dance]class, causing me to really identify with Billy Elliott. That was a great movie, man."
"Break dancing. Jazz ballet. Modern dance. It was a great foundation. It wasn't until later on, in the teenage years, that I sort of got a little ribbing. But when the guys saw all the beautiful young girls I was hanging out with, they let it ride. Then when break dancing became popular in '86, all the local neighborhood kids were like, 'Hey, teach me how to do that!'"
"[John Travolta] was a champ. The first day of shooting, I'm supposed to be out in the wilderness, hunting and gathering for my family. I'm wearing this costume of skins, and I'm rubbing mud on myself. And who should come traipsing up the hill but John, who hadn't been around up till then. He's in his city clothes and he's slipping and sliding around. He comes right over to me and starts helping me apply mud."
"It was a little daunting to work opposite [John Travolta], because you just don’t know what to expect until you meet him. Then he gives you a great big hug and a kiss and says, 'You’re part of the family now. Let’s have a great time.' And we did."
"I love it - except when you tear your shoulder, rip a thigh or sprain an ankle. Then it's pretty painful. Then they get a little upset at you." - Om hur det var att jobba med hästar i "Battlefield Earth"
"I think overall, [Battlefield Earth], is a really fun sci-fi action adventure that will be enjoyed by a sci-fi audience and have great appeal in a youthful audience market."
"‘Fresh Ground Pepper’ should have been used after Battlefield Earth. That, or ‘Fresh Crushed Pepper."
"[Roger] Maris smoked three packs of non-filtered Camels a day. I’m not a smoker and there were times when I’d be puking in the bushes just before my close-up. Billy [Crystal, regissören] would be going, ‘How ya doing over there?’ I’d wipe my face off and he'd call 'Action!'"
"I identify with the Clint Eastwoods and Harrison Fords. Those are my heroes."
"Well, I'm Canadian. True, north, strong, and free."
"She’s just such a jewel. My wife and I laugh and smile so much more than we ever did."
"Boot camp [ingör 'Rädda Menige Ryan] was a good experience we learned what it was like to shit in the woods"
"Snipers were the 'black sheep' among the unit of men, they were loved and hated by both sides, because getting killed by a sniper was such an instantaneous and almost unfair way to die. So what I did throughout the entire film was to try to distance myself from the group in a subtle way, without being an asshole."
- Barry, om sin roll i “Rädda Menige Ryan”
"[Steven Spielberg] called, 'cut,' and shouted out, 'Bring Barry Pepper up on set' and I just sort of did a double-take wondering if he was talking about me. It was pretty mind-blowing...we chatted and he hired me right there." - När Barry fick rollen som Menige Jackson.
"Those Higgins boats [i 'Rädda Menige Ryan'] crashing through the waves is as real as it looks. Those things are not aerodynamic, more like shoeboxes with a beveled bow. The guys who threw up were supposed to fake it with Milk of Magnesia, but they really got sick."
"One day we were out there on the boats and the Irish sea was really rough. It was a cold, stormy day and the Higgins boats were slamming pretty hard, bouncing and pounding through the surf; the chop was like four to five feet swells. A few of the guys around me were getting sick. We were getting really upset, as in reality, not our characters. We were just very nervous about the water and being in the boats and we got this incredible feeling of impending doom."
"It gave me this minute sensation of what it must've been like out there. It was really scary for me. My mind just started to wander and think about how afraid these young guys must have been. And they were so tired and soaking wet. They had all their layers of wool clothing and all their gear and ammunition and when they stepped off the boat, they saw all their pals dying around them. They were so exhausted and seasick and all they could do was crawl up those beaches. And thousands of them lay dead in no time at all. It's unthinkable."
- Barry om Rädda Menige Ryan
"The minute we were out in the woods and set up camp, it started pissing on us. We were like a bunch of drowned rats, and our true colors really came out."
- Barry om träningslägret inför Rädda Menige Ryan
"[Steven Spielberg]'s just amazing to watch. He's like the Tasmanian Devil running around on the set. He had the energy of a teenager."."
"In boot camp, Captain Dye said to us, 'I want you to bring honor to the fraternity of men who died for your freedom." - Barry om träningslägret inför Rädda Menige Ryan
"[Tom Hanks] is fantastic! He is very solicitous of everybody's input and ideas. He's just a warm and gentle man, very funny and affable and welcoming."
"I've always been a physical person. I grew up on a farm, and my family is very hunting and fishing oriented."
"I don't like to play the victim. I look for the choices the character makes for himself. Even if you play a villian, you do an injustice to him if he's just like, programmed to do those things. It's always more complex."
"I didn't mind boot camp [Inför 'Rädda menige Ryan'] at all. It was very grueling being deprived of food and sleep. But it was a challenge to me to hold up under those circumstances. Capt. Dye (instruktören) was a left-handed sniper just like Jackson, so he had his bullshit meter going if I did something Rambo-ish."
"If it wasn't pouring rain, the sun was beating down on our four layers of wool. We used this glucose-based blood, and horseflies and hornets would be attracted to that."
- Barry om träningslägret inför Rädda Menige Ryan
"I didn't want to meet Frank [Darabont, regissören till Den Gröna Milen] originally on Percy because I knew if he'd offered it to me, I'd have to take it, and I feared being typecast as a sort of evil character. It was a difficult choice, but I decided to leave my ego at the door and do what I always do, which is bring a little of my dad to my character. I was so totally flattered that they saw some sensitivity and asked me to do Dean."
"A lot of my friends that I've had in the past are still my same old friends. The new friends that I've met along the way are few, because I try and give as much attention I can to the friends that I already have. When you live a really transient and crazy life, it's hard to give everybody the attention that they deserve."
"I've met a really amazing and eclectic group of people that I'll always be in contact with and will probably be a part of my life. But my really close and special friends are the ones that I've had from the days of 'eating the feathers instead of the chicken.'"
"I met Cindy in high school and we began dating seriously three years before I shot Saving Private Ryan. It was observing Tom Hanks that convinced me to get married. Tom is such a committed father and loving husband. He is proof it's possible to have an immensely fulfilling personal life as an actor. I wanted a similar foundation in my life.”
"Cindy and I got married shortly after I finished shooting Private Ryan. She'd been a model for a while but she hated it. It's an even more cut-throat business than acting."
“[Me and Cindy] went to high school together. We weren’t sweethearts, we just knew each other and were friends. A few years later we met up again in the city. She recognized me, but I didn’t recognize her. She had totally blossomed; she’s so beautiful. I just fell in love with her. But while in high school I was in a serious puppy-love relationship that could not have been broken for all the Cindys in the world. But if I had known then what I know now, I would have turned on my heels and run in her direction. She’s the greatest part of my life.”
"I was in L.A. at the Four Seasons hotel screaming my lungs out on the balcony. You guys probably could have heard me in Toronto, I was screaming so loud."
--- Barry, när Kanadas ishockeylag vann Vinter OS
"Mel [Gibson], Randall [Wallace] and Sam [Elliot] are three of the coolest dudes on the face of the Earth."
"I've been given so much great advice over the years. I guess one quote that stands out as being very valuable is something that another actor told me once. I had asked him whether or not I should hire a manager (in addition to having an agent). He said to me "hire a manager if you want your hand held, if you don't need your hand held, then do it yourself", … If only I had listened to his sound advice. I hired a manager and they helped me book the movie 'Battlefield Earth'. I no longer have a manager."
"It was fun, but really silly. I think in those 6 months I realized what it was and decided to pursue my acting instead of music. I brought it to VH-1 and John [Travolta] announced it and embarrassed me with it."
- Barry satsade på film istället för musik (*puh*)
"I want to take my family to Holland. My wife and her parents are from there, and they've always wanted to go back and visit relatives. I've never been, so maybe they'll teach me a little Dutch."
"My life is very full right now, with my marriage, our child, tremendous film opportunities … Each day is a blessing, there is no other way to put it, I am so proud of [25th Hour] and the people that I have worked alongside on it; I really believe that it was meant to be."
"It is a story of love, struggle, adventure, survival and discovery. I've never played a character quite like Charlie Halliday. His journey in the film truly spans the entire spectrum of the human condition. Charlie has a selfish indifference about him, a confident swagger that he uses to mask his scars from the war. His dealings with the Inuit people are purely opportunistic. He uses them for trade and has no further interest in them or their culture. When he finds himself forced to deal with one of them, Kanaalaq (Piugattuk) in an intimate human way, he destroys himself trying to reject her ways. Only when the land totally strips him naked to face her does he finally see the life blood of survival that she offers him. He sees the beauty in her culture through her eyes and he understands love for the first time, because of her. She pays the ultimate price to give him this gift of redemption and enlightenment."
- Barry om filmen "The Snow Walker"
"It was a very strange kind of program. They had us blindfolded and fingerpainting ... whale music, you know, taking you back to your childhood. And I just couldn't stomach it. I really wanted to just learn how to be a graphic designer. I really wanted to learn the modern tools of the trade. I didn't really care why Van Gogh cut his ear off."
- Om hur det va att gå geografisk design
"I had kind of experimented with every drug known to man, and seen the bottom of most every bottle available. So I was looking for something new."