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Do you value my opinion?

If anything that I say herein offends you, then you're obviously easily offended. This is the part of the site where I yell and complain about things I don't like, such as rap and Lana Brennan.

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May 21st, 2003
I was walking out of the store last night, and there was a guy (I won't specify who) on his bike. I think he looked at me (I can't remember) so I made a gesture and said "Word." as I often do to people I don't know (don't ask). The guy simply replied "F__k you!" As if he was really offended or something. The first word was kind of high pitched, and the "you" was kind of waverey, like musical or something. My question is this: Why are people so aggressive? Mellow out, dude! If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all! And I certainly don't think that "F__k you!" is an appropriate response to a semi-friendly greeting. Calm down.