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"Aussie" Series from Penguin




Penguin Books have added a new "Course" to their "Aussie" Menu

Here's a few words from Penguin;  



                    "A Three Course Meal"



Entree      Aussie Nibbles


A delectable selection of books designed to satisfy newly independent readers who are moving into early chapter books



Main        Aussie Bites


A more substantial offering for readers who are confident enough to manage an increased  A more substantial offering for readers who are confident enough to manage an increased 



Dessert    Aussie Chomps


And finally, a series that offers more sophisticated story-lines, and no illustrations.  Designed to satisfy the needs of hungry readers in the upper primary area and Aussie Bites readers looking for their next course!




Bon Appetit!




For a full list of Nibbles, Bites and Chomps  click here







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Last modified: December 09, 2003