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USDA E-Mails

Please note: Some information has been removed to protect privacy.

The inital E-Mail to USDA:
Subject : Information
Date : Mon, 21 Jul 2003 14:33:29 -0500
To Whom it May Concern:
I'm writing to express come concerns regarding the Wild-Wilderness Drive-thru safari in Gentry, Arkansas. I understand that there were charges filed against then in June of 2002 that settled out of court. As I understand the charges were regarding the care of their animals and there was previous investigations prior to the charges filed in June. I would like to know a little more information regarding the regulations required of a zoo in Arkansas and then penalty's that can be served. I have reason to believe that the stipulations set forth in the settlement of those charges were only temporarily fixed and investigations should continue because further problems have arisen. If this is not who I need to be talking to, please direct where I need to go. Any help is greatly appreciated.


After several forwards to the wrong people in USDA I got this Reply:

Subject : Re: Information Date : Tue, 22 Jul 2003 07:24:19 -0600
We will send you a copy of the Consent Decision and Order that we signed to settle the charges we filed against Wild Wilderness Safari in Gentry, AR.
The main provisions included:
*cease and desisit order
*monetary civil penalty
*agency-approved training for the zoo's employees
*facility improvements.
We will also send you a copy of the regulations of the Animal Welfare Act. The requirements for zoos can be found under Subpart F. If after reviewing the Consent Decision and regulations you have any further questions, feel free to contact me directly.
Director, Western Region
USDA, APHIS, Animal Care

July 30th, 2003
I received the infromation you sent me, thanks again. I do have one question though, I have valid reason to believe that things are as bad, if not worse, at the zoo again. How do I go about filing a complaint, or getting someone to go out and investigate again? I'm not sure what to do to get some help out there. Can you direct me in the right way?

To : Kristen
Subject : Re: Information
Date : Mon, 4 Aug 2003 09:00:11 -0600

You can send a written complaint to the address in Ft. Collins listed below. Please include as many specific details as possible. Thank you for your interest in the welfare of animals. Robert

Some exciting news! I will update with future correspondence
