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Dear Steve and Terri Irwin or any other “Wildlife Warrior” with a heart,

Enthusiasm, warmth, compassion and professionalism in a zoo is manifested in the care of the animals. Knowledge of the animal and his surroundings provokes these qualities and should be the primary concern of their caretakers. Would you not agree?

It breaks my heart to think that others do not think this way and are out for financial gain or recognition for their so-called efforts. It’s not fair that the animals, that have no voice, aren’t able to prevent it. They are helpless. I am here to express my concern for them. My ultimate goal is to instill enthusiasm, warmth, and compassion in as many people as I can and to further my education in wildlife conservation. I have learned this very important lesson from you.

I suppose it‘s a letter you have heard countless times before, a plea for help for animals in similar situations. It’s sad to think that. You are an avenue of hope for my voiceless friends. I guess you express your enthusiasm so well that I see you as some one who really cares. If you can't help I’ll understand. I won’t give up because I know there is an answer.

My problem? My concern? The physical and psychological well being of ALL animals at the Wild Wilderness Drive-Thru Safari, in Gentry, Arkansas. The condition of the animals there is, to be frank, horrific. I don’t think the right steps have been taken to provide the necessary care for them.

Different species of monkeys are bored and listless in their metal cages, sitting in there own defecation. Their food, covered in flies, does not seem to be the nutrition they need if decay is evident.

Cougars, Leopards, and other big cats are confined to small hot cages, which provide no entertainment or normal behavior for them. The heat is pressing, and you can tell they are overheated by their excessive panting.

Foxes, wolves and bears, pace their enclosures obvious signs of distress. No stimulating measures are taken to relieve their boredom. It is a sad sight. How can anyone gain appreciation for such wonderful creatures when such ones are unenthused?

They have a wonderful piece of property and should utilize it to its greatest extent. Instead trash, flies, and junk deter people from wanting to stay around. Overall professionalism is poor at this facility.

I have visited the zoo twice within a year and conditions have stayed the same. The USDA settled out of court with the owner last year for $10,000.00. $5,000.00 for a fine and the other $5,000.00 to go to improvement of facilities and training of staff. The son of the owner was sentenced last year to 6months home confinement, 3 years probation and ordered to pay $10,000.00 to the Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s Save the Tiger Fund for violating the federal Endangered Species Act. He pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting the illegal transportation of 4 endangered tigers into commerce. The buyers shot and killed all four and then sold their furs and parts. These are just two accounts of mistreatment. *

Maybe I am the uneducated one and have no reason to speak. Maybe the animals are kept in enclosures that are suitable for them. But, they are certainly not happy. Rightfully so. I have no idea the training the owners or their staff has. Seeing as they have been in trouble in the past, the likelihood of this being taken care of is slim to none. Especially since I have not seen an improvement in conditions since I have been there with in the past year.

All I am asking for is an educated answer. I want to know if what they are doing is wrong. You seem the best person to help me figure out what I need to do. How I can raise awareness for these animals plight.

Perhaps a visit to this drive thru safari to determine conditions for yourself. You will see the potential these people could have in educating others. If money for improvements is the only thing necessary, then maybe that is a step I could help them take. Maybe your presence would be all that is needed to help this out. I know I am not the only fan out there.

For my own “Peace of Mind” I need to know what, if anything, I can do to help the animals of the Wild Wilderness Drive Thru Safari.

Note from writer: I am also sending along copies of the article's I found out about the Wild-Wilderness and a video tape I took of the place. I will update once I have sent it.
