Name: Sherri Renee' Daines
Birthday: July 17th
Astrological Sign: Cancer (the best one).
Favorite Color: Hunter Green, or Dark Red
Family: It's a long story, you might as well click here to visit the photo album.
Pets: Bonnie, Clover & Little One
Favorite animal: Tiger
Favorite food: I love it ALL
Favorite tourist spot: Anywhere that's outside of home is a great place.
Been in love? Yes
Interests? I love music of all sorts. My hobbies include writing fictional stories. I love reading anything weird. Mainly I end up in the religion or spiritual interests sections of the bookstores.
Best Friend: My mother =)
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Song: I have many favorites pending on what mood I'm in. I also have a diverse interest in many genres.
Favorite Music Artist: Patsy Cline, Randy Travis, Loretta Lynn, Elvis, Ray Charles, Beethoven, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Anything that you heard on my pages.
Favorite Movie: There are far too many to choose just one favorite.
Favorite TV Show: The Simpson's , Reno 911, and Mad TV.
Favorite Actor: Jessica Lang, Ed Harris
Favorite Book: Anything philosophical, or theological.
Favorite quote: Love me when I least deserve it, for that is when I truly need it.
When I grow up I want to be: Successful
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