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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Tuesday, 10 May 2005
Mindless, meandering news
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Neurosis - The Eye of Every Storm
Topic: Stephen Says
Actually, what I'm listening to, over and over again, is song #7: Bridges. At over 10, hell, 11 minutes long, it's the piece de resistence of the album; alternatively the heaviest death metal you'll hear all week, coupled with the most minimalist and depressing piano/drum duet. And when you mix them together, well, you've got the musical equivilant of anger and sadness all perfectly rolled into one. My highest recomendation.

It's my day off and the job is going well, though it would be going better if I wasn't so sick. With regards to the never ending complaints about being broke, those complaints will end as we enter the month of June. I can't really get into the details of my job except that it's alot of everything and the biggest (quote-unquote) eye opener (/end quote-unquote) is how similar it is to Elisabeth's job in the sense that I can see that I'll get alot started and not alot finished. But it makes me happy and it keeps me on my toes.

I was such a jerk to a telemarketer today that he actually shouted at me. Many times. It was, as Mr. Chrurchill would say on this 60th (ish) anniversary of VE Day, my finest moment.

We also, for those who haven't been informed already, will not be heading back to North America for Christmas. My job sort of makes it impossible. Elisabath's sort of said 'Right, well September's back on." and I'm not one to argure with her. Soooo, the north America trip is still on, though earlier & less festive (Not really, we'll still have a glass of wine with y'all) than we'd planned.

Right, well, got to go. By the way, make sure that y'all check out Elisabeth's trip to China/Hong Kong blog entry. It's 4 pages long on word & certainly more impressive & informative than what i've just written.

Posted by oz/rexcats at 5:30 PM BST
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Wednesday, 11 May 2005 - 3:51 PM BST

Name: Greg


What is this mystery job of your's? Are you working for Scotland Yard or somoething?

Wednesday, 11 May 2005 - 5:24 PM BST

Name: Stephen

I wish! I'm a senior social care worker, working in a home that rehabilitates adults with mental illness (paraniod schizophrenia being the most common amongst them). There's alot of clauses about non-disclosure of personal information, etc so I shouldn't really blog about the job because of that, but also because the house is moving in a more forensic direction so many of the residents have various criminal offenses pending or against them. Though really, it involves filing non-stop health & safety forms, checklists & more forms. Always more forms. Check out for more info.

PS- That was probably the most pointless blog entry EVER. I got distracted MSNing and forgot the whole point of the entry. Apologies.

Thursday, 12 May 2005 - 4:05 PM BST

Name: Sean

There is an article about steve here:

Wo ho for september! September is a better month for montreal than december anyways. Still nice weather with none 4 foot covering of white crap all over the place.


Friday, 13 May 2005 - 5:31 PM BST

Name: Stephen

And the good news keeps rolling in - We've both taken the last 2 weeks in September off. It's official.

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