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Stephen & Elisabeth in England
Sunday, 5 June 2005
No Peace I Find
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: Ray Charles-"Georgia"
Topic: Elisabeth's Entries
Good Morning Blog! I sit here listen to Ray Charles on a Sunday morning, watching the washing machine spin in front of me. I must remove the dishes from the top before the spin-cycle, or else mayhem!

Stephen has been working like a horse...over 60 hours this week, and I have virtually seen him for a few hours this weekend...and this week for that matter!

The good news for him is that tomorrow he finally gets a day off, and next weekend we are celebrating our anniversary in London, which we are NOT going to do on the cheap.

Speaking of NOT being cheap, yesterday I took the plunge and rented a digital piano: a Yamaha CPL130 which I thought was better than any of the Roland F-series. The piano will be delivered on THURSDAY!! Oh boy oh boy oh boy....drool, drool, drool...

Yup, here at the Allin Household, Woking Branch, we are adjusting not only to climate change, but also to the change of our working, eat, clean, sleep, work, eat, clean, sleep...

In fact, I have been accused (rightly/wrongly?) of taking this schedule much to seriously and not having fun any more. In fact, I apparently have become very pessimistic. But the truth is, I am just mourning for Canada. And for as long as I am parted with that beloved simple country, I will fail to see the fun in living a town that was founded on cemeteries and loony asylums, that has been rated as a top CHAV town (see past blogs). And even though the exercise is good for me, cycling 14 miles a day to a job which requires more from a person than the laws of sanity allow, and come home to a tiny apartment that is so drafty that with all the windows closed, the curtains still billow, I will remain humourless. And to buy groceries (only as much as can fit inside our 2ft x 2ft fridge) it is a 10 min. walk each way to shop in a place where the other shoppers make it impossible for you move around the store (see Michael Caine in Ipcress Files...perfect example)...

Aaahh, aaahh, aaah, breathe, breathe,

What I really hope is that I'm not suffering from the "Female Syndrome" where as a girl gets older, she suddenly becomes a clucking hen that spends her time doing this and that, and not interested in just sitting down, drinking a beer, and reading a book.

Uncharacteristically though, I feel optimistic that things will get better. Patience is key.

Gotta grab those dishes....

Posted by oz/rexcats at 9:51 AM BST
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Monday, 6 June 2005 - 3:46 PM BST

Name: jc

I'll resist making my usual comment (why don't you come hoooome) and say, yes, things will get better & yes patience is key.


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